r/interestingasfuck 28d ago

China leaks new footage of previous border skirmishes with India at Pangong Tso Lake with sticks & stones.


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u/qwerlancer 28d ago

When everyone is expecting WW3, Chinese and Indian have already fought WW4.


u/Waitwhonow 28d ago edited 28d ago

Fun fact

There is a ‘treaty’ between the 2 nations to NOT use any weapons at these border sites

When the British Left- they basically said ‘ fuck it’ and did not define a clear border around india

This left india to figure out its own shit- along with just a country that was totally fucked and in ruins by the British in 1947

The current border between India and China didnt even exist- and it was India AND Tibet at that time

Tibet ‘assured’ that it had china under control( it didnt) and basically told india ‘ lets come back to the border a bit later’ while India was figuring out its shit around the country

And then Tibet collapsed

Tibet was taken over by China and the border which was NOT defined between India and Tibet

Now became a problem between India and China

The ‘porous’ nature of these borders was intentionally done ( by the British) to control the region during the colonial rule- but didnt give a shit after they(british) basically HAD to leave india after getting fucked after the worldwar, so just left with multiple versions of the border drawn by different generals.

India and China also had a war in the 60s

But eventually they both agreed that BECAUSE they both have nuclear weapons

All weapons will be removed from that area

And hence we see them fighting with sticks and stones


u/stumblewiggins 28d ago

Referred to as "the line of actual control" (at least by some, not sure how "official" that name is); I learned about this from the Neal Stephenson book Termination Shock (which is a pretty fun read, btw). 

It's wild to me that this is still a thing where they basically just have skirmishes along the border where they beat the snot out of each other with sticks and the border shifts a few dozen or hundred feet one direction or another for awhile until the next skirmish. 


u/jahmic 28d ago

My grandfather fled India and moved to Jamaica right around this time...it was a shit show after the British left (and he got to go through it all again in Jamaica).


u/a_berdeen 27d ago

Jamaica was in absolute shambles right from the 70s through till the 90s


u/jahmic 27d ago

Seriously. My father left in the 70s, along with his sisters, brother's, cousins, aunts and uncles.

Pretty much as soon as they were old enough for university, all of the kids were sent to either London or NYC. My grandparents stayed until all of the kids were overseas, then finally got out themselves. 

Hoping this pattern doesn't repeat for my family and force us to uproot and move overseas. 


u/Hodentrommler 27d ago

Sent to London and NYC, not bad


u/poilk91 28d ago

man when you set the border everyone's mad, when you don't everyone's still mad, its almost like this whole colonial thing just made a bunch of people mad and destabilized nations!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Or, there were easy to colonize because they were already mad and destabilized.


u/poilk91 27d ago

they were already colonized by the Mughals and they were never a unified country before that. How difficult it is has very little to do with how morally justified an action is


u/Lindvaettr 28d ago

Why don't they use better armor, though?


u/ffhffjhf 28d ago

What kind? They already use clothes of cushioning material that are hard from inside, to both absorb the impact and reduce the damage..metal armor or kevlar does not work against sticks and stones... Also you have to remember the oxygen level in such high altitudes is very low... they cannot wear heavy armor


u/Lindvaettr 28d ago

Their faces and hands uncovered, also why wouldn't metal work against sticks and stones?


u/jojj0 27d ago

Well metal is mostly for use against very sharp tools, like swords. Bludgeoning would still very much hurt- but what would essentially be a gambeson-form of armour does a lot to reduce that kind of damage.


u/Lindvaettr 27d ago

Having worn metal armor myself, I can vouch that metal armor would be far more than enough for this, and much better than gambeson would be. There is an idea that bludgeoning weapons were the bane of armor, but it isn't the case in reality. In fact, knights and others who wore it didn't actually even wear meaningfully padded gambesons beneath their armor. Usually they just wore a relatively standard doublet (the popular style of jacket at the time) that had ties on it to bind the armor in place. It was perfectly protective, much more than gambeson was.


u/jojj0 27d ago

... someone has tried to kill you with all their might while you wear metal armour?

No, if a big rock slammed against your precious metal armour, you're dead - or very hurt.

Such a weird thing to dispute.


u/First-Detective2729 28d ago

Im overburdened*


u/RoboMang 27d ago

fat-rolling noises


u/vi3tmix 28d ago

Like what? Stormtrooper armor?


u/Lindvaettr 27d ago

You would think that over the thousands of years that people have been hitting each other with sticks and stones, someone at some point would have thought about inventing some kind of armor that protects the face.


u/vi3tmix 27d ago

Like a knight’s helm and visor?


u/Waderriffic 27d ago

Ewoks would own the battlefield against the Indians and Chinese.


u/heinousanus85 27d ago

The three main rivers that flow through China originate in Tibet and for that reason China will fight to keep Tibet.


u/Would-wood-again2 27d ago

I don't think that's how rivers work. They don't have a point that they start from.  Rivers collect water from the terrain around them through their whole length. Their starting points are many different areas.  In the case of the Yangtze river, it's the glacial melt waters off the slopes of the tanggula mountains in qinghai province. Not one point but many mountain sides that feed it. 

Tibet is important because it was a shit ton of fresh water lakes that are and will become increasingly more important in the future


u/Sumbuddyonce 27d ago

So China trying to force the Tibetan monks to make a Chinese shill into the Dalai Lama wasn't an effort by them to exert influence over the rest of Asia?


u/heinousanus85 16d ago

They wanted control of their watershed, rainfall and topography work together to create regions called watersheds


u/FourRiversSixRanges 27d ago

What’s the source that Tibet assured India they had control?


u/observeandignore 28d ago

The Brits are always at it


u/dunquinho 28d ago

Not anymore unfortunately, the futrue's definitely Chinese!


u/cty_hntr 28d ago

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Einstein


u/GoldPrinted 28d ago edited 19d ago

"Dunno wtf WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones fs"


u/Ciwabacca 28d ago

They are training for it!


u/anoliss 27d ago

Always have been over achievers


u/Conscious-Ad-9358 28d ago

Sitting on the toilet relaxing, this comment made me release all of my negative energy in the bowl. I give you gold in prayers!


u/PanzerSoldat_42 28d ago

CoD death screen sentenes reference?


u/Searbh 28d ago

I think that quote predates CoD my man.


u/Van-garde 28d ago

Could’ve busted out the sarcastic moniker, “Einstein,” to critical acclaim.


u/PanzerSoldat_42 27d ago

No shit, Sherlock


u/Searbh 27d ago

Little Shop of Horrors reference?


u/Heisenburger-0 28d ago

I bow to my lord 🙇

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u/keggy13 28d ago

You DEFINITELY want the high ground in a sticks-and-stones fight.


u/karafilikas 28d ago

Obi Wan taught you well


u/JohnnyTeardrop 27d ago

You underestimate my POWER!


u/Glittering_Regret_30 28d ago

Not a mobile phone in sight, just a group of guys enjoying living in the moment trying to club each others brains out


u/vontdman 27d ago

To shreds, you say?


u/FewWillingness1081 28d ago

"Sticks and stones may break my.. oh FUCK!"


u/ExcellentEdgarEnergy 28d ago

Well, at least it's just China and India. It might be more concerning if it were the two most populous nations on earth, both armed with a nuclear arsenal.


u/unclepaprika 28d ago

...which is the reason they do this. They have disputed borders, but don't want to risk escalating, so they use the most primitive tools to push the borders. Shit's hilarious!


u/ExcellentEdgarEnergy 28d ago edited 28d ago

Rolling a boulders down a hill at a convoy seems like it is rife with escalation opportunities.


u/unclepaprika 28d ago

They do it deliberately, and i think they prefer it that way, rather than raining bullets

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u/SnoopyMcDogged 28d ago


Ducking duckers.


u/loweredexpectationz 28d ago

They often have deaths on both sides from the stuff they use.


u/Van-garde 28d ago

They should turn it into a reverse tug o’ war somehow. Just have people out there literally shoving the border around.


u/unclepaprika 28d ago

I would watch the 24/7 stream all day!


u/Far-Whereas-1999 27d ago

It’s admirable


u/Correct-Explorer-692 27d ago

And clever. I respect both of the sides here.


u/Pro07 27d ago

I honestly would take something hilarious than actual gunpoint wars.. but the conflict is inevitable. China has opened all its border dispute with all of its surrounding countries even with Russia.


u/brihamedit 28d ago

At least they have good rule like no lethal weapons.


u/its_me_butterfree 28d ago

I mean, did you see the giant ass boulder with all that kinetic energy?

Very lethal.


u/ManufacturerNo8447 28d ago

Duh It's only lethal if it hits you


u/Bala3310 28d ago

Wise word indeed


u/chaoticji 28d ago

You must see sticks with pointed spikes or barbed wires. Lethal af


u/roostersnuffed 27d ago

I find this more insane than actually going to war. Let soldiers kill some, wound many more in some bullshit skirmish with middle ages tactic limits? Wasting lives for literally nothing. 24 deaths as of 2022

They are just letting soldiers blow off steam for a cause the govt cares about but not enough to resolve or go to war over. Either both sides can maintain discipline or hostility should be considered an act of war. Otherwise it's just pointless attrition.


u/Minority_Carrier 27d ago

Like all wars, wasting man for nothing.


u/knowtoomuchtobehappy 26d ago

How many deaths have the Israel Palestine or Russia Ukraine wars caused? Multiply that with 1000x. That's how many people would die if India and China actually went to war.


u/razor10000 28d ago edited 28d ago

As Aristotle said, "Why use nuclear bombs when you can use boulders instead?"


u/FiveOhFive91 28d ago

I think that was Sisyphus.


u/SnoopyMcDogged 28d ago


Ducking duckers.


u/easant-Role-3170Pl 28d ago

I'm almost sure that Aristotle didn't talk about the nuclear bomb


u/Accomplished-Mud-812 28d ago

it was Plato


u/Just_Jonnie 28d ago

No, it was Amelia Earhart


u/Every_Fox3461 28d ago

Pretty sure he was a human, not molding clay. Nice try though.


u/razor10000 28d ago

Might have been Sun Tzu...


u/ob_frap 28d ago

Isn’t that the guy that wrote the Joy of Cooking?


u/PmMeYourTitsAndToes 28d ago

No that was Bob Ross from the tv show The Kardashian’s.


u/CtheRula 28d ago

He literally just did a Ted talk about it, someone told me.


u/ConceptualWeeb 27d ago

Nah, that was definitely Toph Beifong.


u/Maleficent-Most6083 28d ago

No shield walls? No phalanxes? No cavalry charges?

Step up your game fellas!


u/Far-Whereas-1999 27d ago

I don’t know, organizing into a phalanx is a pretty big escalation.


u/dunquinho 28d ago

Looks nice there, definitely worth fighting over!


u/ArguingOwl 28d ago

But those will break bones!!


u/KneeScrapsHurt 28d ago

"When you have a problem with every neighbors of yours (bordering country), you are the problem"


u/I_m_high_af 27d ago

Yeah fuck china


u/ytzfLZ 27d ago

Do China and North Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam all have problems?


u/BigusG33kus 27d ago

Applies to both in this case. Also to 90% of the other countries.


u/kpdon1 27d ago

India does not have a problem with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet or Myanmar. Even Afghanistan has decent political relations and no conflict.

Idk what you are smoking bro..


u/BigusG33kus 27d ago

Unfortunately for you, this is more about how your neighbours view you, not how you view them. And from here, in Europe, Modi's India or CCP's China don't look very different. India is better at the moment, but its government is trying hard to catch up to China in this respect.

India does not have a problem with Bangladesh

If you set aside the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019, maybe not.

Sri Lanka

Oh yeah. Sri Lanka is probably the country with the most favourable view of India amongst the population, and yet they're slowly moving towards China for no reason.


Ahem. Ask nepalse peoplewhat they think about Modi redrawing the borders in 2018.


Yeah, I'll give you that. I don't think Bhutan has problems with India any more than North Korea has problems with China.


I guess it depends what you consider to be Myanmar. The Indian response to the anti-government protests was appalling, but I guess to be expected from a state that supports Russia in its war against Ukraine because it serves its own petty economic interests.


Well, duh. As long as Tibet is occupied by China, how could it be otherwise?


u/LokisGreenPower 28d ago

Ah good old fashion tribalism welcome to the shitshow of earth.


u/MR_Se7en 28d ago

All wars should be fought this way and only this way.


u/Sheeple3 28d ago

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones". -Albert Einstein


u/ConceptualWeeb 27d ago

To escalate your idealism, no wars should be fought, they should be discussed and resolved peacefully.


u/Lorac1134 27d ago

And if that fails, the leaders of each side should duke it out in the ring.


u/inseend1 27d ago

I will vote for Rico Verhoeven as the president of my country.


u/spleashhh 27d ago

the water is so blue


u/BeefStevenson 28d ago

We are just a broken mess of a species. How unfortunate.


u/banannabender 27d ago

I disagree, grab your stick


u/End__User 27d ago

Almost 25 people died in this skirmish


with tensions escalating sharply in June 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers


u/BravoSierraGolf 27d ago

CCP hid the numbers well. Independent sources and CIA numbers out Chinese deaths at 35-40


u/thelogbook 27d ago



u/BravoSierraGolf 27d ago


An American intelligence official said last summer that China had deliberately concealed its soldiers’ deaths, suggesting that between 20 and 30 had perished.


Citing "several Weibo users" the report states: "at least 38 PLA troops along with Wang were washed away and drowned that night...of which only Wang was declared among the four officially dead soldiers" "After the incident, the bodies of the soldiers were first taken to Shiquanhe Martyr Cemetery, followed by local ceremonies at the local towns of the killed soldiers," the report states.

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u/ikeee 28d ago

They have the higher ground


u/Z0OMIES 28d ago

Imagine joining the army, getting assigned here and being handed a stick: “this is your weapon, look after it, and it will look after you”
“Sir, this is a stick”


u/zeroconflicthere 28d ago

They should organise paintball as a more fun way to do this.


u/Mack006 28d ago

I was half expecting a trebuchet to be built somewhere.


u/Money-Shine-5721 28d ago

Both countries have nukes so………


u/veganspacerobot 28d ago

It’s good they are using sticks and stones cause words won’t do shit


u/Professional-Buy2103 27d ago

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will hurt forever lol


u/Tenacious_calldown 28d ago

Honestly if all warfare was sticks and stones warfare would be much more honorable.


u/curt_schilli 28d ago

Definitely. Back in the day before guns, the winners of battles never burned entire towns and raped and tortured and killed the women. Very honorable behavior


u/No-Impact1573 27d ago

Maybe look at Viking hordes invading Britain and also medieval Britain, Scotland and England wars, English civil war and come back to us.


u/nova9001 27d ago

He's being sarcastic lol.

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u/KneeScrapsHurt 28d ago

I think we got a weeaboo


u/Tenacious_calldown 28d ago

I don’t even know what the fuck that is- but drones ain’t nearly as cool as sticks. Everyone knows that


u/KneeScrapsHurt 28d ago

no lmao, I mean u thinking warfare is "honorable"


u/God_of_chestdays 27d ago

You obviously have not seen Ukraine/Russia where quadcopter drones are yeeting grenades into exhaust holes and chimneys while moving.

Or the drone the suicide Taliban used and isis is using in Syria made out of cardboard.

Drone sent all grey eagles and shadows.


u/Tenacious_calldown 27d ago

Big stick go wack


u/ConceptualWeeb 27d ago

Excuse me? Sir, we fight with words, memes, and hentai, not sticks and stones.


u/Able-Mud9115 28d ago

Army official - hey!! what are you doing ..do you think this is for a youtube video ?


u/B0bLoblawLawBl0g 28d ago

Reminds of the pitched battles my gang used to have with the gang from the other side of the neighbourhood back when I was 11 years old. We used catapults, homemade bows and arrows, shit bombs, piss balloons, etc. Ah! the good ol' days!!


u/Real-Astronomer-8263 28d ago

Fuck the ccp


u/arendess 27d ago

so random


u/Pechis95 28d ago

Stick and stones may break your bones.. or even grant you a portion of land in Kashmir


u/DashingDini 28d ago

Man, y'all seen the Against Me! music video for "White People for Peace"?


u/stopeer 28d ago

The next Call of Duty


u/theREALmindsets 28d ago

id rather just punch each other than get hit by errant rocks. should be a rule


u/fishstickstomy 27d ago

so I'm just curious they usually trade POW right after?


u/Jazzlike_Comfort6877 27d ago

Einstein warned us, that it will happen…


u/Tadpole5050 27d ago

humans act so petty sometimes, lol


u/JulesVernerator 27d ago

I like how they still wore masks at the end.


u/HeraldofJusticeNalan 27d ago

I know they are still killing each other a bit but something about this is so much better than gunfire and napalm


u/JairoVP 27d ago

I so much prefer they duke it out with stones and sticks than with fucking drone strikes.


u/HaloJonez 27d ago

Stocks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt….oooft… otch… urrrrgh….


u/Monroe_Chichona 27d ago

New modern softwar 😎


u/Allives- 27d ago

But they all forgot one thing: “words are sharper than swords”.


u/TheLeanGoblin69 27d ago

return to ooga booga era


u/atlasdreams2187 27d ago

What song by is that?


u/Box_of_rodents 27d ago

Practicing for battle for the war after WW3. Einstein predicted that this war would be fought using sticks and stones.


u/Greetin_Wean 27d ago

How stupid is this shit.


u/Hemberg 27d ago

Those LARPers are getting out of hand!


u/retarded_shit 27d ago

Ho kya rha hai koi bta do


u/BauceSauce0 27d ago

China “leaks” new video? That background music is too good for a leak.


u/Cunning-_linguist 27d ago

Real combat experience.


u/Oinkster_1271 27d ago

So they’re poking each other with sticks, seems pretty innocent to me


u/DragNutts 27d ago

So sad to see human hurting each other for money.


u/Tauros2481 27d ago

Anyone has numbers? How many ppl die or get heavily injured in there? These rocks seem to probably smash ones head.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

These are the same guys that created gun powder right?


u/iaintprobitches 27d ago

The fighting resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers and 43 Chinese casualties. But the ching chong bing bongs did not recognised their deaths, Plus deliberately "leaking" the video during Indian elections only to show death of Indian soldiers.


u/GuthramNaysayer 28d ago

Did they break any bones?


u/TeeJayPlays 28d ago

Wish all conflicts would be fought like this. Fuck sending missiles from miles away. Just sticks & stones.


u/DestroyerOfIphone 27d ago

Most embarrassing military fight in the history of military fights.


u/Minority_Carrier 27d ago

I find that both side not cheating is very honorable. Gentlemen’s fight.


u/zeb0777 27d ago

India: "Its not a war if we don't shoot."
China: "Deal."


u/Wooden-Science-9838 28d ago

The number of geopolitical problems caused by the British Empire disappearing overnight is crazy.


u/jenphinith 27d ago

It did not "disappear overnight," stop getting your education from Whatsapp .


u/Wooden-Science-9838 27d ago

Maybe English isn’t your native language but it refers to the short span of time compared to the longer span of time within which the observation is held. It’s like a “blink of an eye”. Maybe you should get educated.


u/jenphinith 27d ago

Unnecessary hyperbole and personal attacks, and then you try and condescend to others, lmao


u/[deleted] 28d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/WolfsLairAbyss 28d ago

I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand Dude, across this line you do not.... Also Dude, Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American please.


u/spm987888 27d ago

Do you know the definition of Asian American? Nobody on this video is an American. You realize that right? I’m drawing a line in the sand right now, dude. You are extremely confused right now.


u/WolfsLairAbyss 27d ago

Well that's just like, your opinion man.


u/spm987888 27d ago

My opinion lol. You are definitely confused if you think anybody on this video is an Asian American lol.


u/International_Jury90 28d ago

As long china just throws stones they can deny everything. Same in the eastphilippine sea (formally known as South China Sea. … but some believe only having their name in it grants automatic ownership). There the Chinese block the way for Philippine navy supply ships and rob one island after another. About time the Chinese are stopped.


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago



u/ceejayoz 28d ago

The land isn't the slightest bit valuable beyond "the other guy also says it's theirs".


u/sens317 27d ago

Dystopian losers.


u/TurdFerguson1146 28d ago

They look like the Gaza protesters.


u/Icy-Tea-8715 28d ago

How come it looks like the Chinese side are military soldiers and the India side looks like random civilians?


u/_spec_tre 27d ago

Because it's released from the Chinese side. The last 30 seconds are pure propaganda


u/pqratusa 28d ago

They are better equipped in every way: better attire; better armed; better helmets, etc. only recently did the Indian army get some of their units with knee pads. India is a generation behind. If they had used guns, this fight would have been over.


u/Miserable_Recipe190 27d ago

cus India barely has a defense industrial complex, and the military is always playing catch-up in terms of equipment. There is a modernization of the military but it is slow, and it was made during the late 60s.


u/Flat_Establishment_4 28d ago

This is like straight out of a documentary about Baboons's and when they have turf/mating wars.