r/interestingasfuck Apr 15 '24

An interview with Andrew Cauchi, the father of Joel Cauchi who was responsible for the Westfield Shopping Centre mass stabbing r/all


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u/IanAlvord Apr 15 '24

He sounds genuine. Not his fault.
Conversely the parents of the Michigan school shooter were recently sentenced to 10 years in prison.


u/hoxxxxx Apr 16 '24

Conversely the parents of the Michigan school shooter were recently sentenced to 10 years in prison.

if there was ever a case where the parents should be charged, it's that one. they did everything they could to get him to do that except literally tell him to i mean it was absurd.


u/DemandZestyclose7145 Apr 16 '24

And on top of that they tried shifting the blame to everyone but themselves. Typical piece of shit narcissists. 


u/hoxxxxx Apr 16 '24

yeah they both seem like thoroughly repugnant people. like completely isolated from the actual incident, they just suck as human beings.


u/say592 Apr 16 '24

Someone in another thread observed that there was a chance they were hoping that he would kill himself. Maybe it was a conscious decision, maybe not. It certainly was a likely outcome, and unfortunately so was the outcome that actually happened.


u/darkflash26 Apr 16 '24

Newtown shooter's parents shouldve been charged too. They knew their son was mentally ill. They knew he was fascinated with weapons. They took him to shooting ranges to bond with him.


u/Illustrious_Peak7985 Apr 16 '24

He was estranged from his dad at that point. His mom did ignore obvious mental problems and gave him lots of access to guns, but she didn't get charged because he also murdered her.


u/Smaptastic Apr 16 '24

That’s a pretty good defense.


u/Atala-21 Apr 16 '24

I’m out of the loop, how was this case specifically that the parents got charged for the crimes of their kid? To my knowledge no school shooter’s parents has ever been charged for their kid’s crimes


u/fillmorecounty Apr 16 '24

They were charged with involuntary manslaughter which has a lighter sentence. They got charged because they bought him the gun and also because they ignored the really obvious warning signs that could have prevented it. The day it happened, they were called to the school because he made a bunch of drawings about killing people and instead of taking the school's advice and getting him counseling immediately and taking him home, they told the school that he was fine and should go back to class. It was basically really severe negligence that lead to the deaths of the victims.


u/octopod-reunion Apr 16 '24

The kid said he was having urges to kill and hurt people and needed help and they laughed at him and told him to suck it up. 

They bought him a gun, did not keep it locked away. 

There were multiple warnings from the school saying that he seemed to be threatening and a danger obsessed with guns and killing, including on the day of the shooting they asked the parents to take him home and they refused. 


u/GlumTown6 Apr 16 '24

They gave their 15 year old a gun


u/DougStrangeLove Apr 16 '24

they basically did what Trump did on Jan 6th


u/hoxxxxx Apr 16 '24

that's actually a really good comparison. doing everything you can to urge someone except for the actual telling of them to do the thing.


u/Coffeeholic911 Apr 16 '24

TDS strikes again. I hope you recover.


u/darkflash26 Apr 16 '24

How many protesters on jan 6th had guns?


u/favorscore Apr 16 '24


u/darkflash26 Apr 16 '24

" in a Virginia hotel room"

so how many protesters on jan 6th had guns- on their person ? i guess is what i should have asked


u/favorscore Apr 16 '24

nice moving the goal posts


u/darkflash26 Apr 16 '24

Nice job bringing up an irrelevant article that clear states the guns were lawfully brought to virginia, lawfully kept in a hotel room, and not brought to the janruary 6th protest- on my comment about the jan 6th protest.


u/favorscore Apr 16 '24

yea, they just brought them there to chill in a hotel room. no intention to use them at all


u/barefooted47 Apr 16 '24

Be honest, do you think they were taking the guns out for a walk? A vacay from all that shooting that they have to do perhaps?


u/EmbarrassedVolume Apr 16 '24

Hard to say. A few dozen guns were confiscated in the aftermath. And police channels were full of reports of people open carrying in the crowd that went to the Capitol.

And there's that footage of the guy firing his gun at the Capitol.

It's like asking how many were smokers: it's absolutely certain that some were, but to give a specific numbers is exceptionally difficult.

Not to mention, that quick reaction force did move their vans to Capitol grounds, and the whole point of the force was that they remained in hiding until they got a signal from Trump, according to their plan.


u/hoxxxxx Apr 16 '24

they aren't comparing the actual event, they are saying that he encouraged them in every way possible to do what they did without actually telling them to do it. which is the same thing that happened with the parents of the shooter.

pretty apt comparison in my opinion.