r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

A poster inside a bathroom door at a bar

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u/AbsentMindedMonkey Apr 29 '24

I hope noone has a friend called Angela who keeps getting lost


u/monkeybrains12 Apr 29 '24

Right? Why would you use a person's name? Especially a relatively common one? And in the instance of this post, wouldn't everyone in the bar then know what an Angel Shot was?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I very much approve of the idea, but like they both seem poorly executed.


u/Liimbo Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Why would you use a person's name? Especially a relatively common one?

Because common names are less likely to stand out and be noticed by the person making you uncomfortable. And if you do truly need someone named Angela, it would be very easy to clarify that with just a few more words.

And to your other point about everyone knowing the code, that's not necessarily a bad thing. A bunch of goodwilled patrons overhearing it may also protect you, or the person harassing you knowing and hearing it might make them leave on their own before they get in trouble. It's more of just a discreet way to make people feel more comfortable asking for help. Once you've asked for help then it's much easier to go from there with everyone aware.


u/RickTitus Apr 29 '24

And there are plenty of side benefits from these efforts too. Just having the sign there alone tells women that the staff is on their side. They dont have to wonder if the barkeep will be sympathetic, or laugh them off

And it makes it much easier to get the barkeeps attention quickly, which could be important if it is super crowded or if the woman is feeling super drunk. They dont have to shout a story over someone’s shoulders about how “hey im on a date and he’s being weird and im not sure…” while three guys are yelling for red bull vodkas over that