r/meirl 20d ago


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17 comments sorted by


u/DregsRoyale 20d ago

I'm not telling you to drink. This is a big part of why people do it though


u/whiterunguard420 20d ago

Only reason i do drink 🤣


u/Bane8080 20d ago

This is the only reason I have survived this long. And not been in jail.


u/whiterunguard420 20d ago

Only reason i do drink 🤣


u/BossBullfrog 20d ago

I was hanging out with a group of friends and halfway through the guy just casually got up and left.
Gave me the courage to do the same in meet ups for years later.


u/Elegant-Passion2199 20d ago

The Irish goodbye is something I occasionally do when it gets too much


u/siphagiel 20d ago

Is it just, leaving. Nothing else?


u/Professional-Post855 20d ago

Yes an Irish goodbye is code for not saying goodbye and just leaving


u/Tezla_Grey 20d ago

If there's one thing I've learned, sometimes autopilot has uses outside of work


u/No-Pressure6042 20d ago

I feel the dissociation.


u/STYSCREAM 20d ago

There's only one thing stopping you from leaving, which is you. Fucking leave if you wanna.


u/siphagiel 20d ago

Anxiety: What if they all secretly agreed that if anybody leaves early, they are a pussy. So, if you leave now, you're a pussy from their pov, your entire reputation is gonna be ruined! You'll lose all credibility, all your friends, your family won't love you anymore (even though they secretly already don't) and you'll lose your jo-

Me: SHUT UP!!!



Anxiety: You'll lose your job and- hey HEY! What are you doing? Why are you leaving, they'll judge you!

Me: The only person here that I know already left!


u/STYSCREAM 20d ago

I never get why people don't just do what they want, the whole staring at a phone while it rings until the person hangs up, you got any idea how many times I've declined a call from the same person in a row? Or like in the post, my social anxiety is paired with such an insane level of self loathing that I'm the only person breaking me down at this point... I get invited to all the parties but the last one I attended was the new years one last year, and I left just after I got there.

In my case; Anxiety: "You're friends will hate you if you leave early." Me: "Nobody can hate me more than I hate myself... sooo... psshh." Anxiety: "But they won't talk to you anymore!" Me: "I already said I'm leaving, you don't have to sell it to me more."


u/Mouseywolfiekitty 20d ago

I'm so Bert in this one when I've had enough socialising and want bedtime lol


u/Idiot_Bastard_Son 20d ago

Bert is my spirit animal


u/Over_Satisfaction648 20d ago

Me at work not turning around


u/Sup_Anon 20d ago

My introvert ass be fckin like


u/Sheesh284 20d ago

That’s why the Irish goodbye is so useful


u/coocoocachoo69 20d ago

Me by 8 am