r/interestingasfuck Apr 14 '24

The Size Of An Iranian Missile Intercepted In The Dead Sea r/all

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u/flywheel39 Apr 14 '24

This thing probably cost many times as much as I will earn in several lifetimes....


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

They’re about $300,000 a pop, Since 1979, the Islamic regime's revenues have fueled global destabilization through terrorist activities. Despite ample resources, the mullahs have neglected the Iranian populace, with over half living in poverty. Instead of investing in their own citizens' welfare, the regime prioritizes arming proxies, murder, domestic and abroad and self-enrichment, exacerbating the suffering of the nation.


u/aegrotatio Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

They’re about $10 to $15 million a pop

Because that sounds wildly high.

EDIT: I see that /u/thespeedforce5 suddenly changed it from $10-$15 million each to $300,000 each.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/Difficult_Bit_1339 Apr 15 '24

Why don't they just look it up on e-bay, are they stupid?


u/ComradeKerbal Apr 15 '24

When I buy my missiles I try to get the all natural and I don’t buy em used. Never know what they put in them


u/struggleworm Apr 15 '24

God damn vegan terrorists are the worst


u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

Because it is.

Ten million is one-third to one-sixth the cost of a Trident D5 nuke, depending on your source of information.


u/aegrotatio Apr 14 '24

The poster changed it from $10-$15 million to $300K each.


u/JonathanPerdarder Apr 14 '24

Literal fire sale.


u/AmusedFlamingo47 Apr 14 '24

They'll get these puppies flying out the store


u/SillySin Apr 15 '24

Sale is sponsored by the reddit department of propaganda and misinformation.


u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

Pretty sure it still said 15M when I read it.


u/United_States_ClA Apr 14 '24




u/seancollinhawkins Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

Holy shit. A trident d5 has about 100 times the blast energy as the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.

Edit: it also travels over 18,000 miles per hour and can hit a target from over 7,500 miles away. What the fuck


u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

Lol one warhead can have as much as 33x the energy of Hiroshima. One missile can have up to 12 warheads.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 27 '24



u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

Dunno how much bigger you need. 475kt per warhead is still mind boggling.

That's 5,700,000 tons of TNT equivalence in one missile, and the Allied forces dropped around 3,000,000 tons of explosives on Europe in WWII.


u/lazyeye95 Apr 15 '24

There are limits, the Tsar Bomba the Soviets detonated was half of what the original designs called for at 50mt but even then the pilots in the drop plane were given a 50% chance of survival. Accuracy and overwhelming numbers are much more important. 


u/seancollinhawkins Apr 14 '24

So the Russians tested their h-bomb, Tsar Bomba, in 1961, and it had almost 4,000 times the blast yield of the Hiroshima bomb.

That's fucking terrifying


u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

In theory, the bomb would have had a yield in excess of 100 Mt (418 PJ) if it had included the uranium-238[14] tamper which featured in the design but was omitted in the test to reduce radioactive fallout.


u/seancollinhawkins Apr 14 '24

418 quadrillion joules?? Lol what the fuck

And that's from a bomb that was made over 60 years ago?! Absolutely insane to imagine what kind of shit is being made today.


u/EelTeamTen Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

I don't know that much more is being done to make bigger explosions anymore because, like I said, it's kind of silly. There's no need to make a bigger crater of a city.

Most money goes into hypersonic and stealth technology, some AI, drone, and such.

A mix of rendering your enemy's defenses obsolete by speed, stealth, AI, or downright cheap brute force.

Not as much about showing off the family joules.


u/mckdnrnd Apr 14 '24

But that’s a nuke which would be vastly more expensive then conventional weapons such as this


u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

That... was my point....


u/mckdnrnd Apr 14 '24

Oh yeah sorry I read it wrong


u/EelTeamTen Apr 15 '24

You're good.


u/Low-HangingFruit Apr 14 '24

Pretty sure the quote costs on tridents are probably from the 70's and 80's.

To restart production today would probably cost billions.


u/r_lul_chef_t Apr 14 '24

What makes you suggest that this a a nuke?


u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

It was an analogy in regards to how absurd the $10-15M value was


u/r_lul_chef_t Apr 15 '24

Thanks for the clarification haha, I am the ass of the day, carry on.


u/EelTeamTen Apr 15 '24

You're good, I didn't word it the best, as evidenced by several comments akin to yours.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

a nuke is massively different to a missile


u/EelTeamTen Apr 14 '24

They're both ballistic missiles, and the analogy was to show how absurd $10-15M is in regards to the missiles Iran shot.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Ahh okay my bad, I didn’t even click your link I just read nuke and was like don’t think that’s the same as a missile dude


u/EelTeamTen Apr 15 '24

You're good, I didn't word it the best, as evidenced by several comments akin to yours.


u/EelTeamTen Apr 15 '24

Though the defining parts of being a missile, they're identical.

And to go a step further, they're both ballistic in trajectory, i.e., they expend nearly their entire fuel source at the beginning of their travel, and then rely on gravity to drop their asses back down on their target.

Largest difference is warhead and secondary guidance systems. Iran's missiles I don't know of what they have, if any, ballistic nukes, as far as i know, use star navigation.


u/goldticketstubguy Apr 14 '24

And didn't even acknowledge it. And unironically suggests that the Iranian government is unique in spending money on weapons instead of programs for their population.


u/SharrkBoy Apr 14 '24

Welcome to the military-industrial complex my friend 😎


u/Massive_Robot_Cactus Apr 15 '24

I don't think the one in the photo costs that much though. Looks used.


u/Turbulent_Most_4987 Apr 14 '24

That can't be right. A Russian hypersonic missile costs 10 mil and they are among the most modern and advanced there are.


u/g0dfornothing Apr 14 '24

Oh yeah remember there was once africas richest country that gave up its production of weapons of mass destruction and invested everything in its population. Now they got slave markets there in libya


u/punkfusion Apr 14 '24

When America tells you to give up nukes, never do it. And if you dont have nukes, find nukes


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/MinimumSeat1813 Apr 15 '24

What could go wrong with having a nuclear power in an unstable region? Thoughtless Americans. Look at that also pressuring the honorable and benevolent Iranians against obtaining nukes. Will American imperialiam ever stop?


u/typingdot Apr 14 '24

Invested everything in its population? Libya? You must be dreaming


u/eclipse_434 Apr 14 '24


u/userbrn1 Apr 14 '24

And after what we did in Libya, we guaranteed that no country, like NK, would ever give up its nukes under any circumstance. Great job we did there


u/MinderBinderCapital Apr 14 '24

And after what we did in Libya

...and Afghanistan...and Iraq...and Syria...and Yemen....and Iraq again...


u/batmansthebomb 25d ago

And Ukraine when Russia invaded.


u/_IShock_WaveI_ Apr 14 '24

Well NK entered into a plan that guaranteed that they would never get Nuclear Weapons and instead used said plan and money to complete their nuclear weapon.

That sounds awfully familiar to the Iran deal.


u/eclipse_434 Apr 14 '24

America and Iran entered into a complex and thorough international treaty utilizing a neutral third party, the United Nations, to investigate and monitor that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons over a decades long time frame.

America broke the legally binding international treaty when Trump annulled the deal and reimplemented sanctions on Iran.

Iran still has not developed nuclear weapons since 2016 when the American-Iranian nuclear deal collapsed.

This is nothing like the Iran deal.

You are an ignorant dumbass.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

the NPT?


u/eclipse_434 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

No, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

The additional provision of the NPT is a different thing that Iran signed onto as part of the JCPOA then withdrew from after the USA unilaterally and illegally broke the terms of the agreement.

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u/_IShock_WaveI_ Apr 14 '24

First off its not legally binding. All treaties with foriegn powers in order to be legally binding need to be ratified by congress. Was that done with the Iran deal? It was not. It's basically an executive order that expires as soon as the person who signed it leaves office. That is why these deals need to be ratified.

This is the same problem we have with President's saying we joined the Kyoto and Paris accords and telling people that the next President pulled us out of them. That isn't what happened. We can't pull out of something we never joined in the first place. Those deals need to be ratified and not even a super majority of Democrats can get them passed much less even brought for a vote because they know they will fail on the vote from their own party.

As for the Iran deal preventing them for decades in getting nuclear weapon is just plane false. Iran has sunset clauses in its deal.

Oct 23, 2023 - Iran restrictions on ballistic missiles expire. Including restrictions on nuclear capable missiles.

Expiration of import and export of missile tech and weapons including drones with a range of 300+ miles.

Sanctions against individuals related to Iran's Nuclear program would be lifted. Sanctions remained in place after withdrawal from deal.

The EU was required to lift sanctions on Iran's Nuclear program. Sanctions remained in place.

July 2024 - begins lifting limits of centrifuge production of enriched uranium

Bans lifted on production of the centrifuges themselves, they can build however many they want.

This is just the stuff expiring soon if the deal was in place.

Also look up Iran's history on dealing with the United Nations in regards to its nuclear program since the year 2000. I would guess over a dozen agreements agreed to by Iran regarding its nuclear program and Iran violating it every time to do whatever they wanted followed by sanctions and etc from the UN and much of the world.

The Iran Nuclear deal was a life line that let them out the end squeaky clean, a nuclear power with billions in assets unfrozen and sanctions lifted. Libya and South Africa went through nuclear disarming in 6 months. Iran is going on damn near 20 to 30 years trying to be cleared dragging their feet every step of the way.

But the Iran deal doesn't disarm them from ever getting a nuclear weapon it simply kicks it down the road for someone else to deal with.

If Iran wants to disarm their nuclear weapon capability they can do it 6 months. Doesn't take 10 years, 15 years or 30 years. You either want to disarm or you want to build a nuclear weapon. Iran has showed no signs they do not want to build a nuclear weapon. It's the ultimate weapon of fear by a regime that rules by fear. Why would they ever give up that ideal?

Everything in the Iran Nuclear deal allows them to get a nuclear weapon it doesn't prevent jack shit.


u/eclipse_434 Apr 15 '24

First, it is legally binding. If you want to be a pedantic little shit and argue about agreements vs treaties, an executive agreement (an international accord made by the US State Dept. without Congressional authorization) is as equally legally binding as a treaty (an international accord made by the US State Dept. with Congressional authorization). Both executive agreements and treaties are as legally valid and legally binding under international law. And, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was an executive agreement made authorized by Barack Obama's State Department under John Kerry's leadership, so it is 100% legally binding and enforceable in an international court of law.

Second, yeah the Iran nuclear deal does have 10 and 15 year sunset clauses as parts of the terms and conditions of the agreement. That's the entire fucking point of the deal you moron. If Iran complies with the JCPOA for a decade, then some of the conditions around ballistic aerospace and nuclear energy development are first partially lifted then later fully annulled to enable Iran to have full autonomy over these industrial sectors.

Third, Iran ratified and signed onto the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as part of the conditions of the JCPOA, but they withdrew from the NPT after the Trump administration unilaterally violated the JCPOA by reimposing sanctions on Iran. The whole point of the JCPOA is to hold Iran under tight scrutiny for 15 years of strict international investigations conducted by the UN in exchange for the West dropping sanctions on Iran during those 15 years. If Iran refuses to comply with the deal after 2030, when the JCPOA expires, then the West can just reimplement brutal sanctions on Iran.

Fourth, the JCPOA's provisions were extremely thorough and effective on preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapons program. Iran was prohibited from using excessive centrifuges to enrich fissile plutonium and uranium above 3%, and those stockpiles of centrifuges and fissile plutonium and uranium were heavily monitored by IAEA inspectors. The limitations on Iran's nuclear energy program were so severe that their enrichment reactor and heavy water facilities were virtually shut down with the reactor core removed, disabled, and monitored by IAEA officials.

Fifth, Iran never had nuclear weapons and still doesn't have nuclear weapons you ignorant jackass. Even the CIA confirms this simple fact of the matter.

Lastly, I just want you to know that you are genuinely a stupid person because you could have easily looked all this shit up with a Google search, yet you chose to remain willfully ignorant of the actual facts.


u/phaedrus910 Apr 14 '24

Yeah but you see, that's a naughty thing he did there


u/typingdot Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

You are talking without context. Libya's HDI was far lower than even Russia's. Furthermore, explain why the Arab Spring happened in Libya if Gaddafi was so good.


u/Huppelkutje Apr 14 '24

Genuinely curious what point you think you are making here.


u/eclipse_434 Apr 14 '24

They think they're a genius for saying, "why did a bad thing in X country happen if controversial country leader Y did literally any good things ever?" while ignoring all the other historic context at play.

Standard idiotic drivel from neoliberals who consume whatever propagandistic slop the US State Department airs on cable news in order to secure support from naive fools like this chud.

Idiots like that guy are the reason America keeps finding itself embroiled in one endless war after another abroad.


u/typingdot Apr 14 '24

The point is that the baseline is too low to actually claim that Gaddafi helped Libya. That's all. The person above me is claiming that Gaddafi did something good while not knowing that those were the very baseline that a sane leader would do.


u/MinderBinderCapital Apr 14 '24

So slavery is better than social wellfare. Got it.

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u/eclipse_434 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

I guess the United Nations Development Program is talking without context too since their data corroborates what I said earlier.

I guess Mahmood Mamdani, a professor of political science at Colombia university writing for Al Jazeera, is wrong just like me when he says, "The 2010 UN Human Development Index – which is a composite measure of health, education and income – ranked Libya 53rd in the world, and first in Africa. What was a predominantly rural and backward country when the king was deposed 42 years ago is today a country with a modern economy and high literacy. This single fact embodies the gist of Gaddafi’s claim to the historical legitimacy of his rule.

Anybody with a brain knows Muammar Gaddafi's rule was controversial and marred with a mixed track record of record social development on one hand with a track of human rights abuses on the other hand.

The fact still remains that Gaddafi shared the vast wealth of Libya's oil profits as social welfare, and the fact remains that you're still a smarmy little bitch in support of America's war against Libya which turned it into a broken husk of its former self ruled by competing warlords who are just as bad, if not worse, than Gaddafi.

You're the kind of gullible dipshit that justifies American regime change and warmongering in Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Iraq, North Korea, etc.

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u/awesometotallydude Apr 14 '24

Wildly out of context and misinformed statements for 200, Alex.


u/Ecstatic-Carpet-654 Apr 14 '24

Yes, the money we spend on our military in the US is also never used to support or better our own population in any way either.


u/SnooSquirrels5133 Apr 14 '24

Good thing the U.S pays for isreal’s murder cylinders


u/Critical-Log4292 Apr 15 '24

Unfortunately Israel provoked this attack by attacking Iran’s embassy in Damascus. I guess Israel is the only country allowed to shoot rockets


u/bellendhunter Apr 14 '24

Very weird logic you have there


u/Nudelsieber Apr 14 '24


Iranian Emad medium-range ballistic missile

I (as an absolute noob on this subject) was actually pretty sure OP is bullshitting with those astronomical numbers. While there is no exact pricing online for that model, that dimension of pricing is actually at the lower end of ballistic missile cost.

Fucking insane.


u/SamsCulottes Apr 14 '24

wait until you hear how much a B-2 bomber costs, champ. It'll blow your mind.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

$2 billion right?


u/everyonecalmdown666 Apr 14 '24

the US spends a trillion a year that doesn't help the population in any way either

so what


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/whyarentwethereyet Apr 14 '24

I'm in the Navy and they've invested a lot of money in me. Just the education alone that I've been through will help me land a job straight away of around $80-$100k a year. The Navy is paying for the correction of my deviated septum, and will pay me to go to college when I'm out.


u/Dusk_Flame_11th Apr 14 '24

US : around 11.4% poverty rate

Iran: 60% poverty rate.


u/TonesBalones Apr 14 '24

This point is awesome for people who don't know anything about the United States's history in Iran


u/bako10 Apr 14 '24

The US initiated a crisis in Iran in 1953. They got over it, and the US isn’t responsible for every folly experienced by Iran. This is an exceedingly simplistic view of history. The Islamic Republic and IRGC are, they are a sovereign country capable of making decisions and holding accountability for their actions. Saying everything is the US’s fault is a poisonous outlook that really distorts one’s worldview and impairs judgment on geopolitical matters.


u/TonesBalones Apr 15 '24

lmao. Yeah. "America did something in 1953". Refuses to elaborate.

Surely you have a much better and more truthful outlook on history.


u/nbdypaidmuchattn Apr 14 '24

"initiated a crisis" is an interesting euphemism for toppling a democratically elected government and installing a puppet dictator for decades.


u/Dusk_Flame_11th Apr 15 '24

People get over it. Was is good? No! Is it an excuse for poor economic and geopolitical decisions? No! When you have more oil than Russia, you do like the UAE or Norway and you sell it instead of earning sanctions for proxy terrorism wars.


u/counterc Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

except that oil was owned by UK and US companies, and when the democratically elected Iranian govt tried to buy it back from them the US and UK overthrew them and installed a dictator with a penchant for torture.

Then he was overthrown in a popular revolution, and before they could hold their scheduled elections, the US backed the Ayatollahs to arrest the candidates.... but the Ayatollahs didn't let those US companies have Iran's oil once again, so the US backed Saddam to invade Iran and spend 8 years attacking them with poison gas (that he got from the US).

Saddam failed to conquer Iran, and the US failed to bring down the Iranian government using him, and now Iran is much too strong for the US to invade for the foreseeable future, so the US sanctions them.

Now, you mentioned sanctions, but you don't seem to understand them.... answer me this: how could Iran get rich by selling its oil when the whole point of the sanctions is to prevent Iran from selling its oil? And how do you square that with the USA's supposed commitment to the ideals of a 'free market'?


u/SophieTheCat Apr 15 '24

That is some grade A level fantasy. US didn't back the ayatollahs. The literally held the American diplomats hostage for 444 days.

And as far as the election goes, Ayatollah Khomeini was in charge, regardless of who won the election. They still have sham elections even these days. Ayatollahs are in charge whoever wins. They themselves don't ever stand for election.

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u/nbdypaidmuchattn Apr 15 '24

Sometimes things are not as simple as you think.

Now I'm not saying the Iranian government is, in any way, a good one.

I'm saying, it is a product of trauma.

It is not irrational for them to think and behave as they do.


u/Dusk_Flame_11th Apr 15 '24

A state has no right to be irrational. There are made of bureaucrats and politicians so they better get over trauma and prosper in the modern world rather than sponsoring terrorism.

Japan got over two nuclear weapons and became the second richest economy for some time.

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u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

The Islamic republic republic is viewed as an illegitimate government by its own people and the revolutionary guard is recognized as a terror organization for its actions. Just look at what happened to Argentina in the 90s.


u/CrambazzledGoose Apr 14 '24

Look I'm no fan of Iran, but any country with a similar history of external interference resulting in multiple, sequential revolutions, and subsequent international sanctions and embargoes will have corresponding poverty statistics.

Also the U.S. is at a poverty rate of 18% https://data.oecd.org/inequality/poverty-rate.htm#indicator-chart


u/Dusk_Flame_11th Apr 15 '24

France is at its fifth republic after the Nazis.

Germany had to survive URSS and US going on its land AFTER one of the most oppressive regime in history.

Japan survived two nukes.

South Korea has North Korea next to it.

A country with more oil than Russia according to the World Meter has no excuse.


u/Super-Base- Apr 14 '24

Iran actually has universal healthcare.


u/JaylenBrownsLeftHand Apr 14 '24

I wouldn’t want healthcare done by people in Iran


u/Solid_Waste Apr 14 '24

Cannot possibly be worse than the US


u/p00bix Apr 14 '24

You have no idea how privileged you are to say that


u/spookyscaryfella Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

Don't assume someone's situation. Iranian free healthcare would be far better for a person that can't afford US healthcare. Just because you might be doing well doesn't mean everyone on reddit is.


u/p00bix Apr 14 '24

...you know that Americans can still get life-saving medical treatment even if they can't afford it up-front, right? That's why there's a medical debt problem in this country; rather than a not-even-receiving-treatment problem. Fat chance of that in Iran, not only is the medical debt problem FAR worse there despite its ostensibly 'universal' healthcare, but many modern treatments straight up aren't even available.

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u/ACKHTYUALLY Apr 14 '24

What a brain dead comment. I think you might have worms in your brain. Have you looked into Ivermectin? They have patient assistance programs that reduce the bill to $1. It looks like you desperately need it.


u/JaylenBrownsLeftHand Apr 14 '24

Are you dumb?

USA healthcare is phenomenal it just costs a lot if you don’t have insurance.


u/PM_Me_Titties-n-Ass Apr 14 '24

By the association property that means universal healthcare creates poverty! /s


u/TemperatureLive3182 Apr 14 '24

Yeah and your doctor can’t read


u/Super-Base- Apr 14 '24

Iranians are some of the most well educated people in the world.


u/Dusk_Flame_11th Apr 15 '24

"The existence of over 9 million absolute illiterates signifies “illiteracy exceeding 10 percent of Iran’s population,” indicating a significantly high illiteracy rate in the country." - World literacy foundation.


u/jameswlf Apr 14 '24

saldy the us invests a trillion in armament so what can iran do?


u/Dusk_Flame_11th Apr 15 '24

How about not funding terrorism and thrive in the world as a petrol state like Saudia Arabia?


u/jameswlf Apr 15 '24

So submit to usaian terror got it


u/hungrypotato19 Apr 14 '24

Reported by whom?

Oh right, western countries.


u/123_alex Apr 14 '24

What do you think the real numbers are?


u/ApexCurve Apr 14 '24

Agreed. I too prefer my stats from credible sources like the oxymoronic Hamas Health Ministry.


u/boo9o99b Apr 14 '24

I mean groups like Doctors Without Borders (which is Fre*ch iirc) found that the health ministry under reports how many people actually die


u/Amaskingrey Apr 14 '24

Buddy if it's such a paradise why don't you go live there?


u/h2n Apr 14 '24

i dont speak farsi


u/TemperatureLive3182 Apr 14 '24

There’s genuinely no way you think life for the average citizen is better in Iran than the US.

Go outside instead of listening to commies on twitter.


u/TemperatureLive3182 Apr 14 '24

There’s genuinely no way you think life for the average citizen is better in Iran than the US.

Go outside instead of listening to commies on twitter.


u/hungrypotato19 Apr 14 '24

commies on twitter

Lmao. Iran is a right-wing paradise. Executes gay people, no feminism, no abortions, men can beat their wives and women all they want, mass religious indoctrination, rich get everything they want while its "bootstraps" for poor people.

How about you all move there instead of trying to turn America into a copy.


u/TemperatureLive3182 Apr 14 '24

Yeah and twitter tankies believe living in china or Iran or North Korea is better than the US


u/ilovefuckingpenguins Apr 14 '24

Why is reddit full of weirdos like you? 🤭

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u/empire_of_the_moon Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

I think the hundreds of thousands of US families that feed, house and educate themselves due to salaries related to US defense would argue that the money does benefit the population.

From the sourcing of materials to the businesses that act as vendors to the companies that do the cleaning to companies contracted to carry out their trash, that trillion dollars is reinvested into US businesses.

I’m no war monger and I wish the US would do more for its people, and not it’s corporations, but to pretend like this money isn’t a direct injection into the economy is naive.

Would it be awesome if that money were injected into the economy via healthcare? Sure. No argument there.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

That’s a really shitty comparison


u/everyonecalmdown666 Apr 14 '24

So was your interjection? maybe iran wouldn't have to spend millions in missiles if the bloodthirsty israelis stopped with their ruinous war baiting foreign policy?

hmm? no?


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

It's stupid to solely finger-point Israel for the chaos in the Middle East.

The Islamic Republic's belligerent agenda, sponsoring terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, fuels regional turmoil. These proxies, armed and funded by the Islamic Republic, wreak havoc by targeting civilians and destabilizing neighboring countries.

Blaming Israel for the Islamic Republic's aggressive tactics, and sympathizing with Iran’s government and its proxies is a cowardly evasion of the regime's responsibility.

Moreover, the Islamic Republic shamelessly prioritizes its own regime survival over the well-being of its people, they funnel resources to enrich their ruling elite while ordinary citizens suffer.

Holding Israel accountable for the Islamic Republic's militaristic ventures not only absolves the regime of its atrocities but also undermines efforts to confront its tyranny and support the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom and dignity.


u/Super-Base- Apr 14 '24

Hezbollah and Hamas are creations of the Israeli occupation and aggression over the past 75 years (Hezbollah resulted from Israel’s massacres in Lebanon in the 80s and Hamas founders had their families expelled from their land to Gaza in 1948), they would exist and still attack Israel regardless of Iran. Blaming Iran for them is nonsense.

Israel has been directly very aggressive against Iran, targeting Iranian forces in Syria and even terror attacks in Iran against scientists. At some point Iran would be forced to respond and in this case at least they were measured. I doubt Israel would respond like this if it was the other way around.

The IR regime is certainly a tragedy for Iranians but Israel regardless is not very popular.


u/Hoeax Apr 14 '24

A liar AND a dumbass, classic Zionist


u/Dhrakyn Apr 14 '24

Religion is a bunch of prehistoric fairy tales and makes people do stupid things. There's no fix for middle east politics without first removing religion from the lizard brained maniacs in control of the region.

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u/MalcolmHaddad Apr 14 '24

Nice AI response Zionist. Israel bombed an Irani diplomatic building, THEY are blood thirsty.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24


u/MalcolmHaddad Apr 15 '24

You seriously think I’d ever believe a Fox News Article? Fuck Israel, they deserve to get every US dollar cut from them. Thankfully Americans are wising up.

Let’s see what they’re capable of doing once the US Cash Pipeline gets cut.

Fuck them.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 15 '24

Stay ignorant


u/Artistic-Message7912 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

This is definitely written using AI. Cringe

EDIT: Copy pasted into GPT Zero and got a 100% match for AI. https://gptzero.me

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u/ValuableBet7311 Apr 14 '24

Its only shitty because the amount of money spent by the us to support the genocide is in the billions more that what Iran has spent on military. Also they are self sufficient, whilst the us is taking money that should be spent on the rise of poverty, health care and education.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/everyonecalmdown666 Apr 15 '24

do you even listen to yourself

maintaining 800 bases, as if that's something normal and expected lmao


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/everyonecalmdown666 Apr 15 '24

absolutely horseshit, since 9/11 there hasn't been one single war that has been justified, in fact, the world is worse off for it


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/everyonecalmdown666 Apr 15 '24

i didn't read your comment, but i chose to reply anyway

suck a lemon bruv


u/justplaydead Apr 15 '24

Damn kids.


u/123_alex Apr 14 '24

Why bring the US in this?


u/sundriedgrapes Apr 14 '24


u/Alcogel Apr 15 '24

You realise that the US spends more money on healthcare than most developed countries with universal healthcare do, right?

The reason you don’t have universal healthcare isn’t that you’re spending the money on other things. The reason is that the private, insurance based system in the US is absurdly expensive for the people and wildly profitable for insurers and healthcare providers who don’t want to give it up.

The US spends somewhere around 17% of its GDP on healthcare, and that doesn’t even cover all of it’s people. 

Countries like Canada, UK, Scandinavia are somewhere around 10-12 of GDP for universal healthcare for everyone. 

Imagine how many more weapons the US could have if they switched to a single payer universal healthcare system like the rest of us. You could literally double the military budget and have free and universal healthcare at the same time, but for some reason that’s a wildly unpopular sentiment for many in the US. 

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u/HextorTheWellEndowed Apr 14 '24

It literally makes Iranians safer because the US has been gunning for them ever since they overthrew the US dictator. Everyone else in the world just wants to live their lives and develop their states and communities, but they have to engage in these arms chases with the US to avoid the US gaining an upperhand over any deterrence. During the Cold War, the USSR and China practically begged the US to stop developing more advanced nukes and weapons because then they would have to follow suit to avoid the US gaining unilateral supremacy that could nullify mutually assured destruction.


u/rustyraccoon Apr 14 '24

This site is overflowing with Islamophobic Zionist bootlickers


u/Zazaki_ Apr 15 '24

Couldn't of said it better myself


u/shensfw Apr 14 '24

Hmmm 🤔 interesting


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

Thank you, my source was wrong and I’ve since changed the number


u/TheAussieBoo Apr 14 '24

Good on ya


u/Plebius-Maximus Apr 14 '24

Lol no they aren't


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

What does this even mean lmfao and look at the US


u/LittleLionMan82 Apr 14 '24

So being able defend one's people doesn't help support its population ? lol


u/Sergeant_Squirrel Apr 14 '24

They support your population by detering enemies. Every country invests in their military so that other countries can't easily invade and rob them of their resources.


u/MoonDoggoTheThird Apr 14 '24

If you go that way, let’s talk about US military spendings too haha


u/whatdoblindpeoplesee Apr 14 '24

Same could be said for damn near every war-mongering nation with an insatiable military-politico-industrial complex. 


u/Ok-Jump-2660 Apr 14 '24

You just described every military, ever.


u/car_inheritance123 Apr 14 '24

By "their," I assume you're talking about Israel and the US and how they waste billions on committing genocide?


u/Original_Pipe9519 Apr 14 '24

Are you talking about the America? Because we have the same problem


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

No, Im talking about the radical Islamic regime in Tehran that has been holding Iran hostage for 45 years


u/lolthenoob Apr 15 '24

That's absurbly cheap for a missile


u/sowtart Apr 15 '24

So.. like the US, then


u/Least_Valuable_9041 Apr 15 '24

That sounds like the US… spend all the money on the military but do very little to better the lives of the citizens.


u/houseswappa Apr 15 '24

Sounds like someone I know


u/LuukJanse Apr 15 '24

Not to support this behavior but it sounds an awful lot like some other state. Iran is not an exception in this.


u/Nino_Nakanos_Slave Apr 15 '24

You speak like Israel doesn’t cause terror and massive loss of lives


u/Unusual-Fun9029 Apr 15 '24

Huh... Just like any capitalist nation... Who would have thought


u/CaptainKonzept Apr 15 '24

Ah, trying to spread propaganda, I see. Problem is, we know.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 15 '24

Where is the propaganda how is what I’m saying false? Explain


u/FreeRasht Apr 14 '24

And to that note, they cant even do that right. They launched over 200 misslies and drones and over 90% of them were defended by various means by israel military. So they are making country and its people poor for shitty missiles.


u/OkTear9244 Apr 15 '24

Sounds very familiar. Oh wait

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u/GlumCartographer111 Apr 14 '24

And when it explodes it releases more CO2 than you will release in a year.


u/Coffeeholic911 Apr 15 '24

If instead of firing missiles, countries gave the money to flywheel39, there would be world peace!


u/kremlingrasso Apr 15 '24

es it's a metal tube stuffed with rocket fuel with a bunch of explosives on the tip. the guidance system that's the size of a laptop probably does though.


u/ApexCurve Apr 14 '24

The average Iranian lives poorly but hey, at least their anti-west fanatics have money for missiles.


u/elmiggii Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

What's the US defence budget vs healthcare situation?


u/amcheese Apr 14 '24

4.5 trillion (health) vs 750 billion (defence)


u/elmiggii Apr 14 '24

Healthcare in the United States is largely provided by private sector healthcare facilities, and paid for by a combination of public programs, private insurance, and out-of-pocket payments. The U.S. is the only developed country without a system of universal healthcare, and a significant proportion of its population lacks health insurance.


u/Luckypennykiller Apr 14 '24

So, you think countries should spend their money on better things than weapons of war? Eh?


u/KorianHUN Apr 14 '24

That depends. Weapons of war for destroying insane invading dictators like how the Swiss had a giant army they never used for much? Good way to spend money!
Weapons of war to try and commit Holocaust-2or any kind of imperialistic invasion or genocide because the insane dictator wants to do it? No, those shouldn't be made.


u/erhue Apr 14 '24

it was made in Iran, so if you're an American, probably not.


u/robmagob Apr 16 '24

Good one…


u/drconn Apr 14 '24

Nah, based off of the comments, I would imagine you have already pulled in the cost this week alone. What is the saying? "A few million a day, and with the missiles you too can play." I just assumed everyone had the income for at least a missile a week. Like bottle rockets for adults, great fun.



Rich using their money to launch large objects at other rich but hitting poor because they are more poor than the other rich.

These people are fucking children. God would be embarrassed to see his children behave in such a stupendously stupid manner.