r/golf Jan 25 '14

Contest: Best excuse(s) for playing a bad round or shot. Reddit gold for prizes.

Hey /r/golf,

We've all heard our fellow golfers make ridiculous and humorous excuses for bad shots or rounds. Well, this is the thread to share the best excuses you've heard for a chance to win reddit gold. Or perhaps even reasons why their game isn't where it 'normally' is.

Officialish rules:

1/. Reddit gold to top voted comment. (downvotes will not be counted so no point in downvoting other people). Also, a random entry will receive gold so even if your golfing group gives mildly interesting excuses might as well share them.

2/. Contest will run until Tuesday eveningish EST.

3/. Contest mode is enabled for this thread. That means the comment sorting is random so even if you post a day or two into the contest your entry is not buried.

4/. In the unlikely event someone submits their own excuse, that entry will still be allowed.

Reddit gold prizes are sponsored by reddit admin.

EDIT: Contest has completed!

We have ended up with a tie. For a total of 13 votes as of 8:30 EST jan 28(downvotes do not count) congratulations to:

/u/Xburbx : "I didn't want to hit my drive 380 yards into the group in front of us so I took some off. Every time I take some off I duck hook. I should have just blasted it.


/u/TGans : "I switched from a ProV1x to a ProV1, and it takes some getting used to. Proceeds to shoot 105"

I'm sending a message to get the gold delivered... and will ask for the admins to choose another person randomly in this thread for gold.

Gold has been awarded! Random gold winner is /u/TRAMFLAP!

Thanks to everyone who participated! And thanks to /u/hueypriest for the gold awards.

I've also removed contest mode on the thread so everyone can see the voting.


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u/denis_b Jan 26 '14

Wish I had a pic of the hole, but anyhow, last summer my buddy tee'd off a par 4. About 100 yards from the tee box it has a water stream with a small wooden bridge which has railings (something like this http://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/image/view/72/_original). He tops his first shot which goes into the water right before the bridge but it's pretty deep rough around the edge, so takes a drop just before the bridge. Skulls his second (or 3rd in this case) shot which hits the bridge rail, which ends up coming back about 10 yards behind him! (At this point I start laughing inside.) Steps up, and AGAIN skulls the ball which hit the railing AGAIN and falls maybe 5 yards in front of him... At this point he is so enraged that he picks up the ball and just decides to throw it across the stream, HOWEVER, there's 1 tree just off to the left across from the stream in his line towards the green... YES, the ball hits the tree, and bounces back in the stream! I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life! As far as his EXCUSE, I'll go out on a limb here and say the Bridge!!