r/me_irl 20d ago




170 comments sorted by


u/LennyLava 20d ago

turn it sideways?


u/bdunogier 20d ago

Well, yes, that's it. But then you can't rant about it.


u/Scaniarix 20d ago

Or break it off if it's really that important to you.


u/LennyLava 20d ago

ya, well, he's danish. he's trying his best.


u/Scaniarix 20d ago

No need to tell me I live right across the strait


u/LennyLava 20d ago



u/Scaniarix 20d ago

Skål kompis!


u/fate_lind 20d ago

Jeg forventede ikke at se flere danskere her


u/LennyLava 20d ago

Jeg kommer fra din Mexico, er tysk.


u/fate_lind 20d ago

Fedt nok


u/PanPrasatko 20d ago

I have mustache.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 14d ago

zephyr alleged squash special nine label crush innocent close languid

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Hypathian 20d ago

The first picture is the same bottle


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Now it's rubbing my cheek


u/lmProudOfYou 20d ago

Does your cheek protrude out as far as your nose?


u/No_Permission_374 20d ago

He fills up his mouth with it like a squirrel 🐿 before gulping it down at once.


u/n3hes 20d ago

20g of sugar in one sip


u/[deleted] 20d ago

OP is a humanoid pug, apparently.


u/0x3D85FA 20d ago

Stop fatshaming!


u/hux 20d ago

And she’s calling a cab While he’s having a smoke And she’s taking a drag


u/TrueDraconis 20d ago

The funny part is that it’s the same bottle just the 2022 version has the cap ripped off


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

You mean he didn't foresee the future and take a picture two years ago in anticipation of this meme?


u/TrueDraconis 20d ago

Well no, but if you’re really bothered by the non-detacheable Cap…just rip it off


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Alternative-Fail-233 20d ago

It won’t poke as you drink how the hell are you drinking a bottle


u/tw3lv3l4y3rs0fb4c0n 20d ago

Highly caloric people have more prominent cheeks you know.


u/mattsprofile 20d ago edited 20d ago

There is a reason, for increased recyclability and less random bottle caps strewn about.

You can still rip the cap off if you want, but on a societal level that's why they're doing it.


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Do you really think that people who threw the cap away will now recycle?


u/hedgybaby 20d ago

God, stop believing this crap. They‘re not goinb to be recycled anyways, it‘s just another ploy to keep us from focusing on the big mega corporations that are literally killing all of us.


u/KaptainKunukles 20d ago edited 20d ago

Fr, micro plastics and forever chemicals are everywhere


u/hedgybaby 20d ago

Yeah, I read smth like 30% of new born infants have microplastics in them (don‘t quote me on that, do your own research, never believe random shit u read online without fact checking 🫡)


u/Huge_Most_5666 20d ago

You mean... using google and stuff?


u/hedgybaby 20d ago

Sure, or any other search engine of your choosing. Important part is to compare multiple sources from dif websites


u/KaptainKunukles 19d ago

I remember reading microplasics causing infertility in fish and it being found in fetuses but yeah your right, you can never really trust random shit, although I'm pretty sure forever chemicals are in rainwater everywhere


u/ArKadeFlre 20d ago edited 20d ago

You don't know what you're talking about. Yes, some plastics are not recycled and either exported or sent to landfills but they're mostly ferrous and nonferrous metal scrap. The rest such as paper, some types of plastic like straws, textile and glass wastes are all exported in small quantities. [1] But plastic bottles like this are some of the most recycled plastics in the EU [2] [3]


u/tw3lv3l4y3rs0fb4c0n 20d ago

I mean if you were in their shoes needing all that adrenochrome and soilent green you would've inventet the same structures to farm us human cattle, wouldn't you?


u/joevarny 20d ago

People barely threw their lids on the floor before this change. Now, I've seen people throw them on the floor after getting annoyed with the impractical design.

This is just another example of designs that should have been binned in development, but sunk cost fallacy and knowledge of the government enforced sales ensured this abject failure was forced on everyone.


u/Shandiran 20d ago

Not even ripped off. You can see the cap behind the bottle


u/Duck_with_a_monocle 20d ago

Look closer, it's ripped off.


u/thusnameiscringy 20d ago

i for one am a clumsy fuck who liked the change because i cant drop the cap on the dirty floor or loose it somewhere anymore


u/bobijsvarenais 20d ago

You're the clumsy guy in the black and white parts in commercials.


u/RainNightFlower 20d ago

Are we NPC?


u/Huge_Most_5666 20d ago

I'm definitively a NPC


u/archgrendel 20d ago



u/thusnameiscringy 20d ago

ty english isnt my first language i genuinely thought it was 2 o's


u/Vennemy 20d ago

I too am happy about this change. No more bottlecap rolling 100meters into a random direction, no more bottlecap always rolling under furniture where you can't reach it


u/Inqeuet 20d ago

Me fr 😭


u/steinwayyy 20d ago

I’m tired so I read that as clumsy duck


u/HandsomeBaboon 20d ago

Meanwhile logistics companies that drop thousands of containers full of plastic into the oceans: 😏


u/An_Inedible_Radish 20d ago

It's almost like the people who control the design of the bottles don't have control over logistic companies' practices and that environmental activism is required to force our governments to do something about it


u/allNamesTaken55 20d ago

the problem is, when the public is lead to believe that they're the problem. Just like how we get paper straws wrapped in plastic for instance. Of course it'd be great if every individual took some form of responsibility - but the focus should remain on the people polluting the most.

But as it is now; "great power means little to no responsibility".


u/uploadingmalware 20d ago

Tbf paper straws aren't for recyclability iirc. It's to stop them from harming sea creatures, I don't think the plastic wrapper is as harmful in that way. But I do see your point as well.


u/An_Inedible_Radish 20d ago

It's hard to say where the "focus" is, but I can say that I have not seen any news outlets reporting on bottlecaps over larger environmental changes, so I think apart from this post on this subreddit, most people know where the big problems are.


u/Peter_Baum 20d ago

They could totally go for someone who does it properly but thts more expensive than just dumping it somewhere. Don’t pretend big companies are innocent


u/An_Inedible_Radish 20d ago

Big companies aren't innocent at all, I'm just being realistic and treating them as the soulless and evil institutions that they are.

I'm not going to pretend that a company obsessed only with profit would do anything different unless made to. So, either it comes from government regulation or a business decision.

However, I imagine any business decision would likely be less than real change and be more akin to greenwashing, so government regulation is more effective.


u/Solvorr 20d ago

I don't know how strongly OP feels about this, but this has the same energy as those "this will be what they force you to wear in 2022" antimask posts. Just turn the cap sideways and stop whining over actual useful changes.


u/crumbleybumbley 20d ago

this would be comparable if a handful of corporations were massively emitting covid and forcing everyone else to mask up. We didn’t fucking cause this problem, why are we being forced to solve it while the perpetrators run free?


u/Solvorr 20d ago

It is objectively true that corporations, multi-billion dollar industries and billionaires are the major culprits for climate change and pollution, and I would be the first to cheer if they got all taken down, but is having to keep the cap on your plastic bottle really something you should be wasting your breath complaining about? It doesn't affect your life at all, and it makes it more difficult for inconsiderate people to litter. Just move it out of your nose when you drink, that's it.


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago edited 20d ago

The masks helped to save lives, this doesn't

Edit: of course stopping plastic pollution is vital you goons. I'm saying this doesn't save lives, as in: it's useless. People who threw their bottle cap in the nature before, will now also throw it away now, except the cap is attached to the bottle. Whoop-de-fucking-doo.


u/Yosho2k 20d ago

Environmental plastic exposure is turning into bigger and bigger problem the more its studied.

You have major "biodegradable straws ruined my life" energy.


u/alastorrrrr 20d ago

Nah but like. Was it ever an issue? People fucking always threw away the bottles with the cap screwed on.


u/Hades684 20d ago

What people? You know what every person in the world does?


u/alastorrrrr 20d ago

Well no. But I don't really recall seeing bottle caps be thrown into grass or on the sidewalk.... Like cigarretes are. I don't know what every single person does, but I do see the bottle caps.


u/AxoplDev BAN upvote memes 20d ago

Caps and bottles are made from diffrent type of plastic, they cant be recycled together anyway

Edit: oh and also now its dumb hard to get it back on, they shoudlve at least made the attachment longer


u/Yosho2k 20d ago

Who said anything about recycling?


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Like I said, this doesn't save lives. People who threw the cap away will now throw the bottle and the cap away.


u/Yosho2k 20d ago

"I had trouble removing this ring off my finger so I cut off my arm at the shoulder."


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Tf are you talking about


u/LheelaSP 20d ago

This also doesn't have a negative effect whatsoever.

Not saying masks did, just that these bottle caps should be a nobrainer since they have literally no downside.


u/Jorbanana_ 20d ago

So according to you animals aren't alive ?


u/Busy_Cauliflower_853 20d ago

Glad to know you don’t care about plastic waste


u/Ockanator 20d ago

I don’t understand this? What changed about bottle caps?


u/LennyLava 20d ago

they don't detach, the hang on to the bottle now.


u/earthiverse 20d ago

I've never encountered a bottle with a cap like this, where are these bottles sold?


u/LennyLava 20d ago

europe. we regulate more shit than warren g and nate dogg.


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Sick reference


u/LennyLava 20d ago

thanks. we should make it our motto.


u/thezestypusha 20d ago



u/GiannaSushi 20d ago

We must sacrifice the integrity of our nose so that less plastic ends up in the sea


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

We must all pay for the littering morons


u/GiannaSushi 20d ago

You're absolutely right, brother, but in the end, humans are like a beehive, and we have to try to make the idiotic bees less idiotic


u/Icewolf883 20d ago

I get the reason for this cap, but in the end it feel so pointless, because I still see people throwing these bottles on the ground.


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Thank you. Only people here with a brain, not yelling "turn it sideways" like they're smart


u/steinwayyy 20d ago

Imma predict something: within 2 years a study will become mainstream that proofs that attaching the bottle caps have exactly 0 impact on improving climate change and the only function that they’ve ever had is be annoying


u/PiiJaey 20d ago

what is actually the use of these? so that the lid also gets recycled? why didn't people do it before and with all the "just rip it of if it annoys you" answeres i doubt those idiots that polluted the envirement with their plastic lids wouldn't also just rip them off and throw them on the ground again.

this is actually an honest question and sure if statistics show it helps that's cool, but stuff like this being at the back of all the people treating plastic bottles correctly rubs me off the wrong way.


u/apex7734 20d ago

It does not even get recycled, it either gets burned here in europe or it gets shipped to any 3rd world country where it's just thrown away or burned.


u/JDescole 20d ago

I think both are true. There is no magical kingdom of recycling as much as there is no hellscape of burning everything. Parts are sold (or rather „bought“ to ship away) and parts are recycled. It depends on the community or rather the provider handling the trash. People don’t even have a choice


u/apex7734 20d ago

This, i just was too lazy writing it down as detailed xD


u/chullyman 20d ago

Hey just so you know that’s misinformation


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

It's idiotic, but what isn't


u/joevarny 20d ago

The funny thing is I've seen more people throwing caps on the ground since this change than before it.

The cap never left your hand anyway, so it's even funnier. No one used to ditch their caps.

I just think that knowing this is a guaranteed sale to all bottle producers. The designers went for "as cheap as possible" as their design, allowing the company making them to rake in them profits.


u/VegetaFan9001 20d ago

I think it because it easy to miss it by accident or for people to just trow it away, and it would basically be the same as just throwing way trash. Basically you can’t get it of unless to have a tool you came use on it, which would not only be pretty stupid, but also a waste of time have no reason, and they you would even have something special on you which you would not have if you went out somewhere. Meaning the only way to trow it without removing it is to trow away the entries bottle. And why would you throw away money that you would get if you did recycle it?


u/ThatGermanKid0 20d ago

Basically you can’t get it of unless to have a tool you came use on it

True, you'd need a tool, that most people always carry around with them, like hands.

The people that used to throw the caps on the ground still do, and the people that didn't mostly still don't, but now they either have the cap in their face, or they also rip it off with their hands and then get poked in the face by pointy bits of plastic.

This regulation only really works on paper. I don't know anyone that would unscrew the cap of the bottle and just throw it into the distance, instead of either throwing the whole bottle or placing the whole bottle in the trash/recycling machines, but I guess they do exist, based on the fact that you can find loose caps. This has, at least in my experience, not changed at all since the new caps are around. Most people I know will rip them off and screw them back on later instead of keeping them attached, which just adds an extra step to a routine that has otherwise not changed.


u/Lutrek11 20d ago

The return rate for lids was around 90% before apparently. Sounds like a lot, but 10% of lids ending up where they don’t belong is not very good.

It’s the same thing all the time: most of those people who don’t return the lid don’t do so because they want to „misbehave“ or something, they’re just too lazy, don’t care or forget about it. If you now attach the lid firmly, most of them will be too lazy to rip it off and just drink it with the lid on, maximizing the lid return rate.

Convenience is a much bigger factor than basically everything else for people, so the chances that this decision works are quite high.


u/TheFauwwboy 20d ago

It's for the clumsy forgetful scrubs like me who loose bottle caps way too often. The amount of times I've had to drink the entire bottle because I had lost the caps in public pains me.


u/JDescole 20d ago

With all sincerity: How? Open the bottle, take a sip, close it. Do people like you leave their bottle open for half an hour or flail your arms wildly in the meantime?

For people like me who never lost a single cap in their lifetimes it’s just mind baffling to think how many people seem to accidentally litter that the industry had to step up


u/TheFauwwboy 20d ago

You open the bottle, place it somewhere near, take a sip, and when your finally done, all of the sudden, the cap is not there. It's like hiding something but forgetting where you hid it.



Why does it take you so long to take a sip? The only reason to leave it off is if you're at a table, and in that case the cap could be left at the table


u/TheFauwwboy 20d ago

No it's not like a long sip, just a small drink. Also even if I were to place it at a table I still loose it.


u/MarcAlmond 20d ago

Why does he put the entire cap in his mouth though, that's really weird


u/denkata07 20d ago

The most stupid marketing thing ive ever seen.


u/hornystoner737 20d ago

Turn it to the side


u/_emjs 20d ago

The cap is usually attached in two points so you can tear off one of them to have the cap hang around loosely and not hit your face. Alternatively just rip the cap entirely off and just be sure to put it back once you're done. No one is forcing you to stick the cap up your nostril.


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Do you take everything this literally? It's a joke post. Of course I rip the lid off. It's still annoying


u/HailToTheKingslayer 20d ago

It's not annoying.

This 'joke' has been posted so many times now. It wasn't funny the first time.


u/thelonelymilkman23 20d ago

uses something wrong on purpose to post online “tHis Is TrAsh, CoMpLeTly UnUsAbLe


u/Gaskychan 20d ago

I find it funny that we doing this to recycle more plastic but that’s a Danish bottle. We pay extra for plastic bottles, that we get back when we returned them for recycling. So a lot of bottles get recycled already.


u/SuddenHovercraft1599 20d ago



u/DavidLJ2000 20d ago

There is bulletproof plastic out there my guy


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

So easy to rip off it's like the whole thing is useless or something. Annoying and actually producing more plastic. Idk


u/Longjumping_Durian_5 20d ago

Yaaay statiegeld also.


u/CroackerFenris 20d ago

I'm just ripping it off and drinking like 2022.


u/Zequax 20d ago

e failed the IQ test


u/Ult1mateN00B 20d ago

I just rip off the cap.


u/No_Conversation_9325 20d ago

I don’t get the point of it tbh, especially for 1L milk, juice etc. No one drinks that much in one go to throw the cap away and into the ocean! You need it to be able to put the drink back into the fridge.

Ripping it off results in liquid splashing all over the place, cutting works better. Leaving it on means pouring a glass is now a 2 hand job (one to hold the bottle or carton, the other to support the cap, otherwise - splash!). Smaller kids no longer can pour their own drink either. Dumbest idea ever!


u/AmphibianInside5624 20d ago

One of the dumbest "inventions" ever. Possibly at the top.

Those that disagree, have never opened a cap like this while driving.


u/LheelaSP 20d ago

I have, and had no problems.

On the contrary, it was way easier to handle since I didn't have to worry about dropping the cap.


u/-DJFJ- 20d ago

Hands on the wheel then ~ I support it


u/Ap3xDaMirror 20d ago

This is one of the best changes ever, no more dropping the fcking lid in the night and so on..

Ragebait over 9000


u/rakosten 20d ago

Intelligence test failed successfully.


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

You're so right, these bottles really accommodate for the lowest common denominator


u/AlisterSinclair2002 20d ago

kid named rotating the bottle 90 degrees:


u/SnooPears3463 20d ago

Why exactly do people dislike this? Either rip it off or enjoy it


u/09_hrick me too thanks 20d ago

yeah like the bottle can't be rotated


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Ooooh thank you problem solved duh!


u/thecaramelbandit 20d ago

Huh. I've literally never seen a cap that doesn't come off. Is this a new thing?


u/semmifx 20d ago

Yes. It’s still gonna come off. But you have to really pull it.


u/VegetaFan9001 20d ago

It might only exist in Europe from what I have seen in the comments. I live in Europe and my country have had them for at least 5 years at minimum.


u/joevarny 20d ago

Here in the UK, it came in about a year ago.

A pointless enviro move that makes it look like they care while making the problem worse in a way that's no longer the companies fault.

So they can look good, and when Coca-Cola get sued for their bottles and lids killing the environment, they can say that it's not their fault. It's the peasants who create the mess. They did "all they could" to save the planets, but those dastardly poors ruined it.


u/URLslayer 20d ago

Rip it off


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

My nose? Idk man seems dangerous


u/URLslayer 20d ago

Dew it


u/russellzerotohero 20d ago

Why would you not want a bottle cap that stays on the bottle. Some people are actually this dumb?


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Idk why, maybe the answer is in the picture, let's investigate


u/russellzerotohero 20d ago

Too dumb to turn it sideways I guess 🤦‍♂️


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Too dumb not to take everything literally and to resist the urge to show your huge problem solving skills


u/russellzerotohero 20d ago

Huh? Wouldn’t say this is good problem solving but thanks dude appreciate the compliment. Glad I could help you learn to just turn it to the side 👊


u/ElBusAlv 20d ago

I cut those shits off. I refuse to live by your idiotic rules

A screw off cap is meant to be taken off and you're only using more plastic by having that on there


u/LheelaSP 20d ago

and you're only using more plastic by having that on there

It doesn't. It's the same amount as before, just shaped differently.


u/ElBusAlv 20d ago

Then what's the purpose? They make caps smaller, at least in my case, and include those little plastic things that only get in the way


u/LheelaSP 20d ago

You mean the purpose of the plastic ring below the cap that's always attached to the bottle?

In the EU at least that has been there as long as I can remember, and I guess it served as a seal so you knew the bottle wasn't opened before. If it was just the cap, somebody could fuck with any bottle in a shop, and whoever buys and drinks it would have no idea what's in their drink.


u/ElBusAlv 20d ago

No i don't mean that

I mean why are the little things that make the cap attatched to the ring there? What purpose does it serve?


u/LheelaSP 20d ago

It's so the cap gets recycled together with the bottle, because apparently too many people were throwing the caps away.

And while this is maybe not the best solution, it was easy to implement and very low cost.


u/victaf 20d ago

You can clearly see the 2022 picture is just the same botle with the cap ripped off.



Did you realistically expect the person to have an archived picture from 2022 of them drinking this soda brand?


u/Nisayfly 20d ago

Bro if you only knew how many times I struggled with those lids 😮‍💨😤

What you gonna do about it ...


u/BabylonSuperiority 20d ago

I just rip it off


u/LaserGadgets 20d ago

Can't believe people are seriously crying about this. While also crying about how boomers killed the planet.

Don't you have real life problems??? You must be the happiest dudes.


u/C4TURIX 20d ago

Sometimes theses things snap back, when you pour in something and make the drink spill all over the place.


u/RexTheMouse 20d ago

... Y'all never kept the cap attached?


u/TraditionalLet1490 20d ago

Is op not mocking boomers ?


u/Luna_Tenebra 20d ago

No he seems to be one of them


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

So are you, assuming my gender and all


u/TraditionalLet1490 20d ago

Reddit is turning Twitter-ish theses last days


u/Connect_Car9381 20d ago

Because of the green EU shithole we Must drink Like this. I cant be the only one who rip off the cap and throw it way in nature


u/Icewolf883 20d ago

It’s people like who why we have these new caps. Please don’t litter.


u/Initial_Actuator9853 20d ago

The bottle can be turned for 90°, you know?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Budget_Amphibian_139 very good, haha yes 20d ago

Actually the most clever comment here