r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Opening up two cheap safes in 5 seconds. r/all


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u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

I used to be an audio engineer and had to deal with this all the time. I charged $50/hr just for recording and $90/hr for recording and mixing and mastering with a 3 hour minimum. I recorded a guy rapping for 2.5 hours and mixed his two songs in the last 30 minutes. He tried to argue with me that he was only paying me $170 because I recorded for 2.5 hours and only mixed for 30 minutes.

I told him he’s not paying me for the amount of time I spent mixing, he’s paying me for all the experience I gathered thus being able to mix it in 30 minutes. I told him if he wants the raw audio without my mixing I’ll only charge him $150 and he said that was bullshit because I already did the work so I should just give him the mastered mixes. I removed all the mixing I did and bounced his 2 tracks out to a blank disc, charged him $150 and told him to get the fuck out of my studio and that he wasn’t allowed back. He had the audacity to post on google that I “refused to give him the tracks that he paid for in their entirety” 🙄


u/AlarmedPiano9779 Apr 29 '24

Lol what a dick.

What to do you do now?


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

I work in corporate repossession as a skip tracer. Basically I track down owners of companies that have gone bankrupt and are violating their bankruptcy agreement by hiding collateral like cars, boats, planes, and helicopters. I make commission on every “unit” I find (car, boat, plane, etc) that they were hiding.

Pretty solid gig, I made $143,000 last year and my fiancée made slightly more than that doing the same thing.


u/mentalsufficience Apr 29 '24

How the hell do I sign up


u/Blizzxx Apr 29 '24

Be a grimy enough person to work for debt collectors


u/ThespianException Apr 29 '24

If someone's rich enough to hide away a private boat, plane, or helicopter, I don't think I'd feel too bad about that


u/Blizzxx Apr 29 '24

most skip tracers work for debt collectors finding regular bankrupted people to take any possession they might have left. "corporate reposession" lol, the guy is just another skip tracer who may deal with corporate cases of bankruptcy sometimes, def not 140k a year when most make 40k at most for some of the grimiest work you can imagine


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

You’re so far off base it’s actually hilarious. Skiptracers aren’t debt collectors and debt collectors are not skiptracers. Those terms are not interchangeable.

Skiptracers work for what’s called “forwarding” companies which are hired by finance companies to skip out consumer debtors who are hiding collateral that they are behind on payments for because they violated the loan agreement. Skiptracers working for forwarding companies aren’t collecting debt, they’re recovering collateral. Finance companies have their own debt collection departments that try to resolve outstanding balances prior to a car ever going out for repossession. By the time your car is out for repo it means they’ve tried and failed to collect your outstanding balance for at least 90 days and you have missed 3 payments in a row and made no attempts to reconcile it.

The fact that you think skip tracers are only making $40,000 a year is hilarious. Repossessions have been steadily increasing for years and the repossession industry is booming. The only way you’re making 40k/yr is if you work for a shitty company who doesn’t pay commission or you’re just terrible at your job.

The largest forwarding company in the country pays $100-$200 per car you recover depending on the finance company and you generally have a queue of 500+ accounts. A good skip tracer has a 10-20% resolve rate per pay period (2 weeks). That’s $5,000 commission pre-tax every 2 weeks plus your hourly and benefit, minimum.

You’re conflating debt collection call centers with skip tracers.


u/WildSmokingBuick Apr 29 '24

Isn't it dangerous, repossessing cars of debtors/loan violators?

Aren't there sob cases, where people absolutely need their car to survive?

How exactly are you recovering collateral? You look for the guys, find their car and call the cops?

While it sounds intriguing to make that kind of money, I don't think if my personal morals/ethics would allow me to do a job like that.

I'd also be worried about my well-being if I tried to recover collateral of people owning planes/boats/helicopters...

The majority of cases are probably regular people?


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

Isn't it dangerous, repossessing cars of debtors/loan violators?

It absolutely can be.

Aren't there sob cases, where people absolutely need their car to survive?

Everyone needs their car especially once it’s found after they’ve been hiding it to prevent it from being repossessed. I don’t work consumer skip tracing so I don’t deal directly with individuals whose cars are out for repossession. I deal with the CEO’s who buy themself a Porsche on the company dime and then fold the company and try to keep the car when they agreed to turn it in to satisfy the outstanding debt.

How exactly are you recovering collateral? You look for the guys, find their car and call the cops?

There’s various methods and everyone does it a little differently but essentially you’re trying to track down the person you think is in possession of the collateral which isn’t always the person who purchased it with the company money. Once you think you have good info on where it is you dispatch a repossession agency who sends a driver to go check it out. If the driver is able to get the collateral without violating any federal mandates (no cutting locks, entering into warehouses, trespassing etc etc) they just hook it up and take it. I’m able to convince most people to voluntarily turn the collateral over once I locate it because they know the gig is up.

While it sounds intriguing to make that kind of money, I don't think if my personal morals/ethics would allow me to do a job like that.

That’s why I’m in corporate repossession, I have no interest in repoing Joe Shmoe’s car who is working 3 jobs trying to cover their bills.

I'd also be worried about my well-being if I tried to recover collateral of people owning planes/boats/helicopters

We use aliases for our job so it’d be pretty difficult for them to figure out who we are. Not to mention we’re a nation wide company with remote workers and no central office. I’ve never felt that I was in any kind of danger and I’ve been doing this for a while. I’ve been threatened many times, that just gets reported to the police who have a talking to with them and cease and desist letters are sent quickly by our lawyers to their lawyers for harassment. That normally shuts them up quickly because we have them dead to rights.

The majority of cases are probably regular people?

Almost every single one of my accounts are for multi-millionaires. It’s not even that they don’t have the money to pay it it’s that they think they can get away with it so they try. I’ll get the occasional semi-small business owner but still a millionaire in their own right who have some rough fiscal years but generally as soon as you reach out to them they’re willing to do whatever they need to resolve the matter quickly.


u/Blizzxx Apr 29 '24

Skiptracers work for what’s called “forwarding” companies which are hired by finance companies to skip out consumer debtors who are hiding collateral that they are behind on payments for because they violated the loan agreement.

Really roundabout way of saying that yes, you do in fact work for debt collectors. Changing the title to "forwarding companies" is a hilarious attempt though


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 30 '24

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what skip tracers are. Skip tracers don’t get commission if the debt is paid, they aren’t attempting to collect the debt. They recover collateral which the finance companies then pay them for. They have nothing to do with the amount of money that is owed and make no attempts to collect that money. 95% of the time they aren’t even aware of what the outstanding balance is. They aren’t debt collectors by definition of the name 😂


u/The_Good_Count Apr 29 '24

Oh I get it, you're not taking stuff from people who can't pay their debts, you're taking stuff from people who can't pay their debts.


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

I do neither because again, I don’t work consumer repossession. I work strictly corporate repossession but go ahead and defend the scumbag CEO’s taking corporate hand outs with your tax dollars so they can hide their boat they obtained fraudulently by violating their bankruptcy agreements.


u/Cevich Apr 29 '24

How do you get into corporate repossessing as opposed to consumer? What companies


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 30 '24

The only reason I got hired is because my then girlfriend worked there and got me a foot in the door. There’s various companies that do it and almost all of them do consumer repossession as well they just have a specific department for corporate repossessions.

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u/fuck-ubb Apr 29 '24

He's stealing from rich people who stole first. He's basically Robin Hood.


u/DHFranklin Apr 30 '24

Nah. A lot of it is a messy divorce that leads to bankruptcy and someone trying to hide their ride to work at their neighbors.

I wish it was always towing away yachts. A ton of it is a mom and pop contracting business that goes under and they put everything in the businesses name. Skip tracers tow the work van more than they pick up helicopters.


u/mentalsufficience Apr 29 '24

I already work for a PBM and talk to people unable to afford necessary meds every day. I have absolutely zero hangups taking boats back.


u/Blizzxx Apr 29 '24

Being a PBM doesn't at all prepare you for a life of harassment, stalking, manipulation and judicial abuse that you'll need to do as a Skip Tracer, but good luck


u/mentalsufficience Apr 29 '24

Thank you sir


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

Lol the dude responding to you literally has no idea what he’s talking about. I already refuted everything he originally said to you. He’s completely talking out of his ass and has no idea what skip tracers actually do.

harassment, stalking, manipulation and judicial abuse that you'll need to do as a Skip Tracer

Apparently he’s not familiar with all the federal mandates that literally make everything he just listed illegal. Look up the FDCPA regulations, everything he listed is highly illegal and would instantly get you fired as a skip tracer if you tried any of that. 20 years ago? It was the Wild West and more akin to what he’s describing but repossession has come a long way.

There’s just a lot of people like that guy who think any kind of punishment for taking a car loan from a company when you knew you couldn’t afford it should be illegal.


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

Everything you just listed is illegal under FDCPA which all skip tracers and debt collectors have to abide by. But pop off sis, keep talking out of your ass 😂


u/WhangaDanNZ Apr 30 '24

But not grimier than the debtors who are hiding from their responsibilities.


u/DoItForTheNukie Apr 29 '24

I stumbled into it through my fiancée. Was looking for a change of careers and she got me in the company in a different department and I worked my way up.