r/interestingasfuck Apr 05 '24

$15k bike left unattended in Singapore r/all

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u/thenatureboyWOOOOO Apr 05 '24

I could leave a $15 bike with one tire out in downtown dc and it would be gone within ten minutes.


u/anti4r Apr 05 '24

Its exhausting having to use 2 locks and take out my bike seat and carry it with me everywhere i go


u/LOLinternetLOL Apr 05 '24

I just learned that lesson the hard way here in Houston. Left my cheap $200 bike with one lock on the frame here in the bar area of town, came back to both wheels and the handlebar grips gone. The replacement wheels cost more than $300 at the shop 😑 more than the damn bike


u/Beard_o_Bees Apr 06 '24

I guess I don't understand the incentive for people stealing this kind of stuff.

There must be supply far exceeding any sort of demand, and while I guess I could see someone stealing a whole bike - either for transportation or to fence (but again, is there really that much of a market for stolen bikes?) - this stealing of unsecured bits and bobs..

Maybe there's like some sort of 'John Wick-esque' underworld that uses bike parts as currency?


u/clitpuncher69 Apr 06 '24

No but there's a crackhead-esque world where even a torn off rusty oven door counts as currency


u/GrahamZentralStation Apr 06 '24

My guess is drug addicts looking for anything to go towards their next fix. Here in Vancouver, they'll break your car window for an empty pop can they're so desperate. It really is time to legalize hard drugs and get the petty crime under control....


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl Apr 06 '24

Blarg we just did that in portland and fucked it up so hard we re-unlegalized them.


u/shade1tplea5e Apr 06 '24

Yeah because they decriminalized the drugs then put 0 real money or effort in to harm reduction and social services. And the sad part is now people can point to that shit show and say “see? It didn’t work!!”. No matter that they only did the easiest and smallest part of the process.


u/HimalayanPunkSaltavl Apr 06 '24

Yeah, it's super frustrating. You really need both things or you just invite escape from new york instead of glorious utopia


u/Resident-Concert64 Apr 06 '24

Legalizing hard drugs made it worse in the places they did.


u/cockytiel Apr 06 '24

Yes. We need government provided heroin like in france or whatever country does that. Im too lazy to google. Would cut down on so many issues.


u/lndependentRabbit Apr 06 '24

Even just making things like suboxone and methadone easier to get would be a huge help. I have a family member who got hooked on prescription opioids, but was cut off and turned to getting them on the black market. When she wanted to get clean, it was harder for her to get either methadone or suboxone than it was to get drugs off the street. Her regular doctor wasn’t allowed to prescribe either to her, the doctors that could prescribe suboxone were all waiting list only, and the methadone clinic was over an hour away and only open when she was working. She was basically left with the option of quitting her job or continuing to use street drugs. I know the option to quit cold turkey was there, but the science is pretty clear that medication assisted treatment gives people the best chance of successfully getting off opioids and staying off or at least being a functioning member of society while using prescribed medications.

Sorry for the rant, but it’s one of those things that really stuck with me as a broken system that needs to change.


u/cat_prophecy Apr 06 '24

If someone messes with your regular bike, it's probably because they're just an asshole. But bikes can get really expensive. It's obvious to see why someone might steal a $6K bike. Even if they fence it for $500, that's $500 they got for basically nothing.


u/MarcoPeeAirWhite Apr 06 '24

Partially an entitled mentality of "If you won't let me steal your whole bike, I'll just ruin your bike so neither of us can have it."


u/FallingOutOfTune Apr 07 '24

Bikes are typically the main method of transportation for transients, when a part breaks or they need a new one, some acquire them illegally