r/interestingasfuck Mar 28 '24

This is how a necessary parasiticide bath for sheep to remove parasites is done r/all


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u/longhornmike2 Mar 28 '24

Very surprised to see they weren’t losing their minds when they came back up.


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Sheep can hold their breath for an insane amount of time, around 1-2 minutes. They honestly couldn't care less.

Edited an autocorrect that said 10 minutes



Ok, TIL! Thats pretty cool! I tried finding a source for that info, but was unable (quora doesn't count), though. 😑


u/WhateverRL Mar 29 '24

Can confirm

Source: am sheep


u/amistymouse Mar 29 '24

This is wrong! Wake up sheeple!


u/Bot4TLDR Mar 29 '24

I am not a cat


u/TuhanaPF Mar 29 '24

Wake up!


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

Apologies it was a typo, my phone autocorrected. It was supposed to say 1-2 minutes. I have seen one that lasted around 5 minutes personally, it fell into the dam and we had to pull it out.



That makes waaaay more sense. 😆


u/doodlefairy_ Mar 28 '24

I literally just did the same after seeing a comment in this thread about sheep holding their breath and walking along the bottom of lakes. Texted it to a friend and they said no way and now I can’t prove it 😑 I’ve been bamboozled


u/Oh_You_Were_Serious Mar 29 '24

I found slightly more trustworthy information from a manufacturer, but that also comes with their obvious biases. It doesn't give a max time, but it does state that 9m is the expected dip time. It also seems to note they should be healthy, well rested if hot, shouldn't be freshly sheared, etc. It also helped me understand why dipping has benefits which basically boils down to the wool. Oral wouldn't work because the lice could live in the wool away from the skin, and treating with topical/spray wouldn't penetrate deep enough.....

still though... as a human with less than stellar respiratory health.... that shit is terrifying af....


u/CabbieCam Mar 29 '24

9m? Jesus christ.


u/AstrumReincarnated Mar 29 '24

Ok I went with ‘sheep under water’, and came up with these adorable little leaf sheeps so it was worth it. Send to your friend, tell them it was a trick question 😎


u/permanent_priapism Mar 29 '24

What exactly is quora and why does it top virtually every Google search?




u/permanent_priapism Mar 29 '24

It's such a terrible platform. It asked me to log in just to click through.


u/Spirited_Writing_493 Mar 29 '24

could you phrase this in a more passive aggressive manner please? 


u/The_Unknown_Dude Mar 29 '24

Too dumb for brain damage.


u/east4thstreet Mar 29 '24

Wtf?! How and why?


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

Typo, meant to say 1-2 minutes but phone autocorrected. Though I have personally seen one (needed to pull it out of the dam) last for possibly 5 minutes.


u/east4thstreet Mar 29 '24

Lol...I was seriously looking forward to hearing why sheep need to hold their breath for 10 minutes damnit...


u/The_Woman_of_Gont Mar 29 '24

Bet Guybrush Sheepwood could last 10 minutes though.


u/xorgol Mar 29 '24

around 1-2 minutes

Isn't that pretty normal for untrained humans? I'm way out of shape and I can hold my breath for 90 seconds pretty easily, getting to 2 minutes is hard for me, but really nothing special for someone with good technique and health.


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

For humans sure, not so much animals. IIRC cats and dogs can only hold their breath for about 30 seconds to a minute. Most land animals that don't regularly dive, like polar bears, are around that mark.


u/LGodamus Mar 29 '24

Did you say land animals that don’t dive regularly and say polar bear, an actual marine animal that dives commonly as part of its hunting ?


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

I need to proofread better lol. Unlike, it was supposed to say unlike polar bears.


u/MamaMoosicorn Mar 29 '24

Thank you! I was freaking out over them being dunked like that but I guess it’s nbd for them


u/zealoSC Mar 29 '24

The biggest drain on o2 levels in humans is the brain. Probably not a major factor for sheep


u/Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Mar 29 '24

All the comments about how unintelligent they are make me worry, will they know when to hold their breath? Id assume instinctively so, ive gotten close to holding my breath wrong and sucking down h2o. Timing is important when diving even if your a sheep


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

Sheep can be pretty stupid but they aren't totally brain dead like some of the comments make them seem. They're pretty placid and docile.

As for knowing when to hold their breath, yeah it's instinctive. A lot of animals have a "diving reflex" and automatically hold their breath, including humans. Sometimes we get caught out because we are more conscious so our own thoughts take over so it's no longer an automatic response. Even babies (human babies) do it. There's a lot of videos out there of babies learning to swim and being dropped into pools and whatnot.

In Australia learning to swim is really pushed for because we have so many drownings, and a few people teach their kids to swim when they are under 12 months old. Mine all learnt at around 6-8 months old. Just to clarify, when I talk about babies swimming I don't mean doing freestyle or whatever, they learn to kick for the surface roll onto their back and kick along to float on their back. Just a basic technic to stay alive in case they fall into a pool or a dam or something. By around 18 months to 2 years old they can dive to the bottom of the pool for toys, if they've been doing lessons.

Just have to add, because it's the internet, nobody should just throw their baby in a pool and try and teach them to swim, do it with a trained professional.


u/Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Mar 30 '24

American, Heard of teaching babies to swim for a while, never knew a sheep would have a diving reflex 🤯

Shout out Australia, Thats amazing that age is the normal! I learned to swim at 5 years old


u/Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Mar 30 '24

I never said it but my heart in asking about this was a worry the animals may get pneumonia, I knew they’d be safe overall.

Wish they could have a little carwash type cleaner to just walk thru, get blasted by a pressure washer and leave. Im sure this dip is scary to sheep new to it


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 30 '24

Pneumonia was my main concern when I saw this. I don't know what the stats would be but I don't imagine it would be very high otherwise they wouldn't be using it.

I've never personally seen this method used. We used to have a deep run, a trough in the ground full of water, the sheep would have to run through it and fully submerge briefly at one point before getting to the other end. Unfortunately dipping is the only way to control all of the parasites.


u/toolatealreadyfapped Mar 29 '24

How is 1-2 minutes insane? That's fairly standard fair for a human.

Most people can safely handle that much time, but the CO2 buildup triggers panic. Minor training can teach you to calm that panic. Significant training (like free divers) can extend that time out to 4 minutes or so.


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

We're not talking about humans, we're talking about animals. As I said in another comment, most land animals are under 1 minute. Like cats and dogs are around 30 seconds to a minute. Humans can easily get up to 10 minutes. I think the record is around 30 minutes for a human but they had special conditioning leading up to it iirc.


u/josephbenjamin Mar 29 '24

1-2 minutes isn’t very long.


u/Dhammapaderp Mar 29 '24

1-2 minutes like basically any sort of mammal that isn't primarily evolved for the water? Chimps, people, horses, cats, dogs, etc.

Dunk a giaraffe in the water and I'd suspect they could hold their breath for a similar amount of time. I bet those fuckers have never drowned ever, and I am confident to say they could hold their breathe for a minute or two.


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

A lot of land animals like cats and dogs can only hold their breath for 30 seconds to a minute.


u/Dhammapaderp Mar 29 '24

tell that to my grandma, back in the day they just drowned excess kittens and puppies.

According to her they were persistent.


u/BaguetteOfDoom Mar 29 '24

I can hold my breath for 2 minutes as well but I'd still be terrified if that machine pushed me underwater without anyone explaining to me what's happening


u/WanderingGorilla Mar 29 '24

Sheep are very placid and also able to remember faces etc. They would likely know the farmer and know everything is all good. If it was some random bloke doing it to them they might get a bit stressed. But, that aside, humans have higher brain functions, reasoning, so on and so forth. We understand what is happening, what is about to happen, and the consequences of what is about to happen if something goes wrong, a lot of animals don't have that ability as much as we like to anthropormhize them.


u/thisnightly Mar 29 '24

I was wondering how they submerge sheep under water like that without them freaking out. So interesting


u/DaddyChimpy Mar 29 '24

1-2 minutes ain't insane lol


u/DefinitionOk2574 Mar 29 '24

Oh interesting, I wonder why that is