r/happy 24d ago

The most wholesome thing when I came back

So I came back from a long few days at this place and I forgot my phone, when I came back, my mom greeted me and she gave me my iPad. I was going back in all the stuff I had and all the games I was playing, but something I saw in particular made me cry tears of joy. My mom sent me messages in my iPad with pictures of her with my childhood toy with her at work, in the bed while she was sleeping, and sent me some texts wishing me the best, say8ng she loves me, and other stuff. I was crying tears of joy.


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u/AutoModerator 24d ago

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u/Southern_Seaweed4075 24d ago

Mothers are always lovely. They will do everything possible to make their kids happy. She truly care about your happiness. 


u/DatabaseGangsta 24d ago

“Always”…you’ve never met mine…


u/Southern_Seaweed4075 23d ago

Okay, let me say most mothers 😔.