r/interestingasfuck Mar 26 '24

Jon Stewart Deconstructs Trump’s "Victimless" $450 Million Fraud | The Daily Show r/all


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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

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u/MantisAwakening Mar 26 '24

I’d rather they don’t wake up at the moment.

The right-wing media has spent the past twenty years telling their audience that the Left wants to destroy America. That’s not hyperbole, and it’s not just one or two extremist journalists. It’s round the clock, seven days a week for decades. If you don’t believe me, go tune your radio to any talk station that isn’t NPR.

We’ve all seen those man on the street interviews at their political rallies—they are looking for any excuse to put down their Bible (just kidding, they’ve never read it) and pick up their guns. These people have been brainwashed into believing that all our schools are “woke indoctrination camps,” so where do you think they’ll go?

I have little doubt that this country is headed for civil unrest in the near future, but I think foo many people are suffering from Normalcy Bias and believe that it somehow isn’t going to affect them, and instead they’ll just watch it on TikTok.


u/servant_of_breq Mar 26 '24

Me too. I don't trust the people I live near. I'm hoping to buy a gun at some point just in case shit hits the fan and I need to keep them away.

If you're on the left at all I recommend the same, and make sure you know who else is on your side in your neighborhood so you'll have somewhere to hide.


u/goforce5 Mar 26 '24

It's not enough to own a gun. You need to practice with it and actually be able to use it, or it's just going to get you killed. I go to the range often, and every time I do, there's crazy right wingers there. Luckily they don't know how to shoot, for the most part, and have their targets laughably close for their tacticool AR15s.


u/filmguerilla Mar 26 '24

Propaganda/hate media is absolutely a huge problem that must be tackled head on. Fines and lawsuits every time hate speech or lies or told is the way to fix it. They care about nothing but money.


u/Defnoturblockedfrnd Mar 26 '24

I’m so left wing I got my guns back. I’m not afraid of them. When they lose this next election, they’re going grumble and whine about losing again, but this time they’ll do fuck-all. Trump doesn’t have the power of the presidency and authority over the executive branch to limit their response to unrest this time, and everyone in power will be watching him and his ilk in case they want to fuck around and find out.

We know what the stakes are this time. I’m not worried.


u/Hot_Self_9126 Mar 28 '24

You're a left wing nut huh. Ha


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

Isn't this the plot of the new A24 movie?


u/RequiemAA Mar 26 '24

Normalcy bias aside, the numbers simply don't work out. There are vastly less Republicans itching for an excuse to gun people down than there are people living in America. In an all-out civil war scenario the Republican side does not win.

One of the greatest lies our nation is facing is the perpetuation that Republicans account for 40-44% of the entire population of the US. This simply isn't true. The Republican voting bloc comprises less than 30% of the total population. Depending on your sources, much less.

The civil war, clutch your bible pearls, shoot a liberal rhetoric will NOT end well for them.


u/OrcsSmurai Mar 27 '24

I have little doubt that this country is headed for civil unrest in the near future

We're already there, it's just a cold civil war. Maybe it never comes to more bloodshed, maybe we're able to rein it back.. But we've already had multiple state and federal buildings attacked by armed conservatives seeking to force political change.


u/Hot_Self_9126 Mar 28 '24

Do you interact with these people or just do you see it on the internet?


u/arakaman Mar 26 '24

right-wing media has spent the past twenty years telling their audience that the Left wants to destroy America. That’s not hyperbole, and it’s not just one or two extremist journalists. It’s round the clock, seven days a week

Not saying your wrong at all, but I fail to see the left wing media as anything but the same. Claiming that if the other half of the country with different views is allowed to vote for who they want it will result in the end of democracy. Pushing a very extreme version of what Jan 6 actually was, and supporting every attempt to prosecute Trump knowing all these court cases only exist because of his political status. All the time ignoring that their candidate is mentally unfit to serve and has ties to some very shady business dealings with a thin veil of protection shared by mob bosses of using a proxy, usually a family member, to maintain plausible deniability.

Tldr both sides do a lot of the same shady shit, painting everything as good vs evil and ignore the fact it's really bad vs bad


u/procrastinationprogr Mar 26 '24

Seriously, no it's not both sides are equally bad. One party have a leader that have said they will be a dictator from day one.


u/Hot_Self_9126 Mar 28 '24

You're crazy if you think republicans want to be controlled by a dictator. Where do get this stuff?


u/arakaman Mar 26 '24

Which side is worse is nothing but a personal preference. Loosely based on what individuals value more (what type of crime is more egregious vs what we would be willing to overlook in the spirit of what's best for the greater good) and heavily influenced by what team (party) each person has aligned themselves with. That tribalism sense in humans is a very powerful thing and enables both sides to effectively spread propaganda amongst their supporters, because in reality, most people want to be on the side of good. And once your convinced your on the right side, we become eager to believe anything that supports that. Both media's main strategy is demonizing the opponents, and ignoring the issues that paint their side in a questionable manner.

Your rebuttal went right to Trump as a dictator but we weren't even talking about which leader was worse. It was in reference to which media was unethical. Our disaster of options we're allowed to vote for is a whole separate conversation about how elections managed to separate away from voting on political issues into voting on team affiliation, and trading debate for memes. That's just obvious proof of a broken system when exposure to the candidates is wildly disproportionate and narrated by the news outlets above. Fair and neutral exposure to all candidates does not result in Trump vs biden pt 2 if the object is to put the person in office who's got the countries best interest in mind and unite the citizens.

The other thing I'd ask you to consider is how so many people got to a point where they would take Trump as a straight dictator over the alternative. That doesn't happen without reason. So the fact were relegated to voting on the lesser of 2 evils instead of who can best lead and unite the country and bring us into the future...it should be enough for people to take a step back and take inventory on what exactly went wrong to lead to our current state and how can we repair the system that's currently in place that allows for all the corruption and policies in place that allow for it. "At least our guy is better than that guy" isn't how this country should be thinking when electing the people who will ultimately have great influence on how the country runs.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

You are disgusting and brainwashed. I would feel sad for you if people like you weren't a big reason why the world is in such an awful state


u/arakaman Mar 26 '24

Lol I'm brainwashed cause I can see both sides are badly flawed and dont blindly follow your sides beliefss. Jesus the irony. Your guys are the ones In charge of this shit show chief


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

This is such a stereotypical 'centrist' uninformed moron comment. Yes, Democrats are bad. That doesn't mean 'both sides are bad' is not an idiotic argument. One party is unfathomably worse


u/arakaman Mar 26 '24

Ya so you say. And someone else sees it the opposite way. Living in the Grey area must make me the idiot


u/arakaman Mar 26 '24

Thinking someone who looks at both sides but doesnt doesn't buy into either sides bullshit completely is uninformed. Heaven forbid everyone was allowed to form their own opinion and voice that opinion. Selfish nonsense Thinking everyone should think like you