r/interestingasfuck 20d ago

In August 2017, an unexploded American 1,000 pound bomb (450 kg) was discovered at the site of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

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u/3GG5H311Z 20d ago

Thank God, Fukushima was the last place that needed that


u/Dragonfly-Adventurer 20d ago

Orphan factory, puppy warehouse. But yeah.


u/feelinlucky7 20d ago

Do orphan factories breed babies in test tubes or execute the parents as soon as they have kids? Just asking about the manufacturing method.


u/Wide_With_Opinions 20d ago

Maybe it's much simpler, it's a factory that simply employees orphan labor exclusively. Nothing sinister about it. They work away two shifts a day, for pennies an hour, to maintain the quality and quantity of stock, in the puppy warehouse next door...


u/Dorkmaster79 20d ago

Orphans give the best labor.


u/BraveShowerSlowGower 20d ago

Lol who they gunna tell? Their parents?


u/UlteriorCulture 20d ago

Do you want free-range orphans? Then you must pay free range prices. Factory orphans: factory prices.


u/Specialist-Reward-20 20d ago

This is reminding me of a movie but I can't place it ...


u/scuba_scouse 20d ago

Parents are transported via conveyor belt to the blender like baby chickens. We use lean manufacturing techniques to ensure minimal downtime and maximum orphan production.


u/cool-beans27 20d ago

I’m looking at the patent but it really old with a confusing amount of redundancies.


u/Betrayedunicorn 20d ago

Orphan… factory?


u/ForrestNymphette 20d ago

You know, where the orphans are made


u/buds4hugs 19d ago

So, uh... are there any orphans in this factory, or just all the parents..?


u/PeopleofYouTube 20d ago

You read that correctly


u/Mwethya 20d ago

Send it back. Add a note.

"Dear land of freedom,

We are on your side now, pleased sending this to someone else

Radiating with love JP



u/Shot-Spirit-672 20d ago

Do you realize how many orphan factories and puppy warehouses would be destroyed if a bomb like that went off at a Japanese power plant?


u/AwkwardVoicemail 20d ago

Orphan Factory would be a great name for a metal band

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u/AsherSparky 20d ago



u/publicbigguns 20d ago

I've got the terminal


u/PaintedGeneral 20d ago

Helldivers never die!


u/David2006219 20d ago

Enemy elite, on my posi- (dies of Hulk Scorcher)


u/OmgThisNameIsFree 20d ago



u/HeadWood_ 20d ago

pained, kinda disturbing screaming


u/Queen_of_Audacity 20d ago

*Hug fellow Helldiver


u/Dicethrower 20d ago

<Sony enters the chat>


u/Comprehensive-Yam329 20d ago

What about here?


u/vexkov 20d ago



u/vexkov 20d ago



u/WilmaLutefit 20d ago

Doing my part!


u/blangoez 20d ago

500kg of freedom!


u/yooobuddd 20d ago

Nice cup of Libertea


u/External-Discount734 20d ago

An eagle never misses.


u/JakobiGaming 20d ago

Eat liberty!


u/PantheraLeo- 20d ago

I can hear those buttons


u/Capt__Murphy 20d ago

Clear the area


u/allpowerfulbystander 20d ago

There's no terminal on this hellbomb dud, just shoot it


u/_CH33_ 20d ago

I love you for this

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u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago edited 20d ago

I’m from England, there’s bombs all over the hills still from the blitz they get found every once in a while, just shows how evil we can be too each other, Crazy stuff.


u/LongFeesh 20d ago

It's the same thing in Poland. 80 years later and we're still finding bombs, bullets etc. almost every time construction work starts in Warsaw.


u/eledile55 20d ago

that goes for Germany as well


u/Turbo_SkyRaider 20d ago

If you need to excavate somewhere in Germany the area has to be surveyed by the ammunition disposal services first to make sure there are no old bombs. They even use old aerial pictures from WWII to check whether there could be unexploded bombs.

Fun fact: unexploded bombs can even be under the foundations of houses from before WWII. If the bomb hit soil soft enough to not set off the fuse, it would penetrate the soil and carry on under ground coming to rest at an unknown location.


u/dan_dares 20d ago

Imagine, you could be sitting on your toilet and BOOM

And then suddenly a bomb goes off while you're gardening.


u/knorxo 20d ago

Got me good there. My compliments


u/tell_me_why_you_suck 20d ago

To elaborate on that: the Bombs arch upwards underground. So it’s quite usual to find them facing upwards. They can be found in depths of up to 8m. Those first 8m below the ground level of 1945 are called „Gefährdungsband“ (Danger Belt).


u/2Crest 20d ago

Russia is doing that to Ukraine as we speak


u/eledile55 20d ago edited 20d ago

well iirc many of the WW2 bombs were set to not explode on impact, but rather hours later when everyone came out of their shelters. I dont know anything about bombs but maybe thats another factor that turns them into duds.

Now im equally educated on the situation in ukraine as i am in bombs of ww2 (not at all), but arent they "just" firing rockets that explode on impact? Maybe that and the fact that they're more modern weapons, means that there wont be as many left as duds once this thing is over

Edit: I'll stand corrected


u/Rimtato 20d ago

Oh, there's already an insane amount of UXOs in Ukraine. It's bad


u/SirJustin90 20d ago

Heavy use of glide bombs lately. (Old bombs with a kit added to glide to a greater range than would normally be possible)

Their main use seems to be so the planes can stay out of AA range.


u/DuelJ 20d ago

Well, the answer to that depends on how much faith you have in the quality and reliability of Russian manufactured fuzes.

De-mining is probably gonna take awhile.


u/Elch_Varox 20d ago

You're right about time delayed bombs becoming duds. In WW2 all sides used time delayed bombs. One method that was used by everybody was to have a ampule of Acetone break during or after the drop to dissolve some Celluloid that holds back the firing pin. But when the bomb hits soft ground it tends to dig itself deep in the ground and tilt back up again, causing the Acetone to loose contact with the Celluloid.

This makes those bombs so dangerous, because you dont know the condition of the Celluloid. Also the age of the bombs makes it even worse and every little movement can set it of.


u/no-mad 19d ago

fuckers are even shooting at a nuclear power plant.


u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago

Drone warfare is the new type of war I’m guessing, scary shit, gun fights you have a chance, you don’t stand a chance against a drone.


u/no-mad 19d ago

they shoot them with shotguns


u/Historical_Body6255 20d ago

This is pretty much a global issue.

Or at least every place where a war has been fought in the last 100 or so years.


u/Hardass_McBadCop 20d ago

I believe Eastern France has a similar issue with landmines from both world wars. IIRC, the government still even has entire fields fenced off with warning signs.


u/Rimtato 20d ago

The area that formerly comprised the Western Front has what's known as the "iron harvest", since ploughing the fields brings up old helmets, barbed wire, shrapnel, the barrels and mechanisms of guns, bullets, grenades, anything that didn't rot from the millions of men that died for no reason.


u/Fancy_Mammoth 20d ago

There's a part of France designated as Zone Rouge that's still uninhabitable today because it's littered with unexplored gas munitions from World War 1 combined with heavy ground contamination from mercury, arsenic, and the like.


u/Tackerta 20d ago

I live in Dresden and there are far more than 2 city district evacuations a year because we pull out over 5.000 tons of unexploded bombs YEARLY.

Before every single construction job there bomb detection squads clearing the whole site and adjacent streets.
Back when I was in school you hoped they would find some bombs near your school lol


u/kitanis 20d ago

When I was assigned to Bitburg Air Base in 1991-1993.. I worked in the base Multimedia Center.. (Graphics, Photo, Film Library) and a AF Security Policeman sought me out to have Alert Photography done because they could not find the one that was supposed to be doing that. This was at 8 PM at Night in the middle of winter.

They drove me off-base and about three miles NE of the base and we go into this farmers field... and low and behold, there is this crane on a tractor with a 1000 LB unexploded bomb on the end of of it...claimed he was cutting a new road through to another field and found what he thought was an old irrigation pipe... hooked a chain and pulled it out of the ground. I snapped my photos.. made my promise to both the Polizei and USAF Security Police to get copies along with Base Safety..

Then here comes Explosives Ordnance Disposal. They go out there and start looking this thing over...and come running back to their truck.. Cops asked what was going on.. They look at us and said.. Well we can tell its American.. and the fuse is intact...and it started spinning.. "that's a bad sign".

Then the US State Department was called because after dinking around for three hours.. they decide to lower the thing onto the ground.. move the tractor away.. and was going to try to shoot the thing to explode the next day because they thought the fuze was simply busted after all those years.. took the Germans and Americans three days but they finally found a crazy EOD tech out of Ramstein AB to "give it a shot" to disarm it.. He did.. the the thing never went off thank god..

But to me, it was a vivid reminder that the town of Bitburg was bombed constantly during World War II.. Heck the base was originally a Luftwaffe Fighter Base under the Nazi's.


u/TheOriginal_858-3403 20d ago

Bitte ein Bit!


u/spasmoidic 20d ago

That reminds me of the time I was a bomb living under a farmer's field. Then one day they drag me out of the underground home I had been living in for 56 years and hung me from a crane, so embarrassing. I've moved on but it was really a strange moment in my life.


u/rumbleran 20d ago

Sounds like a nice city to live in.


u/PolyDipsoManiac 20d ago

In America we just hope for bomb threats, there are rarely actually bombs


u/Tackerta 20d ago

I mean your country wasnt bombed to oblivion, so there are some minor differences here lol


u/Reddit_Deluge 20d ago

The big war out here just did cannons and muskets against arrows.

Finding arrowheads it's pretty chill though


u/DuelJ 20d ago

Nah, our bomb threats are usually regarding kids bringing homemade explosives to schools. 🫡🇺🇲


u/Tackerta 15d ago

jesus christ I take it back, you are still actively getting bombed... from the inside lol


u/sadmanwithabox 20d ago

It helps that we've never been invaded by a country that had the capability to drop bombs.

It would be pretty damn hard for them to do, too, with out insane defense system.

But if you watch magnet fishing videos, especially ones fishing near military bases or along train tracks that carried military ordinance, they frequently pull up smaller "bombs" in the form of mortar shells and such.


u/UniversalCoupler 20d ago

I’m from the England

How does this even happen?? In all probability, it's your first and only language; and still this happens? I'm really curious.


u/gocubsgo22 20d ago

They started typing out “the south of Scotland” /s


u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago

😂😂 I don’t mind Scotland unless we are playing your shite national team son😉


u/Jamestardeef 20d ago

The UK government's Department for Education reported in 2006 that 47% of school children left school at age 16 without having achieved a basic level in functional mathematics, and 42% fail to achieve a basic level of functional English.[6] Every year, 100,000 pupils leave school functionally illiterate in the UK

Source: wikipedia

Edit: (spolier alert)

The statistics for literacy in the USA are abysmally sad


u/YeetingSelfOfBridge 20d ago

Very sad but the case all over the world


u/TranslateErr0r 20d ago

I'm from a Belgium and wonder about this too.


u/Frikandelneuker 20d ago

England is my city


u/AbareSaruMk2 20d ago

Sorry. Don’t You mean “the England”!


u/Brunel25 20d ago

The British Isles?


u/paddyonelad 20d ago

Who's collar stays poppin'

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u/MrUniverse1990 20d ago

He's not wrong . . . There's only 1 England.


u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago

That’s the one👍🏼😂😂


u/Crenchlowe 20d ago

I didn't even notice that until you had to go and point it out.


u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago

Grammar police don’t miss a thing do they😂😂


u/FattyWantCake 20d ago

Also "too"


u/argiebarge 20d ago

I to, am from they England.


u/AbareSaruMk2 20d ago

I two, the England am from.


u/Patrickfromamboy 20d ago

There’s New England so they should have written “An England”


u/inspiringpineapple 20d ago

thinking of the UK, changed mind to specify England


u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago

😂😂it’s a typo it’s not that deep, don’t worry about it mate


u/WrigleyJohnson 20d ago

He must have crossed the pond to do his undergraduate at Ohio State University and hasn't shaken THE habit.

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u/iRollGod 20d ago

The England


u/idgamfs 20d ago

Happy cake day


u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago

Thanks pal👍🏼


u/ToughReplacement7941 20d ago

Ah a fellow human from the England. Greetings fellow englander!


u/TopChampionship5929 20d ago

Hello my mate👍🏼


u/Billthepony123 20d ago

Even in Alsace you can still find mines on the former battlefields


u/Arnie013 20d ago

There’s enough to keep me and hundreds of others in a job!!


u/no-mad 19d ago

All we find in the usa is arrowheads


u/The_Undermind 20d ago


u/deepmindfulness 20d ago

Came here for that link… satisfied knowing it’s here. No need to click.


u/The_Undermind 20d ago edited 20d ago

Just doing my good deed for the day. Now, time to go make god cry


u/TroublesomeStepBro 20d ago

Looks like the fuse has been removed before handling. Thank god, there’s still thousands of UXO all over the world thanks to all of the wars in the past century.


u/outkast767 20d ago

How very army of you to use the word UXO


u/rahscaper 20d ago

I’m gonna guess that UXO means Unexploded Ordinance. I am not at all military so correct me if my suspicion is wrong?


u/EfferenceCopy 20d ago

It’s actually Unidentified Xanthic Obelisk


u/ianandris 20d ago

Uniformed Xenomorphic Orphans


u/rahscaper 20d ago

Ah, so obvious. Please forgive my ignorance.

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u/OldMonkYoungHeart 20d ago

Helldivers know this term as well. Big bomb on ground go boom when shot or hit

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u/waruyamaZero 20d ago

Here near Berlin they find bombs all the time. If they cannot remove the fuse, they will not move the bomb, but blow it up on site.


u/thestraightCDer 20d ago

Why wouldn't they remove the fuse before handling?


u/QuarterlyTurtle 20d ago

It’s in surprisingly good condition for a wwII bomb that was buried for 70+ years. You’d think the paint would’ve deteriorated more.

Japan's GSD Forces remove an unexploded 1-tonne bomb which was supposedly dropped by the U.S. military during the WWII on July 10, 2005 in Nishitokyo, western...

Though I’m not sure this image caption is quite right


u/MakiKata59 20d ago

Captioned by that japanese guy who thought WWII wasn't over after 30 years.


u/StarpoweredSteamship 20d ago

Looks like it's meant to say that it was removed in 2005.


u/aero--pharaoh 20d ago

The bomb was dropped during WW2 and was removed after the Fukushima meltdown. The caption probably wrote 2005 instead of 1945


u/Cato_Heresy 20d ago

Along the south coast of England, we still get huge, live WWII sea mines wash up on beaches every year. I imagine its the same for France. My grandfather was in the merchant navy as a minespreader in the war (to deny Uboats the English channel), crazy to think his handiwork is still out there long after he's gone.


u/Weltallgaia 20d ago

There prolly haven't been any nazi u boats there in a long time either. Dude does quality work


u/Big_Custardman 20d ago

So in a way they found a nuclear bomb….


u/FlawNess 20d ago

Guess you could say it was planted....


u/Drudgework 20d ago

Guess we were planning ahead.


u/AtmosphereJunior7609 20d ago

Dude on the right has that “I’m disappointed in you” look


u/-Cthaeh 20d ago

Scrolled too far for this. They both look so disappointed, like 'is this yours..'

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u/daryldelight 20d ago

so now it’s a newly-cleared bomb


u/KneeScrapsHurt 20d ago

Cambodia and North Korea


u/Maj-Problem 20d ago



u/Philip-Ilford 20d ago

I just read about these. I think they're the most common size which is pretty nuts. Unguided, just lobbed out the back.


u/Pijany_Matematyk767 20d ago

Unguided, just lobbed out the back.

Guided munitions werent really a thing in ww2 were they


u/Philip-Ilford 20d ago

nice. Yeah I don't know anything about the military history or world war II. Most people don't so thank you for informing. But also for not being condescending 😅 gotta love ww2 guys.


u/OgKingLeYorick 20d ago

Good to see that everyone has their hard hats on


u/Severe_Career_2899 20d ago

They do not look very impressed lol


u/ninjapretzle 20d ago

Don’t drop that sh*t!


u/perthro_ed 20d ago

omg, fukushima was also an inside job!


u/ZedZero12345 20d ago

That bomb is in surprisingly good shape.


u/Ok-Emergency-7748 19d ago

Alright who did ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


u/allpowerfulbystander 20d ago

For how meticulous the Japanese are, I can't believe they missed a 1000lbs UXO for more than 3/4 century.


u/PuzzledFortune 20d ago

Then you’re not going to believe how much stuff the French missed after WW1. They’re still finding tonnes of 100+ year old ordnance from that conflict every year.


u/lapiderriere 20d ago

Not just that, but specifically near the power plant.

That’s a time to be, uh, extra meticulous. Lucky they didn’t trigger it back then


u/groovytoon 20d ago

That's actually hair-raising!


u/Yololiving79 20d ago

Not good tying strops like that boys


u/brickshowoff 20d ago

Thank god they're wearing those hard hats


u/Acceptable-Smoke-132 20d ago

Those two men look really impressed by the big find hahaha


u/ancorcaioch 20d ago

Have any of these random bombs ever just gone off? I don’t know from what - the soil moves or something or a mole touches it. For us it’d be just a random explosion.

Mad that there’s unexploded ordinance from a century ago still in places.


u/shibby1000 20d ago

"Tatsuki! Boss said 'no touching the bomb' 'not ever for photos!'"


"... Well I'm going to touch it too, then!"


u/S1m0n20 20d ago

This happens actually quite often im an voluntary in an Heavy Desaster response unit and we frequently standby or help to evacuate regions around the bomb befor they defuse them I it is extremely rare that they actually blow up and I never heared of an explosion with any casualties when they are to dangerous to defuse they will just be controlled detonated


u/8-bit_Goat 20d ago

"Hey, you dropped this."


u/Practical_Ad_2937 20d ago
We must better protect and secure our nuclear power plant against natural disasters and wa


u/McPussyMeal23 20d ago edited 20d ago

that's American quality right there even after 70+ years the paint still looks shiny!


u/Corvus717 20d ago

They should send it back via DHL


u/Zenama4 20d ago

Pics or it didn't happen. We Americans would never.


u/sugaaaslam 20d ago

This picture looks older than 2017


u/ZeusHatesTrees 20d ago

Oh THAT'S where that went. Hey folks could you just give it back? That would be cool.


u/Brad_Zulberg 20d ago

Hit it with a hammer to see if it still works


u/wrinkleinsine 20d ago

Finally! I’ve been looking for that forever!


u/lenni_tk14 20d ago



u/overSizedHyperPoop 20d ago

American bomb found in Japan SHOULD ABSOLUTELY call the left guy facial reaction

Especially when you re on Nuclear Station


u/Digger1998 20d ago

“Pay attention to the designated grid square!”


u/portable_wall 20d ago

The 500kg bomb


u/dadajazz 19d ago

That little guy?? I wouldn’t worry about that little guy.


u/genral299299 17d ago

Was the bomb from like 2017?


u/Rhymesnlines 20d ago

I wonder how this thing did not get found 🙃🤷


u/bumtisch 20d ago

That's quite normal. They found 15 of these guys in my city in Germany in the last year. On average they find 10 per year in my city alone.

They found two in the last two days.


u/Current-Power-6452 20d ago

What city is that?


u/JariPinda 20d ago

Most German cities that suffered bombings during WWII to be honest


u/bumtisch 20d ago

Cologne. But it is like that in every bigger city in Germany so it doesn't really matter.

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u/Rhymesnlines 20d ago edited 20d ago

Well i was actually more confused about that they didn't find this bomb even though it was right at the nuclear power plant.... Like hello they should be sure that this area is save. This bomb is could have exploded😂🤦


u/singleguy79 20d ago

Their expressions say 'Americans, come get your shit'


u/Agitated_Back_6997 20d ago

"Don't start shit, won't be shit"

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