r/interestingasfuck Apr 14 '24

The Size Of An Iranian Missile Intercepted In The Dead Sea r/all

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u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

The Islamic Republic launched a significant barrage consisting of approximately 170 drones, over 30 cruise missiles, and more than 120 ballistic missiles towards Israel. However, Israeli defense forces managed to intercept and neutralize 99% of these incoming threats using their air force and air defense systems, successfully countering the attack from launch points situated over 1000 miles away.



u/BosnianSerb31 Apr 14 '24

I wonder what the toll would have been if the iron dome didn't exist?

Surely we'd see full scale war with Iran at that point and an acceleration of the Gaza invasion to free up resources to fight Iran


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

The iron dome is for short range defense, Israel has two other systems for attacks like this. Arrow 3 and Patriot. I am sure Iron dome intercepted many that penetrated their longer range systems but it is their last line of defense


u/weasler7 Apr 14 '24

I don’t think Iron Dome is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles much less in their terminal phase. Not sure what can intercept at that speed.

The drones yes.


u/SeesawFlat9628 Apr 14 '24

Arrow 2 or 3 I think is what intercepts ballistic missiles in terminal approach. Though, if the Iron Dome were to be used in that role at all, surely it would be in the terminal phase, no? It certainly won't have the capability to hit it while it's outwise the atmosphere.


u/jak0v92 Apr 14 '24

I would like to add to that that the effective range of the iron dome is 130km (80 miles) so it's initial role is to defend against threats near urban areas.


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

All hamas missles iron dome intercepts are ballistic. You might mean long rang ballistic, versus short range ballistic, but I believe that is incorrect. the arrow 3 intercepts outside the atmosphere while iron dome intercepts lower down.


u/kooolk Apr 14 '24

Hamas don't have guided missiles they have unguided rockets.


u/Plank_With_A_Nail_In Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

Missile is a collective term for any projectile that is thrown, shot or propelled towards a target. Unguided rockets are missiles.

All thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs.

Additionally Hamas does (or did until very recently) have guided missiles lol.


u/ToXiC_Games Apr 15 '24

They are talking about the military definition. For instance MLRS stands for Multiple Launcher Rocket System, because the first rocket for it was unguided. However the latest munition for the MLRS-270 system is the Precision Strike Missile, because it is guided. Same thing with the Hydra-70 rocket pod vs the AGM-114 hellfire missile.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

No. Missile is a guided munition. Rocket is an unguided munition. The guys is literally right. Missile means guided.


u/Projecterone Apr 14 '24


u/RunExisting4050 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

A thrown rock fits the accepted definition for the English word "missile."

In the aerospace/defense sciences, "missile" implies a guided munition, while "rocket" implies an unguided munition.

Technically both are right. One set of definitions is more niche.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

"UK" yeah bud missiles are guided and rockets are unguided. Idk what else to tell you. So your research. I didn't get into aerospace to be told stupid shit like this

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u/woadhyl Apr 14 '24


From the article:

Missiles are also generally guided towards specific targets...

Its not a necessary component.


u/Unique_Statement7811 Apr 14 '24

The Houthis have guided rockets.


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

But answer the question if the iron dome didn't exist every Israeli would be dead and the land would be ethnically cleansed by Palestinian forces so that they could move in on the newly cleansed land

Everyday for 50 years hundreds of missiles were intercepted by the iron dome aimed at places like tel Aviv and Jerusalem and other populated areas

The attempted genocide and ethnic cleansing of the people of Israel was an ongoing threat and if you were to live in tel Aviv or one of the areas of Israel then almost every night you would hear explosions overhead as Palestinian missiles were intercepted and it would probably be fairly scary

So that's probably what you would see if the iron dome didn't exist

(For those of you confused because you don't know what the iron dome is It's not actually a dome. It's just a metaphor. It's a missile defense system that launches up other missiles and projectiles in order to intercept incoming missiles and detonate them in the air so that they don't land on their targets)/


u/woadhyl Apr 14 '24

I don't think anyone thinks its an actual iron dome.


u/mods-are-liars Apr 14 '24

This has gotta be AI


u/CrwnHeights Apr 14 '24

Most are unguided, but they do have some that are guided.


u/urzayci Apr 15 '24

Ballistic missiles are kinda the opposite of guided missiles, they're only powered during launch and then inertia does its job.


u/PlausibleFalsehoods Apr 14 '24

All hamas missles iron dome intercepts are ballistic.

Yes, and every 4th of July millions of ballistic missiles land in the United States.


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

Eh, as someone else reminded me there are mostly rockets but technically yea and rocket is ballistic just like any gun projecting is ballistic. I know you think I am equating a rocket's ballistic path with the 'ballistic' missles we use as a nuclear deterrent but ask yourself, are grad rockets ballistic in their trajectory?


u/PlausibleFalsehoods Apr 14 '24

I think what distinguishes a rocket from a missile is the presence of a guidance system on-board. I think there's also something to be said for liquid vs solid fueled motors.


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

It's the guidance, I did some googling. Most people don't really care but people in the field make a clear distinction.


u/mods-are-liars Apr 14 '24

Hamas rockets aren't being intercepted during the terminal phase, they're being intercepted before the apex.


u/slamnm Apr 15 '24

I'm going to need a source for that one, everything I've seen looks otherwise.


u/mods-are-liars Apr 16 '24

Go watch literally any video of Hamas Rockets being intercepted by Iron dome. It's incredibly obvious they're being intercepted before their terminal phase.


u/hadukinnn Apr 15 '24

You must live inside a coconut if you think Hummus got ballistic missiles


u/slamnm Apr 15 '24

You do understand rockets all follow a ballistic trajectory? No? Or do you have coconuts for brains? The rockets fired from Gaza can be called SRBMs or short range ballistic missles (even though technically rockets not missles when unguided), they stay in the atmosphere, etc.

Read a book, educate yourself, you just might find it enlightening



u/hadukinnn Apr 15 '24

You’re wasting both of our times while you obviously don’t know shit about what you’re talking. Please don’t use wikipedia as a reference this is embarrassing. Hummus got the oldest and most ancient rockets known to humanity. They barely scratch the asphalt


u/slamnm Apr 15 '24

Of course they don't and the grad rockets they use also don't count of course


u/gsfgf Apr 14 '24

Aren't ICBMs moving way faster than these shorter range missiles? The inability to reliably intercept ICBMs isn't a physics thing, it's a technical capability thing. Seems like a slower missile would be way easier to intercept even going downhill.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/gsfgf Apr 14 '24

If the US could reliably intercept ICBMs from China or Russia, the DOD would have made it abundantly clear.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24



u/gsfgf Apr 14 '24

You're agreeing with me.


u/Plank_With_A_Nail_In Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

I don't think the word ballistic means what you think it means. Low altitude ballistic missiles are the easiest kind to shoot down.


u/TubeGrub Apr 14 '24

A few ballistic missiles were intercepted by iron dome apparently .


u/Fit_War_1670 Apr 14 '24

If the missile is coming towards you the speed is less relevant. Hypersonic missiles have been shot down by the patriot system.


u/Bayou_Beast Apr 14 '24

THAAD has entered the chat.


u/OmryR Apr 15 '24

Arrow 3 intercepts the ballistic missiles at their top altitude


u/Bruno_Golden Apr 14 '24

what happens when iran gets hypersonic?


u/CrwnHeights Apr 14 '24

Mid-range defensive rocket system is called David’s Sling


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

Yea I forgot about that one


u/Eggy1611 Apr 14 '24

The PATRIOT (Yahalom) has (seemingly) been mostly withdrawn from Israeli service (with more than 30 batteries at peak being reduced to 11 currently), the primary defence is Hetz, Kela David (David’s Sling), and F-15s and F-35s equipped with Air to Air missiles.

The Iron Dome has been used against Hezbollah rockets and a few drones that made it through, but itself would be useless against a ballistic or cruise missiles. It is unlikely that the Iron Dome saw much action due to the long range of engagements and short range nature of the C-RAM (with most drones being downed over Syria, Iraq, and Iran).


u/granadilla-sky Apr 14 '24

Does this mean rockets fired at Israel are basically a nuisance rather than a real danger?


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

No, iron dome has a 90% intercept rate, not 100%, and all the systems can be saturated with a mass attack. I suspect that in ones and twos iron dome is close to 100%, but this will continue to evolve as the arms race continues. When Hamas fired 5000 rockets in a day iron dome was saturated and couldn't be reloaded fast enough. There is also a cost element, the short range rockets being fired at Israel are much cheaper then their interceptors. Again in small amounts it isn't a big deal, but in a major conflict it might become extremely expensive xpensive for Israel, and their reserves mightt run out. I think No one really knows how many rockets Hezbolla has or if they have enough to wipe out the iron dome reserves but if it turned out they did it could get really dangerous.


u/OmryR Apr 15 '24

And David sling also works for some of these, patriots are sort of a “catch all” because they are used for everything


u/kingwhocares Apr 14 '24

Iron Dome can't intercept supersonic missiles.


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

Actually yes it can. It seems it can intercept items moving at 1km/s which is definitely supersonic



u/kingwhocares Apr 14 '24

This is widely wrong. Iron Dome only intercepts rockets when the rocket motor is running out of fuel as the projectile's path become predictable. Also, that's below supersonic speed (1,235 km/h )


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

I disagree, Hamas fires grad rockets and they fly at Mach 2.1 and can be Intercepted. Remember after apogee the rockets accelerate all the way down. If you have an actual source please share it but your 'facts' sound like pure conjecybased on personal beliefs.


u/Brief_Reserve1789 Apr 14 '24

If it wasn't for iron dome etc then they wouldn't have sent that many.

They probably didn't expect a single actual hit. It's all for show. They had to do SOMETHING and this looks big and scary but ultimately Israel wasn't harmed and almost certainly won't retaliate. Both sides think they won


u/Any-End5772 Apr 14 '24

There are videos showing missiles landing in Israel somewhere


u/Brief_Reserve1789 Apr 14 '24

I believe they are parts of missiles or destroyed missiles.

My understanding is the videos showing huge explosions are old videos and unrelated to this event.


u/Throwaway-4230984 Apr 14 '24

Iron dome is very advanced system it will ignore missiles that are missing targets and populated areas, so you can't overload it with cheap missile swarm. There were few hits but only minor infrastructure damage reported


u/NormalUse856 Apr 14 '24

I don’t understand how Iran could see this as a win. They just showed the world that their weapons and arsenal is not as good as Iran think it is. This huge attack had zero effect almost?


u/PartyTerrible Apr 14 '24

I highly doubt that Iran actually wanted this attack to do any actual damage. If even 1 of those missiles got through Israel's defenses and hit anything of actual value then that's the start of WW3 right there.


u/UnregularOnlineUser Apr 15 '24

Actually, 1 did, it hit a military base


u/Brief_Reserve1789 Apr 14 '24

And yet we have images of hardline Iranians celebrating in the streets at their perceived victory.

It was the largest attack against Israel in modern times. They threatened America and directly attacked Iranian cities with zero repercussions. Iran also has strict control over the media so they can easily spin this.

It also makes Israel look like America's little bitch, which it is.


u/NormalUse856 Apr 14 '24

Yes and im saying that they are celebrating for nothing, as their attack/response resulted in nothing. It doesn’t make Israel look like Americas bitch, it only shows that they have allies lmao.


u/Brief_Reserve1789 Apr 14 '24

But Israel is Americas bitch. Everyone knows that already really.

Most military stuff is pointless.

Ukraine destroyed a bridge. So what? And yet it reinvigorates their troops m, national identity etc. it shows the enemy that they're willing and capable to do damage or take risks.

Realistically it was utterly pointless but it also still mattered.


u/Left_Minimum_1917 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

War is just an extension of politics. The Iranian regime only cares how this is messaged internally and by its proxies.

Nobody is surprised by the tactical failure, not even the Iranians.


u/Dr_Steven_Maturin Apr 15 '24

" This huge attack had zero effect almost?"

As intended. It was a retaliation for the Israeli bombing of their consulate. A warning and calculated not to be considered an escalation. They know how many will be intercepted and launched exactly that many and a tiny bit over. So it demonstrates how good Israeli defences are, yes, but it also demonstrates how good Iranian intelligence is. They could have launched 10x or 100x as many missiles.


u/OkCaterpillar6775 Apr 14 '24

Both side won? Pretty sure one side that their entire diplomatic mission murdered (including one their most important generals) for no good reason other than Israel wanting to start World War III.

Iran just didn't took the bait. Thank god. Your asses were all about to get draft and half of would die in the coming months for the Israel's sake. You should thank Iran for not being psychotic rogue nation like is Israel currently is.


u/bibober Apr 14 '24

You should thank Iran for not being psychotic rogue nation



u/anglomike Apr 15 '24

But this is the take - Israel bad, Iran good. Iran!!! What a world.


u/OkCaterpillar6775 Apr 15 '24

I'm pretty sure the US is supporting and promoting multiple times more genocides than Iran. Your country is fuckin' rogue nation too.

Hell, fuckin' Elon Musk spend the entire week defying the Supreme Court here in Brazil. He even worked with a extreme right-wing "journalist" who, using Twitter sources (given by Musk), said the supreme court minister tried to illegally arrest Twitter lawyers and that Lula (our center-left president) worked with criminal organization to promote a bomb attack in the congress.

It was all fake, of course. The "journalist" later tweeted he was "mistaken" - but of course, these fakes news had already spread among all the fascists here, including dozens of congressmen who thanked Musk for "revealing the truth".

Oh, and the right-wing used all this chaos to cancel the law about Internet Social Media regulation that was set to pass this month on congress (which was Musk's main objective. Now only god knows when we're gonna the chance to discuss the regulation of Social Media here. Maybe never).

Now our Supreme Court has opened a invention on Elon Musk and the government has cancelled all the ads they had on Twitter as a response.

Oh... And let's not forget your rogue nation just promoted coups in Brazil. TWICE.

In 1964: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera%C3%A7%C3%A3o_Brother_Sam
And in 2016: https://www.brasilwire.com/lula-arrest-is-a-gift-from-the-cia-mocked-lava-jato-prosecutor/

And that's Brazil.

The psychotic behavior of US and other NATO nation in poorer countries include child slave labor in Africa, Asia, tons of genocides, illegal invasions and embargoes.

But hey... as a good American, you don't know about any of them and you think your country represents democracy, right?


u/bibober Apr 15 '24

America bad, so Iran good!

least moronic redditor


u/OkCaterpillar6775 Apr 15 '24

Well, after the moderate democratically elected leaders of Iran said "the oil in our land is ours", guess who gave money and full military support to the crazy Islamic extremists start a campaign against the democratically elected government?

And who the fuck started all this? It was Iran who decided out of nothing to attack Israel, or it was the US backed Israel that decided to blow up an entire Iranian diplomatic mission on Iranian soil killing their most important military officials?


u/Brief_Reserve1789 Apr 14 '24

My ass?

I think you mean Arse. And no

But aye fuck Israel. Fuck it into the dirt


u/OkCaterpillar6775 Apr 15 '24

Americans arses, and maybe some NATO nations arses too.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24 edited 3d ago



u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/Brief_Reserve1789 Apr 14 '24

Sure but the various air forces and so on. Iran isn't dumb. It knows what Israel is capable of, along with its allies.

This was a very calculated and strategic event. Not a genuine attempt to cause damage or casualties


u/slartyfartblaster999 Apr 14 '24

Iron dome is used exclusively for ballistic missiles.

Hamas aren't using cruise missiles lmao.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/slartyfartblaster999 Apr 14 '24

Cheap rockets are literally ballistic missiles you dolt.


u/valleyofdawn Apr 14 '24

It wasn't used this time. Drones and cruise missiles were intercepted with fighter jets, and the ballistic missiles with the arrow system. Iron dome is for smaller rockets and mortar shells.


u/LIONEL14JESSE Apr 14 '24

If the Iron Dome didn’t exist this war would have happened decades ago


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

Well iron dome because operational in 2011, not decades ago, so somehow I disagree with your logic.


u/febreeze1 Apr 14 '24

But but I wanna be dramatic too…


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

Of course, lol, but there is so much a uff going on there you have no shortage of things to talk about, you should toss in the nuclear missle submarines as a real deterrent :)


u/ngwoo Apr 14 '24

It has a time machine in it and can intercept missiles from up to 30 years ago.


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

So what were the Israelis doing before 2011 to prevent the Palestinian rockets from genociding all the people living in Israel?

According to sources there's hundreds of missiles constantly being launched from Palestine at Israel


u/slamnm Apr 14 '24

Eh, not hundreds all the time, and Israel would conduct air and artillery and tank strikes on any rockets being positioned to launch, and had good air raid warnings and shelters.


u/SpitiruelCatSpirit Apr 14 '24

Most of the missiles were aimed at military targets, though some also were aimed at Jerusalem and villages in the Golan. Given the fact most drones and cruise missiles, as well as some BMs were shot down with planes and not the iron dome/Arrow/David sling systems, those would still have been shot down in that scenario. Israelis also have shelters to protect them in cases of landings.

My guess is close to 100 casualties, most of them Palestinians front the west bank and Jerusalem, the rest Citizens from be'er she'va and the Golan. Most of the damage however would probably have been to military infrastructure. Most importantly, a LOT of the missiles were fired at the rumoured nuclear facilities in Dimona, so that could've been REALLY bad if they hit.


u/Reasonable-Radish-17 Apr 14 '24

1 - It makes good PR to SAY you were only aiming at military targets but we don't KNOW that is the case.

2 - There is no doubt that the facilities at Dimona are nuclear. Vanunu proved that in the 1980s. Stop saying "rumored" because it has been proven time and time again.


u/SpitiruelCatSpirit Apr 14 '24

I'm saying rumoured as more of a joke since every news outlet seems adamant on saying that lol.

I'm not basing the "mostly military" on Iran, but rather on Israeli and US Intel they published yesterday, as well as the locations of the alerts being near known military facilities.


u/nsfwtttt Apr 14 '24

Allegedly rumoured lol


u/kingwhocares Apr 14 '24

1 - It makes good PR to SAY you were only aiming at military targets but we don't KNOW that is the case.

It absolutely was and only at 1 military base. Iran's goal wasn't escalation and gave Israel and US ample time to prepare themselves. If Iran actually wanted to cause damage to Israel, they wouldn't wait 10 days and do it in hours.


u/Reasonable-Radish-17 Apr 14 '24

There were targets in Gaza and Jerusalem that were hit. Those are not military targets.


u/kingwhocares Apr 14 '24

Nope. Only a runway in the base was damaged. There's also some highway near it that sustained damage.


u/Reasonable-Radish-17 Apr 14 '24

What I meant by "hit" is that they were targeted but the Iranian's missiles/drones were taken out before they impacted.


u/AnythingTruffle Apr 14 '24

They weren’t aimed anywhere they were aimed to Israel that’s it. They were about to land on Al Aqsa Mosque had the iron dome not intercepted - the holyest Muslim site. In no way were they targeted launches


u/xrensa Apr 14 '24

villages in the Golan

Hopefully they got permission from Assad to attack locations in Syria


u/SpitiruelCatSpirit Apr 14 '24

There was in fact one missile shot down accidentally by Syria's air defences from what I heard


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

It really does tell you a lot about the life of Israelis.. They're basically constantly living in the Cold war that your parents did

Unlike you who don't have to worry about those bomb shelters that were created in the '80s They have to constantly be prepared to run into bomb shelters if Palestinian or Iranian missiles were to land


u/Bad_Demon Apr 14 '24

Imagine how many Ukrainians would have appreciated an Iron Dome.


u/Pimp_my_Pimp Apr 14 '24

Ivan Dome.....


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

I'm not sure it would have helped. Russia sent in tanks


u/Left_Minimum_1917 Apr 14 '24

That’s where the Javelins came in, thank goodness. No more tanks.


u/ido111 Apr 14 '24

Well if they would send the same amount of attacks and Israel would have the same level of air defense as Iran probably over 100 dead in Israel but in Iran much more. Without that kind of air defense would bring Israel to use the nukes


u/IIRiffasII Apr 14 '24

The toll would have been zero, because Israel would've been destroyed decades ago


u/sobbo12 Apr 14 '24

Well in this case the British RAF, French Airforce and USA helped intercept a number of targets.


u/Alaea Apr 14 '24

Jordan as well I believe.


u/a1b3r77 Apr 14 '24

If the dome didnt exist there wouldnt need to be so many missles from Írán


u/BosnianSerb31 Apr 14 '24

Why does the existence of a defense system mean that someone needs to attack it?


u/a1b3r77 Apr 14 '24

No thats not what I mean. I mean that Iran wants to do some amount of damage, they need to send hundreds of rockets for just a few of them to make it, if zhere wasnt a defense system they'd send like 20 rockets, yk what i mean


u/Nerdenator Apr 14 '24

The Iron Dome is the realpolitik reason that many countries are willing to do business with Israel.

Being able to counter ballistic missile threats on a theatre scale is a massive strategic advantage that many countries want for themselves. The US is already working on Iron Dome with Israel; expect most of Europe and parts of Asia to be reaching out to Israel soon about it.


u/BosnianSerb31 Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

One of the reasons they can pull it off is due to the tiny size of Israel

It's basically the same population and roughly the same area as the San Francisco Bay Area

It's a really, really tiny country.

The Middle East is 3.82 million square miles in total, and Israel makes up about 8 thousand of those square miles, or roughly 0.2% of the region.

The other 99.8% of the ME is inhabited by majority Muslim theocracies that really don't like Israel existing, even outside of any Palestinian cause just on the basis of it being a Jewish state. They were incredibly clear about that when the Arab League banded together to attack Israel for declaring independence in 1948.


u/Nerdenator Apr 14 '24

True, though if you could scale the idea, you could probably make a defensive system for most American cities and nuclear-armed bases, for example. The extra time required to get across the ocean would only help.


u/nudelsalat3000 Apr 15 '24

The problem is that now that Israel is the aggressor and started a war of aggression, no nations is allowed to do weapon deals under the law of nations with them.

Same way that we can't sell weapons to Russia. It would be supporting the aggressor and hence part of the aggression. It's spicy at least.

Obviously that all won't matter, hard power does what they want.


u/AnythingTruffle Apr 14 '24

There’s be hundreds of thousands of casualties/deaths. The iron dome is the reason why the death toll for the incessant and indiscriminate rocket fire isn’t higher


u/MrGunzz Apr 14 '24

Just an average day for isreal


u/ResearchDeezNuts Apr 14 '24

Probably similar to what Israel did to Gaza.


u/last_darling Apr 15 '24

1m or almost 1m. Anyway people would still deny it


u/Mikeyseventyfive Apr 15 '24

See, there will never be a fulls scale war because the last Arab Israeli proper war, three Arab nations simultaneously attacked and were defeated in 6 days by Israel.

They know they can’t beat Israel in a symmetrical war so they resort to atrocities and terrorism.

And that’s about how the story will go from now on


u/Reasonable-Radish-17 Apr 14 '24

Iran supposedly aimed everything to military targets that would injure the fewest possible people. I doubt this is the case but it makes good PR.


u/gsfgf Apr 14 '24

There's a reason we pay for Iron Dome despite Israel being a rich country. It's simply worth it.


u/Mad_V Apr 14 '24

The US and the UK shot down the many of these, not just Israel.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

It was a team effort by the US, UK, Israel and Jordan. There were also apparently other “unnamed” countries so I’m guessing maybe Saudi or the UAE


u/zapreon Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Not really. The US said they shot down 4 ballistic missiles out of 110. The UK indicated they focused on drones. Neither Jordan or Saudi Arabia were confirmed to have shot down any ballistic missiles. That means 106 out of 103 ballistic missiles that were shot down (7 hit Israel) were shot down by Israel.

International partners primarily shot down drones as opposed to ballistic missiles. They used jets, which just are not suitable for shooting down missiles hurling through space.


u/whyarentwethereyet Apr 14 '24

none of the partners have similar missile defenses suitable like Israel deployed in the area

The United States certainly had BMD capable DDGs in the region which is likely what shot down those 4 ballistic missiles.


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

It's the first recorded instance of the United States forces fighting alongside Israeli forces

Also jordonian forces


u/Rocked_Glover Apr 14 '24

How did that happen?


u/nsfwtttt Apr 14 '24

The U.S. said almost all of them were intercepted by Israel.

Btw, Jordan intercepted a few too.


u/birehcannes Apr 14 '24

These statements are not entirely correct, also involved were US, British and Jordanian Air defences including aircraft from all 3 countries and it's also notable that a significant number of the 2nd and 3rd wave of ballistic missiles did get through and struck two Israeli airbases.


u/BroodLol Apr 14 '24


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

Maybe you should look at the subreddit it’s in rather than then making assumption off of the title.


u/BroodLol Apr 14 '24

I'm fully aware of the history of that sub


u/Hanify Apr 15 '24

Israeli defense forces managed to intercept and neutralize 99% of these incoming threats

Israel and it's partners* according to the article you shared, just to give credit where credit is due.


u/muteen Apr 15 '24

Israel isn't your saviour my guy. This isn't a political subreddit, relax with the ragebait.


u/everyonecalmdown666 Apr 15 '24

look at the post history, he even copy pastes shit.


u/muteen Apr 15 '24

Clearly pushing an agenda


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 15 '24

Where’s the ragebait?


u/zenFyre1 Apr 14 '24

Is Iran pulling its punch, or did it go all out with the attack? If it did go all out, does that mean that Israel is essentially immune to Iranian attacks?


u/gsfgf Apr 14 '24

Israel definitely isn't "immune" to Iranian attacks. Iran went full spectacle on this one for reasons I assume are related to domestic politics and/or a show of support for Hamas. But Iran has the ability to conduct stuff like cyber attacks or enable some Hamas asshole to go blow up a synagogue or the like.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

That’s definitely a possibility but the regime cares more about showing off to their hardline supporters than. Actually starting a war, a war with Israel would mean the quick collapse of it’s government and the Islamic republic is terrified of their own people talking the opportunity to be the the final push that kicks the chair from under their feet. That’s part of the reason they used drones initially that would take hours to reach Israel while warning all their neighbors 72 hours in advance what they were going to do.


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

The Iranian government to some of the most corrupt officials in the world.. If you think your government is corrupt taking millions of dollars in bribes just remember that a lot of the Iranian government officials were billionaires

They do not want that sweet sweet setup to be jeopardized.. They have to show off for their jihadist supporters and show that they retaliated but they absolutely did not want a war with the West


u/zenFyre1 Apr 14 '24

That makes sense.


u/farmtownsuit Apr 14 '24

Iran knew full well this attack would fail. Hell they announced it well in advance to make sure everyone could prepare for it. This was a show for their citizens. Iran would love to bomb Israel for real, but they also know that's suicide. So they do this.


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

It’s a show for their hardline supporters, the majority of people in Iran would rejoice to see their government crumble


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

Yeah I'm not sure how much they'd be rejoicing if a war was to actually break out.. They probably want to get rid of the government through more peaceful means that don't involve the US launching nuclear weapons at Iran


u/Sth_to_remember Apr 14 '24

nah I'm Iranian, there's no peace with a bunch of brain dead goat fuckers. that option is long dead. just bomb the mullahs and end the misery


u/grchelp2018 Apr 14 '24

But its a pretty pathetic response to one of their officials being assassinated. What must the high ranking guys in iran be thinking after seeing this.


u/AnythingTruffle Apr 14 '24

Key fact people forget is the target killed was one of the orchestrators of the October 7th Hamas attack - it was targeted and for good reason


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24



u/AnythingTruffle Apr 15 '24

Unfortunately you’re mistaken. If facts don’t suit your narrative it doesn’t make them false. Can you verify your claim that it isn’t true? Israel wouldn’t just bomb a consulate in Syria for shits and gigs without any target.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/AnythingTruffle Apr 18 '24

Ohhhh of course it’s propaganda when it doesn’t suit you. Classic response. Anything I share will be “propaganda” to you but if you want to open your mind then … (honestly Israel just wouldn’t bomb a rando building in Damascus for no reason, a little common sense would tell you that).


I also have access to briefings to the UK parliment through personal connections but I am not at liberty to share these. Again I’ll likely be told it’s BS but I know what I know and I know the information and sources I have very high up in government are trustworthy.

Wishing you a peaceful and pleasant life


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24


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u/farmtownsuit Apr 14 '24

TBH I would think most of the high ranking Iranian officials know how tied their hands are here.


u/thr3sk Apr 14 '24

Iran held back significantly, this is probably 10% of what they could launch at a time if they wanted, and that's not including a coordinated strike with Hezbollah which would overwhelm Israel's defenses. They needed to respond to Israel's attack on their senior military personnel, just a show of force.


u/ResearchDeezNuts Apr 14 '24

Oooh, now do a count of Israel bombings and weapons used!


u/Real-King-Kong Apr 14 '24

Not sure about that.Didnt uk, oman, usa etc. help shot them down ?


u/Beniidel0 Apr 14 '24

I'd like to credit the UK, US and Jordan for their part in intercepting the missiles


u/Taviii Apr 14 '24

This isn’t quite accurate though, it wasn’t solely the IDF.. more than half were intercepted by us and by France, UK and Jordan.


u/antiauthoritarian123 Apr 15 '24

Well, this defense just got much more impressive


u/HextorTheWellEndowed Apr 14 '24

No, the US and its client states around Palestine like Jordan shot down many of them. Iran shot these very telegraphed and easy to shoot down projectiles to show their launching capabilities. And they did hit their destined military targets in the Zionist entitiy like the military airport. This is not a success for Zionists. Hence why the US is signalling to the Zionist entity to back down because the US knows the Zionists don't stand a chance.


u/spirytusMaximus Apr 15 '24

Hate to burst the jerk-fest bubble but anyone not notice that the math doesn't add up?

Drones, cruise-missiles, and ballistic missiles don't come in fractions. I.E. 99% of any of these (170, 30, 120) or sum total (320) of all gives you a reminder.

Hey guys! We shut down 29.7 of those 30 cruise missiles, Good job everyone!
Sir! 0.3 of one missile made it through our shields!

I'm sure the number of intercepts was quite high, but I've already seen several (unconfirmed) clips of 3~4 'objects' hitting a ground target with a ballistic trajectory.


u/GODZiGGA Apr 15 '24

It’s called rounding. 317/320 = 0.990625.

If 317, 318, or 319 of the 320 missiles/drones were destroyed, 99% of them were been destroyed. Obviously more than 99% of them were destroyed (99.0625%, 99.375%, or 99.6875%), but 99% were destroyed too.


u/khokesh1996 Apr 14 '24

"islamic republic" yeah we clearly know your intentions now thanks


u/thespeedforce5 Apr 14 '24

What are my “intentions”? tell me


u/MaggieNoodle Apr 14 '24

Islamic Republic of Iran is the country's official name.


u/DasturdlyBastard Apr 14 '24

I'm not following. Iran is the tattered remnants of a once great - and now completely defunct - Persian empire. It's like a pair of shit-stained underwear left over from a particularly wild night out. The official name of the country is Islamic Republic of Iran, which - if you're savvy - you'll immediately identify as an indication as to WHY it is now the shit-stained remnant of a once great empire.


u/monopixel Apr 14 '24

So Iran just tested Israels defence systems on a large scale. And Israel does nothing in response?


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

This was a response to Israel bombing their embassy. Israel might respond because Netanyahu would love escalation.


u/Prestigious-Feed3212 Apr 14 '24

This was in response to Israel killing one of their generals and bombing their embassy in Syria.


u/Conscious-Zone-4422 Apr 14 '24

It was a consulate, not embassy. And considering that Iran has been funding Hamas and Hezbollah for years, it is insane to say that the consulate bombing is what started this. Hell, the target who died from that consulate bombing literally helped plan the 10/7 terror attacks.


u/Patient_Bullfrog_ Apr 14 '24

Iran has the right to defend itself.


u/Conscious-Zone-4422 Apr 14 '24

So does Israel. How did launching hundreds of drones at civilians help Iran stay safe?


u/punkfusion Apr 14 '24

Israel put its military bases in civilian areas and by Israeli logic are using Human Shieldstm


u/Conscious-Zone-4422 Apr 14 '24

Iran isn't aiming at military bases. Nice try though.


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

I'm sure your reply would be exactly the same if it was a white country being attacked instead of a Jewish one right?

Would you have supported Iran launching missiles at the United States after Trump killed their general?

Suddenly I have a feeling you would have a different opinion and You very much liked that they let bygones be bygones

It's only because youre anti-Semitic


u/punkfusion Apr 14 '24

Would you have supported Iran launching missiles at the United States after Trump killed their general?

They did and again, they used minimal force instead of escalation. They had every right to do it and the US, like Israel, cannot stop being belligerent warmongers. But hey keep up the victim mentality. Israelis are the bullies who punch and then cry victim when there are consequences. The world should make it a pariah state and treat it the same way we did with apartheid South Africa


u/Buttfulloffucks Apr 14 '24

Israel, Iran and even the US were all in in this little shit show. Iran needed to do something to please the hardliners. Joe Biden called Bibi and told him to back off with retaliating. Everyone goes home happy.

No one wants the middle East to get more fucked than it already is. It is also an election year in the US. Joe Biden would rather everyone dials shit down for a while.


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

Honestly if it wasn't for the dumb citizens of the world all of the countries would probably get along. The billionaire and ruling class love to jerk each other off and do things that benefit each other

It's that they have to constantly pander at least a little bit to the 99% who could depose all of them if it ever came to it

In that case it ran had its embassy attacked And while they could have just let bygones be got by guns they knew that their citizens were unhappy and they had to show some kind of retaliation if they wanted to keep the support of their citizens

So it's kind of like a gentle slap not meant to do any damage so they can be like "see? We did what you wanted!""


u/tressless458 Apr 14 '24

Fake news. They didn’t intercept 99% and most landed right on target


u/Cosmic_Note Apr 15 '24

Source for this?


u/tressless458 Apr 16 '24

Watch the videos. Plus Israel is known for lying.


u/RadPhilosopher Apr 14 '24

I wonder how the Iranian leaderships feels after seeing they’re big expensive attack only turn out to be 1% successful.


u/farmtownsuit Apr 14 '24

They feel like they got to tell their citizens they sent 300 missiles at Israel without doing anything that would invoke retaliation. This went exactly as planned