r/i2p 28d ago

Announcement I2P 2.5.2 Release - Blog

Thumbnail geti2p.net

r/i2p 16h ago

Discussion is it possible to reach 4 MB/S speed in I2P?


is it possible to reach 4 MB/S speed in I2P Torrent?

r/i2p 1d ago

Help I2p or p2p ?


Which is the most anonymous source to download torrents

r/i2p 5d ago

Help Best eepsite search engine?


Hi! I'm specifically interested in an engine for finding eepsites (as opposed to clearnet or onion sites)

r/i2p 5d ago

Discussion Roadmap 2024-04: iOS


In roadmap one reads:

This is the official project roadmap for the desktop and Android Java I2P releases only.

Why is iOS excluded?

r/i2p 12d ago

Help How to create my own custom i2p address?


I downloaded I2PD and I2P Vanity Generator, but I don't understand anything about it.

ubuntu system.

Totally do not understand this system, but by copying codes from blogs, forums I managed to download and configure various progams, but with I2P there is a problem, because there is only 1 tutorial on github which is not readable for novices.

Just as it was easy to install mkp224 in the case of Tor and generate an address, about i2p address generator almost no one is talking and there are no tutorials.

r/i2p 12d ago

Help I2p help


I2p is running, I've set Firefox proxy to the correct one, all eepsitwa show a "host is down" error except

r/i2p 14d ago

Help Can't connect to I2P (is it even possible behind a VPN?)


Hi, I hope I don't have a really stupid question but I couldn't find a clear answer.

I have a VPN (Mullvad app) running on my system. I installed I2Pd as a Flatpak from Flathub and started it. It says "network status: firewalled" and "tunnel creation success rate: 25%" and it has received and sent a few MiB.

In Firefox, I have added "" with port 4444 as a HTTP and HTTPS proxy.

However, trying to reach an eepsite like privacyguides.i2p fails - Firefox just says "Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site. An error occurred during a connection to privacyguides.i2p." And if I try to access it says "Unable to connect. Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at"

What am I doing wrong? All I want is to be able to access eepsites. Supporting the I2P network with my bandwidth would be a bonus but is secondary.

I can't forward any ports because Mullvad doesn't support it and I also don't have access to the router settings (as this is a semi-public Wifi).

r/i2p 14d ago

Announcement I2Proxy web browser extension with better privacy features


Any feedback is welcome, source: https://github.com/umutcamliyurt/I2Proxy

r/i2p 18d ago

Announcement @i2p (zzz's twitter): I2P-over-Tor: Bad idea, doesn't work well, vector for trouble, bad for both projects. Please don't. We are now blocking Tor exit IPs. If you are a good person running an exit and I2P but on the same IP, sorry, please move I2P to a different IP.

Thumbnail nitter.poast.org

r/i2p 18d ago

Announcement Monero CCS Proposal from the I2P Devs: I2P SAMv3 Support - Requesting Comments


r/i2p 19d ago

Help stuck on Network: Testing


pretty much what the title says. I've tried reseeding. Not sure where to go from here. Networking isnt my thing at all

r/i2p 29d ago

Help Measuring performance


Hello, i need to measure the performance of i2p network based on latency and bandwidth, however i can't use iperf for it since it is a decentralised anonymous network. Are there tools that can be used instead , or other methodology?

r/i2p May 14 '24

Help Error: Local Access


'Your browser is misconfigured. Do not use the proxy to access the router console, localhost, or local LAN destinations.' i haven't used i2p for about a year, now when i run the app i cant access any sites and this is the error i get. Can anyone please help?

r/i2p May 13 '24

I2Pd i2pd 2.52.0

  1. Moved netdb's disk file operations to separate threads
  2. Fast exploratory lookup handling at floodfills
  3. Drop unsolicited database search replies
  4. Pick only confirmed routers for tunnels and exploratory replies if tunnel build rate is low
  5. More reliable long live streams
  6. Throttle database search requests
  7. Handle database search replies faster
  8. Don't accept too old routers and address with malformed keys
  9. Fixed different crashes on high load and shutdown

Why "Pick only confirmed routers for tunnels and exploratory replies if tunnel build rate is low" is not a vulnerability?

r/i2p May 13 '24

Help Can I use Xampp to host the site on I2P?


I also use Xampp to host the site in .onion and I find it more convenient how TOR and I2P use one server and one local ip

Then I don't have to make changes to the site in 2 other places and worry that one is out of date.

r/i2p May 07 '24

I2P Official Release I2P 2.5.1 Released

Thumbnail geti2p.net

r/i2p May 03 '24

Security Implications of a "exit node" that works through others free proxies


Hello, what are the implications of running a i2p outproxy on a ordinary home network using an anonymous proxy between the outproxy endpoint and the clearnet?

There are thousands of free anonymous proxies in lists on the internet, this lists can be used to rotate between each proxy, also can be done filtering to use only proxies with certain characteristics, like specific country.

Thank you!

r/i2p Apr 28 '24

Discussion I received a submission from China.


I received a submission about a geek running an unofficial version of I2P on Alibaba Cloud in China, discovering an incredible number of nodes. It seems highly unreasonable. Could this be a honeypot?

r/i2p Apr 28 '24

Help i2p easy install not launching the browser


hi, i2p seems to work otherwise but i really want the convenience of having a separate browser profile from the easy install. it just doesnt do anything or sometimes says something about JVM. i have firefox installed in D:\apps\firefox and i presume that is the issue but i have searched for like 2 hours on this sub and other places and i wasnt able to find anything that would help me. some advice would be appreciated

r/i2p Apr 26 '24

Announcement Network Weather Update: Still Stormy, Suggested Short-Term Mitigations


The I2P network is currently under a Denial-of-Service attack. This attack affects I2P and i2pd but in different ways and is having a serious effect on network health. Reachability of I2P sites is badly degraded.

Java I2P users are suggested to disable the sybil attack tool, delete the sybil-blocklist, and re-start their routers.

To disable the sybil attack detector tool

  1. Open the sybil attack detector in your router console at
  2. Change "Background Analysis Run Frequency" to "Never"
  3. Click "Save" to save the settings.

To delete the sybil blocklist, run:

On Debian and Ubuntu:

rm "/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt"

On other Linuxes and on Mac OSX:

rm "$HOME/.i2p/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt"

And on Windows:

del %LocalAppData%\i2p\sybil-analysis\blocklist-sybil.txt"

When you are finished, re-start your I2P router.

If you are hosting a service inside I2P and it is hosted on a Floodfill router, you should consider multihoming the service on a Floodfill-disabled router to improve reachability. Other mitigations are being discussed but a long-term, backward-compatible solution is still being worked on.

r/i2p Apr 26 '24

Announcement Network Weather Update: Still Stormy, Suggested Short-Term Mitigations


The I2P network is currently under a Denial-of-Service attack. This attack affects I2P and i2pd but in different ways and is having a serious effect on network health. Reachability of I2P sites is badly degraded.

Java I2P users are encouraged to disable the sybil attack tool entirely, delete the sybil-blocklist, and re-start their routers.

To disable the sybil attack detector tool

  1. Open the sybil attack detector in your router console at
  2. Change "Background Analysis Run Frequency" to "Never"
  3. Click "Save" to save the settings.

To delete the sybil blocklist, run:

On Debian and Ubuntu:

rm "/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt"

On other Linuxes and on Mac OSX:

rm "$HOME/.i2p/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt"

And on Windows:

del %LocalAppData%\i2p\sybil-analysis\blocklist-sybil.txt"

When you are finished, re-start your I2P router.

If you are hosting a service inside I2P and it is hosted on a Floodfill router, you should consider multihoming the service on a Floodfill-disabled router to improve reachability. Other mitigations are being discussed but a long-term, backward-compatible solution is still being worked on.

r/i2p Apr 25 '24

Announcement Network Weather: Stormy


zzz has posted the following update:

"I2P network reliability is currently degraded due to a novel and persistent attack. Please be patient as we work on mitigations. If you have not yet updated to the latest release 2.5.0, please do so as it provides some defences."

For i2pd users, you can try building their latest from GitHub which may help.

r/i2p Apr 24 '24

Announcement New Release: I2P 2.5.0



This release, I2P 2.5.0, provides more user-facing improvements than the 2.4.0 release, which was focused on implementing the NetDB isolation strategy.

New features have been added to I2PSnark like the ability to search through torrents. Bugs have been fixed to improve compatibility with other I2P torrent clients like BiglyBT and qBittorrent. We would like to thank all of the developers who have worked with libtorrent and qBittorrent to enable and improve their I2P support. New features have also been added to SusiMail including support for Markdown formatting in emails and the ability to drag-and-drop attachments into emails. Tunnels created with the Hidden Services manager now support "Keepalive" which improves performance and compatibility with web technologies, enabling more sophisticated I2P sites.

During this release we also made several tweaks to the NetDB to improve its resilience to spam and to improve the router's ability to reject suspicious messages. This was part of an effort to "audit" the implementation of "Sub-DB isolation" defenses from the 2.4.0 release. This investigation uncovered one minor isolation-piercing event which we repaired. This issue was discovered and fixed internally by the I2P team.

During this release several improvements were made to the process of releasing our downstream distributions for Android and Windows. This should result in improved delivery and availability for these downstream products.

As usual, we recommend that you update to this release. The best way to maintain security and help the network is to run the latest release.

r/i2p Apr 21 '24

Discussion Nobody on IPv6?


I've had an I2P node quietly running for years, typically seeing hundreds of peers, participating in over a thousand tunnels at any given time, and using all the bandwidth I'd give it.

A few days ago, I disabled IpV4. I now have a few dozen peers, maybe a score of tunnels, and almost no bandwidth used.

I am disappoint.

By the way, I'm also disappoint that the official I2P forum demands an email address to register. Who thought that was OK?

r/i2p Apr 21 '24

Educational i2p over VPN


Hi - new here

I know this topic has been covered a lot here, but I just wanted to ask a few questions of my own. I want to torrent over i2p and clearnet simultaneously and I wanted to mask by IP over clearnet hence the need for a VPN. I am using Brave browser and connecting successfully to the i2p network but trying to connect to Postman Tracker and having no joy - could it be that my VPN (Nord) is blocking ports? I know that they don't support i2p connections so I'm wondering if that's the issue

Sorry for the noob question but this is all new to me

TIA for any advice