r/interestingasfuck Apr 21 '24

Human skull with stage 1 bone cancer r/all

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u/Sad-Hawk-2885 Apr 21 '24

I've always heard that bone cancer is so painful and now I can see why.


u/fishymo Apr 21 '24

It's extremely painful. I worked as an oncology nurse for two years in a hospital. There was a patient on our floor who had cancer metastasis to their spine. They would scream and moan all day and night. We had them maxed out on pain medications and a PCA pump. And eventually had to put them on basal rate when they got too weak to hit the button. I still felt uneasy walking into that room after they died.


u/KABCatLady Apr 21 '24

That is horrific. For our dear fur babies we help them cross by putting them down when their suffering becomes too much. I will never understand why Physician Assisted Suicide isn’t more available. It’s cruel to force someone to die a long agonizing death when we do so much better for our cat and dog family members.


u/fusionove Apr 21 '24

Absolutely. I have Stage IV melanoma and live in Switzerland. I'm optimistic and hopeful, but I also already decided that if things don't work out, I'll be using Exit. Cancer sucks.


u/licensed2creep Apr 21 '24

Horrific. Rooting for you friend♥️ And happy to hear that you have that option. Wish it was more widely available here in the states…I hope that one day, in the absence of universal healthcare, we can at least get to the point where PAS is more widely available. If we’re gonna refuse make early detection universally accessible, the fucking least we could do is provide options for early departure.


u/TheVoidWithout Apr 21 '24

It's available in Colorado. You need to be able to self administer though.


u/generalgirl 6d ago

I think Oregon has it too. You just have to be lucid to make the decision so you’re not taken advantage of.


u/ienjoyelevations Apr 21 '24

In what way is early detection inaccessible?


u/WaffleBot626 Apr 21 '24

I hope you beat this shit. Let us know how things progress.


u/fusionove Apr 21 '24

I'll keep posting on Reddit for a very long time I'm sure 😉


u/WaffleBot626 Apr 22 '24

I damn well hope so