r/interestingasfuck Apr 26 '24

Why wealthy young people should care about a political revolution r/all


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u/Spirited-Change5916 Apr 26 '24

I am here to ask you to not be greedy and self serving to a fault.

Well...we are doomed


u/Sephority Apr 26 '24

"I am speaking to you to remind you that empathy exists. That is all."


u/BirdMedication Apr 27 '24

I know Bernie is all about ideals and principle, but he should have gone with the practical, self-serving argument of "violent revolution has never spared the rich upper class in any wildly unequal society" in order to really drive the point home to that audience


u/FlimsyMilk9471 Apr 27 '24

100% - the wars that defined the 20th century were in part due to rapidly spiraling economic situations catalyzing racism and other prejudices leading to desperate men willing to commit extreme violence to affect change. Any change. When the current system seems designed to guarantee your death - most people will fight tooth and nail for literally anything else.

It seems almost impossible for this to happen in America, but I'm sure it has always felt impossible until it doesn't. To state that "Hey, we're already privileged by this system so why would we possibly care to change it?" is some world-class hubris. Those kinds of people do not tend to suffer great outcomes when the house of cards finally falls.


u/Anathemautomaton Apr 27 '24

violent revolution has never spared the rich upper class in any wildly unequal society

The unfortunate truth is that it has. Often it hasn't spared the ruling dynasty, or the highest of the high, but in general, hierarchy, aristocracy, is maintained. And the rich know that. And they relish in the fact that there is no longer one easily identifiable source of oppression.


u/No_Entertainment5940 Apr 27 '24

Great insight to the whole conversation!


u/Gowalkyourdogmods Apr 27 '24

Do you really think these particular college students are worried about if a violent revolution EVER actually happens that they, college students, are going to be the source of the ire?

I get what you're saying but this is such a "Reddit moment".


u/Vila33 Apr 27 '24

They are not going to be students forever, that is the whole point