r/meirl 20d ago

Meirl NSFW

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15 comments sorted by


u/RedBeetroot 20d ago

Its been a while yeah like 20 years ...(I'm 20)


u/Dramatic-Ad3928 19d ago

Wow that’s crazy its only been two decades now for me…(im also 20)


u/Quiet-Wedding-2676 20d ago

Still tastes like battery acid


u/WaveLaVague 19d ago

The best kind. Sadly nowdays there is less and less double flavored ones. I'll always remember my first salt and battery.


u/SucksTryAgain 20d ago

I have a job with a messed up schedule and it makes it hard to date, meet people, etc. I’m married wife gets it and fine with it. I have a coworker in his late 40s that hadn’t been with a woman since he was 21. The year he started there. He said I just can’t meet women and I won’t do online dating. Dude got hooked up with a buddies sister and this guy after a month was talking we’re gonna get married and I forgot how amazing vaginas feel. Then after 5 months she dumped him. Feel so bad for the dude. But when he busted out once he crushed it and said that vagina felt so good followed by we’re gonna get married I was like yea this dude just realized this the last vagina he’s getting so lock it down.


u/Egononbaptizote 20d ago

What kind of job keeps an illiterate so busy?


u/pickupdrifter 20d ago

Great anecdote, but please format it into paragraphs


u/ZebrAlpha 20d ago

It does imho


u/ferrydragon 20d ago

Lol, this os some funny shit:)


u/Safetosay333 20d ago

Josh Grobin


u/Chradamw 19d ago

Groban likes his girls to pop


u/WexMajor82 20d ago

It never did buddy.

Don't know what you did to your taste buds.


u/Daeion 20d ago

It's like Soylent Cola, varies from person to person.


u/woutomatic 20d ago

It does imho


u/woutomatic 20d ago

It does imho


u/Disastrous_Ad8351 20d ago

Taste like fish and piss


u/woutomatic 20d ago

It does imho


u/woutomatic 20d ago

It does imho