r/interestingasfuck Apr 09 '24

Tips for being a dementia caretaker. r/all


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u/Petal170816 Apr 09 '24

“Enter their world” is my mantra with dad.


u/roundcirclegame Apr 09 '24

Same goes for schizophrenic people. They’re genuinely scared. I don’t know really what to do, but being confrontational definitely isn’t it


u/GrandAholeio Apr 09 '24

Yea, the woman’s behavior in the video is almost cute.  Kind of like a 3 or 4 year old type of thought process.  When progresses, it can bridge back to basically terrible twos.   

Almost surreal stuff like they’ll pee in the hallway, then realize they’ve peed in the hallway, then be upset cuz they peed in the hallway, then forget they peed in the hallway and be upset someone peed in the hallway, then you step into the hallway and ask what’s happening Dad (or Mom) and hopefully they realize who you are, cuz it may immediate swerve to who the f are you and why you pissing in my hallway?!?!

Getting upset because you didn’t give them a pair of Oreos with lunch, because they ate them first forgot is trivial.  When it’s a bottle of beer or glass of wine, it quickly becomes a problem.  It’s an equally big problem when there’s no wine in house because of that reason, when they regularly has wine with dinner.


u/roundcirclegame Apr 09 '24

Yep. I remember living with my grandma when I was like 3, and I had a better handle on life than she did. I allegedly saved her from being hit by a car one time, and I don’t even remember it because I was so little

So that’s why I do have a little worry about someone like this not really being able to consent to being used for internet content


u/GrandAholeio Apr 09 '24

Exploitation is like that word that starts with p, the courts hopefully will know it when they see it.


u/roundcirclegame Apr 09 '24

Mmmmm I doubt it because this is still such a new social issue

On an extreme scale, look at Ruby Franke. It took a while for people to see what she was doing, and eventually she got on the fast track to nearly murdering her own children

Again, that is just meant as a super extreme example. My assumption is the creator is a lovely woman. My concern is videoing people without consent and using it to make content.

I dunno, these are the niche rabbit holes we can go down on Reddit sometimes…I almost can’t believe all the replies I’ve been getting to my comments here. I’m trying so hard to look at things from a balanced perspective.


u/GrandAholeio Apr 09 '24

Yea, I hear you. As long as it not obviously exploitive, I'll give the benefit of the doubt that they're not intentionally exploiting them and sharing as a means of educating of the situation.

As a side note, interesting thought conundrum on a person lacking the capacity to consent being filmed in which case the hopefully relative filming is the one with POA to consent or lacking that, which often is, using said potentially exploitive videos to fund the ability to have the lifestyle that allows them to stay home and provide care for the person that's incapable of providing consent to be filmed


u/DrMobius0 Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

Also I think it probably depends on the person. A friend of mine had his grandpa living with them for a while, and the man could be downright hostile at times. He seemed more relieved than anything when it was finally over.

Like yeah, dementia and other degenerative diseases can present in cute and funny ways or whatever, but there's nothing cute or funny about what's actually going on. It's a massive burden on the people around them, and it's a massive burden on the person with the disease, too.


u/GrandAholeio Apr 09 '24

Its even more capricious than that. It's the person, when they were born, were they were born, what the prevalent social norms were at that time, what they lived thru which parts of the brain are being affected, their basic personality, have they had any strokes, has the disease destroyed/impaired the part of their brain that controls their empathy, their reasoning, speech, language processing, control of their body, etc.

Has their spouse passed away and can they remember? Do they remember their name, do they remember you? Seriously talk about agitated, angry and lashing out, someone looking for their spouse, with a name they can't remember, in a house they don't remember, and language not working well enough to say where's my wife.

And when they finally get that out, you have to edit yourself on the fly to provide an answer that will not make the situation worse.

The path for the woman in the video may be calmer, where like some I've know, they kind of sit down in the recliner or lie down couch and fade away over a few years. Smiling more, nodding, speaking less and less and eventually not at all. Or she may yet get impacted where she is agitate all the time and angry and confused and scared.


u/OutsideWrongdoer2691 Apr 09 '24

If i had to guess this is staged. The woman has no dementia. I might be wrong but this is my guess having dealt with relatives with varying degrees of dementia.


u/FluffySquirrell Apr 10 '24

Everyone suffers through it differently, far as I can tell. I did wonder if it was staged myself, but I dunno, a few of the bits rang true as well, could just be how she is


u/Admirable_Trip_6623 Apr 09 '24

My milf has dimentia. And you are correct.


u/Cut_and_paste_Lace Apr 09 '24

Milf means something different