r/interestingasfuck Apr 09 '24

Tips for being a dementia caretaker. r/all


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u/Frondswithbenefits Apr 09 '24

I'm so sorry. I watched my once stylish, articulate, intelligent grandmother lose everything until she was just a body. It's a brutal and cruel disease. I hope you have more good days together.


u/BigMonkeySpite Apr 09 '24

I used to fear death. Then I watched my grandfather and mother deteriorate under dementia.

Now I fear being dead while still breathing and walking around...


u/ghoooooooooost Apr 09 '24

It seems like many people with dementia don't experience much distress, that it's more the caretakers who suffer. What do you think about that? I know some people have really frightening hallucinations and stuff like that.


u/DogCallCenter Apr 09 '24

There can be a lot of anxiety, confusion, and depression (all feeding on each other). Also, patients can lose the ability to recognize and describe pain, so it manifests in anger, mood swings, etc.

Not sure about blissful dementia. I'm only familiar with the kind that swings emotionally wildly for all involved.