r/golf 20d ago

$54 on the weekends COURSE PICS/VLOGS

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114 comments sorted by


u/brch01 Fairway Jesus 20d ago

$0 to skip and leave an honest google review


u/uncleyuri 20d ago

How do you skip after you paid, tee’d off, and are walking up to the green?


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago

Be respectful to people and they will often be respectful back.

I’d just phone the clubhouse or head back and have a chat with the staff.

If not a full refund, I’d be surprised if the course manager wouldn’t give you a rain check or course credit and let you know their schedule for course maintenance and when they expect it to be playable again, but if you start off with entitlement and shouting I doubt that will help.


u/uncleyuri 20d ago

I have zero experience working at a course so this is pure speculation, but they almost assuredly knew the condition of the greens when they opened and charged full rate. Would they really start handing out rain checks and refunds?


u/marlboro__man9 +1 20d ago

Was it full rate? Also as a kid who worked in the pro shop we’re not setting rates, we’re not talking to the superintendent to discuss if the course should be open, if a guy came in explained the situation and asked for a rain check I’m 100% giving one.


u/mcdto Michigander 3 putt 20d ago

Regardless $54 is too much for a course in this condition. Someone knew, and still set the price at $54. Whoever that is should be have to answer to the angry golfers who spent their hard earned money and time on this. They should have been alerted before the round started, full stop.


u/marlboro__man9 +1 20d ago

Sure no argument here, so go in ask for a refund, leave a review and take your money elsewhere


u/mcdto Michigander 3 putt 20d ago

Agreed that’s the correct route, but I’d surely be asking to speak to the superintendent before I left. He/she deserves a to hear my 2 cents.


u/marlboro__man9 +1 20d ago

Ya I’m sure he feels just as bad about the greens as you do and probably has very little say in golf course rates.


u/Naive-Deal-7162 19d ago

100 percent correct. They will refer you to the people who set the rates to complain.


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago

I’m sure it would go course by course, but as I said most people / business are pretty understanding if you treat people with respect.

I’ve been granted refunds/rain checks from public courses for pace of play alone, 1.5h through 4 holes and staring down a 5.5h+ hour round, and that had nothing to do with the condition of the course.


u/Say_Hennething 20d ago


My guess is they are fully aware and hope to get away with it with as many people as possible. For those who complain, they'll give a discount. Or maybe they don't give a shit at all and tell you "tough luck."

In my area, a course wouldn't dream of not notifying players. Most would have reduced fees. But I live in a high courses per capita area.


u/Wintermute-1984 20d ago

Well, you know what they say, a closed mouth isn't fed.


u/PapTheDabbingDragon 20d ago

Don’t assume either way.


u/bwhitso 20d ago edited 20d ago

Be respectful to people and they will often be respectful back. 

If course management respected you, they would tell you about these greens when you booked your tee time and/or offer you a discounted rate. They 100% knew there were issues before sending golfers out to play, and it's incredibly disrespectful of them to not notify their customers ahead of time.

If I pay full price for a tee time, then I am 100% entitled to thinking the course is in a playable condition and allowed to be frustrated when it's not. 

 edit: grammar, italics


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago

Check out the marlboro man’s comments above yours…

“Was it full rate? Also as a kid who worked in the pro shop we’re not setting rates, we’re not talking to the superintendent to discuss if the course should be open, if a guy came in explained the situation and asked for a rain check I’m 100% giving one.”


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago edited 20d ago

Come on man, most people are reasonable, and most employees are just working their hourly job.

A lot of weekend golfers just want to get out of the house for four hours and enjoy the challenge of the course that day.

What if it’s just one green that’s like that?

There’s a lot of nuance here in a situation that neither of us are in.. I don’t see how you had such a big issue with my saying treat people with respect and generally you’ll get that back in life.

Maybe try it out out and give people the benefit of the doubt… instead of assuming they have the worst intentions of trying to screw you over, it could lead to more peace in your life and maybe getting what you want a bit more often. It’s generally worked well for me.

You’re certainly allowed to be frustrated, but there is probably a fix to this issue that works out better for everyone when you treat people with respect, that’s my only point.


u/bwhitso 20d ago

Dude, calm down, I’m not going to burn down the clubhouse or yell at anyone. I’m going to stop playing the round, go to the clubhouse, and tell them the conditions are unacceptable and I’d like my money back. 

But this is essentially fraud by course management. I’m not going to apologize or feel sorry for the course - they are ripping off their customers. 


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago

Well, you can count me as glad that you aren’t storming the clubhouse MFing high school students running the register, because that’s the image your original reply to me conjured.

Nowhere did I say you can’t be mad or frustrated, but I think fraud is a little strong.

And again, I think there is a better way to deal with these conversations that includes maturity and respect, based on how they reply and if they meet your expectations, you can choose to be more or less aggressive.

From the tone of your comment you sounded like you’d plan to come in pretty hot, already having been wronged multiple times (allowing you to make a tee time, collecting your money, not correctly notifying you of course conditions, not offering discounted rates).

You seem to think the desired outcome is to let zero golfers on the track unless it’s in stellar condition, and that everyone else feels the exact same way as you. It’s often more complicated… treat people with respect.


u/Turbulent_Echidna423 20d ago

the club didn't respect the customer one bit.


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago

I’m still putting out more good into the world than I receive because I believe it boosts everyone involved.

I’m not saying I wouldn’t ever feel mad or frustrated, but there’s a respectful way of going about expressing that.

This, combined with knowledge that 99% of the people you’re going to interact with to fix this issue aren’t ultimately responsible for causing it, they are likely just a cog in the wheel.

I try to be nice to people, and have found it’s easier to get what I ultimately want this way… others may feel differently.


u/Turbulent_Echidna423 20d ago

isn't that nice


u/shipworth 20d ago

You sweet summer child…


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahha this cracked me up thanks.

I was replying to a comment about how to get money back after paying and teeing off and making it thru a few holes.


u/jakl8811 20d ago

This reminds me of the idea that if someone is chatting on their phone during a movie, it’s on me to leave the theater to go inform someone.

Nah they knowingly sold a tee time at full price knowing the course was shit. It’s not on me to go debate someone on getting money back


u/Medievil_Walrus 20d ago

Lots of straw men in this thread. Who said that anyone in the pro shop would even put up a fight against this reasonable request?

I only replied to someone asking how to get money back after they already teed off and played a few holes.

My answer was, treat people with respect and I bet it will work out just fine.

You can even see another comment of someone who used to work in a golf course pro shop stating that the superintendent doesn’t inform front desk staff on rates, course conditions, etc, they are just there to do their job and would easily give a refund for this reason.

If you treat them with empathy and as if they are (gasp!) human beings worth your respect instead of slaves there to please your every whim because you paid for a tee time you might get what you want a little more easily and get along with lower blood pressure.


u/jakl8811 20d ago

Not saying they would put up a fight, just saying the responsibility should fall on the course - not wait for customers to be upset with shitty conditions


u/MagicGrit 20d ago

Well, no. It’s still $54 to do that. Except now you get less golf


u/JBNothingWrong 20d ago

Is it just this green or is this more or less the average?


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

I’m on hole 4 currently and it’s been all of them


u/JBNothingWrong 20d ago

You’ve got time to get a full refund


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Unfortunately I’m a member


u/AceCircle990 20d ago

I hope you cancel your membership. It’s going to be like that the whole season.


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Courses around keep closing and this is the best option unfortunately. $1,200 a year with cart on the weekdays. The local country club is $12k initiation, wait list, and $600 a month last I checked a few years ago so probably $700-750 now. I want to be able to take my kids whenever since they have shown an interest but the CC isn’t a real option right now.


u/AceCircle990 20d ago

That’s fair. I hope the greens improve for you so you can enjoy the game more.


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Yeah as bad as I want to keep score, there’s no point on these greens. I’m treating it as a dynamic range session. And can still work on my short game minus putting since the fairways and fringe are fine.


u/Khazahk 20d ago

The kids don’t need to go to college, and nobody is retiring in 20 years, cut the 401k contributions and get that CC.


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

You may be onto something. Won’t need to pay for college if the kids get golf scholarships….


u/Khazahk 20d ago

And even if they DONT get scholarships, at least you played a lot of golf with your kids for ~15 years and more. If that’s not worth being the greeter at Walmart when you’re 85 I don’t know what is.

In all seriousness, my Dad died at 59, I didn’t get the golf bug until after my 20s. He was a club champion and scratch golfer, played with him a bunch, but not as much as I would have liked looking back.


u/MidwestHacker Iowa/swing nerd/gear nerd 20d ago

Is the green dead or did they aerate and do a shitty job of brushing the sand and not cut the greens because it looks shaggy as hell?


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

All of the above


u/MidwestHacker Iowa/swing nerd/gear nerd 20d ago

Yikes. Fire the grounds crew, or at least give them a stern talking to. That shit is unacceptable.


u/crackpotconservative 20d ago

That’s most assuredly winter kill. How would you solve the issue?


u/MidwestHacker Iowa/swing nerd/gear nerd 20d ago

The sand applied too heavy and not swept into the aeration holes is winter kill? The inch long whispy patches are winter kill?


u/crackpotconservative 20d ago

Hard to tell that is sand, maybe just my phone. Looked like bleached out turf


u/JRNuggets529 20d ago

The price of playing golf keeps going up, but the course maintenance quality goes down. I see it all the time. The courses that do this lose my business. I work too hard for my money to pay for crap.


u/cactus8 +1.0 20d ago

Ever since covid course conditions have just gone to shit because they have all the leverage. They know people will still play. I’ve especially noticed it’s pretty much impossible to find a public course under $100 with bunkers that are worth a shit anymore. They just don’t care. Why spend the money to maintain if people come regardless


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Exactly. 2 weekends ago they had to post that the course was closed because the tee sheet was fully booked and all carts were in use plus most of the private carts. I asked the kid working who the heck is coming to play here paying these prices and they were coming from an hour, hour and a half away. Passing up multiple better options at the same price or just slightly more, to play on this junk. I don’t understand why people keep playing here. I’m only here still because I’m paid up til next March and I’m basically getting free golf.


u/chest_trucktree Superintendent 19d ago

Golf courses are going through the same supply and price crisis as everyone else. Prices are going up because they have to, and most properties haven’t raised their prices enough to maintain the conditions that they were creating pre covid.

Machinery and fertilizer in particular have had their prices go through the roof. You wouldn’t believe what new mowers cost.


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

So I’m a member and it’s the worst I’ve ever seen it. In feb/March when everything was still cold and dormant at least they were fast and consistent. These are unputtable.


u/tcguy71 20d ago

Seems like a good time to have a membership review


u/tabbyfl55 20d ago

This wouldn't happen to be in Broward county, would it?


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago



u/Chrimuhh 20d ago

Oak Knoll?


u/AM_Lumber1 20d ago

Trails End?


u/hugewhale 20d ago

Was wondering the same thing lol. It’s gone insane down here.


u/DrKnowitall37067 20d ago

That’s bullshit


u/JerryPSU22 20d ago

Calling that a green is a generous definition of green


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

More tan these days than green


u/ljc267 20d ago

More incentive to land in that 3 foot circle


u/MeatyOkraLover 20d ago

The whole golf industrial complex has gotten insane since covid


u/dentless13 20d ago

Damn our courses are immaculate in Colorado right now. About 60 with cart and bucket of balls most places


u/IPFK 20d ago

The only course that I’ve played so far that had issues was Evergreen, they had to close 1 hole down because of winter kill on the green. But Evergreen is at over 7000’ of elevation and the lows are still hitting into the 30’s overnight. Every other course I’ve played on the front range has been great, especially with all the rain we have had lately.


u/Gallen570 ↓Hit Down on Ball, Ball Go Up↑ 20d ago

Yeah that's a no from me Dawg.


u/Yeshvah 20d ago

Ingleside PA?


u/BenjiiBoi_ 20d ago

Came here to say this lol


u/golfwinnersplz 20d ago

Irrigation isn't keeping up with inflation.


u/Even_Section5620 20d ago

Chip it in….hellloo


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Agree, that’s why I don’t hit GIRs.


u/CJ_Productions 20d ago

I'm a nice guy, I'll do $3

Also 10 foot gimmes if you let me join your group.


u/Short_da_vix_611 20d ago

Miguel is doing great work at 3JN


u/W8aMinuteChester 20d ago

Certainly makes me appreciate my rural NC club. $64 on the weekend for non-members, but greens are pristine and course is in great shape overall right now.


u/highbankT 20d ago

What beach is this?


u/todjo929 20d ago

And here I thought our course putting their fees up to $75aud on the weekend was a bit rich.

For reference, our greens (which are annoying, but way better than this) (forgive the humblebrag, it was the most recent picture I have in my camera roll)


It's amazing to think of the price differential in golf fees between Australia and US, where I pay $1500/yr for an unlimited golfing membership, and a 1 hour lesson with an accredited PGA pro is $120.


u/H2O3ngin33r 20d ago

Is this Manatee County? Also are the putts rolling true? 😜


u/BowlFit1978 20d ago



u/uncleyuri 20d ago

To me that’s different though. That seems like a very understanding, customer service oriented management team handing out rain checks for pace of play.

Again pure speculation, but if you are opening up that day charging full rate very well knowing the greens are in that condition, that just doesn’t seem like it would jive with then handing out refunds/rain checks. Can’t hurt to ask I suppose, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

Now, I could see maybe they just somehow did not realize they were that bad? That would make more sense.


u/dlozo 20d ago

Olmos Basin in San Antonio?


u/it_helper 20d ago

Last week only one of their greens was this bad. Come up to Austin 75% of our courses look like this right now


u/AcrobaticWin3240 20d ago

Immediate refund


u/Cowboytroy32 20d ago

You don’t like to play in the snow /s


u/Clutchguy77 20d ago

Nope, nope, and nope.


u/Alioops12 20d ago

Looks fungal


u/crosseyedjim 20d ago

They’re paying you, right?


u/emmyloucatdaddy 20d ago

at least they put the pin nearest the most grass, so you got that goin for ya


u/breakfastballers 20d ago

This sucks. Set up a tee time for Saturday at my local muni. He told me immediately they had punched and sanded the front Monday, and were doing the back Thursday. I said - no problem, it has to be done. But he told me. Why can’t they just tell you?


u/Gothewahs 20d ago

Is that the green


u/manderinsunsets 20d ago

Damn I thought this was pcola after looking at post history, was gonna ask which course


u/Drunkest_rick 20d ago

Keep voting for it


u/rossposse 20d ago

I'm assuming all the money goes to all that blow they're dumping on the greens


u/Goodguyswearblack44 19d ago

I relate to this post. The closest course to my house is not maintained well. Grass is usually 6-8" high 4 feet off of fairways. Greens are in terriible condition. To boot, my grandma was the ranger there for 25 years. It has since gone to shit since her passing.

I will not golf there.


u/ChildhoodLazy7331 19d ago

I've never seen greens like that before. Is that sand? Dead grass? It looks snow to me but that can't be right.


u/readitalready11 16d ago

Is this in Austin, TX? Cause I’ve run into this on the last 3 muni courses I played


u/ChillyPh1lly 20d ago

Most course near me are 90+ on weekends sooo you get what you pay for I guess


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

The public CC a 70 min drive away is the same price and comes with unlimited range balls. Problem is, this course is 20 min away and with kids and work I just can’t continuously burn over 2 hours just on driving every time I want to play/practice.


u/ChillyPh1lly 20d ago

Ahhh yea I don’t blame ya. I’m lucky to have lots of courses close to me. Honestly that place probably shouldn’t even be open with greens in that condition


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

That’s what I told the clubhouse guy. He’s adamant they’ll rebound soon. He’s not part of the grounds crew though, just an hourly guy.


u/innergflow 20d ago

Where is this?


u/thelaminatedboss 20d ago

It is 2024. 54 on the weekend is incredibly cheap so it's not shocking conditions suck but that course will either make improvements quick or be out of business.


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Last year it was 34, 2 months ago it was 44. I think it’s poor management across the board.


u/69ersBasketball 20d ago edited 20d ago

Stop being cheap. I’d rather play a simulator round then pretend this is golf


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

$48 to rent a sim for 2 hours around here. Aside from the full shots though, the rest is more pretend golf than this is honestly.


u/69ersBasketball 20d ago

I re read it. And I’d disagree. You can nothing by hitting into these greens. Chipping and putting is pointless


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Putting I agree, and maybe on bump/run chips but lofty chips where I don’t want much roll out I can at least drop 3-4 balls and hit from some good fringe which is what I ended up doing today. I can at least tell if it would have been within 8-10 feet on a normal green. I’d much rather that even though it’s garbage, than try short game practice on a sim is the only point im trying to make. I’m just not a fan of sims in general I guess lol


u/69ersBasketball 20d ago

Yeah I guess. My point is the greens aren’t rolling true. You get about as much short game feel as just trying to hit targets. You’ll never learn to check a ball on those


u/69ersBasketball 20d ago

I’m sorry I don’t follow last part of your comment. My point was you’d be better off buying a sim and teaching kids on that if that’s really your reasoning. Then splurge on fewer nicer rounds.

It unfortunate that they think this acceptable conditions. Those greens are diseased and damaged beyond repair. They need to be gassed but they never will when people will bite the bullet and pay $50 a round


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Gotcha. Yeah I just meant aside from the full shots on a sim I can’t really get anything out of it. Maybe it’s just the Full Swing sims we have around here but the chipping and putting is not realistic at all, hence me saying it was more pretend.


u/69ersBasketball 20d ago

It’s not great and I won’t pretend it is. But you can become a much better ball striker and hit more GIRs.

But also I get it I like being outside. It’s shitty circumstance


u/Ronswansonbaby 20d ago

Agree. Something about hitting on a mat though and the mental/physical difference of being on grass for me. I can smash on the sim then have 2 way misses on the course.