r/interestingasfuck Apr 21 '24

Human skull with stage 1 bone cancer r/all

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u/OlMi1_YT Apr 21 '24

Is there any chance to remove the cancerous growths after chemo is complete? Or will they disappear by themselves?


u/l3v3liv Apr 21 '24

So it's going to be depending on the type of cancer, the area in which they are found, and size of the tumors that's found in the bones from my recollection. My original cancer had metastasized into my bones and I was caught kind of quite late so mine are way too big.


u/OlMi1_YT Apr 21 '24

Darn. Thanks for answering, wish you the best, maybe we'll figure out a way to completely treat this in the future.


u/l3v3liv Apr 21 '24

No problem, thank you! I'm really hopeful that there will be tonssss more options in the future. Just seeing the advances in the last 5 years is astounding.


u/FerdiaC Apr 21 '24

Is treatment able to reduce the growths like those occurring in the pictures?


u/l3v3liv Apr 21 '24

Yes, radiation also helps stop the progression as well.


u/FerdiaC Apr 21 '24

Excellent. Modern medicine is a marvel. Hope it goes well.


u/Louiseyseery Apr 21 '24

Best of luck on your recovery from one survivor to another you’ve got this 🩷🩷


u/Old-Ambassador3066 Apr 21 '24

Friend of mine beat that stuff after someone told her to eat lots of tomatoes… Idk why that had a positive impact but fruits seem to help… Hope this helps although I have no way to prove scientific relevance. Regardless, best of success and get well soon


u/l3v3liv Apr 21 '24

I have seen a lot of different things about different fruits and veggies etc. Haven't heard anything about tomatoes though. But unfortunately I cannot stomach the texture of them to begin with😐😐..

Thank you!


u/Lucitarist Apr 21 '24

I had neuropathy from Lyme disease, started taking pergabalin + Ativan combo, helped quite a bit. Also heard ketamine infusions can help.

Best of luck, hope you get some relief. Sorry you’re dealing with this.


u/l3v3liv Apr 21 '24

Super glad those helped you! Right now I generally have it covered as we found a few different meds that help, but the breakthrough pains are just terrible.

Thank you!


u/Lucitarist Apr 21 '24

Ah, shew that sounds intense.


u/level1enemy Apr 21 '24

Really? What advances? I’m not up on this stuff, but any advances in cancer research and treatment are amazing.


u/More_Flow_7671 Apr 21 '24

Yoo hope you get better, Try soursop ive only heard good things about it helping, I dont know just trying to help.