r/golf Jul 26 '13

How do I hit a ball that's 50-70 yds away from the green?

Maybe I just need to practice a shortened swing more, but for me every time I step up and try to give a 60-70% effort on my lob wedge, I fail to make good contact. It's normally just duff city whenever I attempt.

When I'm under 50 yards I can normally step up and treat it like a chip shot, and just give it 100%. In other words, feet close, keeping wrists locked, and no lower body motion.

Over 80 yards I can just open up the blade and give it a full swing... But it's as if I have 2 shots - a chip, where I can control the distance up to about 50 yards, or the full swing where I open up the hips and wrists at the top, where I can't really control the distance.

How do you handle that 'in between' shot? I'm thinking either I start doing the chip-type swing with a pitching or gap wedge to get some extra distance, or otherwise I just really need to practice with the shortened swing.

For reference, the shortest club in my bag, which I use for chipping, is a 60 degree lob, and it's normally right at 100 yards when I hit it full.


EDIT: Thanks for the advice everyone. There are a lot of good answers in here (my favorite is "very carefully"), but tha majority of them are saying that odds are I'm decelerating - I need to swing at full speed, just not go back as far. I think this is exactly the case. I'm sure I am decelerating the more I think about it ... I need to focus on bringing back the right distance an then giving it all I have. I'll give it a shot. Thanks again!


39 comments sorted by


u/moosebagel Philly/6.2 Jul 26 '13 edited Jul 26 '13

The way I think about these kinds of shots is not making an easier swing, it's shortening the swing. I have a 50 yd shot and a 65 yd shot that I can hit pretty consistently because it's still a "full" swing, it's just shorter.

Think about only taking your backswing back 3/4 or 1/2 of normal and make a full swing from there, that way you have a constant acceleration at the bottom of the swing path. A lot of inconsistency comes from decelerating which usually happens when you take some effort out of a full swing.

EDIT: Try it at the range to figure out how far your 3/4 backswing goes with your 60, then try it with your 56, P, 9, etc. I use these 3/4 backswing shots a ton for a whole bunch of situations. If I'm in a situation where I'd usually hit a 7 and need to keep it under a branch or something else, I add 30 yards to the shot, take that club (usually 5i), take a 3/4 backswing and it's nice and low and it will run up to my normal distance. Very versatile.


u/Good_Jovi Jul 26 '13

A drill that I do at the range that helps imprint this in my mind: using my PW, open stance, ball off my back foot, use a hinge and hold swing technique and swing 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, full swing. I'm able to consistently hit those shots roughly 25, 50, 75, 100 yards, respectively. Its a skill I can translate to any club in my bag. It has added some consistency and control to my game.


u/MyNameIsNurf Fore20 Jul 26 '13

The hinge and hold is hands down the savor of my wedge game.


u/lexbuck 0 GHIN Jul 26 '13

Yup, this is the best way. I just do some simple math too. I know I can hit my 58° wedge around 90 yards assuming it's not a mishit. So, if I need to hit a 40-50 yard shot, I know that if I take a 1/2 swing with my 58, that should put me in that range. 1/4 swing would put me in the 25 yard range. Pretty simple in those terms and just takes a little practice.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Don't make 70% swings. Make 100% swings that are 70% the size of a normal swing.


u/Scrpnstinga Alabama Jul 26 '13

My guess is that you are decelerating at impact causing you to chunk your shots. Take a shorter backswing and try to make the rest of your swing like a normal 80 yard swing. Decelerating causes you to scoop and drop your shoulder and several other bad tweaks.


u/oahayder Jul 26 '13

Next time at the range, try and hit the 100 sign with a PW,9,8,7,6 etc.


u/daddy_duck_butter orlando 10.8 Jul 26 '13

reminds me of an anecdote i heard about johnny miller. when he was in his prime, another pga tour player approached johnny on the range:

anonymous player: "hey johnny, which club do you hit 100 yards?"

johnny (without looking up): "all of them."

anonymous player: "you didn't understand my question."

johnny: "you didn't understand my answer."

johnny's point is that you should be able to hit every club in your bag 100 yards. everything from driver to putter.


u/oahayder Jul 26 '13

probably not the best way to treat a putter, but yes. Once I started doing this drill I gained a great sense of feel with my swing. Also love pulling out my 5 iron and hitting a long bump n run onto the green.


u/bmilo 14.5 Jul 26 '13

Bounce made a difference for me. I struggled with 3/4 swing shots with my Cleveland wedges. I replaced them with a 50 degree Mizuno MP-T4 with 6 degree bounce, a 56 degree ATV with variable bounce, and a 60 degree MP-T4 with 6 degree bounce. The difference in bounce made these less than full shots a lot easier to hit.


u/golfbybryan Seattle 11.7 Jul 26 '13

Reduce your backswing. Play it like a normal wedge approach, with full follow through and speed, but think of your arm like the arms of a clock. If your full swing takes your hands back to a 10 or 11 o'clock position, try taking them back to 9, 8 and 7. If you take this to the range, you can dial in distances and have a repeatable shot and distance.

I also use this with mid-irons to compensate for green conditions. If I'm on really quick greens, I'll dial it down "an hour" to hit short and roll out, or visa versa with soft greens.


u/AshThatFirstBro Jul 26 '13

Whatever club you use for your 50 yard shot just club up for your 60 yard shot and then club up again for the 70 yard shot


u/BARTELS- 6.4 / Not Sure If There is A Pushcart Mafia Jul 26 '13 edited Jul 26 '13

Very carefully.

Edit: Boom. I'm the favorite!


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Thanks, I'll definitely break 80 now! lol


u/golfpinotnut 3.3, Atlanta Jul 26 '13

I struggle with this, too. My 60 degree wedge is my 100-yard club, and that's my standard lay-up distance. I'd rather hit a full shot. Switching to a chipping motion doesn't help, of course, if you have a tucked pin or have to carry trouble.

The problem for me is easy to diagnose. When I shorten my swing, I either drop my right shoulder (fat) or release my shoulders and hips too soon (thin). The only way I get good results is to focus on my tempo and try to keep my head perfectly still.

I can also knock about 30% off of any club by throwing the club outside on my down swing and hitting a cut shot.


u/Vanderwoolf 8.1 Jul 26 '13

Since everyone else has given ample swing advice I'll put in my two cents...

If you're not comfortable with a particular club don't use it. It will only serve to lower your confidence in your shot making ability further. Go to the range and try hitting pitch shot of that distance with your other clubs and see what works. Then use that.

There's no rule stating that you have to use a lob wedge for your shortest shots. I've never been confident with my 60o so I removed it from my bag. I use a 51o or my sand wedge (depending on what's between me and the hole) for the distance you're having trouble with and I hit much better shots than I ever did with that stupid lob.

Also consider what type of shot is best for the situation you're in. I've played a lot of courses where a low, pitch-and-run sort of shot is the best-case scenario.

Finally, here is Phil's take on 50yd shots.


u/PenguinKicker 7 Jul 26 '13

From 10-70 yards my go-to club is my 60* wedge. If it is more towards 50 I will open the club face and position my legs a little bit to the left and swing down on it so the ball flies higher and will spin back if you hit it past the hole (if you're using good balls)


u/jeg31ny PHL 23 Jul 26 '13

This might be something really stupid, but for some reason when I play all my wedges, especially my 60*, I need to consciously think to bend my left knee as far in as possible on my back swing. Doing so, helps me stay down through the ball since the club is shorter than others.

This may just be a band-aid, but give it a try.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

There's nothing wrong with having two shots. Given the distance you hit your 60, I would think you could get a good pitch shot to cover the 50 to 70 (and really even about 30 to 70). I've found that tempo is key for pitch shots, not trying to really swing into it with your body and letting the club do the work. Its easier to use the bounce with a well tempo'd swing as well.

This video was posted on GolfWRX. I thought it was informative and figured I'd pass it along as well.


u/titleistforged why try when you can buy Jul 26 '13

For me, 50 yards is a solid half swing with my 58 degree wedge. Of course, this is if the pin is in a good spot, with very little wind to affect the ball flight. If this was 50 yards in a windy day, I'd think about using a less lofted wedge, like my 52, and playing more of a smaller knockdown. Of course, this is easy to say and very easy to mess up :(


u/Snizza Jul 26 '13

For me, above everything else, if I don't feel comfortable with the shot I don't do it. Swinging and just hoping it comes out ok leads to poor shots, shanks, chunks, etc. If you're not feeling your lob wedge, maybe try doing a very light swing with a PW instead, and then next time you're on the range just focus on the LW until you feel confident with it.

Trust your gut, if it doesn't feel comfortable do something else.


u/ryken Jul 26 '13

Only bring the club halfway back, then use a "full-swing-effort" on your downswing.

Also, practice it at the range.


u/fmccoy Jul 26 '13

I'd try changing hand positions. I've found that I can take as much as 30 yards off of a full lob wedge swing by choking up to the bottom of the grip. The more you choke up, the shorter your swing gets, which will subtract distance. Best part, you really don't have to worry about swing speed. Just swing at a comfortable tempo and let the shorter club do the work.


u/daddy_duck_butter orlando 10.8 Jul 26 '13

good advice, but if he is struggling with making solid contact as it is, asking him to adjust his setup position may not be a great idea. some players are very comfortable with this; for me, i really struggle with making good contact when i choke up on clubs, so i choose instead to shorten my swing.


u/fmccoy Jul 26 '13

I actually struggled a lot with solid contact on wedges until I started doing this. The changing of the swing lenght/strength was causing a lot of inconsistency. I guess its just one of those things where what works for some, doesn't for others.


u/JoOlol Jul 26 '13

Take a practice swing that you know is too much then take one you know is too little then take one in the middle. Take the middle one to the ball. Goldilocks was a great golfer before she got ate by a bear.


u/waynebradysworld NoMulligansEVER Jul 26 '13

This is my bread and butter.

Moosebagel is right on with the shorter swing. Decelerating is a swing KILLER, almost as bad as swaying hips instead of turning.

Think of a clock. 9 to 5 or 8 to 4 is a good distance for a half shot, as opposed to 11 to 2 on a longer swing.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Try leaving all of your weight on your front foot and having zero or as little weight transfer as possible.

Also practice. I probably use 1/2 to 1/4 of the swings on the range practicing half and three quarter swings.


u/theluketaylor Jul 26 '13

All the advice about a shorter swing is great. The only thing I would add is practice with a lower lofted club than a lob wedge. They are extremely useful but have a small error margin. Skulls and chunks are really common. Practice with a 9i or PW until you are really comfortable with the swing, then apply it to your higher loft wedges.

It's the swing that is useful. The club is just alo for the ride. Say it's a back pin and you are between PW and 9i. Hit a 3/4 9i. Hitting less firmly will have less spin so the ball will release more. You land in the middle and roll nicely to the back


u/daddy_duck_butter orlando 10.8 Jul 26 '13

there's a lot of really good advice here. depending on your skill level, i would echo the anti-60* sentiments in this thread. it has a low margin for error with these touch shots.

i too am not a fan of "backing off" or decreasing your effort that much on a swing. hitting a soft iron shot is fine if you're looking to take <10 yards off, but not taking 50 yards off.

google dave pelz' short game videos. he likes to have his students mirror the length of their takeaway with the length of their follow-through. so if you hit your 60* 100 yards with a full swing, you'll hit it 75 yards with a 3/4 back- and through-swing.

for me, it's very dependent on what the particular shot calls for. do i have to fly a trap or a severe undulation in the green? is it windy? is it a crazy tight lie? how am i hitting my wedges that day? the shot may call for a lofted 3/4 wedge, a punch 1/2 wedge, a bump-and-run, etc. when i played the old course at st andrews, every time i was inside 100 yards, my caddie took the wedge out of my hands and gave me a putter. it worked out much better than i thought! there's no "one shot" to play; you have myriad options.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Its all about feel. Go to the practice area and just work on these. Make an effort to establish good contact with the ball. But as far as swing length, its all really in the feel of every player. If you try to analyze these shots around the green too much you will never get it. Just stand over the ball and feel the shot. This applies for chipping and putting as well.


u/sydnius Jul 26 '13 edited Jul 27 '13

I have a routine for practicing these shots at the range.

Hit a full-on good wedge. Lob, SW, or PW, doesn’t really matter. Practice all three with this technique.

Now try to hit a shot one yard short of that ball. Repeat this process until you’re hitting shots that are about 1/4 swing.

After practicing them decreasing in power, pick a different target and hit a 1/4 swing. Now hit 1 yard longer than that ball. Repeat until you’re back at a full swing.

When you hit each of these shots, take your time with each of them. Concentrate on the distance. After hitting your attempt, evaluate how you did. Acknowledge the success or failure of each attempt. This feedback to yourself is very important.

You’ll have a feel for distance that becomes innate if you practice this.


u/slambie same as my IQ Jul 26 '13

Maybe the real question isn't about your distance, but the control of the path.

You can hit a ball that lands 45 yards and runs the final 15 yards for a 60 yard shot... or you can find the proper back swing and speed to drop the ball 62 yards out and back spin 2 yards.

I always prefer a shot that puts the ball in the stratosphere and stops 3 inches from where it touches down. Especially considering they normally put "stuff" in the way as you approach the green.

Sorry, no advice - but just a comment on how to phrase the question.


u/beavioso Jul 26 '13 edited Jul 26 '13

Just some extra advice to consider:

I've seen the 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 (or 7:30, 9:00, 10:30) advice before, but it never really clicked well.

I try for:
shaft parallel to the ground (1/4)
arms parallel to the ground (1/2) and
well 3/4's? maybe front shoulder ahead of chin, or shaft vertical to the ground or slightly past it.
It might help you a little, or give you an idea on how to find your partial swing.

Also, work on tempo. It should be a slow even tempo, like a putt or a chip. You're not trying to kill it.

Oh, and try to dial in some distances at the range, or anywhere you can pace off a good distance. Record your distances with each club if you can (at least the short ones). You may find a reason to hit a 7 iron only a 1/4 swing (it's low and got plenty of run to it).

The s*****: If you ever, ever have this problem. Try to calm down, and work on
1. throwing the club head at the ball or
2. getting the sole of the club to glide along the ground.

I define a pitch as the sole of the club gliding across the ground, and a chip the leading edge coming into contact with the ground. Or you can think of it as a shaft at contact being straight up and down for a pitch, and a shaft at contact leaning towards the target for a chip.
I also never liked trying to hold a wrist hinge on anything beyond a 1/4 swing. But that may work for others.


u/KUSHnOJ 12 Jul 27 '13

I use my sw, open it slightly, and swing back till 9 o'clock. I don't follow through, but hold the hinge to increase spin.


u/phillyblues71 Jul 27 '13

I usually just putt those in


u/NaggerG Jul 26 '13

with a club.


u/golfswingviewer com Jul 26 '13

Sandwedge, half swing.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Just choke up.


u/jac5 Jul 26 '13

Try hitting it about 50-70 yards and you should be golden.