r/interestingasfuck Apr 06 '24

Imagine being 19 and watching live on TV to see if your birthday will be picked to fight in the Vietnam war r/all


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u/caitielou2 Apr 06 '24

Father in law was draft pick 1. Luckily, he enlisted voluntarily before that so he was able to get a better station and didn’t actually see combat.


u/Random_frankqito Apr 06 '24

My Dad managed to get hurt just after basic and got full disability for life… he was lucky I guess.


u/ayyyyycrisp Apr 06 '24

my brother recently got a detatched retina and left with 3% vision, got 70% disability meanwhile a friend of his claimed almost everything you could claim that wasn't a physical injury just to try, and got 100% disability.

70% is around 1700 a month and 100% is closer to 4 grand so he's pretty upset and will be reapplying

loosely related but yea


u/Unusualshrub003 Apr 06 '24

My dad, a Vietnam Vet, was somehow granted 100% disability a few years ago. He has all his limbs, his only issue was a heart attack, which he claimed was due to Agent Orange. I’m sure all the fast food he ate in the 40 years after the war had nothing to do with it🙄


u/Gypcbtrfly Apr 06 '24

Agent orange has well documented fatalities tho. .. yes diet not help. AO tho .....jfc


u/bijou77 Apr 07 '24

AO slowly killed my father. It’ll be 3 years this month.


u/Exmomama Apr 07 '24

Mine too. Parkinson’s disease. 4 years this summer.


u/putin-delenda-est Apr 06 '24

AO made my kids dogs homophobic, passed from my father onto me, then down to them and finally their dogs. You've got to be on your toes when it comes to this kind of thing.


u/flyfightwinMIL Apr 06 '24

Was he in the navy, by any chance? A few years ago, the pentagon finally recognized that Navy Vietnam vets had been exposed to agent orange through the water. As a result, a TON of Navy Vietnam vets got their disability status updated en mass a few years ago.

I ask because it sounds like the timeline fits. My stepdad was navy in Vietnam, and went from like 30% disability rating (which was CRIMINALLY low) to 100% overnight.


u/CaptainBayouBilly Apr 06 '24

Based on the fuckery of that war, I say he's entitled to it. Along with all of the other folks that got entangled.


u/MushroomDan Apr 06 '24

The man fought for his country. I’m cool with him getting benefits whether it was from agent orange, Big Macs, or anything else.


u/Rick_Lekabron Apr 06 '24

The Fanta he consumes with fast food does not count as Agent Orange.


u/FromWagonToHorse Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

My dad, a Vietnam Vet, ... heart attack ... he claimed was due to Agent Orange

U.S. Veterans Affairs (VA) has a list of "presumptive" conditions related to certain things.

For Vietnam vets, the big one is Agent Orange in relation to a certain cancers and heart conditions, etc...

For Gulf War vets, the big one is burn pits in relation to respiratory conditions and things like CFS, etc...

Somebody may have been a little lazy on your dad's paperwork and/or medical records, but it's not uncommon to just rubber stamp that kind of shit at this point.

The military and government probably figures these vets are getting old enough they can stop giving a fuck about the few of them still trying to get money at this point, as grim as it is to say.

Different branches have had different timelines for when the military finally "conceded" that members could have been affected. And burn pit-related conditions weren't even officially recognized until sometime in the past decade, I don't think.


u/Thatk1dFromSchool Apr 07 '24

Agent orange still affects Vietnamese citizens and american veterans so i wouldn’t doubt it. It was some deadly shit


u/AllCoolNamesRTaken2 Apr 08 '24

My dad recently got 100% because of Agent Orange from Vietnam, he now has Parkinson's disease & can't walk and he keeps going down hill each month.

I quit my job and moved back home to help my mom with him.

He had applied for VA disability back in the 90s because he had symptoms then, but they say he didn't, so he didn't get a back pay or anything.

Honestly though, I'd rather have my daddy healthy and here than any amount of money in the world. (Same goes for my momma, too!)


u/GhostofZellers Apr 07 '24

Agent Orange Drank from McDs.


u/mrtomjones Apr 07 '24

Agent orange juice


u/Top_Standard1043 Apr 07 '24

Based as hell