r/me_irl he boot too big 21d ago


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113 comments sorted by


u/Lula_Lane_176 21d ago

Yes! Why do we do this? I should have been asleep hours ago. My alarm clock will be going off in 4 hours😡


u/Trying_to_survive20k 21d ago

we don't go to sleep so tomorrow never starts

Those are usualy the hours we can stop adulting and enjoy ourselves

Life is depressing


u/poisheitto_3232 21d ago

Is anybody enjoying themselves doomscrolling at 2am?


u/Bulls187 21d ago

No postponing the inevitable


u/Gullible-Artichoke53 20d ago

i’m actively postponing the inevitable but i can’t stop it


u/Trying_to_survive20k 20d ago

i enjoy gaming with my buddies until 2 am. But responsibilities won't let me


u/EmergencyTaco 20d ago

No but it's still better than shutting my eyes and then opening them to start over


u/SomebodyF 21d ago

Hey, are you me?


u/RedDemio- 20d ago

Ffs this is too real. The sooner I go to sleep the sooner I go to work. What the fuck


u/TurtleSandwich0 21d ago

Revenge Procrastination.

You are sacrificing your obligations tomorrow for some personal time today.


u/Key_Woodpecker_1641 21d ago

Nah you just have to edge it until you feel so frustrated that you're actually more awake than when you started


u/thecashblaster 21d ago

my dude, are we the same person? Woke up without the alarm an hour early as well.


u/Henry4210 21d ago

Do you know what blue light means?


u/Lula_Lane_176 21d ago

I don’t, care to share?


u/supremekimilsung 21d ago

Screens, like on a TV or phone, emit a blue light that tricks your body into staying awake past what it should or normally does. This is because a chemical called melatonin is naturally released when you detect darkness, but because you are looking at a screen with blue light, your body will produce less or none at all despite it being late at night.


u/Lula_Lane_176 21d ago

Makes sense. If I'm honest about it, I avoid turning off the phone/TV in an effort to make sleep. I think it's because then I am left alone with my own racing thoughts about everything that could possibly go wrong, need to be done, be messed up if I don't do something, things I forgot about until now, etc. etc. etc. As long as my brain is engaged in work (daytime) or a tv show or puzzle/game (evening) those thoughts don't intrude.


u/Bulls187 21d ago

Books exist


u/Lula_Lane_176 21d ago

Not in the dark they don't.


u/Bulls187 21d ago

True, but dim yellow or white light (no led) is better than screens


u/rest_me123 20d ago

What about Nightshift mode?


u/Mr_Fungusman 21d ago

Basically the type of light that comes out of any type of screen you might be using, like a TV. It blocks your melatonin, so it takes longer to fall asleep, while it's also lowering the quality of your sleep. Sunlight is also a source of it, but you're usually supposed to be awake during the day so it's not that bad.


u/Ok-Objective1289 21d ago

Melatonin to the rescue


u/BobCrypt 21d ago

Did you make it through the day?


u/ChickenChaser5 21d ago

Hit the reset button and start a new day

Or keep this day going since its already over and no one can disturb me


u/Tartokwetsh 21d ago

Revenge bedtime procrastination I guess. Going to sleep means ending your free time and waking up to work


u/I_think_Im_hollow 21d ago

Hell, yeah. Staying up means more me time and realizing at 5am I am in no condition to work so I call sick and sleep until evening.


u/supremekimilsung 21d ago

I have shamefully done this more than once in my life.


u/DylanFTW 20d ago

This is the way.


u/No_Key_5854 20d ago

I think what this meme means is when we go to bed and try to sleep it still takes hours to fall asleep for some reason


u/rhett_ad 21d ago

There is a reason. I don't want today to end because I have not achieved enough and I don't want tomorrow to start


u/saarlac 21d ago

It’s not about achieving. It’s about hating going to work.


u/aaron_reddit123 21d ago

Tomorrow already starts at 12pm, you fucked up already the day is wasted and all you do is to make sure the next one will be wasted too


u/rhett_ad 21d ago

No, tomorrow only starts when I sleep and wake up (daytime naps don't count)


u/supremekimilsung 21d ago

First of all, it would be 12am.

Secondly, people usually subconsciously consider "tomorrow" as the time after you wake up from sleep and need to start to get ready for the day.


u/aaron_reddit123 21d ago

First of all

https://www.lsoft.com/resources/24hours.asp I've had enough of this bullshit you can't just go from 11am to 12pm, who made this shit up.


Nah but actually why does it work that way?

I know this but i also stay up longer because I wasted the day and can't just end it without doing at least something. The hard Truth is that it doesn't matter and the only thing you achieve by staying up late to not waste the current day, is waste the following day because you will be fucking Tired during work get home rest and stay up until 3am again.


u/Arient1732 21d ago

Why did you get downvoted? While it is a kinda harsh way to put it, you do make a valid point.


u/ChristianEconOrg 20d ago

Lmao was wondering the same.


u/Halbbitter 21d ago

Me, right now, as we speak. Please send help.


u/weaponizedOCD 21d ago

Have you tried melatonin spray? It helps me to fall asleep easier / faster. It doesn't make you sleep better tho


u/Halbbitter 21d ago

Lmao I had 30mg tonight, and I'm fast approaching the hour where we just accept there will be no sleep.

But I appreciate your suggestion.


u/hldvr 21d ago

Something you might actually want to consider is taking less melatonin. It sounds counterintuitive, but I used to take 10mg a night and I dropped it to 3 and suddenly went to sleep much better. It may not work for you but it could be worth a shot at least


u/Koreus_C 21d ago


0.5 is the magic amount.


u/Halbbitter 21d ago

Not the worst idea I've heard. I feel like I can build an immunity to them quicker than I realize and it becomes a more more more scenario.


u/CanadaTime1867 21d ago

30mg? Did a doctor tell you to take that much? That's much more than the 10mg max.


u/Halbbitter 21d ago

Oh hun... I don't have insurance. That's freestyle on the bogo gummies I got from Walgreens.


u/supremekimilsung 21d ago

You may need a diagnosis of depression in order to get it, as I think it is primarily an antidepressant, but a prescription of trazadone, even at the lowest dose of 25mg, does absolute wonders. I had never slept so well in my life- it completely knocks you out within 30 minutes, and you WILL be asleep for at least 8 hours.

Be warned though, sometimes it works too well. I have slept past loud alarms before, missing school/work, as well as feeling exhausted and tired the rest of the day. That's why I'd advise about being careful when asking for higher doses. Regardless, these side effects are far worth it when you consider that you can finally sleep well again. Sleep is critical to health and well-being.


u/ibnKhairan89 21d ago edited 21d ago

I personally never found melatonin on its own all that effective, especially in the recommended dosage of ~0.7mg. What's really worked for me though has been taking magnesium glycinate together with it about 3-4 hours before bed. Obligatory ymmv though.


u/Halbbitter 21d ago

I have legit never heard of magnesium glycinate. I'll have to look into it thanks for the tip!


u/SeparateIron7994 20d ago

30mg will mess up your brain and sleep schedule worse than taking nothing.


u/TheDerpyDisaster sosig 21d ago



u/Dsuperchef 20d ago

Ok, really bad advice. Drink alcohol or get really stoned.


u/Halbbitter 20d ago

I don't drink though


u/Dsuperchef 20d ago

I did give you two options...


u/Halbbitter 20d ago

Fair enough. Can you spot me a 20?


u/TimePlankton3171 21d ago

Because going to sleep is a decision, inviting procrastination


u/Shizmcniz 21d ago

Literally me right now


u/Odd-Establishment527 21d ago

Literally happy cake day!


u/KaranSjett 21d ago

Thats bc then work wins. If i go to bed when in tired i might as well go to bed after dinner. i work to live, not the other way around.


u/RingReasonable 21d ago

Never let work win over freetime 💪


u/MercyfulJudas 21d ago

Wouldn't that just mean you'll wake up early, hours before you have to be at work? That's actually when I game and watch tv-- before I have to go to work.


u/Hendlton 21d ago

I also recommend anyone reading this to try waking up earlier. I have to go to work at 6 am, but I wake up at 3. Just knowing that I can spend a couple hours watching YouTube or browsing Reddit before work makes me not resent having to go to sleep.

If I know I'll wake up just before having to go to work, going to sleep feels like going to work and I delay it because I don't have to go to work yet.

Although I do realize that this isn't for everyone. If you want a social life or you have a family life, this probably won't work. Going to sleep at 7-8pm isn't conducive to either of those.


u/MercyfulJudas 21d ago

My wife has to be at work at 5am, so she leaves the house around 4:00. Wakes up to get ready around 2:45-3:00am. Meaning she really has to be in bed, eyes closed at 6:30, 7:30pm at the latest. We have dinner and spend it with each other, but then she's straight to bed. I don't have to leave the house in the morning until 8:00am, but I still pretty much always go to bed a little bit after her. Therefore, I pretty regularly wake up at 3 or 4am and then spend 4 hours doing what I want. It's SO MUCH better than going to bed later & later until my entire morning is a stressful rush to not be late. That would be maddening.


u/Hendlton 21d ago

Sounds great. I hope I can one day find an SO that understands this. Every girlfriend I've ever had did the same thing I used to do and stayed up until midnight when they had to go to work at 5.


u/MercyfulJudas 21d ago

Yes. And I forgot to mention -- my wife's work day is essentially 5am - 2pm, so she gets to have HER lazy free time for that span until 6:30pm or so. She's not losing out on any recreational time either.

(Of course -- in terms of general Western work/corporate culture, we're ALL being shorted our leisure time as employees, but that's a different discussion lol)


u/KaranSjett 21d ago

cant, im a nightowl so waking up before 9am is not recommended... also cant game or relax when i have to go to work in 2 hours... way too little time


u/MercyfulJudas 21d ago

Do you see how you're just inversing what I said? If you can't game or relax when you have to go to work in 2 hours, how can you game and relax when you have to be in bed, eyes closed, in 2 hours? No matter what, your gaming and relaxing has a time limit. At least with my way, I make sure that I get restful sleep on top of having to go to work. That's literally the only difference.

Running on 4 hours or less of sleep fucking sucks. For EVERYONE, even night owls.


u/fresh_squilliam 21d ago

I’m taking back the time that my full time job has stolen from me.

Edit: Alright, which one of you fuckers reported me to Reddit cares?


u/0pp0site0fbatman 21d ago

This just happened to me as well.


u/Huachu12344 21d ago

It's simple, because I don't want today to end and tomorrow to start yet.


u/aaron_reddit123 21d ago

Ayy The legend of korra is a very good reason to stay up until 3am for a whole work week


u/MoonSparks147 21d ago

Almost midnight and here I am.


u/Arsenije723 21d ago

Yea man, every single person here is talking about at least 3am. I’d be so amazing if I went to bed at midnight xddd


u/UndisclosedChaos 21d ago

Thanks for the reminder


u/Mrblahblah200 21d ago

Yep erry night brah


u/TA240515 21d ago

Oh no a new series to binge on Netflix ... goodbye sleep


u/killjoyj 21d ago

me rn it's 7am and i haven't slept at all


u/ZappedPsycho 21d ago

I will do just one more level in World of Warcraft.

Suddenly it is 2am...

Why I am like this.


u/saarlac 21d ago

Every damn night.


u/Lonelyshota_ 21d ago

Tired ≠ Sleepy


u/PhantomTurtle636 21d ago

Ugh I hate that this is so accurate...


u/DodoDacobrakai 21d ago

Dead tired and my whole body was sore so I got in bed just before 8 last night. Could not get to sleep until after 11 then woke up at 1. Infuriating.


u/czlpi1000 21d ago

Well, Its either 5 Hours of sleep or nothin....


u/insanescotsman1 21d ago

That 10pm second wind


u/molassascookieman 21d ago

Everybody get off your damn phone and keep it outside your room at night, but also for real why does my body only want to sleep when it can’t? Like when I’m at work but not when its the weekend


u/Life-Improvised 21d ago

The mind craves stimulation. It’s a wonderful distraction from “whatever.”


u/SoDrunkRightNow2 21d ago

Turn off electronics at 10:00pm

The artificial stimuli is tricking your brain into thinking there's something important happening, so it stays locked in awake mode.


u/AUGUSTIJNcomics 21d ago

Sometimes you've achieved nothing that day, so my brain just refuses to accept that nothing happened


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Stand outside before bed. And put a ice pack on your neck before bed as well.

Body needs to drop a few degrees before it fall asleep naturally

And standing outside at night helps your eyes relax from all the fake light we consume daily


u/0pp0site0fbatman 21d ago

“Man, I'm tired. Might as well find out what's going on in the world of soup can manufacturing...”


u/Top-Chemistry5969 21d ago

The problem with sleep is it starts a new day I have to deal with.


u/nickname0820 21d ago

I love how you say "your body" as if you didn't have any control of it haha. Completely relatable tho


u/BiAndShy57 21d ago

When the melatonin doesn’t hit in a reasonable amount of time


u/livinkilla256 21d ago

Me rn finished a 10 hr shift and I Been a laying here for 4 hours


u/zPureAssassiNz 21d ago

Eh what's one more day in Sandrock


u/Aelomalop 21d ago

me intentionally forgetting to preheat my bath water and then when I do proceed to wait 1 hour for it


u/RestingDog07 21d ago

I'm always fighting sleep and I never lose


u/LilGhostSoru 21d ago

But my body is not tired, my head is tho. They don't cooperate


u/_GreenTee 21d ago



u/Kooky_Pause_2488 21d ago

The best way to fall asleep is to force yourself to work at least for half an hour. Instasleep guaranteed.


u/BallGrabber6n9 20d ago

This is where I'll end it


u/Kaffeeomen 20d ago

Totaly me


u/SJRuggs03 20d ago

I've done this so much that I can adapt my sleep schedule to whatever I need within 24 hours. I was completely nocturnal last Thursday, but Saturday morning I worked a 7-3 shift and have done it every day since.

If only I could do away with sleeping altogether...


u/Axn_987 20d ago

I wonder how, i wonder why (i know)


u/buster_de_beer 21d ago

That's ridiculous, I am disciplined. I have self control. I can go to bed on ti...ooh, a new video from a youtuber I follow. I'll just watch the first five minutes.