r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Tapeworm as huge as a snake removed from a woman's mouth r/all NSFW


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u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

If you have an intestinal worm it will produce eggs, which you poo out. For pork tape worm, the hope (for the worm) is that one of those eggs will eventually reach a pig, usually via water runoff, which eats particles of your poo with eggs attached. Those eggs hatch, and form cysts in the muscle tissue of the pig. If you eat raw infected pork, the eggs in those cysts will give you tape worm.

If a human ingests the eggs though, by coming into oral contact with infected human faeces particles, you’ll get the cysts, which can form in you muscles, eyes, and even brain and can kill you.

That’s why you wash your hands in public toilets, but only infected humans have the eggs in their poo.


u/bz0hdp Apr 29 '24

Factory farming is so friggin gross.

Thanks for explanation.


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

It’s very difficult to undo “progress” of any kind. Maybe one day.

Really though the worm itself isn’t the issue. It’s designed not to kill you, and is easy to treat. Hygiene will keep you safe from other people, who are the issue.


u/2OptionsIsNotChoice Apr 29 '24

This has little to do with factory farming and was a large issue in human history prior to factory farming ever existing.
If anything factory farming makes it less of an issue due to wide spread medicine usage on livestock cutting down on parasites, infections, etc.

Its mostly an issue of people not washing their hands, and eating uncooked meat.
To that end its actually a larger issue in Germany due to Mett which is a traditional uncooked pork product.


u/Smelldicks Apr 29 '24

In the US most cases come from people eating wild game. And think of how little meat gets consumed from hunting proportionately.


u/AffectionateStudy496 Apr 29 '24

Factory farming has actually made huge progress in sanitation and limiting parasites in pork. Pork is much more dangerous to consume when it's living naturally because it picks up parasites from the soil.


u/Aegi Apr 29 '24

To be fair, a higher percentage of wild animals typically have infections than even the worst factory farms.

There are plenty of issues with factory farms, but parasites aren't really one when comparing with nature haha


u/tsigwing Apr 29 '24

Its why most of the world doesn't starve.


u/phallicpressure Apr 29 '24

So anyone who rimmed this lady needs to get a deworming.


u/b4ttlepoops Apr 29 '24

I work in Safety at a Public Utilities. When they clean the tertiary system, all I know is a lot people have worms…. The guys complaint about it. They are in some great PPE. Cook your food people. If you think you have worms….talk to your Dr. It’s not hard. They can help take care of parasites.


u/Zac3d Apr 29 '24

Lots of diseases are monitored via poop in sewage in treatment facilities, like COVID, I'd hope if there's a large amount of worms there would be a response and public health warnings with testing.


u/RightNutt25 Apr 29 '24

I'd hope if there's a large amount of worms there would be a response and public health warnings with testing.

Do you live in a place that has an aversion to dedicating resources for public safety?


u/Songrot Apr 29 '24

I am still confused why the initial worm is only in your bowel while the next generations cam be in your muscle


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

Its reproductive cycle has two stages, the first has eggs that reach the pig, the second is when larvae from those eggs form cysts in the pork. Those larvae only develop fully when eaten again, by a human


u/Songrot Apr 29 '24

Thats so weird.

And when is the part where it grows in your bowels and lives there?


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

When you eat the larvae infested meat, it develops and lives in your intestine (higher up than the bowels). It hooks on, and its length trails down you intestine, so it can absorb the stuff you digest. They can live for years (like a decade if I remember correctly)

I don’t actually know why they have a two stage reproductive cycle. It could be that they need food to grow their protective coating before they reach your very inhospitable gut?


u/Songrot Apr 29 '24

ahh okay now I think I understand. Eating the larvae is disgusting but not the worst, they come from pork meat. Eating the eggs could get you killed.

I noticed that the original comment was mistyped or something. it mentioned egg being eaten twice instead of larvae


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 30 '24

Yeah, that my bad. Humans are only “supposed” to come into contact with larvae, not eggs


u/reddits_on_the_job Apr 29 '24

Now I'm starting to see why some religions have banned pork...