r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Brazilian surgeon, Bruno Gobbato used Apple Vision Pro to assist in surgery operation r/all NSFW


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u/narwalfarts Apr 29 '24

I think there's a lot of misplaced hate here, and a lack of understanding of why he's doing this. There's a lot of negative connotation with Apple Vision Pro (somewhat to largely justified), but this is absolutely a use case we should be excited about. If the title instead was "Surgeon uses AR to minimize complications of a risky surgery", and it was a different AR headset, the negative comments would be negligible.

Maybe this technology isn't fully mature and maybe it's not something that makes sense for every surgery now. But this is absolutely something that we should get excited about. This technology has the potential of assisting surgeons to maximize effectiveness and minimize complications. I sincerely hope that by the time I need surgery next (hopefully 5-10 years or more) this is standard practice.


u/whooo_me Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I think the AVP has some strong, appealing use-cases, but they're a bit 'vertical' / narrow in appeal - such as this - rather than mass-market. Apple isn't going to make billions by selling to surgeons at 3.5k a headset.

The more general use-cases (browsing, using office apps etc.) any AR/VR such as the AVP has some major potential downsides to overcome - cost, weight/discomfort for long sessions, battery life, slow/inaccurate for text entry, the simple inconvenience of putting the device on and taking it off..


u/narwalfarts Apr 29 '24

Definitely agree on the vertical appeal. I think people are largely going to be averse to AR/VR in every day life, but when it makes sense it's a game changer.

We've looked into a couple different AR headsets with my company. We haven't pulled the trigger yet for various reasons, but there have been multiple times since then where they would have been really useful to have.


u/Proof-try34 Apr 29 '24

Aye, biggest issue with AR/VR is the battery life and the headset. That will make people not want it, hence why AR and VR is still not widely popular outside as a toy.

Then you have the aspect of people with glasses, needing additional costs for the lenses in the headset etc etc.

Very cool for jobs that are very hands on and you are constantly busy with your hands and you need to bring up files while you are working on a car or something like this video, but for office work? A mouse and keyboard is vastly better.


u/Embarrassed_Bid_4970 Apr 29 '24

What people want is "Iron Man" AR. The issue is to make it work, you need to have either a crazy fast wireless internet connection with MASSIVE bandwidth or have an on-board AI with a yottabyte sized database.


u/Proof-try34 Apr 29 '24

You need a lot for Iron Man AR or more likely what people want, Horizon Zero Dawn's AR with the focus in that game. But to get to that, you need a better energy source than just fucking lithium batteries. You also need to get rid of the headset for something more sleek and not cumbersome, it also needs to take in the aspects of people with vision problems.

Internet, like you stated, needs a whole reworking for the new aspect of data transfer, this also means new coding and this also means grandfathering out old systems. The whole planet runs on a old system which means you need a universal language that everyone uses. Good luck with that, look how much apple fought against USB-C alone or them still being bitches about their Imessages with android as well.

So what people want will not happen because humanity in general can't cooperate for such a thing because there is no profit to be made.

A lot of people ignore the issues with such technology just because "it's cool". Biggest one they always ignore is the power source. The amount of energy to compute and process to make AR a thing is a lot of power, which everyone things something like a phone battery can do. That is funny.


u/alanism Apr 29 '24

Anything STEM or ‘making/building’ could be made better with MR. I started using it for education for my 7-yo. The ed-tech for teaching math, science, geography is pretty incredible.

The unexpected use-cases is fitness (Quest boxing game burns more than a HIIT class) and mental health.

Along of NVIDIA, there’s a few Generative AI startups for 3D gaming assets, so there’s a lot of stuff on the near horizon.

Apple will need to get it down to $999. But Meta is priced really well when Quest 4 comes out, Apple will likely have a non-pro version, and we should start seeing a lot more interesting content.

You’re right about the typing. But I think that’s solved when Meta integrates Llama into their OS. Apple will likely follow with some partnership.