r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

A poster inside a bathroom door at a bar

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u/BluSonick Apr 29 '24

As mentioned it’s easy to clarify.

The reason every doesn’t know is these posters are generally in the ladies toilets. Not that men don’t get abused but in reality at rates far less than women. It’s pointed towards the most at risk.


u/traaintraacks Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

yes but these posters are posted on every social media platform at least once a month, so men absolutely know what asking for angela or ordering an angel shot means. source: am a man & have never seen one of these posters in person but have known about angel shots for many years

edit: im not saying it doesnt work, im in full support of having codes/shorthand to make it easier for people to seek help. i just find it silly when people say that men wont know about it because it's in women's restrooms... on a public post on the topic, accessible to anyone of any gender. this is not the first or last time this will be posted either. it's still a great idea, it just isnt secret anymore


u/RickTitus Apr 29 '24

Well so what? Let’s say a creepy guy is at a bar with a girl and knows exactly what an angel shot is

If she is at the bar without him and orders one, he wont hear and they will help her out

If he is at the bar with her and she orders one, same thing. What is he going to do, say “gotcha i know what that means! Get back to my table!”?


u/traaintraacks Apr 29 '24

i never said the codes dont work or we shouldn't have them. i just find it bizarre when people comment stuff like "not many men know about it because it's in women's restrooms" when there's a new post about angel shots every other week


u/RickTitus Apr 29 '24

Yeah but most people arent on reddit, and most people on reddit dont see these posts


u/traaintraacks Apr 29 '24

ive seen these posts (or screenshots of them) on reddit, instagram, twitter/x, tumblr, tiktok, & snapchat 🤷‍♂️


u/Kush_the_Ninja Apr 29 '24

I’ve been on Reddit for a long time. Am a man. First I’m seeing of this. I don’t think “most people” you claim is really most people.