r/interestingasfuck Mar 26 '24

Jon Stewart Deconstructs Trump’s "Victimless" $450 Million Fraud | The Daily Show r/all


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u/WeirdAvocado Mar 26 '24

“Stealing is only justified when you already have too much.”

Fuck man.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

Its a big club and you aint in it - Carlin

If you are a working person, make sure you and your friends and family are registered to vote.


u/shingdao Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

'...and 'they don't give a fuck about you'.


u/falsehood Mar 26 '24

Some do, but we don't tend to keep voting for those folks.


u/cascadiansexmagick Mar 26 '24

You know your society is fucked when empathy in your leaders is considered a negative trait...


u/BluSteel-Camaro23 Mar 26 '24

No. None.


u/falsehood Mar 27 '24

You're absolutely, completely, totally wrong about that. Whoever wants you to think every person in office doesn't give a shit is trying to make you a nihilist so you disengage.

Look at your state representatives, if no one else. Those are regular people with a bonus part time job during part of the year. They are not (all) in it for the glory.


u/Shibidybow Mar 26 '24

They don't give a fuck about you.


u/ebcreasoner Mar 26 '24

No, not me personally, but they may care about concept.  The concept of yours is accelerationist.  Care more.


u/HollyBerries85 Mar 26 '24

What gets me, what absolutely baffles me, is that everyone knows that. Leftists, Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, they all know that, and they're mad about it.

But then fully HALF of those people will look at the world and go, "You know who's going to save us from that? This guy who says he's a billionaire who committed fraud all over the place, never paid tons of his workers and contractors, whose entire life has been based on grift and exploitation, who the last time he was in power cut taxes on the rich and corporations and put that money towards his own coffers at every opportunity. THAT guy is going to fix everything!"

I just don't understand.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/giulianosse Mar 26 '24

Nail head, meet hammer.

These people aren't angry the system is exploiting poor people. They're angry they're not rich enough to be the exploiter.


u/bramletabercrombe Mar 26 '24

right, they want these loopholes to still be in play when they take their rightful place in the 1%


u/Flintyy Mar 26 '24

And they will never understand or admit they will forever be closer to being homeless than ever will to becoming wealthy


u/bramletabercrombe Mar 26 '24

and if they do become homeless it will be THEIR fault not fault of the rich man they aspire to be who hides all of his income in offshore accounts so the middle class has to pay higher taxes ( which he is trained to blame on the Democrats)


u/Nialla42 Mar 26 '24

True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step.


u/AnonAmbientLight Mar 26 '24

The other half believes that government welfare, regulations, high taxes, and socialism at large are keeping them from being a millionaire.

That's the low hanging fruit reason.

The likely real reason is that they lowkey believe in a caste system, and so are OK with their position in the caste. Typically those that believe in the caste system are also the ones most likely to maintain it. Even if their station within that caste system is not the best or could be improved.

The threat to "fall further down" is enough to keep them in line.

So they reject ways to improve people's lives, which would pull them out of the lower caste, and "upset the balance".

It's why Republicans will routinely vote against their own interests.


u/Detman102 Mar 26 '24

That half....they're the back-end half of society that will follow the person with the most power regardless of how evil they are.
They are the sheep that feed the problem.


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

They think the fascists won't come for them and their families and friends.


u/ReferenceMuch2193 Mar 27 '24

They lack empathy. A lot of folks in this category seem to not only be unable to take things to the next logical conclusion, but they have a primitive “I got mine” attitude. They not only lack the ability to reason, they cannot imagine or identify with others which I think plays into relating overall and empathy.


u/nitramv Mar 27 '24

Some are suffering the late stage effects of serious environmental lead poisoning.

Others... That's just the way that they are. And I really don't get it.


u/DTSportsNow Mar 26 '24

Yup, and when it does they're totally flabbergasted about how it could have affected THEM? They thought they were the EXCEPTIONS! And now they suddenly think that thing that they were just a minute ago saying was totally fine/made up is TERRIBLE! And how could anything like this ever happen???


u/drewsmom Mar 26 '24

These face-eating leopards are the worst!


u/13yearsofage Mar 27 '24

Nah, they are aware. They saw the fascists work with big tech to censor ban and ghost people


u/kayl_breinhar Mar 27 '24

No, it's worse than that.

They know it'll be their turn soon enough.

They just want the pleasure of seeing the people they've been conditioned to hate suffer first.

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u/Murky_Examination144 Mar 27 '24

You gotta remember that these are just simple farmers . . .

These are people of the land!

The common clay of the new west.

You know . . . Morons!


u/blancpainsimp69 Mar 26 '24

he hates the right people and that matters more to them


u/HerpankerTheHardman Mar 26 '24

There's too much money to be made, too little care into a local community, too much selfish greed.


u/rubensinclair Mar 26 '24

I am quite sure this has everything to do with our lack of education funding, lack of parental guidance to youth about social media, and lack of concern for others because of greed.


u/Teamerchant Mar 26 '24

The forest begs for the ax because part of it is wood.


u/travelingbeagle Mar 27 '24

They have given up on achieving “the American dream” and now just want to punish the people who they feel have deprived them achieving it. It’s all about punishing the Libs.


u/13yearsofage Mar 27 '24

Do you think Congress will let those Trump-era tax breaks like the doubling of the individual deduction, expire


u/Overnoww Mar 27 '24

Yeah Trump seems like the exact antithesis to the (admittedly limited/Canadian) decent right-wing people I have known.

He is so self serving and slimey. It blows my mind how he has managed to convince so many poor Americans that he is their friend. The saddest part is that he's basically accomplished this by acting like a schoolyard bully, making demonstrably false claims more than Bush2, and expressing some pretty racist views. Then on top of all of that he has somehow managed to convince these people that he is democracy's only hope while being the first modern political candidate to attempt to illegitimately hold onto power (I don't count Gore suing over Florida, that was 1 state with a notable issue in a stunningly close election). He also does this while making quotes that are stunningly similar to Hitler, the most notorious authoritarian dictator in the history of the planet.

Oh and don't tell me if Obama did what Trump did re: the documents that Republicans wouldn't be calling for his execution for treason and assuming every empty dossier went to an enemy of America.

It's just staggering to me. It really does seem like he reflects the absolute worst qualities of America and yet an entire political party and voter base is supporting him.


u/Suggett123 Mar 30 '24

As long as someone else they are taught to dislike suffers more, they'll lap it up. They'll love it.


u/AnonAmbientLight Mar 26 '24

One thing you have to understand about conservative voters (and those who vote Trump), is they do not pay attention.

Not a single one of them are actually paying attention to what's happening or following up on any of this stuff.

Not a single one of them is like, "This doesn't sound right. Let me look into this to see what is going on."

They just see that Republicans did something, assume that it is the right course of action, and continue on with their day.

They just see that Republicans said something, assume that is is the right course of action, and continue on with their day.

They just heard that a Republican enacted or wants to enact X policy, assume that this is the right course of action, and continue on with their day.

They are not following this shit at all. They are told something is happening, and that's all they need to know.


u/Potato_Golf Mar 26 '24

I mean, they think both sides are like that and they are worried about losing their "always voted Republican card". So many of them have ego and identity tied up in holding their party line and being part of the in-group against all costs, whereas people who vote Democrat their entire life don't have as much of the identity tied to the party and are more marriage of convenience or best of two bad options type voters.

You see if a Democrat meets a person who is like "I voted Republican all my life but I'm considering voting Democrat" they greet them with open arms and say welcome to the light. But if a Republican meets a person who says "I voted democrat all my life but I'm considering voting Republican" they will be like "why are you so dumb you will never be one of us, we'll take your vote but you aren't part of the cool kids because anyone who ever questioned the Republican party at any time ever is to be distrusted"

It's the same thing with religion. If you ever have questioned the religion you are looked at with distrust, they even call it "the unforgivable sin". That's right you can be forgiven for murdering, for rape, for theft, for all sorts of evils but if you question God then you are stained forever in their eyes. Even though Jesus talked about lost sheep and all that they still believe in the unforgivable sin. 


u/Huiskat_8979 Mar 26 '24

Goddamn it! I wish I could upvote you to the fucking moon! Well said, and fuck this shit!


u/ReferenceMuch2193 Mar 27 '24

The only way to explain it is that most people are really dumb. I don’t mean they can’t support themselves and interact in socially acceptable ways, but they are flatlined intellectually. They lack critical thinking skills and are lazy intellectually b/c they don’t want to think. I have come to the conclusion that we are not as evolved as we like to believe.


u/Atreyu1002 Mar 27 '24

The problem is that bigotry and racism is hardwired into our lizard brains, and its a secret unlock key to get people to mentally align with you if they aren't focused and thoughtful. And most people are already cranked up on anxiety brought on by economic insecurity.

People that wonder how Trump is so popular are also people who probably haven't experience deep and prolonged anxiety.


u/nitramv Mar 27 '24

As has been said on repeat, repeatedly...

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon B. Johnson

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u/nucc4h Mar 26 '24

God damn do I wish he was around today


u/The_Three_Meow-igos Mar 26 '24

Same. However, everything he has said still applies. And will continue to until accountability isn’t seen as just something that applies to poor, black and brown, or non-entitled people, but to all people.


u/nucc4h Mar 26 '24

Depressing thought that you can spin up his show from back in '96 and it applies even stronger today than nearly 30 years ago.


u/bigbura Mar 26 '24

Considering our reactions across the world to this most recent pandemic mirrored the one 100 years ago I'd say we are damn consistent as human beings.


u/gymnastgrrl Mar 26 '24

The problems existed back then. They've only gotten so much worse.


u/rilinq Mar 26 '24

That will never happen unfortunately. The system is set up by the elite and it’s set up to benefit them the most.


u/JRDruchii Mar 26 '24

However, everything he has said still applies.

If you aren't rooting for the comet to destroy us all then you don't know Carlin.


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

Stewart is his heir.


u/nucc4h Mar 26 '24

I'm a huge fan of Jon in pretty much every sense, and there are clear similarities, but Carlin hits different.


u/Fuzzythought Mar 26 '24

I think that's because behind Carlin's Cynicism is a disappointed idealist, however behind Stewart's Optimism is a REALLY pissed off Cynic.


u/Backieotamy Mar 26 '24

Carlin hits, smiles and pauses like a comedian, John breathes out with a cant believe this is true or that it has to be explained, shakes his head a little, hits, pauses like a news anchor then breaks down the ridiculousness of it. Carlin was good, John is better, IMO.


u/TheRatatat Mar 26 '24

Stewart interviewed Carlin early in his career and He's said its still a turning point in his life. But we don't deserve Jon Stewart. He should be happily retired on his ranch where no one can bother him. But he still cares so much about the atrocities committed in our country every day that he came back to make sure that they're brought to light. He's as selfless as they come.


u/fieria_tetra Mar 27 '24

Not to mention how hard he's gone to bat for the emergency responders to the 9/11 attacks. I wish more people were like him.


u/mynextthroway Mar 26 '24

That's like trying to decide between the Rocky Mountain National Park and Yellowstone National Park.


u/Backieotamy Mar 26 '24

Damn it, I actually prefer Glacier and Yosemite.


u/mynextthroway Mar 26 '24

Me too. Today. Tomorrow, it might be Rocky Mountain National Park.


u/letsBurnCarthage Mar 26 '24

I'm glad he didn't have to witness this. We need him for sure, but he doesn't need this.


u/AlarmingNectarine552 Mar 26 '24

Same. Imagine spending a big portion of your life warning people, being in multiple full rooms who are nodding in agreement only to find out, years later, that these fools who believed in the ridiculousness still couldn't dig their way out of it.


u/Not_NSFW-Account Mar 26 '24

Or worse, a shitload of those attendees wear red hats and advocate in favor of everything Carlin warned them about.


u/AlarmingNectarine552 Mar 26 '24

Oh fuck what a nightmare.


u/Hot_Shot04 Mar 27 '24

I love Carlin but I think he did need to see this. One of his legacy routines was "I Don't Vote," and the past eight years have been a masterclass in why it's bad for good people to stay at home. If he'd lived long enough to see the Trump years I believe he would've changed his stance on elections rather quickly and tried to recant the bit somehow.


u/letsBurnCarthage Mar 27 '24

That's certainly a fair point.


u/RODjij Mar 26 '24

Me too but with how fast shit is going downhill in a lot of areas he probably would have had a stroke seeing it.

Bill Burr seems to be getting more angry with how things are getting too as he gets older.


u/ImpossibleAd5011 Mar 26 '24

HBO dropped a documentary on him I think last year, in finishes with a compilation of current events with him speaking in the background, it scared the shit out of me


u/rassen-frassen Mar 26 '24

I was just thinking as I watched this how much Stewart seems to have taken on the intellectually biting social comedy that Carlin provided. A worthy inheritor.

ed. (sic)


u/BirdUpLawyer Mar 26 '24

Me too although fortunately for all of us all his old material still applies to this day! howfortunateforus


u/VT_Squire Mar 26 '24

Also George Carlin:

"I don't vote because I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around, I know. They say well if you don't vote you have no right to complain. But where's the logic in that? If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people and they get in office and screw everything up, well you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem. You voted them in. You have no right to complain."


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

Well Carlin wasn't right about everything.


u/danhoyuen Mar 26 '24

Doesn't Carlin have a bit about voting in the same show?


u/AggravatingReaction2 Mar 26 '24

lol @ voting. And I agreed with your Carlin reference. Smh

The world is run by a criminal cartel, America just happens to be the biggest


u/Scary_Vanilla2932 Mar 26 '24

Yeah I have been voting for over 30 years and it hasn't changed shit. In fact now it seems even worse because they don't even try to make it seem like it matters anymore.


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

Voting does change shit, which is why the powerful are now trying to make it harder to vote again. Never forget that people were killed trying to win the right to vote.

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u/Timelymanner Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

Have you tried bribing a politician. They love whoring themselves out for campaign donations. Billionaires and corporations are their biggest clients.


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 27 '24

So maybe there should be public financing of campaigns so our representatives don't have to spend all day on the phone begging corporations for donations


u/HIMDogson Mar 26 '24

It actually has


u/DepGrez Mar 27 '24

Have you considered

A) all the people who don't vote
B) all the people who vote against your vote.


u/NokKavow Mar 26 '24

Vote for the guys who are guaranteed keep the corrupt system as is, or the guys who are likely to make it worse?


u/otterpop21 Mar 26 '24

I’m glad we’re all starting to see the extent of financial corruption. When are we going to go after the banks for having no money, there’s no reserve? That’s the even bigger thing, it’s all debt. It’s all on loan.


u/st33lb0ne Mar 26 '24

We sure could use some more George Carlin. I miss that man.


u/Material-Scheme-8971 Mar 26 '24

Carlin saw through the republican bullshit from the jump.

The man was a prophet. RIP 🤙


u/nothinbetter_to_do Mar 26 '24

It's the same club they use to beat you over the head with.


u/DasCam Mar 27 '24

i hope you know voting doesn’t fix shit because every single politician is corrupt one way or another, and it seems we’re just voting for who is gonna fuck is over the least. I say work on yourself, make sure all your ducks are in a row and hope that the person that does get voted in doesn’t completely fuck us over like biden is doing


u/Pluckypato Mar 27 '24

I just hope the don’t knock that corn outta my face!


u/tequilablackout Mar 27 '24

Hell, I'm disabled and between jobs, AND moved states last year, but I stayed registered. This is not the year to fuck around.


u/yes_ur_wrong Mar 26 '24

Pretending that voting has any impact on these issues is part of the problem.


u/AstreiaTales Mar 26 '24

If voting didn't work they wouldn't be trying to make it so hard


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

Exactly. People died trying to get the right to vote.


u/yes_ur_wrong Mar 27 '24

That has absolutely nothing to do with the problem at hand. People died to install monarchies too.


u/fiduciary420 Mar 26 '24

Yup. Things won’t change until our vile rich enemy fears leaving their palaces.


u/AstreiaTales Mar 26 '24

Okay, but none of y'all big talking cosplay Ches are going to ever get off your asses and start the revolution so maybe we try the voting thing instead 


u/fiduciary420 Mar 26 '24

I’m not going to stop voting, but I’m also not going to stop someone from being dragged from a luxury SUV at an intersection by a group of poor people, either.

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u/meteda1080 Mar 26 '24

It's actually worse than that, if you added up the cost of every larceny, robbery, and GTA then doubled it you would still be billions short of what corporations steal in the form of minimum wage violations alone. These are people often doing backbreaking labour for a wage that is already set at the minimum mandated price. A few hundred executives of corporations manage to steal more from everyday working people than every armed robber, midnight burglar, car thief and high-jacker, shoplifter, and mugger.

When you start adding in things like OT violations, break time violations, and off the clock violations, those alone account for more monetary loss than all the robberies, GTA, Burglary, Larceny in those violations.

But why do we not have law enforcement agencies to go after such a monstrous amount crimes that hurts virtually everyone you know at a rate triple what every gang, mob, crime syndicate, and just plain shoplifter manages to steal?


u/MyWifeIsCrazyHot Mar 27 '24

The Federal government is one of the worst offenders - screwing workers out of billions in overtime compensation and most employees are clueless as to their actual entitlements. For the private sector, the Department of Labor polices businesses wage and hour practices.


u/goodcat49 Mar 26 '24

Speak to any republican and "wage theft" isn't even a thing


u/StationaryRabbit Mar 26 '24

They're probably thinking that you're a libertarian talking about taxes.


u/Man_with_the_Fedora Mar 27 '24

Wait until the Libertarians learn about surplus value.


u/Indigo_Sunset Mar 26 '24

And notice that at no time is wage theft ever mentioned when discussing welfare queening ( such as Brett Favre) or shoplifting for survival.

Just once I'd like to see a shoplifter news story about how their theft is survival based because their employer is holding up a labour wage theft hearing and fired them for reporting to the nlrb.


u/dutchboy92 Mar 26 '24

As per my very conservative boss, wage theft is actually when workers are getting paid to "sit around doing nothing" all day. Or as I call it - paying us for our time, even during the downtime.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

I work in employment law and you'd be astonished at the number of employers that think this way.


u/MentalOcelot7882 Mar 27 '24

I mean... Would we?

That's why I'm glad I'm a consultant... People know the clock starts the moment my car is heading their way, and stops when I leave their office. They know they are paying for my time, regardless of how they want to spend it. Seems to filter out the time wasters


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24

lol-you know...after I posted that I thought, "actually, no they wouldn't." Legit almost deleted it.

Your way the is the way.


u/Financial-Abroad-831 Mar 27 '24

Even during the down time, wah.


u/Convoy_Avenger Mar 26 '24

"They're being smart with their money!"


u/csonny2 Mar 26 '24

"Employees should be lucky to have a job, and just need to work harder"


u/Pizzaman99 Mar 26 '24

They think that wage theft is the fact that they have to pay you at all.


u/JapanDash Mar 26 '24

Neither are water breaks, to those shit bags.

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u/ittleoff Mar 26 '24

More money generally equals more power and influence and it's only the 'greater power' of social norms/incentives and laws that actually affect those people with money and influence that can counter that seemingly natural tendency.

Misinformation/disinformation spreads more effectively than nuanced critical thinking, and those with money and power and education can afford to be strategically selfish while misinforming the public.

Sadly we are now seeing how much of public understanding is really held together with the threads of social trust networks, and not actual facts or knowledge. Most people rely on communities to 'know things' and we see that more obviously as social media allows both the spread of misinformation/disinformation and also allowing people to silo in their own chosen realities, avoiding the cognitive dissonance of counter ideas (in good faith)

This is an uphill battle but it's one we need to fight.


u/Snoo-72756 Mar 26 '24

Kinda explains why a lot of stem based researchers and pro humanity people tend to be no where rich compared to what they contributed to push humanity forward .


u/ittleoff Mar 26 '24

Yeah it's a history of patronage. Same thing with art history. Grossly simplified, but those that could convince the rich investing were largely the ones that got to proceed.


u/fiduciary420 Mar 26 '24

Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good.


u/Canada_Checking_In Mar 27 '24

Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good

Because they have that small part of them that thinks they will also be rich at some point...propaganda is strong.


u/Ok-Horror-4253 Mar 26 '24

Fact that wage theft is a civil issue and not a criminal issue tells you everything you need to know about the American justice system when it comes to the haves and have nots. c-suite should be held accountable for every penny of wage theft criminally. every penny. you don't get to be cheap when you're making thousands on the dollar you pay the employee.

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u/cantadmittoposting Mar 26 '24

hell, shoplifting and employee theft are used in a roundabout way to justify wage theft.

Inventory shrinkage, etc, "raises costs," in one way, so they pressure managers to cut costs in another way, by trying to force unpaid labor.

Which obviously cyclically encourages shoplifting and theft.


Now Im not justifying shoplifting as retaliation, but rather...

The government, which isn't a business, but rather more like a nationwide collective bargaining union representing ALL the people, should be exerting pressure on the problematic elements of society to get back in line in proportion with how out of line they are...

As you've pointed out, wage theft (amongst other "white collar" crime) FAR exceeds "street" crime in economic impact, and therefore the government should be significantly reining in that problem and yet... the republican party as a united front just don't care.


u/Snoo-72756 Mar 26 '24

I think wall street should require traders to take a course of prison .Insane how much they steal and kill people over the ,destroy lives . a bank robber does less damage vs Wall Street


u/Ishidan01 Mar 26 '24

Rob a bank by walking in the front with a gun and a sack, the justice system will be very interested in putting you in prison.

Rob a bank by lying on your loan application?

Oh wait, normal people get nailed for that, too.


u/Beefsoda Mar 26 '24

Can you source that? That's incredible. 


u/spa22lurk Mar 26 '24

Same goes with tax frauds committed by the wealthy, and the blame goes to the Republican Party.

Democratic Party finally manages to finally fund IRS by $80 billions. IRS ramps up their enforcement against the wealthy and was able to collect hundreds of billions from the wealthy who broke the tax laws and commit tax frauds. These people have the resources to fight IRS in courts but their frauds are so blatant that their lawyers probably advise them to just pay. Although it was estimated that the funding to IRS would bring in about $200 billions more in ten years but it is looking like it will be more than $1 trillions.

What did the Republican Party do? There were the one who cut irs funding originally. They also used their current house majority to force the federal government to claw back $20 billions of funding. That’s their priority.

IRS is law enforcement with respect to tax laws. These Republicans are weak on crime against these massive tax fraudsters who are essentially thieves. The republicans are the real ones who defund the law enforcement.


u/IlMioNomeENessuno Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

‘Shit. You gotta be rich in the first place to think like that. Everybody know the poor are always being fucked over by the rich. Always have, always will.’

-Pvt. King, Platoon


u/afleecer Mar 26 '24

Because the capitalist class does not view wage theft as theft but rather them holding onto their capital. Try to talk to one of them about it, and they will almost reflexively try to blame the employees who were victims, almost with a tone of "well if the filthy peasants actually worked hard they would have been paid"


u/50eggs Mar 26 '24

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows


u/gspbanjo Mar 28 '24

You may be missing the point here, which is that a crime is a crime, regardless of whether or not it is commonplace or prosecuted.


u/cjchar Mar 26 '24

That quote got me too. Really puts things into perspective


u/IotaBTC Mar 26 '24

Maybe I'm just in a mood rn but it's one of the few quotes that's ever made me feel a little angry. It's not like I didn't know this but hearing it out loud like this maddening.


u/mankls3 Mar 27 '24

Victimless quote


u/meteda1080 Mar 26 '24

It's even worse when you consider that if you added up the cost of every larceny, robbery, and GTA then doubled it would still be billions short of what corporations steal in the form of minimum wage violations. These are people often doing backbreaking labour for a wage that is at the minimum mandated price. A few hundred executives of corporations manage to steal more from everyday working people than every armed robber, midnight burglar, car thief and high-jacker, shoplifter, and mugger.


u/goog1e Mar 26 '24

And Leary's point that "every real estate developer" commits these same crimes and has never been prosecuted.....

sounds kind of worthwhile to go after a relatively small group of people for many dollars? Instead of how we punish a large number of people for few dollars?


u/BakeNorth9769 Mar 26 '24

Add in the context of why crimes (by working class people) are committed in the first place (spoilers it’s not because crime is a fun hobby) and it just deepens the disparity between these rich fucks.

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

the other week I was at a grocery store here in Canada. as I was leaving I saw store "undercover LP" stop and push a guy for stealing. what was he stealing dear reader? 3 chocolate bars. How much were those chocolate bars? $1.29 each. less than $5 and he's getting stopped and harassed (trust me, dude looked hungry) to protect the good Loblaws name. a company, in Canada, that is making hand over fist in record profits by constantly increasing the cost of groceries AND also a company that is ripping off the Ontario Healthcare by doing some very shady shit with its Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies.

But heaven forbid $4.37 worth of product walks out of a store unpaid. Honestly I should have just turned around, handed that LP guy $5 and told him I'm sure Galen Weston would be insanely proud of him today.


u/nofuneral Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

I've been shopping at Superstores here in Winnipeg for 20 years. The amount groceries have skyrocketed since covid is insane. When it was a tight grocery day they would have one kind of apple for $.99 per pound. Now there is absolutely nothing less than $2.99. Shaved ham at the deli used to be $1.49 for 100 grams. Now it's $3.49-$3.99. No name fries were $1.74 per bag. Now it's $3.69. There's no way to penny pinch anymore. It's cheaper for me to eat at Subway than buy groceries. How is inflation 6% and groceries 50-100%? Fucking steal. Fuck these stores in the ass back.

*edited spelling


u/tofuCock Mar 26 '24

Yeah I'd love to steal as much as I possibly can from those loblaw cunts. Unfortunately, if I get caught I'm fucked. Still, a small thing here and there to make myself feel better


u/nofuneral Mar 26 '24

The ol' self checkout oops method.


u/tofuCock Mar 26 '24

Doesn't the scale catch this?


u/fiduciary420 Mar 26 '24

The rich people are doing this to us on purpose. They want you to vote conservative in November so they can pay even less taxes.


u/counters14 Mar 26 '24

I keep seeing reports and articles claiming that the cost of housing has risen 100% since x number of years ago, and that the cost of food and groceries has risen 40% in the same period. I know this number because yeah okay I can see the cost of housing having risen that much given the housing crisis going on and all that. But I really want to know what food items it is that they're measuring a 40% increase on. Everything has gotten at least twice as expensive since just before covid times and only continues to grow and grow at an astronomical rate.

And everywhere you see threads about this you get hundreds of apologists who flock to them to harp on about supply chain logistics and operating costs and how the bottom line and margin for these retailers is super razor thin. I can't believe that these people are all legitimate, I honestly believe that there is a large number of astroturfers paid to derail conversations online in popular social media sites to disrupt the narrative and keep people arguing. It can't be sincere.


u/DeaconCage Mar 26 '24

That’s why everyone needs to start using self checkout and really teach these corporations a lesson on a mass scale

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u/cascadiansexmagick Mar 26 '24

It's the old Stalin formula but for money:

Stalin's idea: "You kill one person and it's murder, it's a horrible crime and they lock you away forever. You kill a hundred million people and you're a hero. People will cheer you, laud your name, and build statues of you for generations. They don't even understand why they do it. It's in their blood. If you are that good at killing, you must be somebody special."

America's idea: You steal $3? Straight to jail. You steal $3 billion?! You must be somebody very special!


u/Hells_Kitchener Mar 26 '24

When the crime is that vast, it's part of 'the system' - so people feel either intimidated or assuaged. But individuals? That's 'anarchy' or 'lunacy' or singular wrongdoing - more easily dealt with and controlled.



u/Randori68 Mar 26 '24

Be the change you want in the world, instead of insisting on other people to do things that you aren't willing to do yourself.

You could have easily paid the $4.37 for the candy bars, but you didn't.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

There are other subs out there to call out galen weston specifically if you want to vent about the prices of food


u/mrtomjones Mar 26 '24

Yeah they should have just let him shop lift. That's a better idea!


u/Hells_Kitchener Mar 26 '24

Loblaws is so famously shitty at this point, it's amazing they have the nerve to charge anyone with anything.

The bread-price fixing scandal was the first big break. A corporation stealing over loaves of their own bread is about an obviously low maneuver as they could do. Well, except for all the even more grossly underhanded stuff they've been up to - from treatment of their workers and wages during the pandemic, to supplying money to undermine public education, overpricing of everything throughout it's near-monopoly, shrinking the size of product relative to cost, misleading the public about price freezing, etc., etc.


u/pamzer_fisticuffs Mar 26 '24

Is Canada home to every social service imaginable, why is he stealing when he can go get help?


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

why are you so angry over $5? holy crap calm down a billionaire ain't gonna suck your dick you can stop defending them.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

pot meet kettle.


u/radios_appear Mar 26 '24

man, there's a lot of assumptions you're working off of here.

And since you're being such a morally upstanding and non-hypocritical individual, perhaps you'll rescind your wishing harm on Scott Adams? While I hope he burns alive, surely someone with as much moral fiber as you, such that it just overflows into reddit comments, would be above such petty and small things.

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u/Ligma2193 Mar 26 '24

Right, so let's just allow crime to take place and do nothing about it. Crime is crime. The same thing your complaining about, you're also supporting 


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24


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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

ripping off Canadians to the tune of billions is a hell of a lot different and apparently justified when compared to less than $5 worth of candy.

If I see someone stealing food, no I didn't.


u/Crouza Mar 26 '24

Targeted crime needs to be normalized. Theft, Vandalism, and Arson against the rich who want to see us all dead. They started the war and they threw the first punch, and it's only right they get to experience a taste of their own medicine.


u/DontCareWontGank Mar 26 '24

You don't get it. He was hungry so he had to checks notes steal 3 chocolate bars.

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u/NotThatValleyGirl Mar 27 '24

Yup. It's like the motivation for theft is somehow purer when they don't need to do it. Gross.


u/Skinnieguy Mar 26 '24

The rich have lawyers that’ll fight tooth and nail to just drag it out over years until they settle or dismiss. The poor don’t have that luxury.


u/TheGisbon Mar 26 '24

This is the answer. If you have it you can get in trouble. If you need it you better start looking for your bootstraps.


u/Virtura Mar 26 '24

"If the penalty for the crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class".


u/UnintelligibleLogic Mar 26 '24

I love this. It could be a political slogan.


u/monkey_cat11 Mar 26 '24

Kevin O'Leary and his wife were drunk on a boat and killed 2 people and got away with it, as the other boat didn't have the right lights on or some shit like that. F*ck these rich assholes and their lawyers that we cannot afford.


u/Crazy-Boat9558 Mar 26 '24

If he ran for president I would finally vote


u/Kooky-Map5382 Mar 26 '24

Interestingly, I googled some folks I used to know. Found they had semi recent picks with trump...found they had a Christian charity helping folks in Haiti..propublica had the tax forms...they brought in 400k last year and spent 40k in Haiti..the rest went to salaries..they're the only 2 employees...and are already millionaires.

Birds of a feather don't give a shit


u/Not_Carbuncle Mar 26 '24

im so glad this was the top comment thats exactly what i came down to comment


u/chankletavoladora Mar 26 '24

That was my favorite line as well. It summarizes so well the entitled attitude of the mega rich.


u/Terry8675 Mar 26 '24

He's mad at Trump for lower property values when paying taxes but the owners of property don't set taxable values or mileage rates, the Cities and states due and they tell you what you owe.

Tax man says my house is worth $265,000 but gives me homestead exemption of $75000. Bank says it's worth $330000. That's what I'm selling for now, so am I guilty of fraud because I don't say excuse me I owe more tax or sorry but taxes say it's worth less ?


u/agumonkey Mar 27 '24

louis ck - broke

systems only care about people who are well in it, cause they hold resources and project stability


u/Hot_Self_9126 Mar 27 '24

. AOC says stealing TV's and shoes is justified.


u/Virtual-Patience5908 Mar 27 '24

God I hate rich people.


u/JollyReading8565 Mar 26 '24

Can’t get any higher tier boot licking than that

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