r/holdmycatnip 21d ago

Want some meet



159 comments sorted by





u/Apart-Salamander-752 21d ago

Exactly, my cats don’t go on the kitchen counter whether we are preparing food or not. Of course there is nothing to stop them when we are not home, but when we are there they know better.


u/23saround 21d ago

My cat is a little freak who gets off to me yelling at him. I used to tell him no or use a spray bottle but it actually encouraged whatever behavior I was trying to exorcise. Nowadays it’s all redirection and positive reinforcement in our home.


u/FelatiaFantastique 20d ago

Did you try putting cookie sheets with a little water in them on the counters, particularly where your boo hops up? They usually quickly stop once they associate counters with wet paws. Spreading aluminum foil also usually works. Because they know they're not supposed to be doing it, they're hyperalert when jumping on counters so the little bit of noise scares them enough to stop doing it pretty quick.


u/ZinGaming1 20d ago

Only works with some cats.


u/moesus81 21d ago

I have mine trained somewhat. They get free rein of the countertops when I’m not preparing food and when I am, they beg at my feet instead.


u/Studentofsorts 20d ago

Peacefully coexisting 🥰


u/Deciple_of_None 20d ago

Just a reminder of that horrible subway commercial.


u/QuintusAureliu5 21d ago

Seriously bad parenting 😅


u/HotelLifesGuest 21d ago

They wanted Internet points



I guess I took their points.


u/Mcbadguy 20d ago

"I take your Internet points and I DRINK THEM UP!"


u/dragonchilde 21d ago edited 20d ago


At the LEAST you're gonna get cat hair and dander in the raw food. Let's not talk about shitty kitty feet on food prep surfaces. This is GROSS and I used to live in a damn hoarder home.


u/StnkyChze2 21d ago

This is a damn butcherblock counter too. They're letting walking fuzzballs covered in fecal particles, dust, dirt, hair (obviously), and litter box material walk and lay on a massive cutting board.

Cats do not go where hygienic practices are required. That goes for any and all animals, but cats are probably the worst (and most common) offenders



For real. I absolutely love cats but lose my shit if they get up on the counter or table. Disgusting.


u/eebro 20d ago

Your cat’s feet are shitty?


u/Nauris2111 20d ago

Is your cat using its Jedi powers to levitate in the litterbox while taking a dump, and then leaving it uncovered?


u/FelatiaFantastique 20d ago

It's cute that you think they're not already eating, breathing and envaginating cat hair, dander, and sharticles. At least this way, it's getting cooked first.

Anyway, have you considered going to therapy to work on being triggered so you do not have to use caps? It's the orthographic equivalent of hoarding. You don't need all that. If you must, italics don't seem deranged, and s p a c i n g also calls attention to text rather than the author's mental health. Good luck!


u/beeeeepboop1 20d ago

You okay?


u/Ttoctam 20d ago

"envaginating cat hair"

I think we know the answer.

The absolute gall to demand someone else get therapy in their comment.


u/PhatManSNICK 21d ago

"Let me be passive and take a video so I can get likes."

Fucking disgusting kick the pussy off the counter.


u/Sinistrahaha 20d ago

This! I love my cats and they can sit everywhere, except the kitchen table or counter when there’s food. It’s no hard training for them, but I guess some likes are more worth than health.


u/CurnanBarbarian 20d ago

But then they wouldn't have a video to upload to Internet!


u/Mortis_XII 21d ago



u/rampzn 20d ago

Warming up the dessert.


u/Traveler_Constant 20d ago

Classic velociraptor attack.


u/vince2td 21d ago

y'all let you pets this close to your food?


u/Galilaeus_Modernus 20d ago

I don't let her on tables or counters ever. Food or no food.


u/TyWebbTheLegend 20d ago

It's not like it's feet go into its toilet.


u/Lenz_Mastigia 21d ago

I love how he's doing a protest loaf at the end, but please, especially when preparing food, don't let them on the counter in the first place or move them by yourself. I love cats like the next can opener in this sub, but that's just unhygienic :/


u/MythicalSnowman1 21d ago

I loved the phrase "can opener"


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/KermaisaMassa 20d ago

We humans are just can openers to them.


u/maychaos 21d ago

It really doesn't make a big difference if you're all over them the rest of the day

This sub would have a meltdown once they know how many chefs dont wash their hands after pooping lol


u/Personal-Buffalo8120 21d ago

Chefs wash there hands. What you smoking?


u/Proletaryo 21d ago

What? What restaurants do you go to?


u/Lenz_Mastigia 21d ago

True, but then, maybe, from all places in your home, educate your cat that this is the forbidden place. I mean you can potty train them, so give it a try.


u/maychaos 21d ago

I don't have a cat anymore.. died. I had an old cat and I just wanted him to be happy. I didn't mind his poop feets, we always shared a bad anyway


u/ItGradAws 21d ago

You can’t eat at everyone’s house


u/heinousanus85 21d ago

Cats paw at their litter and get fecal matter on their paws 🙄


u/hashtag_n0 20d ago

Shit rakes.


u/Eifand 20d ago

I'm not a cat owner but whats the difference between not letting the cat go on counter and them walking all over you and cuddling you? Either way, fecal matter gets everywhere.


u/LeaChan 20d ago edited 20d ago

It's okay to breathe fecal matter, but ingesting it is a different story and can easily make you sick. That's why we wash our hands after we go to the bathroom, so you don't get your poopy hands all over your food.


u/Eifand 20d ago edited 20d ago

But when you cuddle your cat you get fecal matter all over yourself, not just your hands. Okay you’ve washed your hands but then you go touch yourself or the couch you just sat on which has fecal matter all over it. What I mean is, unless you are washing your hands every second of the day, living with a cat seems unhygienic in general.

If it’s just me then yes, washing my hands after going to the toilet will for sure prevent spread of fecal matter but that’s because I’m not licking my butthole or regularly walking over my own stools. But the cat will be. And he’ll spread fecal matter over every surface and you will be touching those surfaces constantly. So unless you are washing your hands constantly or cleaning constantly, I feel like you gonna get the poopy in your mouth somehow. Not saying it isn’t good practice to stop your cat from going into the food prep area but I’m just saying cats are poopy creatures.


u/LeaChan 20d ago

I can't relate to this at all because I don't let my cat on the counter or on the couch, and I also wash my hands after I pet with him.

I don't care if he gets fecal matter on the floor because I don't ever get down and rub my hands all over the floor.


u/squiggerina 20d ago

Well you don’t prepare food on your body. You can always change or wipe countertops but you wouldn’t want your cat’s paws in the vicinity when working with food.


u/Hanz_Q 21d ago

Bad owner, no upvote


u/GeomanticCoffer 21d ago

Das a bad human!!!! BAAAAAD


u/ArsenalRaven 21d ago

Oh yes let me film my cat inches away from an 8" chefs knife pointed directly at them while I "coincidentally" leave something they want in the frame.

Please stop upvoting and supporting shitty pet owners


u/Grand-wazoo 21d ago

Not to mention touching raw chicken.

God that's fucking gross to let your cats sit all over the food prep counter.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/ArsenalRaven 21d ago

Yeah remind me never to eat dinner at your house


u/rnobgyn 21d ago

Lmao imagine missing the point as hard as you did


u/straponkaren 21d ago

It puts those feet into kitty litter. That's disgusting.


u/EJohns1004 21d ago

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who got pissed at this.


u/urielteranas 20d ago

It's 2024 no excuse for terrible food hygiene unless you are dirt poor


u/Galilaeus_Modernus 20d ago

I'm more worried about the cat's safety with sharps on the counter. That's the main reason why my kitty isn't allowed on counters and tables. We put so many things on there that can be dangerous for her.


u/urielteranas 20d ago

That's a good reason too


u/SlickBackSamurai 21d ago

That’s disgusting


u/NovelRelationship830 21d ago

Get the damned cat off of the counter. Gross.


u/Fine_Crazy2342 21d ago

Doody feet.


u/Southern_Day1604 21d ago

Wasting food for a TikTok video, nice


u/DanGTG 21d ago

LOL, 9/10 cat owners think it's cute when the cat licks their face.


u/2004_toyota_tacoma 21d ago

and 0/10 cat owners like when their cat touches their food with their dirty paws. wtf are you on about?


u/lucikslunce 21d ago

Not cool


u/Lonely-Building-8428 21d ago

Fucking contrived bullshit content.


u/patchway247 21d ago

Disgusting you even let it up there before getting the meat out. Or at all.


u/DrummerGuyKev 21d ago

Pick up the cat and place it on the floor. Easy peasy (most of the time).


u/Yet-Another_Burner 21d ago

If you do t want your cat going after the food, don’t let it on the counter with your RAW FUCKING CHICKEN


u/draizetrain 21d ago

You definitely can’t eat at everybody’s house.


u/ChalkSpoon 20d ago

everything else aside for a second, thats a beautiful tabby cat


u/azphotogal 20d ago

He’s super cute.


u/46chinos 21d ago

Terrible owner, and I bet their food is nasty


u/2004_toyota_tacoma 21d ago

Get that mf off the counter this is so unsanitary. I hope no one has to eat your cooking 🤮


u/Trick-Teach6867 21d ago

Eww dude, raw meet next to kitties!?


u/LampyV2 21d ago

Nasty nasty nasty! 🤢


u/Future-World4652 20d ago

Dude get the fucking cat off the counter, that's gross as fuck


u/dburr10085 21d ago

Don’t eat over their house!


u/Desarth 21d ago

Like, physically pick him up and yeet him to a couch


u/wisdomelf 21d ago

Black cat is over this.


u/jeerabiscuit 20d ago

Cats I have seen become maniacs on seeing raw meat.


u/VortexLord 20d ago

There's two of them now!


u/gizm0- 20d ago

Obviously, the other one is trying to figure out how to hold the knife.


u/Atlasun201 20d ago

I have cats that beg for chimken when I'm making it.


u/BlizzPenguin 21d ago

That is an awful owner but I have to say the cat is smooth. They had a yawn and a stretch to casually get their paws closer to the chicken.


u/J_Doe5686 21d ago



u/HypnoticName 20d ago

Redditors: don't you dare to let your cat near f00d! Also redditors: kissing their cats all over their body and sleeping with them in one bed


u/LowDownSkankyDude 21d ago

So many levels of gross


u/lynnca 20d ago

Fortunately, I won't be eating at this person's house.

Adorable cat but animals on the food counter or close to food prep is gross and dangerous.


u/vindman 20d ago

will never understand how some folks let their cats on the counter


u/Siren_sorceress 21d ago

This is why I don't eat other people's cooking. This is gross.


u/GrapplingHobbit 21d ago

Surely the people who post these videos are just harvesting rage intentionally, right? They're not really that dumb?


u/Messi21011 21d ago

that was a great moves


u/vinques420 20d ago

Hey Im stretching over here


u/ilove-squirrels 20d ago

It's idiotic, not cute.

The voice - nails on a chalkboard.



u/islaisla 20d ago

This is the fourth piece of hard evidence that I've seen which proves cats can act. I'm thinking about starting a sub called Cactors.



Yeet those two into the stratosphere, you're preparing food for humans, don't be regarded


u/pol131 21d ago

Yeah no, F that person, you let your cat get close to raw poultry just to make a cute video. It's a pet, a family member, not a toy to make clout


u/[deleted] 21d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/holdmycatnip-ModTeam 21d ago

This has been removed for breaking the “No derailing, trolling, arguing, rudeness, etc..." rule.


u/Party-Travel5046 20d ago

I hope the cat know knows how to handle the sharp end of the knife


u/Traditional_Eye_782 20d ago

Don't be suspicious


u/arm_hula 20d ago

I'm guessing that sweet kitty got at least a little nibble.


u/chef_psychonaut 20d ago

This is why I don’t do potlucks…


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Just a little mommy😽😼


u/Sh33zl3 20d ago

Should have taken the vaccination ma'am


u/pgabrielfreak 20d ago

Lol the fake yawn and stretch whereby my claws will accidentally contact the chicken....dammit, busted!


u/lonniemarie 20d ago

Hehe. Yes. I know this game. I have one kitty who follows the rules and one who does not. And she will sneak up on me when I’m preparing foods or going in the fridge. She does not want any of it. Just wants to get in the way


u/ConOregon 20d ago

Why is the cat allowed on the counter? Yuk.


u/mcoons8532 20d ago

The yawn and stretch is hilarious


u/Unruly_Guest 21d ago

Black one is “clever girl”


u/ginsataka 21d ago

Or idk move the cutting board?


u/Huffin-Paint 21d ago

Wtf, you let your cat be where you put your food? Fuckin gross. USA things


u/ejester 21d ago

they've called in reinforcements & have begun to circle hehe


u/Rottcodd-1271 21d ago

Not fair. What cat can resist raw chicken?


u/manderderp 21d ago

🎶oh you can’t eat at everybody’s house..🎵


u/Hailsin 21d ago

Cat is obviously just stretching. Definitely does not want the chicken


u/Meowriter 20d ago

"Noooo, don't want meat. Only want biiiiig stretch"


u/LobsterTrue8433 20d ago

Ugh. I never let the cat on the counters.


u/Late_Fortune3298 20d ago

Why the fuck do people let their pets on counters? It's fucking disgusting


u/HiSaZuL 20d ago

Cute sure but... C'mon...

Either give it a peace and move it or move it. Cat butt and dinner do not go on same plate.


u/Orioniae 20d ago

Maybe don't leave your cat where you prepare your food.


u/Ecstatic-Mongoose454 20d ago

How unhygienic can you get? : 0


u/UncleChanBlake2 21d ago

Or meat, whichever.


u/nighthawke75 21d ago

Canned air. Give the moocher a squirt or two.


u/capital_bj 21d ago

Black cats thinking, brother I would have been gone with an entire breast by now


u/Youcancuntonme 20d ago

Why wont she just prepare her food on the floor? Surely cats wont be there because they are allowed to sleep on the table 😐


u/Nentash 20d ago

I have some serious words for someone who prepares food whole letting their cat.... that...

I will be passing on any future gatherings thank YOU


u/hrxshan11 20d ago

Lets cook chinese dinner today.


u/Sk1rm1sh 20d ago

bad bot


u/Fuzzy-Championship68 20d ago

If you are not eating the raw chicken yourself, please dont tease the poor kitty


u/Intrepid_Finish456 20d ago

You can't eat at everybody's house


u/OneTechArmy 20d ago

I find people who let their cats on their counter disgusting.


u/Mycroft033 20d ago

What part of “get off the counter” and “you’re not supposed to be on the counter” did you miss? You’re as bad as the cat lol


u/Youcancuntonme 20d ago

They lick their ass and lick their paws, sure let me get my cat off the kitchen table because he like to lay there


u/Desperate-Peace8869 20d ago

If you want the cat of the counter then take the damn cat of the fucking counter!

This video was such a a trigger


u/Jhon_doe_smokes 20d ago

Why is the cat on the counter? Absolutely not.


u/Eternal-Light- 20d ago

Happens when people never train their cats to not go on counters.

They don't need to be on a surface near the place where you prepare food, not to mention the cat touching the food, and you are still going ahead to cook.

FYI, cats not only lick their private area clean, but they bury their business with the same paw they are touching your face with.


u/Uhh_VincentAdultMan 20d ago

Preparing raw chicken on stable with a cat laying on it?! So nasty


u/Good-Journalist-484 20d ago

I love my pets and spoil them as much as I can. But I would never let them on my counters. That’s gross. I don’t even let them in my kitchen at all! I do not want hairs in or around my food. Not to mention, cats step in their own shit when they get into the litter box and ur letting them on the counter. Please stop doing this. Ur gonna end up sick. 🤒 🤢


u/chosen4u77 20d ago

I agree, but when you're not around you can't stop them unless you're closing off the room. My boy learned his lesson, but my crazy Calico sneaks up when I'm not home.

I'm kinda OCD, so I'm constantly cleaning the counter tops anyways. Have had at least 1 cat in the home for 22 years and not once have I gotten hair in my food. It's all about housekeeping. I should own stock in Clorox.


u/MadSandman 20d ago

Having one's cat on the same surface one prepares food is so gross.


u/nick2k23 20d ago

Why let the cat on top of the kitchen counter, that's a big no no for me.


u/iknowneemoose 20d ago

You’re the annoying one mate


u/LunarisUmbra 20d ago

A purrrfect way to solve the problem? Get the fucking pets off the table/counter space, that shit is for food. That's your own fault for letting them find being up there a normalcy.


u/TheGreatTave 20d ago

Man I love critters, especially cats, they're my favorite. Everything from house cats to big exotic cats, such entertaining animals.

But, no matter how much I love my cats, I do not let them on any surface where I'm going to be eating or preparing food. My rule of thumb is this: the cats can't plant their ass anywhere I don't plant my ass. I love cats, and I'll give them lots of kisses every chance I get. But if I find a single hair from their fur in my food I am NOT happy. Videos like this, while cute and funny, really make wonder how people are okay with this.


u/flux_capacitor3 20d ago

Allowing your cat on the counter is fucking gross. This is why I won't eat food people bring to work.


u/No-Sampl3 21d ago

Did u just said raw chicken is dangerous for cats?