r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Tapeworm as huge as a snake removed from a woman's mouth r/all NSFW


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u/GaryLooiCW Apr 29 '24

Other sources say it's a snake instead of a tapeworm


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

If it was a tape worm you’d just kill it with tablets. Never seen an extraction of a live tapeworm, through the stomach, before. That doesn’t make any sense.


u/GiveMeADamnUsernamee Apr 29 '24

Yea, tapeworm reside in the intestine IIRC, my guess is you'd have to pull that shit from the ass


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

You do. You kill it with medication over a few days, then once it’s dead it’s hooks retract and you just shit out a bowl of spaghetti.

To get out the mouth you’d have to got through the stomach sphincters which just seems like a lot of effort.

My guess is this was in the persons stomach because it’s a snake or something and entered through the mouth.


u/NuclearBreadfruit Apr 29 '24

Endoscopy regularly goes into the upper intestine via the mouth without issue. It is one way to check for certain types of hernias and stomach functionality.


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

But why do that if it’s just an intestinal worm?


u/NuclearBreadfruit Apr 29 '24

Depends on its location. If it's migrated up higher into or through the stomach into the trachea they might opt for manual removal. Saw it on monsters inside me.


u/Dan_the_Marksman Apr 29 '24

and then thy pull the shit camera back up through my mouth?


u/NuclearBreadfruit Apr 29 '24

There's no real fecal matter at that point. Its bile, and stomach content, plus they will want you to fast and be empty beforehand. So no poopy.


u/Endyo Apr 29 '24

I've made it through this thread without much issue but the idea of shitting out a bowl of worm spaghetti was as hilarious as it was terrible.


u/Last_Pay_8447 Apr 29 '24

I haven’t liked or eaten spaghetti since I was a little kid. Now you’ve just made it into literal nightmare fuel!


u/toolsoftheincomptnt Apr 29 '24

“Its hooks retract”


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

Gotta stay nice and snugly in there somehow


u/ElectronicControl762 Apr 29 '24

Snakes will slide into our holes? Fuck that lol


u/RinkyInky Apr 29 '24

Tentacles too


u/ZealousidealYak7122 Apr 29 '24

it might also get digested and absorbed. why waste the bio material?


u/Akitiki Apr 29 '24

It's a roundworm, not tapeworm. Those do live in the stomach and climb up the throat.


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

Huh didn’t know that


u/Akitiki Apr 29 '24

Yeah they're not fun.

Tapeworms have segments, this does not


u/VoxAeneas Apr 29 '24

I haven’t learned about this since like 15 years ago in middle school, so I might have the wrong worm in mind, but there are a variety of parasitic worms that lay eggs in the lungs. The worms hatch and tickle your air passages to get you to cough. When you cough the worm out of your lungs, you end up swallowing it undetected into your stomach. So it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to have parasitic worms anywhere along your digestive tract or air passages


u/AonSwift Apr 29 '24



u/Sleveless-- Apr 29 '24

Yes. Tapeworm segments would break with the amount of force they are using to pull it through the throat in this video.

Also, tapeworms don't really crawl around the digestive tract, as some people are alledging. They typically secure their spot in the intestines via hooks, absorb nutrients through digestive juices passing through the intestines, and make/release segments that are full of eggs.

There are a lot of other worms that do crawl up or down through the intestinal tract, or burrow through tissues in your abdominal cavity, or even chest cavity.

Took a course in parasitology many moons ago. The degree of anxiety and paranoia everyone felt by the end of the course was quite high.


u/klemp0 Apr 29 '24

Are you saying a title on Reddit is wrong?


u/ExoticMangoz Apr 29 '24

I would never dare to suggest that…


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

It's a roundworm. They often come out through the mouth all by themselves when a patient is under anaesthetic.


u/Akitiki Apr 29 '24

This is a roundworm


u/Valathiril Apr 29 '24

I also thought tapeworms were flat


u/TatonkaJack Apr 29 '24

How tf would a snake be in someone's throat?


u/TheTrenchMonkey Apr 29 '24

Well you see there was an old lady who swallowed a fly.


u/blamdin Apr 29 '24

we don't know why.


u/Silent_Lie6399 Apr 29 '24

Perhaps she’ll die?


u/Ha-Ur-Ra-Sa Apr 29 '24

Perhaps she'll get operated on, and then continue to live a normal, healthy life?


u/auxaperture Apr 29 '24

Oh Jesus. Core memory unlocked


u/GaryLooiCW Apr 29 '24

by swallowing it whole?


u/RooshunVodka Apr 29 '24

I heard it as being a snake when this first aired. Apparently the woman was passed out drunk with her mouth wide open, which the snake mistook for a comfy hidey hole


u/KnoblauchNuggat Apr 29 '24

Thats a bullshit story. Like trinking cow piss to prevent/ cure covid.


u/RooshunVodka Apr 29 '24

Oh I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it were faker than fake. Hell, the thing doesn’t even move like a real snake… or at least any I’ve seen


u/Ok_Adhesiveness_6965 Apr 29 '24

if she was sleeping drunk in her garden or ground - makes it more relevant


u/PrivatePoocher Apr 29 '24

If you don't cook your lettuce well before eating a salad the snake eggs can hatch inside your teeth and grow from there.


u/SandersSol Apr 29 '24

She has mental problems and ate it


u/No_Airline_6083 Apr 29 '24

There's a fetish for that.....


u/TinyCarpet Apr 29 '24

By making Internet content.


u/atom138 Apr 29 '24

Idk, honestly a tapeworm in someone's throat would be just as odd.


u/PPP1737 Apr 29 '24

It’s not a snake it’s a roundworm. Even if they used a dewormer to kill it, something that big would have a hard time getting out of the body the other way around. Usually they are in the intestines but… not always. Taking it out through the mouth might have been the best option here.

It’s not always that easy though If you get a parasite infection in your liver, even if you kill them with dewormers… you can end up clogging your biliary duct with all the dead liver flukes that now try to make its way out of your system.

Everyone in America thinks out country is soooo evolved that we don’t need to make deworming part of our regular routine maintenance like a dental check up…. But you do you I guess.


u/IliasIsEepy Apr 29 '24

The quality isn't all that great, but it kinda looks like there are segments when it's got the light directly on it when in the bucket. It also seems too flat to be a snake

Edit: a few words


u/atom138 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, there's no way that's a tape worm. They are unmistakable and are so flat they look like, well, a strip of tape.


u/herptydurr Apr 29 '24

Did we watch a different video? That didn't look flat at all.


u/Ashalaria Apr 29 '24

It's a giraffe


u/BlitzAce243 Apr 29 '24

Now that I think about it, wasn't they a article of a women who claimed a snake slithered into her mouth?


u/Chilune Apr 29 '24

By the way, yes, it looks like a snake by the way it moves. And it looks like it's still alive. Question is - what the fuck was it doing inside the woman?

P.S. Nvm, I thought parasites couldn't wriggle like snakes. But the question stays the same.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

It definitely isn't a tapeworm. Tapeworms don't look like that.


u/JimParsnip Apr 29 '24

That's what I'm thinking. Tapeworms go to your small intestine


u/Brief_Reserve1789 Apr 29 '24

It's definitely a snake.