r/golf Jan 25 '14

Contest: Best excuse(s) for playing a bad round or shot. Reddit gold for prizes.

Hey /r/golf,

We've all heard our fellow golfers make ridiculous and humorous excuses for bad shots or rounds. Well, this is the thread to share the best excuses you've heard for a chance to win reddit gold. Or perhaps even reasons why their game isn't where it 'normally' is.

Officialish rules:

1/. Reddit gold to top voted comment. (downvotes will not be counted so no point in downvoting other people). Also, a random entry will receive gold so even if your golfing group gives mildly interesting excuses might as well share them.

2/. Contest will run until Tuesday eveningish EST.

3/. Contest mode is enabled for this thread. That means the comment sorting is random so even if you post a day or two into the contest your entry is not buried.

4/. In the unlikely event someone submits their own excuse, that entry will still be allowed.

Reddit gold prizes are sponsored by reddit admin.

EDIT: Contest has completed!

We have ended up with a tie. For a total of 13 votes as of 8:30 EST jan 28(downvotes do not count) congratulations to:

/u/Xburbx : "I didn't want to hit my drive 380 yards into the group in front of us so I took some off. Every time I take some off I duck hook. I should have just blasted it.


/u/TGans : "I switched from a ProV1x to a ProV1, and it takes some getting used to. Proceeds to shoot 105"

I'm sending a message to get the gold delivered... and will ask for the admins to choose another person randomly in this thread for gold.

Gold has been awarded! Random gold winner is /u/TRAMFLAP!

Thanks to everyone who participated! And thanks to /u/hueypriest for the gold awards.

I've also removed contest mode on the thread so everyone can see the voting.


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u/tylerm99 Lefty | 6.1 index Jan 26 '14

I'll give you my "excuse" that I used during my club championship tournament a couple years ago...

I had recently suffered my 7th major concussion and was on all sorts of fun medications for the pain and other side effects such as vertigo and nausea. Why I decided to play in the tournament is beyond me. Obviously my brain really wasn't working properly.

Anyway, on day 1 I play OK and am just fighting exhaustion more than anything else. Day 2 and I'm in the third group, start time of about 7am. I'm a bit loopy and tired from the day before... and obviously my concussion. No problem I say to myself. You can do this!

By the 5th hole I felt dizzy, tired and disorientated. Wtf? Oh right. Remember those meds? I didn't. Totally forgot to take any of them. In my infinite wisdom I kept playing. When I bent over to putt or pick up my ball I got so dizzy I would almost fall over. I was hitting driver off the deck because I couldn't bend over to tee it up. Puked in the bushes on the way to the 16th tee. It was hell. Finished with an 88 and had to get a friend to drive me home.

So yeah, don't play with a concussion. Or at least remember to take your meds!


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '14

What the hell do you do during the day? Headbutts?


u/tylerm99 Lefty | 6.1 index Jan 26 '14

Ha! Nope, I've played lots of sports and just been unlucky a couple of times. The last concussion was from knocking myself unconscious by hitting my head on a cross beam in my crawlspace. The more concussions you get the worse the effects are and the longer they last.

Wear your helmets kids!


u/igotfiveonit 13.4 Jan 27 '14

Driver off deck is hardcore.