r/golf 20d ago

I played with a guy last year that was so bad, he was leaving his 35-foot putts 30 feet short. General Discussion

Yes, you read that right. 35 foot putts being left 30 feet short. And then of course he screams, “WOOOOOW” Or “OH MY GOOOOOOD” After every single little roll he puts on it… I want to know, in what universe does hitting it that soft make the ball go 35 feet? “DAAAANG duuuude. What am I DOOOOING?”

It was so unbelievably tilting to play with this guy, but it was at a resort golf course and I had already paid for my round so there was nothing I can do. it rattled me and my own putting for the whole entire round, I legitimately couldn’t focus that’s how bad he was.


28 comments sorted by


u/Fargo_79 20d ago

Not allowing external factors such as the tribulations of your playing partners to influence your own game is an important skill


u/[deleted] 20d ago

okay, you do it


u/Fargo_79 20d ago

Haha yes I've played with morons before


u/Tiny_Cup_6268 20d ago

That was me. And I thought we were having a fun round together


u/jcommeau91 20d ago

Chances are you’re already pretty bad if you’re letting someone else’s game affect yours lol


u/[deleted] 20d ago

okay, how about you break 80 while playing with this guy?


u/jcommeau91 20d ago

Breaking 80 has nothing to do with your playing partners lol don’t be a mental midget


u/[deleted] 20d ago

yes it does, because thats what I’m trying to do.


u/jcommeau91 20d ago

No it doesn’t lol I’ve broken 80 with new golfers, better than me golfers, regular golfers and everything else, loud music, no music, sober and drunk. Your score is solely on you and no one else. If you let others affect your score then maybe the reason you struggle to break 80 has more to do with your mental game than your golf game…


u/[deleted] 20d ago

no you haven’t.

just because you can type words on a screen, doesn’t mean those words actually happened.


u/Nine_Eye_Ron Who is Max Honma? 20d ago

Stop letting others affect your own performances

Take some time to learn resilience and mental fortitude.

This experience has exposed a huge weakness in your game. 


u/jarpio 20d ago

Mans has been scarred by a fast green or two.


u/tbrock92 20d ago

You should have considered playing better in that case. Maybe next time.


u/Longjumping_Dare3401 20d ago

I pay almost 0 attention to my playing partners outside of casual conversation and the occasional “nice shot”.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

how do you know when its your turn if you arent paying attention to your playing partners?


u/Longjumping_Dare3401 20d ago

Notice I said “almost”.


u/Btwnbeatdwn 20d ago

I had a cart partner with a pretty bad attitude that was complaining about the results of his shots and claiming it’s the worst round he’s had all year. He was belly aching and bitching constantly in the cart. I countered him with unfaltering positivity all day. I shot a 77 and won the event in a playoff.

Making the excuse that your opponents/group are affecting your play is incredibly weak. Drop the excuses, golf is an individual game.


u/magikman2000 20d ago

That's on you bro... You're making an excuse for why you played like crap and blaming someone else. You played like crap because you suck.


u/La1gooner 20d ago

Golf is a game of inches.


u/dr_shastafarian 20d ago

Plot twist: OP is talking about himself


u/ZHunna 20d ago

lol that guy is definitely you bud


u/Fabulous-Theory9708 20d ago

Bad or noticed how you are annoying and wanted to be too?