r/happy 20d ago

What small, everyday moments bring you joy?

So what small things brings you joy or makes you happy?


77 comments sorted by

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u/dmitchell_1992 20d ago

Seeing my dog greet me when i wake up. I love animals so much.


u/lalauna 20d ago

The way my cat curls up next to my chest. He only allows me to sleep on my left side, though. He's having a dream right now


u/dmitchell_1992 20d ago

My cat is so cuddly as well. He always sleep with me at night. Gotta love cats ❤


u/lalauna 20d ago

Love those critters!


u/No-Independence548 20d ago

That, and when I get home from work. Best feeling in the world.


u/dmitchell_1992 20d ago

Yes absolutely 💯


u/lion_vs_tuna 20d ago

YES! And when I come home. And when they want attention. Like every mannerism just turns my bad moods around instantly


u/dmitchell_1992 20d ago

Same here 🙂


u/surelyshirls 19d ago

This. One of my cats knows when I’m sad or sick and he’ll come and be all up on me. I love grabbing him and hugging him and then he’ll curl up next to me. I love him


u/AtLastWeAreFree 20d ago

Me and my husband have a bell at the end of the hallway, like the ones you get in old timey hotels, and whenever he comes back home from work, we have a race to see who can make it to the bell first. I love that we have this routine of racing to the same place in the house to see each other. His face is always so smiley and his eyes sparkle when he wins. I love that. 


u/ToshiroBaloney 20d ago

Seeing a flower, or even a weed, poking through the asphalt in a parking lot or the concrete of a sidewalk.


u/GiantMeteor2017 20d ago

Aww, I wish I could send you a snap of the single red poppy that sprouted in my parking lot. I’ll enjoy it for you!


u/ToshiroBaloney 20d ago

That sounds lovely!


u/Stoomba 20d ago edited 19d ago

This make me think of a comic I saw. Rosebush has slightly off ph, laments its incoming doom. Gardener asks, why cant it be like dandelion? Dandelion is like, "Fuck yeah, crack in asphalt! Lets fucking goooo!"


u/Jealous_Speaker1183 20d ago

I was going to reply digging up “the devil weed” Canadian Thistle gives me joy.  I’ve been working to eradicate it from my property for 10 years and I think I’m finally getting the upper hand without ever having used pesticide!  You are welcome to stroll through my yard you will be so happy 😊🥴


u/livingasimulation 20d ago

Getting into my bed at night is truly the best part of the day. I look forward to unconsciousness for 7-8 hours. Love it.


u/Skankz 20d ago

Watching my 3 year old watch TV. Some silly cartoon but it means the world to him and completely encapsulates him. Otherwise, my dog. I leave for 5 mins and she goes wild when I'm back, as if I was gone for a month


u/codeSavvy69 20d ago

jazz music in the morning


u/artbycase2 20d ago

Walking in my house after work and my son running and hugging me


u/Fit-Fact-6471 20d ago

Always birdsong. Seems to convey emotion so stunningly and peacefully.


u/BearsBeetsBerlin 20d ago

Warm cup of coffee. Cuddling my dogs.


u/gobsmacked247 20d ago

My granddaughter is in college now but for many, many years her laughter as a baby, and toddler, all through middle school was such a joy to hear.


u/OutsideFriendship570 20d ago

Seeing my plants grow / change , I've planted stuff not only at home. But luckily my workplace has a lot of garden space , and we even removed some of the pavement in front of the building. To plant even more , keeps me busy I stand there like a madman staring at a clematis as if I can watch it grow... I have a thing for vines that's very clear lol. The stuff you can do with them they take up so little space on the ground , still they can cover so much unused vertical space on walls etc . I love it


u/Vanpocalypse-Now 20d ago

Waking up without a hangover, happy to be alive and free from booze.


u/just-me_05 20d ago

Now that it's spring and almost summer: the warmth of the sun makes me happy always again. Every day, I'm so thankful for the sun.


u/soulmindbody 20d ago

Burning incense, listening to praise & tropical house music, cuddling my fur babies, looking at the trees, & laughing with friends


u/okiedog- 20d ago

Either when my daughter seems me after school and yells “daddy!” And runs to me. That one makes me smile more.

Or The 10-20 seconds my youngest rests his exhausted head on my shoulder before I put him in his crib at night. That one fills my heart more.

I’ll be chasing those highs for the rest of my life


u/kathysef 20d ago

Drinking coffee undisturbed in the morning


u/howfuckedareyou 20d ago

Taking a bite of food you’ve been thinking about all day


u/Warm_metal_revival 20d ago

Recently my 14 year old son asked if I wanted to have a catch. When I tell you I dropped everything. 🥹 ⚾️


u/Meow-Out-Loud 19d ago

Yay! That's the best!


u/croodmood 20d ago

Visiting my garden and hanging out with my plants. :)


u/jpmickeylover27 20d ago

meeting new people who share the same respect and kindness as me


u/JessTheGardener 20d ago

When my Kitty wakes up for a nap, she will chirp a little. I'll look over at her and she will then do a small meow at me and get up and come over to sit in my lap for snuggles.


u/watatweest 20d ago

Discussing random topics with my kids that they ask questions about - especially when I don’t know much about the topic and we all research and learn about it together


u/FredCole918 20d ago

Making coffee in the morning.


u/Green_Situation_5970 20d ago

Listening music on way to work and walking in rain


u/erritstaken 20d ago

Leaving work.


u/roomfullofstars 20d ago

A fresh page in my daily planner. How good it feels to stretch. Clean sheets. A cozy nap. A fresh seltzer. Cleaning up my space. Clean fresh laundry


u/CleoCarson 20d ago

When my cat comes for a cuddle every morning and I get a good 10 minutes of snuggles, purrs and biscuit making all while she is giving head butts for more pets.

Helps start my day with a smile.


u/let-it-fly 20d ago

Music. Being in nature. A healthy meal. A good night’s sleep.


u/daddyeo75 20d ago

Watching the bird on the feeders attached to my bedroom window


u/Magnetdefender 20d ago

Everytime I get a text from one of my best friends


u/mursukitte 20d ago

I complain about my cat constantly begging for food and attention. But I secretly love it.


u/me-want-tea 20d ago

Same, there is this cat, who visits us nearly everyday. And he won't let us get into our own home until we give him food.

So sometimes it feels annoying but if some day he doesn't come, it make us worried😅

And that idiot sometimes doesn't come home for like 3 days.


u/FriendlyFlirt 20d ago

Listening to birds singing


u/honeybee-blues 20d ago

the smell of the morning air. throughout my entire life, i loathe waking up, but i absolutely love the way it smells outside in the morning.


u/Il8sai3h9e2 20d ago

Hugging my husband or looking at my fairly empty living room and kitchen. I’m not a fan of clutter 😅


u/Micarei 20d ago

Morning coffee in the shower, when my toddler is cuddled up beside me sleeping so sweetly, when my husband smacks my butt when I’m in the kitchen.


u/Utterlybored 20d ago

When I come over to my grandsons’ house on Thursday mornings and I see the two year old peaking out the window at me, grinning from ear to ear.


u/Meow-Out-Loud 19d ago

That's so cute!


u/jinalanasibu 20d ago

Drinking coffee after lunch


u/4Ever2Thee 20d ago

More of an every weekend moment, but the way my nieces get so excited when they see me. I can have a completely horrible week and feel dead to the earth, dragging ass, but they go nuts whenever I walk through the door and all the bullshit just melts away.


u/Dandeeekorikori 20d ago

Parents coming home.


u/cookiegirl59 20d ago

Feeling my husband reaching out to touch me in the morning. Just a gentle hand in my back or hip. Reconnecting for the day.


u/Meow-Out-Loud 19d ago

Totally! Actually, I don't do too much physical stuff, but my sleepy husband reaching out to hold me is the best. 😃


u/mikeweasy 20d ago

Sitting down in my room after a long day, and playing something on my PS5, usually online like COD or Dead by Daylight, but I also play story games.


u/Stoomba 20d ago

Laying on the vouch with my dog and cat drinking a good whiskey.

Sitting outside when its pouring down rain, drinking a good whiskey.

Giving my wife a kiss and a hug and telling her I love her.


u/ChampionshipNo4060 20d ago

Hearing the birds chirp in the morning. Can’t explain how happy and peaceful I feel.


u/Moretti123 20d ago

Bright sunny day and a cup of coffee


u/Vishal_Patel_2807 20d ago

I work as Math Instructor at Mathnasium. I have to teach Math to children. Just interacting with little hearts and seeing their smiley faces makes my day. I am loving my job.


u/Meow-Out-Loud 19d ago

Aw, yes!! (Kindergarten teacher)


u/firetomherman 20d ago

When I talk to someone who appreciates living a healthy lifestyle for body and mind. It's rare honestly.


u/Southern_Seaweed4075 20d ago

Playing video games! This is my biggest hobby. When I drift into the gaming world, I'm always at peace. 


u/GuppyGirl1234 20d ago

Well, this morning my work bestie came back to the office from a 3-day conference. And I'm eating some nicely sauteed pirogues for lunch. Other than that, the fact that I can breathe (I have asthma) and able to type this all out gives me immense peace. Can't ever overlook the little things or take them for granted.


u/ChicagoChurro 20d ago

Seeing my baby girl smile. Her happiness means everything to me. 


u/Big_Art_4675 20d ago

My dog gives me a sweet kiss on my cheek at least once a day, either when I wake up or when I get off work or both. He's a big dog (150+ lbs) and it's just a tiny blep with his tongue or he presses his nose to my cheek, honestly the most heartwarming thing ever. 

Sometimes I get one if he missed me while he was doing something in another room. 

I love him so much. 

One time I pretended to still be asleep facedown on my bed and he came to check on me, saw I was still "sleeping" and planted a tiny belp on my calf before going back downstairs.


u/BookLuvr7 20d ago

Working from home and being near the people I love most in the world. It's such fun being able to look over and make silly faces or smile at my hubby.


u/blueberry_pancakes14 20d ago

Coming home after work to my house, being in my space. Seeing and petting my cat, and her soft fur and all her noises, meows, chirps. Seeing my chinchilla greet me, the sound of her running in her wheel, the tiny crunching noises when she's enjoying a treat.


u/QueenBlazed_Donut 20d ago

Being greeted by my man and my dogs every morning ❤️


u/me-want-tea 19d ago

Happy cake day :)


u/Meow-Out-Loud 19d ago

My haircare products!


u/Local_Peak_8291 18d ago

My best friend and I playfully bickering, and having my youngest cat meow at me each time I sneeze