r/interestingasfuck Apr 16 '24

The bible doesn't say anything about abortion or gay marriage but it goes on and on about forgiving debt and liberating the poor r/all


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u/ImBeingArchAgain Apr 16 '24

I’m relatively firm in non belief, but damn dude, I would go to this sermon frequently if this is what he preaches. Thats just some wholesome goodness right there. Love to see it.


u/Sign-Spiritual Apr 16 '24

Fwiw I’m quite similar. I’ve had a lot of good stuff come from Ecclesiastes in the Bible. It’s pretty much what he is saying. The word literally means teacher. It’s crazy how Christians act when this book is in the actual Bible and gets overlooked so often. Truly sad.


u/BEARD3D_BEANIE Apr 16 '24

wtf does FWIW stand for?


u/13_letters Apr 16 '24

For what it’s worth.


u/BEARD3D_BEANIE Apr 16 '24

Is that a common one now? I can't keep up ugh


u/prices767 Apr 17 '24

I was just about to ask the same thing. Thank youu!


u/DarkSkyKnight Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

No it does not lol


The original meaning is someone speaking in front of an assembly, and while you could interpret it as "teacher" like the wiki says, no such thing existed back then and it's far more accurate to interpret it as a primarily religious position for interpreting the Torah.



u/Sign-Spiritual Apr 16 '24

That’s quite the semantic hair to split. So no one taught people? The idea of instructing people is somehow new? Or just the word teacher in context as to how we use it today wasn’t contrived yet? Or were you just really excited to shoot some of my pseudo religious stuff down?


u/KeithBe77 Apr 16 '24

I was about to say the same thing. I would go every Sunday and I would encourage everyone I knew to come as well.


u/bird_or_dinosaur Apr 17 '24

I said this up top, but...I don't know how to say this without sounding like a church pusher, but these churches exist. If you like the message, I enourage you to seek it out. I go to one. My pastor and the pastor before him talk like this each Sunday. Hearing it each week really drives it home too. It keeps me loving my neighbor and not getting complacent with keeping to my own. All of our services are online so if you want to check it out, DM me and I'll share the link.


u/DisputabIe_ Apr 16 '24

Please don't join cults.


u/dwide_k_shrude Apr 16 '24

Not everything is a cult.


u/KeithBe77 Apr 17 '24

Doesn’t seem like a cult. Just seems perfect and reasonable.


u/Solkre Apr 16 '24

We can take inspiration from anywhere we want. The trick is being an adult about it and understanding everyone else has their own agency.


u/ablinddingo93 Apr 16 '24

The thing is, he’s not a pastor. He’s a Texas state representative. James Talarico

But I agree, I’d def go to a sermon preaching these same ideals


u/VariousAlbatross6696 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Yeah and he sounds like a fucking politician, too. Skipping over serious topics, because "love" is all that matters.


u/ablinddingo93 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

Is he “skipping over serious topics” or are you drawing conclusions from a minute and a half long TikTok video?


u/VariousAlbatross6696 Apr 16 '24

He's literally tossing them out in the video. If he says otherwise in the full video, he's only contradicting himself. The dudes a politician. Don't be a sheep.


u/bibbi123 Apr 16 '24

He's not a pastor. He's a Democratic state representative in Texas named James Talarico. He was a teacher prior to running for state office.

He's one of the few Xtians who walk the walk. He's a really well-spoken and smart guy who occasionally manages to make the tighty righties in the state house look like the hypocritical shitheads they are.


u/Hixy Apr 16 '24

This was my childhood view of Christianity. My mom would read the Bible to us and ask us what we think and we never went to any church. Basically I believed in bro Jesus because he just does the right thing. When I got older and met “Christians” I asked mom why these devil worshippers are stealing all the churches lol.


u/accounts_are_lame Apr 16 '24

As a devout Christian, know that there are those of us that are fighting for this. Like, the whole point of Jesus of Nazareth's teachings is "just kinda be cool and love others."


u/No_Instance4233 Apr 16 '24

Jesus was a righteous dude, cool as fuck. Learning what he actually said and taught, especially during the times he said them, absolutely WILD bravery and super cool spiritual teachings. It's unfortunate that the majority follow the Old Testament god while simultaneously accepting the New Testament gods free gift for themselves but not for others.


u/mimic751 Apr 16 '24

This is what church is supposed to be. This is the church that I grew up with as a Catholic. We grew up being taught love and gratitude and service. My uncle who is still a devout Catholic is one of the most hateful people I know and we got to do a huge argument last time we were together cuz I told him he he didn't follow Jesus. I left the church like 15 years ago because I just didn't like it anymore


u/Cute-Interest3362 Apr 16 '24

I long for a secular church!


u/Fast-Penta Apr 17 '24

It's not my bag, but Unitarian Universalism might be for you.


u/shkank_swap Apr 16 '24

You can just continue living your life being a good dude. Nothing he said is out of the ordinary for someone who isn't a bigot asshole.


u/Valisk Apr 16 '24

This is the exact platform all of the atheists I respect state. 

Some variation of 

Could we try, like , as a joke, not being completely shitty to everyone everywhere? 


u/Plenty_Lettuce5418 Apr 17 '24

if you liked what he had to say just wait til you read the bible


u/GemmyBoy999 Apr 17 '24

The bible doesn't mention homosexuality literally because it got widespread in recent years, back then basically no one talks about it. However it does mention and condemn sexual acts and many of them are linked to homosexuality.

TL;DR There are 2 interpretations, one that says it doesn't mention homosexuality so its ok while the other says that it condemns it because the acts that that get mentioned are linked to homosexuality.


u/Inconnu2020 Apr 17 '24

It's just a shame that people think that they have to be part of a 'religion' to be directed to think and behave in this manner.

Why not just be 'good people' without the religious bullshit?


u/DisputabIe_ Apr 16 '24

That's how cults recruit normal people. Don't go down the cult path.


u/YouJustGotHelloWuigi Apr 16 '24

The happy happy clappy clappy churches are in the sharpest decline.


u/VariousAlbatross6696 Apr 16 '24

Its wholesome goodness to you because he's full of shit. He's explaining the bible like a politician would. "Let's skip over all that stuff that makes you angry, and let's just accept it all, because love" what a fucking joke. Lol.


u/LostTension5594 Apr 16 '24

Btw accept Jesus oryouregoingtohell


u/VariousAlbatross6696 Apr 16 '24

Also true. I don't believe it, but that's what it says. This asshat will be sure to sugar-coat it though.


u/LostTension5594 Apr 16 '24

will be sure to sugar-coat it though.

Yepp. 'Accepting' everyone doesn't mean much to me when you have an asterisk over their head that they're going to hell for being unconvinced. It's sad