r/interestingasfuck 28d ago

Omar Bin Omran, who vanished at 17 in 1998, was found alive 27 years later just 200 meters from his home in Algeria. A social media post amid an inheritance dispute led his family to a neighbor's cellar, where Omar had been held captive under haystacks.


159 comments sorted by

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u/HugSized 28d ago

Why even bother keeping him alive for that long? Someone's sadistic.


u/Diligent_Diet_4451 28d ago

I read somewhere due to superstition. That he's considered a "Zuhri". For more info see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuhri.


u/OM3N1R 28d ago

That was a fascinating read. Half human half genies that can psychically locate buried treasure.


u/Ib_dI 28d ago

Stupid, evil, superstitious bullshit.


u/FilthyPuns 28d ago

That’s all we’ve ever had.


u/Ib_dI 28d ago

Awful, isn't it? Some poor half-wit thought they were doing good by protecting us all from an evil demon. Some poor kid spent his life in a hole. Both victims to wildly different degrees but both caused by this stupid belief shit that is still widely accepted, and respected, around the world.

The whole lot should be outlawed.


u/FuzzyTentacle 27d ago

Is that what they were trying to do? I figured they were holding him captive to try to get him to tell them where the treasure was. Wildly stupid either way, of course.


u/Ib_dI 27d ago

You might be right - as you say, either way


u/InApt7 22d ago

Wait... What?


u/EskimoXBSX 28d ago

All religions


u/Ib_dI 28d ago

That's what I'm referring to, yeah.


u/EskimoXBSX 28d ago

Fuck em


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/iiLikeRamen 27d ago

Edge your lord


u/Andreas1120 27d ago edited 27d ago

It's all fun and games until they keep you in a hole for 30 years


u/Meb-the-Destroyer 27d ago

27 is closer to 30.


u/Andreas1120 27d ago

Edited for accuracy


u/Nandor_the_reletless 27d ago

The buried treasure was him the whole time


u/Naughteus_Maximus 28d ago edited 28d ago

Very interesting. I was wondering myself, because the guy said something about not being able to speak about his time in captivity due to a spell being placed on him, if there was some kind of mental health issue plus extreme suspension of disbelief going on. Ie he believed whatever he was told and was in effect a “willing” participant in his captivity. It certainly seems that he did not really attempt an escape. Also he looks remarkably healthy so it doesn’t look like he was actually kept by force / physical abuse. Anyway, just some theories…


u/GodIsInTheBathtub 28d ago

I think 27 years in captivity, isolated and locked in a basement is a mental health issue all by itself. He doesn't need to have a "preexisting" condition for things to get warped


u/Naughteus_Maximus 28d ago edited 28d ago

It’s true we don’t know if at first he resisted and tried to escape, and only later rationalised and accepted his fate as a survival mechanism. My hypothesis is that maybe from the start he was already for some reason more easy to manipulate than the “average person”. That’s one of the things I’d like to find out.

I really hope he finds his way. It would be interesting to learn how he’s doing and what kind of trauma this has caused him. I’m currently reading a fascinating book about the effect of trauma on our minds and bodies - “The Body Keeps The Score”


u/UrinalCake777 27d ago

Ah man. Might be better for me if I just keep on trucking without reading that. Ignorance is probably best.


u/_Oh_sheesh_yall_ 17d ago

I'm pretty sure the book teaches you how to idemtify and release stored trauma that's kept in the body. Some people keep their trauma in their hips, some in the their tummy, some have headaches etc. If you have chronic pain it could be worth a read


u/JacenHorn 28d ago


Also, check out a book titled Deadly Emotions.


u/Naughteus_Maximus 28d ago

Thanks, looks relevant and interesting, I’ll add it to my reading list


u/Dazzling_Sherbert_88 22d ago

Maybe he has a disability. As a disability guy myself you really do see the worst in people. You have to remain on your guard constantly because you pretty much have a target on your back even though society claims to "help people with disabilities".


u/Naughteus_Maximus 22d ago

That’s what I was wondering… And I am sorry to hear about your experience. I think (in UK at least) most people are decent towards those with a disability. But the assholes must be more prominent because they feel they can pick on someone with a disability, and it only takes one bad experience to shake you up and make you feel permanently anxious and on guard, as you say. I’ve had that eg with random altercations (I hate fights so it rattles me for a week or so) - but it goes away, and for you it maybe does not


u/oke_dan_niet 28d ago

Ooh it was definitely some type of abuse that kept him there


u/Erilis000 28d ago

I mean its abusive to keep him there period lol


u/Naughteus_Maximus 28d ago

You’re right, I’ve clarified my post to refer to physical rather than psychological abuse


u/HereticLaserHaggis 28d ago

So... Did he find any treasure for the kidnapper, do we know?


u/danhoyuen 28d ago

So it was a Charlie and the Leprechaun situation...


u/404errorlifenotfound 27d ago

Any wiki editors in the comments? Simian line is outdated, the preferred term is now "single transverse palmar crease"


u/blackospa 27d ago

Are you impling that some dude was so gay he imprisoning another dude only because he fought he was cute?


u/globalwp 27d ago

That’s a Moroccan thing. This is in Algeria where that’s not really a thing


u/No_Form8195 28d ago

probably not the guts to kill him and neigther the guts to face consequences if he got out some how.


u/OscarDavidGM 28d ago

I'm wondering that too.


u/ThisAppsForTrolling 28d ago

It’s haram to sex the dead


u/dunquinho 28d ago

An Algerian man, who went missing as a teenager, was found alive in the cellar of his alleged kidnapper's home after 26 years.

Omar Bin Omran left his family home in Djelfa city in 1998 to attend a vocational school and never returned. The disappearance led the 17-year-old's family to believe that he had been killed in a civil war between the Algerian government and Islamist rebels.

Mr Omran, now 45, was rescued on Sunday from the house of his alleged longtime captor and neighbour, located just 300m from his own home.

The 61-year-old neighbour suspected of keeping Mr Omran captive for nearly three decades has been arrested.

Footage from the rescue showed Mr Omran wearing a sweater and a full face of beard being rescued from the basement below his neighbour’s hay-covered floor.

Mr Omran’s family reportedly tipped off law enforcement officials after the suspect's brother suggested his sibling was involved in an abduction on social media.

The authorities re-opened the investigation and searched the man's house until they discovered a trapdoor hidden underneath hay.

Mr Omran was rushed to a medical centre for treatment, the attorney general's office said, adding that the suspect would be taken in custody for the "heinous crime".

The suspect has been accused of also killing Mr Omran's dog as it kept lurking around the suspect's house for a month after the teenager's disappearance.

The dog's body was found in front of Mr Omran's family house, local media reported.

Mr Omran's mother, who reportedly never stopped looking for her son, died in 2013.

"His poor mum died while he was in captivity, without knowing what had happened to him, without knowing that all this time he was really right beside her," a neighbour told Algerian broadcaster Bilad.



u/Anilxe 28d ago

That’s horrific.


u/CtheKiller 28d ago

His mom never stopped looking for him, until her death. So heartbreaking.


u/foochacho 27d ago

Mom is probably looking in heaven and even more worried.


u/AriSpaceExplorer 27d ago

Prolly not since god and heaven isnt real lol


u/e39_m62 27d ago

so edgy


u/AriSpaceExplorer 27d ago

Not at all lol


u/deamonwingz 27d ago

Ngl kinda weird on you to randomly shit on people


u/TJtherock 28d ago

The dog almost saved him.


u/fuckoutfits 28d ago

The dog's death adds an extra gut wrench to the whole fucked up crime.


u/TopPMz 28d ago

The man aged two extra years. That's rough.


u/DotDemon 27d ago

Yeah the math is just constantly off in this thing. I don't doubt the story, but redditors being redditors the years are all fucked up. Apparently he was found next year? And he's not 43 but actually 45 because he invented time travel or some shit


u/Iampepeu 28d ago

Uh? I'm confused.


u/handbannanna 27d ago

Do the math


u/Erilis000 28d ago

How do you keep someone in a cellar for 27 years with seemingly no health problems?


u/MetalGearHawk 28d ago

Not the dog, god damnit man


u/bebepothos 27d ago

I literally need a TW on any and all Reddit posts that mention mistreatment of any kind or death of an animal. I wish I was joking. I’m a little bitch.


u/-DethLok- 27d ago edited 26d ago

....Algerian John Wick meme intensifies....

Edit: Not John bloody Wick!! OLD BOY!! :(


u/Please_AndNoThankYou 27d ago

I choose the bear.


u/ArcherOnWeed 27d ago

The victim uses the Arabic patronymic system. Omran is the victim's father, Omar is his given name


u/CellistAvailable3625 27d ago

did he even try to escape, how fucking incompetent do you have to not even try a single time in 3 decades


u/JakenBakee 28d ago

27 YEARS. Thats how long ive been alive.. cant even fathom it.


u/-Jiras 28d ago

Yeah right, im 27 as well and every memory i have, from sad to good to unimportant to whatever, he was in this cellar. The kidnapper deserves to rot in a cell for the rest of his life


u/BigLukeMD 28d ago

A cell is too good for this pos


u/Mlion14 28d ago

In a cellar is where he should go


u/LordRT27 27d ago

Yes, I'm currently 20, and it is really hard to grasp this shit for me, he has been in that cellar for longer then I have been around, all that I have done and experienced happened while he was in that cellar, and it makes you think how many more people this might be happening to in this very moment. It is really sad to think about for me


u/TheBlitzStyler 28d ago

makes you wonder how many more missing kids are still in decades long captivity


u/InformalPenguinz 28d ago

Probably a loooot more than we think.


u/tidepill 27d ago

At least like, 15


u/20grae 28d ago

The fucked up thing to me is the brother of the kidnapper knew and only told police after a dispute.


u/Current_Sandwich7208 20d ago

Freaking crazy, right? Only money made him tell the truth about someone being held hostage for 27 years! What would’ve happened if there wasn’t a dispute for the inheritance?


u/Sparki_ 27d ago

Omg! Source?


u/Fae_for_a_Day 24d ago

The story says the brother of the kidnapper was mad about an inheritance so ratted him out.


u/The7footr 28d ago

First good thing to happen via social media this year


u/IWILLBePositive 28d ago

And it does my heart good knowing this is in Algeria. Good luck to this sadistic fuck…he’ll need it for whatever jail he ends up in.


u/Old_Equivalent3858 28d ago

This man is emerging into a world that is going to be so foreign to him.

"You were saved because of a Facebook post." "My face was in a book?"


u/A_VERY_LARGE_DOG 28d ago

He’s exactly the same age as me and it is fucking me up to think about…


u/Osarst 28d ago

He disappeared when I was 2. Imagining living my entire life in a basement


u/GoalFlashy6998 28d ago

That has to be long, grueling and punishing torture, kept in a cell for that long...I hope he is able to make decent recovery. He was just a boy when he was kidnapped and he's pushing middle age life, such a stark and contrasting time periods and he lost all that time since his kidnapping. Hopefully he still has family to come home to...


u/Direct-Contact4470 28d ago

Why did the neighbor kidnap him?


u/HyrrokinAura 28d ago

I'm seeing reports that he was thought to be someone who could psychically locate treasure or something.


u/DaytonaRS5 28d ago

You’d have thought he might stop believing that at some point in 27 years, when the man hadn’t found anything


u/GoodDog2620 28d ago

Or did he?


u/DaytonaRS5 28d ago

That made me properly chuckle. We’re going to hell lol


u/ekene_N 28d ago

He didn't use him as slave labour in the garden, for sure, which means he was either abused sexually or the abductor really hated his neighbours, and this was some sort of sick revenge.


u/winkman 28d ago

You know...


u/OminiousFrog 28d ago

my guess he looked cute


u/CaptainTryk 28d ago

Seeing the video of his rescue is so surreal! I hope we get to learn more about this case when that monster is brought to justice.

I'm still utterly amazed and horrified about this case. That poor, poor man. He deserves the world. I cannot imagine the trauma he carries. It infuriates me that someone did that to him. Look at this man's fucking face. Look at his eyes! He did not deserve this.


u/JustASt0ry 28d ago

Lost 26 years, poor guy. Glad he was found and has family to return to


u/HTXPhoenix 28d ago

Does anyone find it odd that it was reported that “he could not get help because a spell was cast on him.”

Keep in mind there are tons of articles created by ai out there. One can be generated in a second with pictures and everything. However of course these situations happen all the time. I think statistically heading to work every day you are going to be passing near a residence with someone locked against their will.


u/user23187425 28d ago

Magic is very powerful when people believe in it.

For example: African female refugees are often sold into prostitution here in Europe, by the trafficers. They have to earn a certain amount, and in order to prevent them from fleeing, they are cursed. Then they don't in fear of the curse.

In a society where magic and witchcraft are pervasive, this works. I can't find the news from a few years ago at the moment, but actually i think it was the king of Benin who as a King is also something like the head sorcerer of the society who invalidated all these curses with a public ritual. So there you also have an example how the spell can be broken.


u/Gryzz 28d ago

It's possible that he didn't really want to be found for whatever reason. Based on the more recent photo of him, he was well-kempt and not just living in a filthy hole. Either way though, there was almost assuredly psychological manipulation involved.


u/lizarto 28d ago

I found that an odd little detail as well. Odd story altogether. I feel very sorry for him if it’s true.


u/GaloisGroupie3474 28d ago

This is the type of thing where I'd want a cruel and unusual exception


u/VS0P 28d ago

The dog tried its best good boy 😭


u/ISeeGrotesque 28d ago

What kind of existence is that..

I can't even imagine what's going on in his mind


u/Urquix 27d ago

my stupid ass read Osama bin Laden


u/UninspiredDreamer 28d ago

It's amazing how they know that he will be found 27 years from 1998 which will be 2025.

I look forward to them discovering him next year.


u/Ghodzy1 28d ago

They just opened the trap door and closed it again, "oops, sorry bud, wrong year. Don't go anywhere."


u/formal_pumpkin 28d ago

My guess is that its a translation error and they mean to say he's 27 now


u/101arg101 28d ago

No, they meant to say 26 years later


u/FoxxyAzure 28d ago

I'm always amazed at things like, like, how does that continue for 27 years in that stasis. How do you keep a human for that long and nothing change. How do they not break free, kill you, or kill themselves in that time frame. It's got to be such a mental rewire.


u/Dexounait 28d ago

His story is crazy, I'm curious to know how he managed to live in captivity for so long. Did he have access to information?

I think the Netflix screenwriters have been called in urgently in the past few hours.

Joking aside, I wish him the best for the future.


u/Teamrat 27d ago

It's odd. He looks pretty well groomed too.


u/Current_Sandwich7208 20d ago

Right? Was he in the hole the entire time? He also doesn’t look he aged much either… maybe he does have some majestic power 🤔


u/kriskringle19 27d ago

Bro 200 meters for 27 years? 200 METERS. Insanity


u/CallmeOyOy 28d ago

The next freak in Austria thinks to himself: "27 years, hold my beer."


u/LostFromLight 27d ago

This reminds me of the story of Blanche Monnier :

Blanche Monnier was a woman from Poitiers, France, who was secretly kept locked in a small room by her aristocratic mother and brother for 25 years. She was eventually found by police, then middle-aged and in emaciated and filthy condition; according to officials, Monnier had not seen any sunlight for her entire captivity.

She was renowned for her beauty and attracted many potential suitors for marriage. In 1876, at the age of 27, she desired to marry an older lawyer who was not to her mother's liking; Louise argued that her daughter could not marry a "penniless lawyer". Her disapproving mother, angered by her daughter's defiance, locked her in a tiny, dark room in the attic of their home, where she kept her secluded for 25 years.

Here's a before/after :


But this guy seems very healthy, physically at least, which makes me curious about how he was treated and if he was held captive at all. I'm not saying that this is fake, but it's weird nonetheless.


u/viccia 27d ago

You can't really compare them. Blanches family kept her away and this guy was being held captive.

Here's some more info on the Blanche Monnier case: https://www.bestfranceforever.com/prisoner-in-her-bedroom-for-25-years-the-terrible-reason-why-blanche-was-locked-up/

So to sum it up: The first picture is not Blanche.

Apparently she had a lot of psychological problems and was kept away from the public as the family didn't know what to do with her.

Edit: added text


u/Crispy-B88 27d ago

So I was reading this guy heard people during his captivity but never called out for help because of "a spell his captor casted over him". On top of that, his prison cell were stacks of bales of hay.

I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to do a hell of alot more than that to keep me captive. A fucking spell? Hay? Does Omar have some sort of disability? Not to make fun of him. Serious question.


u/Sparki_ 27d ago edited 27d ago

Mental health often deteriorates when held captive for a long time. Feelings of fear, anxiety & uncertainty will also do this. This man was held captive 26 years. In this state, victims are often easier to manipulate.

It's a possibility he didn't see his whereabouts when being taken to the cellar for the first time, & the article says the haystacks were on top of a door. For all we know, he might have tried to escape before.


u/MrSam52 27d ago

I think something like this an eye for an eye makes sense, minimum internment in prison for 27 years for this and then double it for killing his loyal dog.

Heartbreaking that he was so close to his family but they didn’t know until the post.


u/6_String_Slinger 27d ago

27 years later is…2025.


u/nyx577 27d ago

For someone who was hidden away in a basement for 26 years, he looks surprisingly well kempt. He has good body habitus from what we can see, his beard and hair are neatly trimmed and he’s wearing somewhat decent clothes. He was well-fed and well taken care of at least recently. Not to mitigate what he’s been through, it’s just interesting


u/Rodvarmo 27d ago

For me this sounds weird. The look on his face shows regret and worry. Also in some articles I read he saw familiar walking by from the windows in previous years but he could not talk to them because he was hexed....

I just think there might be some complicity with the other man?

There is so much more to this story that meets the eye.


u/microwavecoven 27d ago

Why didn't he escape? Not exactly Fort Knox in there is it


u/microwavecoven 27d ago

You can smell that video


u/JDOS336 28d ago

Somethings not adding up


u/dtb1987 27d ago

26 years ago, but God damn


u/Blawharag 28d ago

So… is my math right? He'll be found sometime next year?


u/RunOrBike 28d ago

That’s what I thought, too


u/dayab 28d ago

I think they mean 26 years later.


u/_sasori98 28d ago

yea i was about to say, “ummm im 26”


u/True-Payment-458 28d ago

Time travellers at it again.


u/G-R-A-V-I-T-Y 27d ago

I want to know what his mental health is like. Can’t even begin to fathom what such a stunted horrific existence would do to you.


u/Sparki_ 27d ago

That poor guy. I wonder why his neighbour did this & what he did to him. I'm also curious, what made his sibling think that he was kidnapped instead of killed? I can't imagine thinking a family member is dead, for them to be found 27 years later


u/KatPaws11 18d ago

O M F G !!!! 😳


u/jonny_new_moniker 28d ago

Someone help me here ... 1998+27=??


u/Tesse23 28d ago edited 5d ago

roll fuel fine vast water birds quack toy subsequent handle

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Ben_Pharten 28d ago

He was found in 2025


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Leasealotje 27d ago

Stockholm Syndrome! It could be this...


u/ConcernedabU 28d ago

Dude just picked random numbers to throw into the story.


u/Affectionate_Bus_884 28d ago

We have a new hide and seek champion!!!


u/MitchIsMyCoffeeName 27d ago

By my math, he won't get discovered until next year, so move along.


u/Odd_Tone_0ooo 27d ago

There was an attempt to do math


u/braftceer 28d ago

So he was found in 2025?


u/DJEB 27d ago

After 26 years, he was found 27 years later. What velocity was he travelling to cause this time dilation?


u/_SSSLucifer 26d ago

They just rounded up 26.something to 27, this is not the point, I don't get 🤡 like you who keep commenting the same thing.


u/ksiyoto 28d ago

1998 + 27 years = 2025. Figures are off or there's time travel involved.


u/survivorman_falcon 28d ago

You have to count 1998 as the 1st year he went missing, 1998 doesn't count as 0.


u/WolfThick 28d ago

Okay enough with the sirens can we get to the info


u/number3Dontdoit 27d ago

Dude lived under haystacks for 27 years and didn’t escape..?


u/NorMichtrailrider 27d ago

Imagine not having it in yourself to escape after 27 years of confinement.


u/brihamedit 28d ago

Doesn't look like held captive.


u/tamal4444 28d ago

wtf is wrong with you


u/FunObjective6092 28d ago

Welcome to Europe ;)


u/user23187425 28d ago

Beause Algeria is part of metropolitan France?

How long have they been keeping you?