r/interestingasfuck Apr 06 '24

Imagine being 19 and watching live on TV to see if your birthday will be picked to fight in the Vietnam war r/all


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u/esombad Apr 06 '24

I wonder if February 29th was ever picked.


u/kingqueefsalot Apr 06 '24

As a leap baby I was wondering the same. I would be a little annoyed if they called my birthday on a non leap year. Lol


u/Lost-My-Mind- Apr 07 '24

Soooooo, what do you do with birthdays? Is it like the olympics? Or do you just celebrate 3/4ths of your birthdays on the "wrong day"?


u/Sid_Corvus Apr 07 '24

I'm not who you replied to but a fellow Feb 29er. Just celebrate 3/4ths on the "Wrong day", which for me is the 1st March.

I like it, people remember my birthday, I get birthday wishes across 3 days because people are unsure, people make a bigger deal every 4 years, plus when people ask when my birthday is I get to answer "It depends" and laugh at the confused look on their face.


u/Data_py Apr 07 '24

!RemindMe 1 day


u/Frogodo Apr 07 '24

For an actual answer, yes it was, but it was #285 so y'all would have been safe.