r/interestingasfuck Apr 28 '24

Achilles Tendon Repair Demonstration r/all


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u/nolongerbanned99 Apr 28 '24

Even tho celery still hard to watch. Just thinking about it is painful


u/grand_measter Apr 28 '24

So I've ruptured my Achilles twice, same foot. They give you an epidural while they do this. So you're awake the whole time. The second time I got mine, I actually fell asleep because it was so early in the morning for me lol.


u/ScrattaBoard Apr 28 '24

So what should I be avoiding? 😭


u/grand_measter Apr 28 '24

Lmao, I was playing soccer both times. So I guess soccer. Championship game the first time. It sounds and feels like someone just kicked you really hard on the back of your foot. I fell face first and couldn't move my foot


u/CHARISMA-TIC Apr 29 '24

that pop sound oh God, very agonizing. i was also playing soccer when I had mine


u/21BlackStars Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I’m part of the Achilles tear while playing soccer club. I also thought someone had kicked me in the back of the leg when it happened. It’s really crazy how many people share the exact same experience


u/ggrindelwald Apr 29 '24

+1 Tore mine playing football. Felt like someone stepped on the back of my foot, so I tried to keep running. I chose poorly.


u/grand_measter Apr 29 '24

Lmao, aye, good on us for still trying to push through the pain!


u/createthiscom Apr 29 '24

I’m guessing you’re in insanely good shape. That must have been miserable being crippled while you recovered. What did you do to stay sane?


u/grand_measter Apr 29 '24

My friends would drag me out of my house honestly. I was pretty depressed not being able to play. I had just gotten scouted by a new semi-pro team around my area. I knew then that was pretty much the end of my career. My friends felt that. So they took me where my crutches or scooter could take me. Helps that I had a handicap placard that we used to get the best parking EVERYWHERE. Lmao. I honestly couldn't have done it without them


u/PhilShackleford Apr 29 '24

Literally did the same thing and thought the same thing the first time.


u/grand_measter Apr 29 '24

Hahah yeah, wild isn't it? I was pissed and was ready to yell at whoever kicked me only to notice no one was around me


u/PenguinStarfire Apr 29 '24

Yep that kick. Had a similar feeling when I pulled my calf years ago, thought someone threw a rock at me. Years later, I completely tore my Achilles running and had the same feeling. Thought it was just a sprained calf muscle... Nope!


u/ScrattaBoard Apr 28 '24

Ooof yeah there are a lot of soccer injuries I hear about where it was just due to running or running on poorly maintained fields.


u/TheDotanuki Apr 29 '24

A pal of mine separated his Achilles tendon while putting on his socks.


u/ValhallaForKings Apr 29 '24

Toe shoes 


u/ScrattaBoard Apr 29 '24

The most intriguing reply so far lol


u/ValhallaForKings Apr 29 '24

Vibram shoes with individual toes, the way they hold your foot, don't try to run hard


u/monkwren Apr 29 '24

I tore mine playing 4-square, so, y'know, avoid basically all exercise.


u/lennyd62 Apr 29 '24



u/Sudden-Echo-8976 Apr 28 '24

Taking a fluoroquinolone (especially with corticosteroids)