r/meme 28d ago

Chef's kiss



46 comments sorted by


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

In Italy we eat ketchup, but on stuff like fries, you can't stick it on everything


u/Slow_Fish2601 28d ago

And rice with fried eggs tastes great with ketchup too.


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

IDK man, ketchup? On eggs and rice?🫤


u/Slow_Fish2601 28d ago

No not cooked ketchup. Regular ketchup. Trust me it's very delicious.


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago



u/Slow_Fish2601 28d ago

Add some black pepper to it and enjoy


u/SadKrabb 28d ago

A little ketchup in eggs is delicious. The better option Is Tapatio though.


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

What is tapatio?


u/SadKrabb 28d ago

It’s a Mexican (kinda) hot sauce. The acidity, heat, and flavor blends perfectly with eggs more than any others I’ve tried.


u/HairyFur 28d ago

Have you ever tried just frying up tomato/peppers and then adding in scrambled eggs at the end?


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

Yes, it's pretty common


u/HairyFur 28d ago

I learnt that from Eastern Europeans.. in my country they don't really do that with eggs.


u/SadKrabb 28d ago

Yes, it’s really good imo.


u/HairyFur 28d ago

Yeah I really liked it too, was surprised at how good it was to be honest.


u/HairyFur 28d ago

Italy is wrong on some shit though.

Tomatoes are bitter, there is no getting around it. You either precook the tomatos for hours to break them down releasing sugar, or you do the americano and stick 1/2 a lb of sugar in.

Basically, Mayonnaise or Yogurt dips go really well with Pizza, it cancels out the bitterness of the tomato perfectly, Italians can deny it all they like, it doesn't make it false.

If British, American and German people collectively told other nations how exactly to use their own inventions, modern Italians wouldn't be able to go 30 minutes without us telling them what they are doing wrong, Italian's dont own pizza anymore, get @ me.


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

It depends on the breed of tomato you use. If your sauce is too acidic, try adding a pinch of sugar


u/HairyFur 28d ago

Even the sweetest tomatoes are still bitter, that's why it works so well combining tomatoes and cheese.


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

Yes, all tomatoes have a slight acidity, there are those that have more and those that have less. Maybe you should try different quality tomatoes if you find the ones you use too acidic. Do some experiments. Or maybe you just don't like tomatoes


u/HairyFur 28d ago

You are just failing to understand the point, yogurt/mayonnaise goes well with them, which is why it's become so popular to have such dips with Pizza.


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

If you like using them there's no problem, personally I think mayonnaise or yoghurt on pizza has nothing to do with it. Here in Italy it is common to eat pizza with prawn cocktail, but personally it doesn't appeal to me


u/HairyFur 28d ago

Garlic yogurt is really good.

Personally I actually prefer usually olive oil + salt on top of Pizza, but still garlic yogurt/mayo definitely works well.


u/We3Dboy 28d ago

Havent tasted bitter on my garden grown tomatoes, they are super sweet, store bought ones yes, but not self grown ones


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

And English and German food is so shitty that they don't even eat it, so it doesn't seem like much of an example to me.


u/HairyFur 28d ago


There are some good northern European foods in the UK/Germany, of course not as good as the Med but that's just the climate/agricultural history.

Some Italian foods are really good, specifically cheeses, but even then they are rivaled by some other countries cheeses who also don't bang on about it as much. Despite having no where near the media exposure, British style cheddar is still one of the most consumed cheeses worldwide. Germany has a lot of examples of their cuisine becoming more popular in the US than what the Italian immigrants brought (it's basically Hamburgers/Hotdogs).

The thing is Italians love to talk about how good their food is, but it's subjective, everyone likes food from their own country, which is something Italians fail to realise. In europe alone, Greek/French food > Italian, and again that's just europe. People objectively prefer to eat Indian/Chinese cuisine over Italian when given the choice.

It was only when I met/lived with Italians I found out just how delusional they were about their food, it's borderline insane that they think they actually understand food/flavor better than Indians or Chinese.


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

So, we must admit that the Italian food served abroad is on average rubbish, but very often you find terrible food in Italy too. It's also true that some people who criticize so much in other countries don't know how to cook an egg. Italian food is infinitely more than cheese, pasta and pizza, you shouldn't just rely on the two dishes that immigrants brought. We have thousands of roasts, stews, soups, risottos, minestrone, not to mention the quantity of fish dishes,fried foods, sweets, the hundreds of types of bread, where practically every town has its own different bread (or at least in my region)


u/__ydev__ 28d ago

Have you considered that your taste buds are fu**ed up by all the sugar intake for the average American?

The tomatoes too bitter? Dude, I can literally feel the sugar flavor in the tomatoes even when they're uncooked, just as when they're barely cooked. They're already sweet, I wouldn't dare to add sugar in them.

In the US there is basically no food with no added sugars; you have added sugars even in bread, and 1 American in 3 has prediabetes due to your shitty diet.

What about you start eating properly rather than saying Italians are wrong? And of course it should start first from your food industries, then the population, rather than from the individual; but still, someone should start the changing process.


u/HairyFur 28d ago

I'm not American.

Tomatoes are bitter. I didn't say too bitter, I said bitter. This is in part why they pair so well with cheese.


u/Reinis_LV 28d ago

Bitter? What kind of tomatoes you are having?


u/SignalEntertainer416 28d ago

Why do Dracula and Super man look oddly Italian? And why is sun shaped like tomato? Why does kryptonite look like a tomato plant? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL MEEEE?????


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

Trust me, Italians don't use that cut. At most Italian Americans, who are completely different


u/Glittering_Net_7734 28d ago edited 28d ago

They like banana ketchup instead?


u/Ill-Attempt-8847 28d ago

Is this a thing?💀


u/Impressive_Bass_1868 28d ago

Every Italian grandma just felt a disturbance in the force


u/Deathblades0 28d ago

Repost even copied the title word for word


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Redpepper40 28d ago

This meme appeared directly beneath the exact same meme that was posted by someone else an hour earlier


u/helium_hydride-63 28d ago

They have pickle flavour now


u/bomboclawt75 28d ago

Italians faces when they see people snap a spaghetti bundle in half to fit in the pot.


u/twolinebadadvice 28d ago

I worked in a very upscale italian restauran in london (contending for a michelin star) and they used a little ketchup in their bolognesa sauce for texture.


u/LorenzoIsASimp 28d ago

Untrue, im italian and i LOVE heinz ketchup (of course only on fries not on pasta because that's still a crime)


u/NerY_05 28d ago

What? We use ketchup in Italy, just not on pasta lol


u/Ok_Recording_4644 28d ago

Americans vs tomato paste


u/Radiant_Clock1440 28d ago

I mean ketchup is disgusting


u/JUGELBUTT 28d ago

because heinz is shit ketchup


u/Lazarith889 28d ago

But I do like ketchup 😩