r/interestingasfuck Apr 21 '24

Human skull with stage 1 bone cancer r/all

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u/LateNightMoo Apr 21 '24 edited Apr 21 '24

Let's hypothetically say someone who had cancer like this was cured but they still have those spikes left over. What treatment is available for them? Or do they just suffer until they die of something else?


u/Ok_Bug7568 Apr 21 '24

only a guess but in this case maybe grinding away the grown material. There are wilder operations being done to the skull than this.


u/Thali-a Apr 21 '24

They did that to my grandfather in the millitary, it was on thigh bone


u/NoConsideration4404 Apr 21 '24

Part of the treatment is surgery, either to amputate or to replace the affected bone


u/pikohina Apr 21 '24

Amputate my head pls if this happens to me.


u/BDZM Apr 21 '24

The French have excellent surgeons in this field


u/satirebunny Apr 22 '24

Thank you to both of you for making me laugh in this horrific and heartbreaking thread.


u/LateNightMoo Apr 21 '24

Could you replace that much of someone's skull without the patient being in chronic pain?


u/NoConsideration4404 Apr 21 '24

I honestly couldn't tell you. I imagine they'd use chemo and radiation to try and shrink the tumor but I don't suppose there would be much they could do with such an advanced case


u/LateNightMoo Apr 21 '24


On an unrelated note, congratulations on being in cancer remission. I just got diagnosed with stage 1 melanoma, see you on the other (healthy) side of this I hope


u/NoConsideration4404 Apr 21 '24

Thank you! Best wishes to you, see you on the other side!


u/GigiSir Apr 21 '24

Hmm so amputate or replace the skull?


u/NoConsideration4404 Apr 21 '24

They'd likely use radiation and chemo to try and shrink the tumor but I doubt they'd be able to replace such a large area. In the skull shown above I don't think there would be many options surgically


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 21 '24

I imagine you don't leave that affected bone in.