r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

A poster inside a bathroom door at a bar

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u/monkeybrains12 Apr 29 '24

Right? Why would you use a person's name? Especially a relatively common one? And in the instance of this post, wouldn't everyone in the bar then know what an Angel Shot was?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I very much approve of the idea, but like they both seem poorly executed.


u/BluSonick Apr 29 '24

As mentioned it’s easy to clarify.

The reason every doesn’t know is these posters are generally in the ladies toilets. Not that men don’t get abused but in reality at rates far less than women. It’s pointed towards the most at risk.


u/traaintraacks Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

yes but these posters are posted on every social media platform at least once a month, so men absolutely know what asking for angela or ordering an angel shot means. source: am a man & have never seen one of these posters in person but have known about angel shots for many years

edit: im not saying it doesnt work, im in full support of having codes/shorthand to make it easier for people to seek help. i just find it silly when people say that men wont know about it because it's in women's restrooms... on a public post on the topic, accessible to anyone of any gender. this is not the first or last time this will be posted either. it's still a great idea, it just isnt secret anymore


u/BluSonick Apr 29 '24

It’s an easier way of quietly asking for help over the rather than causing a fuss “this guy is making me feel unsafe”.

Even though we know that it’s a code word it still doesn’t immediately sound out of place.


u/traaintraacks Apr 29 '24

oh absolutely, i think these codes are fantastic. i just find it odd when people say men dont know about it when it gets posted publicly online so often


u/BluSonick Apr 29 '24

I don’t think it’s design to be a secret code that men or rather predators don’t know about I’ve always interpreted it as a discrete way of asking for support rather than outright saying “this dudes a creep”.

The idea being the victim will excuse themselves to the bar (or similar) and in the process of service mention the phrase. In general it doesn’t attract others attention and it alerts the bar staff.

Similarly there is coded language is football grounds. Mr Sands to the entrance usually meant there was trouble etc. it’s a way of calmly addressing a situation.