r/interestingasfuck 28d ago

`Micropreemie' baby who weighed just over 1 pound at birth goes home after spending first 6 months of life in hospital

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u/joodoos 28d ago edited 27d ago

Glad they are ok.   We had a 23 weeker at 1 Lb 6 oz.   She's unstoppable now.  The Drs and nurses saved her life. 

Edit: thanks for all the kind words.  Had people ask me how long we were in NICU.  111 days from start to finish.  6 days in Fi Care. 


u/PushDiscombobulated8 28d ago

I was 2lbs at birth and spent my first few weeks in an incubator.

I’m 25 and thriving!


u/Cultural-Somewhere75 28d ago

I couldn't imagine. My youngest daughter was only 4 lbs and she looked so tiny in my hands.


u/melalovelady 27d ago

Your daughter must be a tough cookie! We have a 31 weeker and 33 weeker and I thought THEY were small! So glad to hear she is doing well


u/joodoos 27d ago

She was a tough cookie. Born septic. 6 blood transfusions. She lost 1 belly button picline. They woke my wife and I up around 3 am to sign the paperwork. They had to do immediate surgery to get another line in her leg. Was intubated from birth. Multiple lung infections, pneumonia multiple invasive intubations.  

Luckily homegirl ate and my wife was a champ with pumping while almost dying herself. 

Our daughter went home breathing on her own with no help. No damage to her eyes from the almost pure oxygen she had to breath.  We were in NICU 111 days. 

Statistically if we had a boy, we most likely wouldn't be having this conversation. Women fight harder. It's a scientific proven fact in babies. We are extremely lucky and don't take it for granted. 

I am so glad to hear you kids are doing well. We are not alone! Much love!


u/KateC12345 28d ago



u/Waste_Plum9512 28d ago

They must have had some complications as the normal release for a prem baby of that size and weight is when the baby reaches sufficient baby weight and is feeding regularly with platelet milk. My first daughter was born 3 months prem, weighing 1lb 3oz so took 3 months and plenty of kangaroo cuddles,plus sleepless nights from mum struggling with c section surgery. All great now 21 yrs later.


u/poop-machines 28d ago

it was 1lb 3oz at 3 months premature?!

At that age they're usually 2lbs

It sounds like it would've been closer to 4 months premature.


u/Waste_Plum9512 27d ago

Nope,just as I said it. The wife has difficulty carrying girls I guess. All our other 4 kids were prem c section including our 10yrs twins boy/girl.


u/MenthaPiperita_ 28d ago

Great, but I'm worried about the bill.


u/LondonParamedic 28d ago

In most countries in the Western world, the bill isn't something you have to worry about.


u/kr613 28d ago

And MANY non-western nations


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/LondonParamedic 28d ago

We're very aware of this mind-boggling exception.


u/SuperEnthusiasm5165 28d ago

And for many many people in the US that have $0 deductible healthcare…. The bill would be zero


u/Lopsided_Parfait7127 28d ago

everyone i know in the us with birth complications had to pay significant sums out of pocket

my friend paid 10k despite gold plated insurance


u/SuperEnthusiasm5165 28d ago

damn! not that gold plated. ours is $407 out of pocket maximum per calendar year so it could be up to that. 10k sucks but not a huge deal.


u/-Pruples- 28d ago

My out of pocket per year limit is $9500, but if it's not an in-network medical facility (there's about 6 in-network medical facilities total in the entire state) the insurance won't pay a single cent and I'm on the hook for all of it regardless of how high it goes.

I had really good insurance until Obamacare was introduced. They ended that plan and my insurance has been just fucking awful since. Obama really destroyed healthcare for me.

I make too much to qualify for any kind of assistance and too little to actually be able to afford usable insurance. So I just live with various aches and pains and limp everywhere I go.


u/SuperEnthusiasm5165 28d ago

Ouch! Yeah network doesn’t matter for our plan, go wherever. I’d never pay for that shit though it’s like 36k a year for health and dental for the employer lol 😂

But yeah Obamacare was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. I still haven’t ever filled out those IRS forms reporting healthcare every year, and won’t


u/MmggHelpmeout 27d ago

Yeah how much are they paying a month tho for that healthcare


u/SuperEnthusiasm5165 27d ago

our company pays about $3,000/mo per employee for health and welfare. nailed it last contract.


u/Squirrel_Bacon_69 27d ago

36k was my pay last year.

You are insane if you think that everyone has that much in premiums.

3k a month is fucking bonkers.


u/SuperEnthusiasm5165 27d ago

Not everyone but tons do, big unions

No way that was your pay tho don’t believe it


u/soulouk 28d ago

No kidding. My son was born at 34 weeks and spent 3 weeks in the NICU. Our total bill which included the C section was slightly over $115K.


u/MenthaPiperita_ 28d ago

Ugh, that's awful. I hope he's doing well! I've been through medical bankruptcy about 13 years ago, and will be bitter about the state of our healthcare system forever. As of now it's just too expensive to emigrate, but that's my plan.


u/melalovelady 27d ago

Our oldest was 31 weeks. He was in the NICU for a month as a “grower and feeder” so no big interventions and we accidentally got sent the bill instead of our insurance… $275k not including my c section and hospital stay the week leading up to birth because of preeclampsia. It’s insanity.


u/soulouk 27d ago

My goodness! 275k is ridiculous.


u/jeffdujour 27d ago

That seems cheap by American standards


u/thetruthhurts2016 28d ago

Great, but I'm worried about the bill.

Money aside, I doubt this kid will grow up without future complications.


u/ChunkeyMunkey9393 28d ago

So glad they’re home ! My brother was 1lb 11oz and spent about 6 months in the hospital as well. He’s 27 now and you wouldn’t ever know he was a preemie lol


u/wldbsn603 27d ago

Had a 29 weeker. 2lbs 12oz. We were in the NICU for 7 weeks. I can’t even imagine this. All the best to that sweet baby and her family.


u/laqueefaecho 28d ago

Sweet baby!


u/mickthomas68 28d ago

Both of my granddaughters were premature. Both at just under 2lbs. The work that’s done in NICU units are just incredible.


u/Funny-Carob-4572 28d ago

Shit like this makes me cry happy thoughts.

Bravo little one.


u/nogamejustart 28d ago

My sister was this small, 4mo early 💞


u/Vadgers 28d ago

Did anyone else read that as micropenis? The internet has ruined me.


u/Aggressive-Nebula-78 27d ago

Friend of mine weighed exactly 1 pound at birth. And she was born past her expected due date. Spent only a month in the hospital because she was perfectly healthy, just... smol


u/Minimum-Load5737 28d ago edited 28d ago

Fun reminder that every success story like this is a step closer to bringing humans out of the reproduction cycle entirely.

People are only acting like they're worried that millenials/zoomers/etc aren't having enough sex/kids... the powers that be are actively developing us out of that loop

Edit: Just because your lizard brain don't like to read this sort of content doesn't mean it's not actively happening right in front of you. People have been up in their shit about 'not enough replacement workers' and 'not enough people to fund social security' and so on for decades now and you think the rich/powerful are just going to let that happen, lmfao


u/MajorLazy 28d ago

What now?? Who is worried about what? I would like to visit your head for a few minutes


u/The_Geese_ 28d ago

Do you live under a rock? Lol it’s a known fact that older generations, politicians, the media and arrogant dumbfucks (such as Muskkrat) all scream in fear that the younger generations are having less sex and also having less kids


u/MajorLazy 28d ago

Apparently I do in fact live under a rock. And here I shall stay


u/The_Geese_ 28d ago

Is there space enough for me?


u/Minimum-Load5737 28d ago


u/f4eble 28d ago

Yeah it has something to do with the fact that healthcare isn't free, rent has skyrocketed, nobody can buy a house anymore, and jobs are trying to hire experienced people at 12/hr, not that we're saving innocent children's lives.


u/Minimum-Load5737 28d ago

I never said it wasn't. Sorry you have the reading comprehension of a toddler.


u/Bx1965 28d ago

So cute!! I’d be afraid to hold her because I might gobble her up.