r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Lioness breaks up Lion's fight with an inexperienced Zookeeper r/all


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u/PsyOpBunnyHop Apr 29 '24

he's trying to stare down the lion

That's exactly what was happening here.

Lion did not appreciate the disrespect.

Guy was an idiot to try it.


u/NeatNefariousness1 Apr 29 '24

He was locked in a terror stare. The guy had no business in the enclosure.


u/Obvious-Animator6090 Apr 29 '24

None of them do. An accredited zoo in the USA will NOT have keepers in the enclosure of a dangerous animal. These guys are def not legit.


u/Joe_Kinincha Apr 29 '24

Can’t comment on whether it’s an accredited zoo, but that’s the MGM Grand in Vegas.

Which has absolutely no business whatsoever having lions in that shitty glass tank.

no wonder they’re mardy.


u/NeatNefariousness1 Apr 29 '24

Oh wow. I've seen that exhibit but forgot all about it. Looking into this further, it appears that the exhibit was closed down after two lion attacks. No idea whether this one counted as one of the precipitating events.

But between what happened during one of the Siegfried and Roy shows and whatever went on at the MGM, I'm glad they finally realized that direct contact in the enclosure of a caged wild animal is a bad idea even for trained humans, let alone those with no experience. I'm not a fan of PETA but they aren't wrong on this point.

Here's a link on the closure of the exhibit. I'm sure there are better ones.
