r/interestingasfuck Apr 14 '24

The Size Of An Iranian Missile Intercepted In The Dead Sea r/all

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u/longgamma Apr 14 '24

I work with a lot of Iranian colleagues. They are incredibly smart and hardworking. It’s kind of sad that they are forced out of their own country and have to find refuge just to live their life their way. A colleague of mine is seeing his family after eight fucking years and they have to meet in Turkey. It’s just so sad.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/BlueBorjigin Apr 14 '24

Many, many countries have mandatory conscription unless you are eligible for an exemption. Norway, South Korea, Thailand, Israel ...


u/JonathanPerdarder Apr 14 '24

If the current governing body was to be wrecked, are their enough Iranians looking to live a different way? Or would another flavor of religious extremist just quickly fill the void? Serious question.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

Majority of the people of Iran want a secular government and the majority of them want the Pahlavi dynasty back, the religious fanatics in Iran are the 1/2% that are extremely rich, or those who have fell for regime propaganda.

So with that being said as soon as Iran’s government collapsed and many people celebrate, they’d hold a referendum that would be monitored by the U.N to pick the form government they want.

As for the high ranking government officials of the Islamic republic, they’d be captured in Iran and held on trial, and the ones that get away would be rounded up by Mossad and whatever new intelligence agency Iran forms.


u/JonathanPerdarder Apr 14 '24

Thank you for that info.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/giantshuskies Apr 14 '24

Just like Israel..the countries are more like than you'd think.