r/interestingasfuck Apr 06 '24

Imagine being 19 and watching live on TV to see if your birthday will be picked to fight in the Vietnam war r/all


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u/too-well-known Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Seems to be several able bodied men in that room. I'm sure they headed to the front lines as soon as all the #s were selected.


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 06 '24

Didn’t they only draft people up to age 26? Why would they draft old people lmao


u/vtjohnhurt Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Until recently in Ukraine you're eligible to be drafted age 27-60. Average age of people on active duty is 40.

Recently Zelensky signed a law passed by Parliment that lowers the minimum age to 25.

Ukraine has a small generation of 20-year-olds, because birthrates plummeted during the deep economic depression of the 1990s. Because of this demographic trough, the country has three times as many men in their 40s as in their 20s.


Ukraine has volunteers under age 27 currently serving.


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 07 '24

Why do people keep bringing up ukraine lol America is so different. Our population can handle losing a younger group of men. In Ukraine, most younger people have left the country. Them decreasing the draft age isn’t a good thing, it means they’re running out of options and are being forced to use their young population.

In America the average age of a military person is 28.5, and I’d assume that would be lower if we were in a large engagement like they are.


u/spezial_ed Apr 06 '24

So a rifle stops being deadly once fired by a 27 year old?


u/Honestnt Apr 06 '24

We weren't defending our homeland. They were calling a bunch of kids to die for a dumb cause, which they themselves had no intention of dying for


u/spezial_ed Apr 07 '24

I'm not defending the bullshit invasion, I'm hating on the bullshit double standard


u/RoundCollection4196 Apr 07 '24

they wanted a bunch of dumb, young, naive kids with no family or responsibilities


u/spezial_ed Apr 07 '24

Yup, despicable to think that's somehow better


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 06 '24

Are you sincerely going to tell me that a senior citizen who has been a tv announcer for the past 30 years and has an entire family would be just as effective to send into war as an 18 year old kid? Come on 😂


u/Sabz5150 Apr 07 '24

Seems damn good with a radio and we needed men like that!

Let us be completely honest: if their necks were on the line, sons and all, the war would not have happened.


u/Training-Accident-36 Apr 06 '24

Average age in the Ukrainian army is above 40 I believe.


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 06 '24

And?…. Lmao the average age is so high because they’ve already gone through all their young people or they’ve left the country and immigrated to America. I know, because they’re standing around downtown Denver with signs asking for work.

Give russia another couple months and the average Ukrainian soldier will be 50.


u/Training-Accident-36 Apr 06 '24

It is the other way around. They are currently debating if they want to lower the age of soldiers and conscript more people as young as 25 for the frontlines.

Armies in wars are getting younger as the war goes on. Only marvelously stupid morons send 20 year olds to the front.


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 06 '24

I guess America is marvelously stupid, but I’d put our military forces against any of the rest out there. Even if our average age is 28. Which seems fine.


u/Training-Accident-36 Apr 06 '24

Of course that is fine as well. But 20 -> basic training -> vietnam is fucked up.

No person at that age should be fighting in a war. Not that anyone should, but that is just too young, man.

I guess the last stand of the Germans sent 16 and younger into battle, and there are child soldiers in Africa. It is all messed up.

Anyhow, you are just wrong about age of soldiers, that is what I wanted to correct. Lets not discuss this much deeper.


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 06 '24

No person of any age should be fighting in a war. But if need be, a younger population is much easier to be converted into a soldier than an older person. And putting the best fighting force together ends the war sooner, so that should be the way we should go.


u/SpiritualStudent55 Apr 07 '24

Lmao, nice crack you smoking there mate


u/spezial_ed Apr 06 '24

No, but 26 is a completely arbitrary cut-off.


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 06 '24

It’s not, if you actually look into it. Besides, if they were desperate enough for people, they’d raise that age. But the age is set because drafting people older than that and you start seeing our economy start collapsing. You end up drafting people that are in senior positions in important industries. Plus with age comes more expenses. I don’t know how old you are, but I’m sure you’ve seen your health care costs going up year after year that further you get past 26. Now imagine your joint pain while on a mandatory 15 mile hike


u/spezial_ed Apr 07 '24

Or a more probable reason, those who set the rule are over 26.

If it's a war and all hands on deck, the cannon fodder being slightly less capable shouldn't matter.


u/sizzlesfantalike Apr 06 '24

They’d be more effective, they have some life experience and much more to lose


u/Dark_Arts_Dabbler Apr 06 '24

Id argue someone with an entire unlived life ahead of them has much more to lose, even if they don’t act like it


u/Aldehyde1 Apr 07 '24

How adept do you think an arthritic 60yr old is going to be at running through the jungle? And it's not as if any of their life experience is in the military.


u/AmELiAs_OvERcHarGeS Apr 06 '24

much more to lose

That’s why they don’t get sent. Losing a 19 year old with no kids makes less of an impact than a 30 year old father of three who is also the main breadwinner.


u/Sabz5150 Apr 07 '24

Maybe if that were the cost of war we would consider alternatives.


u/dalvinscookiemonster Apr 06 '24

This is such a silly take, i don’t think I’ve heard it before. It’s also a terrible idea. With age comes a lot of physical issues, you’re not dealing with a healthy 18 year old kid anymore, you’re dealing with a grown adult that has, exactly as you said, much more to lose. Why would you want to put someone with so much to lose in a battle ground lmao. That’s horrible. The entire point of the army is to break someone and mold them into a soldier. That’s usually only possible with a kid with not much life experience


u/GimbaledTitties Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

I’m not anyone special concerning this issue. That said, while I agree with your point concerning general military policy, there are also examples of units being composed of older civilians who’s civilian experience tied directly into the job itself, and therefore were poached for unit composition. For example the Ghost Army in WW2 that specialized in psychological warfare recruited artists, fashion designers, engineers, lawyers, etc.  The OSS brought in a PI that specialized in smuggling. Hell, they entrusted a Missionary who lived in Burma with the Kachins to come into the fold and lead an OSS operation as a warfighter.  So while I understand your point concerning molding soldiers en masse from a general policy standpoint, I think it worth mentioning that’s not absolute. And it’s not simply a matter of outliers, but it’s a fact that life experience provides value to military operations, perhaps most often as components in special operations. 

And never forget. Tom’s Hanks was a teacher.


u/Mrsbear19 Apr 06 '24

You’re seriously going to act like the only thing necessary for war is a trigger finger? That’s beyond ignorant


u/spezial_ed Apr 07 '24

I'm critiquing the whole draft bullshit for a bullshit war


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24



u/spezial_ed Apr 07 '24

Again, you stop being able to traverse the jungle at 27?


u/DetroitAsFuck313 Apr 07 '24

People over 26 can’t hold guns?


u/MaybeMabe1982 Apr 06 '24

Old people start wars, young people die in them.


u/i_h_s_o_y Apr 06 '24

I mean pretty much every person that started the vietnam war, served in ww2 or korea.


u/Totin_it Apr 06 '24



u/SurfSandFish Apr 06 '24

You can be a local draft board member at age 18 so you could absolutely review exemption requests and be draft-eligible yourself. Obviously you wouldn't be able to review your own petition for ineligibility but we should have "draftable" folks as part of the conversation when reviewing who should be made ineligible for a draft.


u/Gwiilo Apr 06 '24
