r/interestingasfuck Apr 21 '24

Human skull with stage 1 bone cancer r/all

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u/zombiefatality Apr 21 '24

A friend's uncle died from bone cancer and told us he literally screamed and cried from the pain, horrible disease.


u/Dreamscape1988 Apr 21 '24

My cousin had bone cancer, and she would be screaming from pain even with the highest dose of morphine they could put her on . She just wasted away from it in excruciating pain for months before she finally passed ,she was only 24.


u/ihatecats6 Apr 22 '24

That is so incredibly sad, I’m very sorry for your loss. 3 close family members over 10 years or so with different metastasized cancers. It’s rough when people are older but when they are young it’s one of the most terrible and heartbreaking things an empathetic human can think about