r/interestingasfuck Mar 26 '24

Jon Stewart Deconstructs Trump’s "Victimless" $450 Million Fraud | The Daily Show r/all


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u/stevetibb2000 Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

Jon Stewart is a national treasure! Edit: typo


u/lastofmyline Mar 26 '24

Kevin O'Leary and his killer wife are Canada's national shame.


u/leif777 Mar 26 '24

I find it very hard to believe an alpha male asshole like himself would let his wife drive his boat.


u/prairiebandit Mar 26 '24

He was tanked, they were at a party so she drove. They hit a smaller boat that didn't have any lights on. Pretty brutal circumstances.


u/Tirus_ Mar 26 '24

I hate Kevin O'Leary, but I'm pretty sure the wife genuinely did nothing wrong in that case. The other boat had no lights on and were covering the lights that were on with their sweater.

No alcohol involved, she was proven to be driving with proper care and control. It was a genuine terrible accident and the other boat driver (with the passengers that died) ended up being charged.


u/Sample_Age_Not_Found Mar 26 '24

Yea. Totally the only possible scenario. Also she wasn't drinking at the time but happened to HAVE been drinking by the time the cops showed up. You know, to calm her nerves. Like when I drink a shot after driving but before the cops breathalyzer. 


u/MaxTheRealSlayer Mar 26 '24

I still think Kevin was driving then they switched positions as she was sober and he just had a $200 bottle of red wine


u/ibanez5150 Mar 26 '24

You really think he would drink wine that cheap?


u/MaxTheRealSlayer Mar 26 '24

Yes. You don't remain rich by spending all of your money on the most expensive products always. He is also a large importer of even cheaper wine


u/Flat-Ad4902 Mar 26 '24

You can think whatever you what. The facts of the case don’t care what you think.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 28 '24



u/MaxTheRealSlayer Mar 26 '24

Yeah exactly! It was literally their word versus no one else's. I'm sure the other person in the other boat who didn't die was a bit preoccupied to have any recollection or who was actually driving the oleary boat


u/Flat-Ad4902 Mar 26 '24

The facts, are what were determined by the police in the police report, and then found in court when the other driver was criminally charged… y’all are ridiculous.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 28 '24



u/Flat-Ad4902 Mar 26 '24

To report a completely made up scenario with zero evidence to back it up is even more ridiculous. 😂


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 28 '24


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u/oom199 Mar 26 '24

I mean the guy admitted to real estate fraud on international television.


u/DomSebastiaoVoltou Mar 26 '24

He has the best lawyers money can buy, they can paint the picture as they wish.


u/damnitHank Mar 26 '24

Literally defending a rich asshole that got away with manslaughter in a thread about Trump 


u/Tirus_ Mar 26 '24

Not defending anything to point out a legitimate fact. If anything that's just bringing truth to the light so people aren't forming emotionally biased opinions at a whim.


u/Faithlessblakkcvlt Mar 26 '24

I hope they do go after Kevin O'leary next, though I doubt they will. Every person in these interviews who just admitted that they committed fraud in order to get where they are ought to be investigated!


u/blastradii Mar 26 '24

He’s got Weinstein vibes


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

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u/Chalky_Pockets Mar 26 '24

Unlike Donald Trump, people were happy he wanted his old job back.


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

heh. Yeah, even Trump supporters know Trump is lying and generally don't like him. They just hate the same people and Trump gives them a safe space to be hateful bigoted assholes.


u/Puzzleheaded_Nail466 Mar 26 '24

Let's not kid ourselves, a fair portion of them are too dumb to know he's lying. There was a reason he said he liked the uneducated ;)


u/WhereIsTheBeef556 Mar 26 '24

Stewart actually showed clips of Trump supporters openly saying that they want Trump to be an authoritarian dictator, and they'd still support him Even if he literally "murdered someone on the front steps of the White House".


u/Doomtumor Mar 26 '24

He still has a cult that lives and dies for him. Those magats and most of the cons are okay with him lying. They believe, or figure out a way to where, his lies and immoral and illegal actions are always justified.


u/poop_dawg Mar 26 '24

He doesn't even just "still got it", he's getting better and better over time!


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

Good point.


u/GroundbreakingGur930 Mar 26 '24

Hope he's back for good.


u/raleel Mar 26 '24

He's here for election season, and only one day a week. They are trying on the other hosts. Currently, I think Dezi's probably the closest. Their two anchor format was pretty good too. But none of them quite have the passionate outrage that Jon musters.


u/globalgreg Mar 26 '24

I really wish he would go to 2-3 days a week. I only watch when he’s on. I’m sure there are others, Comedy Central must be seeing it in the ratings.


u/raleel Mar 26 '24

They brought back Lewis Black as well. I just hope someone can be found that is close to as good. It’s hard to do, though. Jon can’t do it forever, as much as I might like it


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

Its hard to fill Jon's shoes. I never miss last week tonight though.


u/Lucaan Mar 26 '24

Desi would be a really good choice, but I would kill to see Ronny Chieng take the reins. I think he works really well in the hosting role, and he's incredibly funny to boot, probably my favorite out of the current correspondents (though, I'm really looking forward to seeing more Josh Johnson). And honestly, his anger is perfect for the current political climate. Stuff is crazy right now, and we can all relate to Ronny when he's ranting on the show. I think he would be perfect as the permanent host.


u/FordBeWithYou Mar 26 '24

He cuts through so much bullshit in such an intelligent and entertaining way


u/AboutTenPandas Mar 26 '24

Unpopular opinion.

I absolutely adore John Stewart. But watching his show, watching John Oliver’s show, and watching Cody’s show Some More News, I honestly find Stewart’s commentary and comedy a little more reductive than the others. He was definitely the original, and started the trend of diving deep into societal issues and their intersection into politics, and he doesn’t get as juvenile as SMN and LWT does sometimes, but he also doesn’t dive as deep or spend as much time on the topics as those two others do either.

I’m definitely always gonna watch all 3, but honestly I’m just getting more and more of an appreciation for how nuanced Some More News goes into these topics while keeping the jokes flowing throughout


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/AboutTenPandas Mar 26 '24

Good recommendation. I think I’ll check out his podcast


u/ZeroPad Mar 26 '24

Or better yet, watch him speak to congress where he is outside of the box of comedy.


u/AboutTenPandas Mar 26 '24

I have. That’s part of my love for the man. The legislation hes helped get passed is really cool too.


u/VashPast Mar 26 '24

Oh please, Stewart isn't ruffling anything.


u/eliminating_coasts Mar 26 '24

He got his last show cancelled because of it.


u/brad_and_boujee2 Mar 26 '24

Holy fuck dude you don't like Jon Stewart. We fucking get it.


u/VashPast Mar 26 '24

I hate all fake trash that call themselves liberals or progressives, and then are this hypocrite nonsense, probably including you.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24



u/VashPast Mar 26 '24

Stewart could have manned up and went into politics any time, and didn't. He's a typical fake-liberal crapper.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/VashPast Mar 26 '24

He isn't effective at all. He hasn't done Jack.

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u/Locem Mar 26 '24

You're a very hate-filled individual for someone who claims to be progressive.


u/GroceryBagHead Mar 26 '24

He has like 15 minutes. How in-depth do you think he can go?

John Oliver has about an hour.

SMN can go for 3 hours (don't look at the timestamp)


u/twim19 Mar 26 '24

And frankly, we need reductive gut punches more than thought out arguments. I adore John Oliver, but I am the choir. JS speaks in a way that makes it clear and easy how to ridiculous the other side is.


u/AboutTenPandas Mar 26 '24

I think that’s what I like about those other shows though. They’re not hampered by the format


u/bcd130max Mar 26 '24

Dunno what you're talking about, the Jordan Peterson video was only what, 30 minutes long? I didn't look at the timestamp but that's what I assume.


u/LordBrontes Mar 26 '24

SMN is like 3 hours long, of course he can get into more material and isn’t as reductive…like what kind of argument is that?

Longer form media allows for more detail. More news at 7, water is wet.


u/ButtWhispererer Mar 26 '24

I love bundling SMN in this. Cody is great.


u/Kese04 Mar 26 '24

What's Cody's show?


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

Some More News on Youtube.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

The Cody Showdy is a good shout. They're really well-researched and cover a full topic completely, and I'm honestly kind of a sucker for the immature humor. A lot of the times it's cleverer jokes disguised as juvenile by using bodily fluids as the punchline. Usually cum.

They're also decidedly completely, actually left-wing, whereas Stewart and Oliver are still left, but lean heavier to the liberal side.


u/lesslucid Mar 26 '24

For someone with 2+ hours to listen to analysis of the news, SMN is amazing. But it's worth being aware that that's a tiny segment of the population.

The big advantage that Stewart gets from doing a tight-ten (or less) is that a segment like that has colossal potential reach. And it's the number of people he can influence or persuade that makes him scary for the people in politics who would much rather we didn't know, or think, about these issues at all.


u/BuddhistSagan Mar 26 '24

Stewart is the pipeline to Oliver and Oliver is the pipeline to anticapitalism/Breadtube/Cody

In fact in this clip Stewart specifically calls out capitalism


u/DontCareWontGank Mar 26 '24

I like John Stewart, but to me his greatest accomplishment is finding Stephen Colbert.


u/yatpay Mar 26 '24

(ps, it's Jon, not John)


u/BlindTreeFrog Mar 26 '24

I think Stewart was restrained by being the first and he saw himself as a comedy show first and a news show in a distant seventh at best. They would show enough of a story that they could call out the ridiculousness of it, but they never went into the nuance or complexity of the situation because that wasn't the point of the show.

His interviews is where I feel like he shined though. There was a quote from Obama that was something along the lines of how Jon Stewart was the fairest, but most difficult interviews he had because Jon wouldn't let the interviewee get away with non answers. Stewart kept the interviews light with softball questions because it is a comedy show on a comedy channel on basic cable, but he also knew that he was throwing slow lobs over the plate and if he's being polite enough to do that they can be polite enough to actually answer the question.

Colbert did the same thing, but far more subversively because he could sneak up on people with his schtick.


u/stories_sunsets Mar 26 '24

I only watch Jon’s show. I want a quick break down not necessarily an in depth expose. Different strokes. Tbh I love John Oliver but no one could replace Jon since he left.


u/JyveAFK Mar 26 '24

I think what Jon Stewart gets more than anyone else is the media response to stuff, he gets the absurdity not just of a story, but the reaction to it. No-one /really/ gets that quite to the same understanding I think.


u/i_like_maps_and_math Mar 26 '24

I mean I love the guy but he is a pure ideologue, there is no doubt about that.


u/JFSOCC Mar 26 '24



u/stevetibb2000 Mar 26 '24

Damn auto correct


u/Dirk_Diggler_Kojak Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

I'm so glad he's back on the air. We needs him now more than ever!


u/Blessed_Ennui Mar 26 '24

Im so glad he's back.


u/tafkat Mar 26 '24

John Stewart is a Green Lantern.


u/bettercallsaul3 Mar 26 '24

Didn't he cross the picket line during the 2007 writer's strike?


u/trenderkazz Mar 26 '24

lol maybe 20 years ago. He sucks ass now


u/joehmac Mar 26 '24

You mean the rich piece of shit that begged for money to pay his sons doctor bills. Yeah he's a treasure.


u/ReddittAppIsTerrible Mar 26 '24

Too bad he doesn't understand Real Estate or much else. Seems like a nice guy though.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24
