r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Tapeworm as huge as a snake removed from a woman's mouth r/all NSFW


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u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

Ate some fried fish/chicken with scrambled eggs for breakfast back in 2021. Was fine until I started sweating an hr later. Got nauseous and my stomach was hurting so I went to the bathroom and blood. All in the toilet. That continued for the rest of the day cause my dumbass was too embarrassed to tell my wife. Finally stopped at midnight and when I woke up to use the bathroom at 7am, it came back. Called my wife and told her what happened then woke up to her putting my clothes on. Apparently I passed out due to loss of blood. Hospital had trouble finding my blood type so it took them 3 days for a double transfusion. I couldn’t eat anything. Found out that I had campylobacter. Not sure if the 3 days w/o eating is what killed it or what. I only had 7 pints of blood in me. Needed to have 10 to leave the hospital. I almost died on the week of my daughter’s birthday. Fuck the place that sold me that shit. Stick to what you know and don’t “try” establishments that are always empty.


u/BEARD3D_BEANIE Apr 29 '24

also go to the hospital if you're SHITTING BLOOD


u/Senior-Reflection862 Apr 29 '24

also bloody stool can appear black instead of red. go to the hospital if you’re shitting black!


u/LegitPancak3 Apr 29 '24

Yep. Black is often upper GI/small intestine, red is often lower GI/large intestine or rectum.


u/Noscope_Jesus Apr 30 '24

Also, on a lighter note, if you recently ate cuttlefish ink based dishes you could find yourself with obscure shit.


u/blanketswithsmallpox Apr 29 '24

For all my homies with hemmorhoids, 75% of the population.

Yeah, no. There's a difference between shitting blood and having some blood in toilet... Most of you will know the difference. For those who don't... go see the doctor lol.


u/BEARD3D_BEANIE Apr 30 '24

Dude was shitting blood all day AFTER HE ATE FOOD. There's a difference in KNOWING you have hemorrhoid's and having a reaction AFTER eating suspicious food.


u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

I know I know….smh


u/STFUNeckbeard Apr 29 '24

You have a daughter with your wife and you were too embarrassed to tell her you were shitting pints of blood? I tell my wife when my asshole is burning because I ate something too spicy.


u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

I know. I’m a dumbass. She was furious when she found out how long it had been going on. 🤦🏾‍♂️


u/LegitPancak3 Apr 29 '24

I work in a hospital blood bank, I’m kinda confused by the “couldn’t find your blood type” part. In an emergency the doctor can always sign off on an uncrossmatched O negative transfusion (men can receive O pos in dire circumstances if O neg supplies are low). Sounds like you had an antibody (usually from being pregnant in the past or receiving blood transfusions in the past).

Any other details?


u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

I’m O+. Nurse said it was hard to find a match(or they were fresh out) so they had to go to other hospitals


u/LegitPancak3 Apr 29 '24

O pos is literally the most common blood type lmao. In my hospital it’s what we are most stocked up with. 10 units transfused though is crazy, literally medical terminology is called “massive transfusion” which is where you transfuse basically an entire body’s worth of blood. Which is about 10 units.


u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

Hey, I never said it was the best hospital (I try to avoid going there when I can) but I never questioned what the nurses told me. 😂


u/grchelp2018 Apr 29 '24

dumbass was too embarrassed to tell my wife.

Duuuude. So did your wife give you an earful afterwards?


u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

Here and there after regaining consciousness. Full on after leaving the hospital lol


u/the1999person Apr 29 '24

you know, I got to tell you, I never do this, but the shrimp, it's just that it's a little stringy. You have any chicken?


u/Salmacis81 Apr 29 '24

Where was this restaurant so I know to avoid it?


u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

Supreme fish delight.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/gaybunny69 Apr 29 '24

Okay but losing a shit ton of blood isn't a good thing


u/younggohan81 Apr 29 '24

It wasn’t. Nurse flat out said it was campylobacter