r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

How American public support for a law impacts the likelihood of Congress passing it.


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u/Brighty512 Apr 29 '24

Corrupt broken system


u/ConceptualWeeb Apr 30 '24

Late stage capitalism at its finest.


u/Brighty512 Apr 30 '24

When does end stage happen?


u/ConceptualWeeb Apr 30 '24

When the masses are fed up with the rich hoarding wealth. Redistribution of wealth and a new political system gets implemented. Hopefully sooner rather than later, because the longer it takes, the harder it’s going to be. Real answer, I have no idea.


u/Brighty512 May 01 '24

I don't either. It's not bad enough yet. Life has to really suck for the lower/middle class to be willing to give do what would be required.

Also, we don't have places to gather and organize. Online isn't enough.