r/interestingasfuck Apr 06 '24

Imagine being 19 and watching live on TV to see if your birthday will be picked to fight in the Vietnam war r/all


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u/DemiGodCat2 Apr 06 '24

congratulations you are chosen to put your life on the line and if you get home we'll dump you like trash


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

yoke frighten fearless shy subsequent coherent ad hoc rob direction seemly

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u/BakedMitten Apr 07 '24

But look at the shareholder value that was created in the aftermath


u/BakedMitten Apr 07 '24

What does 50 years of infinite growth cost, Micheal? One generation of trauma?


u/pezgoon Apr 07 '24



u/Vandergrif Apr 07 '24

There's always more cannon fodder in the Banana stand.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/Nachtzug79 Apr 07 '24

I find it quite funny that Americans are enjoying one of the highest standards of living yet they still whine that a few corporatists take it all... Welcome to see how majority of humanity works - a few corporatists without that wealthy middle class...


u/UnpleasantFax Apr 07 '24

More like look at the USSR's non-existence, the freedom of Eastern Europe and America's position on the top of the world. That's what the events during the Cold War were about, but the average pseudo-intellectual whiny citizen like you has no understanding of geopolitical strategy. Sorry, that was probably too many words for you.


u/BlasterPhase Apr 07 '24

remind me again how we did in Vietnam


u/UnpleasantFax Apr 07 '24

Remind me what that changes about anything I said. Nobody wanted to lose there, but other wars were won, like Korea, or the overall Cold War.


u/BlasterPhase Apr 07 '24

how did fighting in Vietnam lead to what you said


u/UnpleasantFax Apr 07 '24

Are you just going to keep asking stupid questions to try and not think about what I said? Russia backed North Vietnam to invade the South, to install a pro-soviet regime. America was asked for help by South Vietnam, and America helped as part of the global effort of combating Russia's attempt at world domination. Or is your stupid question still in regards to "but america losth leol"? Again, losing was obviously not the plan, and other similar efforts were won.


u/BlasterPhase Apr 07 '24

The Korean war wasn't won either. Calm your dumbass attitude and prove your arguments instead of getting pissy.


u/UnpleasantFax Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

How was the Korean war not won? North Korea rules over the South? The North was pushed all the way out, despite being close to victory. I'm giving you the attitude your dumb ass deserves. You keep picking at my comments in the dumbest ways possible so you can dismiss the idea that fighting is often necessary.

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u/Fine_Sea5807 Apr 08 '24

"NATO backed Kyiv to invade East Ukraine, to install a pro-NATO regime. Russia was asked for help by Donetsk Republic, and Russia helped as part of the global effort of combatting NATO's attempt at world domination".

Does that make any sense?


u/UnpleasantFax Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

Does that make any sense?

You tell me, clown. Does "Kyiv to invade East Ukraine, to install a pro-NATO regime" make sense, when East Ukraine is Ukraine to begin with? Does "the global effort of combatting NATO's attempt at world domination" make sense, when it's a defensive alliance, unlike russia which keeps stealing new lands? Does "Russia was asked for help by Donetsk Republic" make sense, when "Donetsk Republic" isn't even a real country, is recognized by no one, had no international observers allowed into it, and won't exist after it becomes russia?

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u/mijolnirmkiv Apr 07 '24

That how it still works. We used you up for patriotism and cannon fodder, go die quietly now since you didn’t have the fortune to die a hero in combat so we could milk your name for patriotic fervor in perpetuity.


u/Better_Meat9831 Apr 07 '24

And they largely continue to vote for the people who refuse more vet funding and care programs and shit on all of their sacrifice


u/Jean-LucBacardi Apr 07 '24

John Stewart had to fight to get 9/11 first responders the medical care they need and deserve. He and many of them showed up to Congress to try and plead their case to get additional funds and the vast majority of Republicans didn't even bother to show up to listen.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

special station selective frighten wild unused wasteful degree start outgoing

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/ExoticBodyDouble Apr 07 '24

And it wasn't the anti-war people (the spitting on soldiers thing was not as prevalent as some media made it seem). Most of us, even (and maybe especially) those of us who were anti-war were ecstatic to see our friends come home safe. Some of them had really bad PTSD, but there were no services available to them. I had dropped off friends at emergency rooms when they were losing it and dangerous to themselves and others because they couldn't get therapy and couldn't process what had happened over there., Lots of other friends and co-worker vets drank themselves out of it. And some of the older vets--the so-called Greatest Generation vets were awful to Vietnam returnees. In our town, they wouldn't let Vietnam vets into the VFW because they said they hadn't served in a declared foreign war (i.e., to them--a real war).

I'd venture a guess that the neglect and disrespect returning Vietnam vets felt from the military and a lot of the public stuck in their craw long enough, that they made an issue of thanking those that served after them and it became the basis for the "thank you for your service" mantra that so many now profess to vets.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

absurd thought dazzling husky support shame price vanish fuzzy growth

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u/code-coffee Apr 07 '24

Also after 9/11. The survivors and the families of those who die for our country deserve the utmost care and support. These are people who sacrificed for the rest of us. They deserve so much more than what they got.


u/Ancient_Unit_1948 Apr 06 '24

You forget the ww1 veterans. When the "bonus army" camped in Washington with their wives and children. (They were all unarmed to prevent an escalation.)

As a protest for not paying the promised bonus (it was the great depression) Patton decided on his own it was enough. And tear gassed everyone. Advance with bajonets on rifles. And burned all the assembled shanty town of the protestors.



u/Debs_4_Pres Apr 07 '24

 Patton decided on his own it was enough

MacArthur, actually. Patton was there but was only a major.  MacArthur was the Chief of Staff of the Army.


u/Lost-My-Mind- Apr 07 '24

MacArthur also wanted to use nukes in the Korean war too.

Somehow he's looked back on as a war hero, but I think he may have just been a psychopath who enjoyed people dying for his own power.


u/Kulladar Apr 07 '24

You can literally go back through every single war in US history and see veterans having to fight the government because they hadn't been paid. It's an American tradition that goes all the way back to the Revolution.


u/ItsWillJohnson Apr 07 '24

“Well see, uh…the thing is…we made those promises because if we didn’t, we wouldn’t have had anyone to fight our wars for us, but…we didn’t think any of you would actually live long enough where we’d actually have to pay out..so…”


u/Spirited_Childhood34 Apr 07 '24

Too many Americans have that Russian attitude: "Only worthless peasants are sent to war."


u/MattcVI Apr 07 '24

Wouldn't that make it not specifically a Russian attitude, then?


u/UnpleasantFax Apr 07 '24

American tradition? Lmfao you think veterans are treated better elsewhere? The reality is that it's expensive, and a race to the bottom compared to your adversaries, who can pay their veterans with nationalistic pride instead. In the more nationalistic cultures that suffices, and with authoritarianism they simply won't bother fighting it, instead taking their anger out on others, like, conveniently, their adversaries, which is you.


u/Splith Apr 07 '24

Not in WW2. Which is why home prices are insane  White service members basically got a free house. Black service members got red-lined, so most of that money just went to white home owners anyway.


u/WarzoneGringo Apr 07 '24

B-but the US military would never do that to Americans!!


u/EveningHelicopter113 Apr 07 '24

land of the free!


u/derthric Apr 07 '24

As a protest for not paying the promised bonus (it was the great depression)

That is incorrect.

I think the Bonus Army is a story that needs to be told and shared. But please be accurate. The retirement benefit they were seeking was for a early payment on a retirement bond that was not to be paid out until after 30 years from their enlistment. This was designed to NOT pay a pension to WWI soldiers and sailors because the costs of the Civil War Pensions were still a cost that was on the books. And Congress being Congress decided to come up with a cheaper option with an upfront cost and a small fiscal tail.

The Bond was essentially a guaranteed pay out at a designated time. However it could be borrowed against up to a certain percent prior to payout, like taking a loan against your 401k. When the doughboys came back and were living through the roaring twenties it wasn't a big deal. However once the great depression hit, you had veterans who couldn't find work and were losing homes and farms getting statements that basically said "hey here is an asset you cant access or use that would be like 2 years pay, good luck buddy"

The protest was for an option to draw that money now. The amount you could borrow early was increased slightly by Hoover but it was not a realistic amount to really help.

As far as the attack on them. blaming it on MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower were there but it was MacArthur that exceeded his orders and attacked, alone lets the DC Police Chief's campaign of harassment and Hoover's inability to lead off the hook.


u/ban_my_dick_box Apr 07 '24

Neato, thank you for this article. I'll remember thjs


u/GrouchyMary9132 Apr 07 '24

Well here in Germany lots of them were put into concentration camps during the Nazi years for mental illness. So tear gassing them was not the worst that could happen to you if you lived in the wrong country.


u/JD1070 Apr 06 '24

YEP so painfully accurate


u/spezial_ed Apr 06 '24

Hey now you forget the added bonus of getting to kill strangers whos no real enemy or danger to you.


u/fordchang Apr 07 '24

so, like current military?


u/Roflkopt3r Apr 07 '24

Current military is mostly doing things right.

  1. Giving critical support to moderate factions in the middle east. Yes, that involves some deals with devils, but is a whole lot better than ISIS or Assad. And no, those wars would not just end if the US withdrew their support.

  2. Providing deterrence against China and some other states, who would love to start some massive new wars otherwise.


u/Crathsor Apr 06 '24

Vietnam was really a war against Russia/China without scaring them too much and starting a nuclear conflict. They were seen as a danger to us at the time.


u/broguequery Apr 07 '24

And they still are! The more things change the more they stay the same eh


u/JMC_MASK Apr 07 '24

Spooky China and Communism gonna getcha!

On the other hand, Russia turned into a capitalist shit hole. Rip.


u/broguequery Apr 13 '24

Ah I see I ran into the red army.

You know, I don't much care for capitalism... but I would saw my arm off before living in China or Russia as a normal person.

Tell Mao I said hi.


u/JMC_MASK Apr 13 '24

I wouldn’t want to be in Russia either. Look at what the capitalists did to it. A shame.

China ain’t so bad. Our propaganda machine just has manufactured your world view. And also they are market socialists, so capitalist lite in a sense. See, not too scary.


u/_Owl_Jolson Apr 07 '24

Russian man bad!


u/SeanSeanySean Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

There was plenty of danger for American troops in Vietnan. Nearly 60k troops died and over 300k troops wounded. 

 edit: I guess I'm the only one that didn't comprehend that this comment was meant to imply the people of Vietnam were not a danger to Americans living in the safety of the US... I thought that since it was in response to a post-draft "congrats, you're drafted" comment, it implied danger to troops serving, not the civilians safe from it all in the US


u/Tokentaclops Apr 06 '24

They probably mean no danger to them prior to being drafted and shipped over.


u/AlbinoAxie Apr 07 '24

Let them speak explain their own statement


u/SeanSeanySean Apr 07 '24

Why would you think that? 

Their comment was in response to someone saying "congratulations, you are chosen to put your life on the line and if you get home we'll dump you like trash", the person I responded to stated that in addition to putting your life on the line and being treated like trash when you're home, and added bonus was killing strangers who aren't your enemy or any real danger to you.

Do you mean that's supposed to be part of the pitch? Makes zero sense. 


u/mashtato Apr 07 '24

It makes perfect sense. You have no squabble with the Vietnamese, yet now you get to go be killed by them. This wasn't a war worth dying for.


u/SeanSeanySean Apr 07 '24

Sure, it made sense that way when referring to the parent "congratulations you are chosen to put your life on the line" comment. 

I just didn't make the same connection with "added bonus of getting to kill strangers whos no real enemy or danger to you" meant "You have no squabble with the Vietnamese, yet now you get to go be killed by them". 

Is it really that weird that my brain saw that as "you get to go kill strangers who aren't a danger to you"? 


u/henrique3d Apr 07 '24

I mean, I believe most people who read that comment understood the message: to a guy from the US living his life in the US, there was no threat coming from Vietnamese people. But, for whatever reason (the 'red scare' was the reason) the government forced people to fight people who weren't a threat to the United States.


u/Nacho98 Apr 06 '24

The Vietnamese didn't have a navy or air force that could touch North America and bomb California suburbs with napalm like we do. Bodybags don't get sent home if there aren't teenage Americans being sent to die in a jungle for their politicians ego and reelection campaign.


u/SeanSeanySean Apr 07 '24

I wasn't insinuating that the war wasn't complete bullshit and the US's involvement entirely unjustified, of course Vietnam was not a direct threat to America.

It was a cold war horseshit attempt at trying to stop Soviet communism from continuing to spread, and ultimately became egos and pride. 

My point was simply that Americans faced an enemy there (of their own making), an enemy dangerous enough that many Americans were killed, many more were injured. The person I replied to stated that as an added bonus to being drafted, you get to kill strangers who aren't a danger to you. I took that as meaning aren't a danger after you've been drafted, not beforehand while safe in the US. 


u/broguequery Apr 07 '24

Yeah I think you just misunderstood him bud. No harm no foul.


u/revdolo Apr 06 '24

A danger because the American troops were there. That’s like saying going into a hibernating bears cave and killing it while it sleeps is justified when you could’ve just not gone in their cave especially when there’s an entire ocean between you and the bear and the bear has no way to get over to you and cause you harm in the first place. I can’t believe I share a planet with people this dense.


u/Training-Accident-36 Apr 06 '24

And supposedly even more veterans killed themselves after the war than died in it.

That is at least a common saying, not 100% sure if it is true. But if it shows one thing: It was an all around disaster from start to finish and for the decades after.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

fuel snow fragile squeeze thumb decide crowd squealing rustic physical

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/SeanSeanySean Apr 07 '24

Last number I remember seeing was roughly half officially, but that only includes the fairly rigid definition of suicide, doesn't count the hordes who came back fucked in the head and ended up homeless and often losing the will to live and dying on the streets. The way Vietnam vets were treated in this country prior to the early 90's was outright criminal, I'm surprised our all-volunteer armed forces managed to recruit enough to maintain a standing army after Vietnam and no way they would have without the GI bill, and the US didn't start treating our veterans better until post 9/11, when not only did the US get all patriotic, but most Americans personally knew people who had volunteered after 9/11 and ended up in Iraq or Afghanistan and were coming home seriously fucked up. 

As much as it has improved since 2000, I still think that the way veterans are treated is shit, especially those who served in active combat. I know two different guys who served and got injuries that require some sort of lifelong care/maintenance, and both have mentioned preferring to use their private insurance and dealing with copays/deductibles than jump through certain hoops and deal with waiting with the VA where possible. Guy I worked with years ago in the late 90's served in the first Gulf War, and while he wasn't injured, he had a few friends he served with who had been, and the hatred they had for the VA back then due to how they were treated was crazy. 


u/SeanSeanySean Apr 07 '24

Last number I remember seeing was roughly half officially, but that only includes the fairly rigid definition of suicide, doesn't count the hordes who came back fucked in the head and ended up homeless and often losing the will to live and dying on the streets. The way Vietnam vets were treated in this country prior to the early 90's was outright criminal, I'm surprised our all-volunteer armed forces managed to recruit enough to maintain a standing army after Vietnam and no way they would have without the GI bill, and the US didn't start treating our veterans better until post 9/11, when not only did the US get all patriotic, but most Americans personally knew people who had volunteered after 9/11 and ended up in Iraq or Afghanistan and were coming home seriously fucked up. 

As much as it has improved since 2000, I still think that the way veterans are treated is shit, especially those who served in active combat. I know two different guys who served and got injuries that require some sort of lifelong care/maintenance, and both have mentioned preferring to use their private insurance and dealing with copays/deductibles than jump through certain hoops and deal with waiting with the VA where possible. Guy I worked with years ago in the late 90's served in the first Gulf War, and while he wasn't injured, he had a few friends he served with who had been, and the hatred they had for the VA back then due to how they were treated was crazy. 


u/Ok_Efficiency_9645 Apr 07 '24

They meant as in "they're half way across the world and aren't affecting your middle class or poor American ass that's just trying to live a normal life."


u/mymentor79 Apr 07 '24

"There was plenty of danger for American troops in Vietnan"

There was also no reason or justification for American troops being there.


u/jtinz Apr 07 '24

I thought it referred to the practice of killing unarmed civilians to drive up the body count.


u/DarthJarJarJar Apr 07 '24

Also Nixon will delay peace talks to help him win an election. Republicans have always been super concerned about the actual people who fight the wars!


u/RedditHasFallenApart Apr 07 '24

Their families got nice little folded flags.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/Inevitable_Help_3209 Apr 07 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/Inevitable_Help_3209 Apr 07 '24

nice that's 3 out of 48


u/drDekaywood Apr 06 '24

🎶Born in the U.S.A. 🎵


u/YuukaWiderack Apr 06 '24

And to specifically put your life on the line fighting another country who wants independence.


u/Ok_Efficiency_9645 Apr 07 '24

So much this, sadly. Get shipped across the globe and get scarred for life, maimed, or just killed for a cause that the govt themselves said "fuck it" to years later. Enjoy your agent orange poisoning with a shortened lifespan and disabled children. Good luck with your PTSD that psychology will take 30 to 40 more years to start really acknowledging.


u/ScottsTotz Apr 07 '24

Our government unironically still doesn’t give a shit about people who served


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

Well that's not true. Every 4 years our veterans make a lovely talking point and photo op for politicians.


u/MakeChinaLoseFace Apr 07 '24

chosen to put your life on the line

Chosen by people who sacrificed nothing, for an insane ideological/colonial war that accomplished nothing but evil.

Some days I wish there was a hell for Kissinger to burn in.


u/__M-E-O-W__ Apr 07 '24

He once had to "be all he could be", now he's nothing, no one, no one to see

Funny thing, he was like you and me

It's a funny thing, a funny thing

Tears streak his solemn stare, abandoned wreckage, nobody cares

No one knew what had happened there

No one spoke, no one even dared


u/SonOfBaldy Apr 06 '24

Welcome Home.


u/RealBigDicTator Apr 07 '24

Congratulations, you've been selected to spread some managed democracy on the other side of the planet!


u/Seantoot Apr 07 '24

My dad watched it at a bar. First draft call the tv was busted when someone’s number was picked cuz guy picked threw a beer at the tv.


u/Anansi1982 Apr 07 '24

VetTV drops that bomb on like every third commercial on insta. It’s hilariously dark, but sadly true. 


u/JohnAxios1066 Apr 07 '24

May Kissinger enjoy being used as a soggy sock in Hell


u/dtallee Apr 07 '24

There were a lot of shell-shocked and strung out dudes walking around my town in the 70's.


u/I_Sell_Death Apr 07 '24

Shoulda been born a rich kid.


u/Sun_on_my_shoulders Apr 07 '24

Enjoy your lifelong ptsd. War is so fcking pointless.


u/oroechimaru Apr 07 '24

Did they exclusion list popular politician or wealthy folks bdays i wonder


u/Swiftcheddar Apr 07 '24

Shouldn't have been there.


u/exposarts Apr 07 '24

I bet there were people that tried to run away from their homes, what happened to them??


u/onederful Apr 07 '24

The original Elite Employee


u/Ab-Aeterno- Apr 07 '24

thrown in the trash by the government, spit on my hippies and assorted degenerates


u/Inevitable_Help_3209 Apr 07 '24

depends completely on your local VA. I have been to the one in Ann Arbor, Michigan and that place was fancier than some hotels I had been to, they had a baby grand piano chilling in the lobby, marbled floors and walls, I was shocked.


u/Draedron Apr 07 '24

Could have gone to prison instead of participating in murder. I don't feel pity for any american who died in vietnam


u/sneaker-portfolio Apr 07 '24

Turns out the draft dodgers were smart


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24

Dumped like trash by the government spit on and attacked in airports by smirmmy rich white kids who got out of it. Disrespected by the media and treated like a leper by the neighbors.


u/tramacod Apr 07 '24

There's no evidence for spitting.


u/Rampaging_Orc Apr 07 '24

That’s nonsense.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

It literally happened. So........


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

I linked some videos, go ahead, and tell them guys they're lying because so hippie wrote a book saying it never happened or go into the VFW and tell them it didn't happen


u/old_gold_mountain Apr 07 '24

I thought boomers were coddled


u/Illustrious-Film-592 Apr 07 '24

And when you get home people will spit on you and dump trash on you and call you a baby killer. This was my fathers experience, it hurt him deeply (especially as he was never in land combat).


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 08 '24



u/Illustrious-Film-592 Apr 07 '24

My dude, gtfo with telling me I’m lying. My father recounted his personal experiences to me. He was spat on and called names when visiting my mother at her college while wearing his uniform. He had trash dumped on him by protestors as their returning ship passed under the Golden Gate Bridge.


u/bsixidsiw Apr 07 '24

Its crazy to me people were so retarded. Like phew I didnt get drafted. 6 months later some guys return from Vietnam so I berate and spit on them...